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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on test
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. Ramon Santos is known for Siklo, as Jose Maceda is for _______.

A. Ugnayan C. Dularawan
B. Cinderalla D. Tsismis

2. What is the best way for the athlete to start beam balance in gymnastics?
A. Jump on the beam C. Check balance on the beam
B. Mount the beam D. Walk in line on the floor

3. Which street dance is a petition for fertility for mothers to bear children?
A. Putong B. Buling-buling C. Sayaw sa Obando D. Tinikling

4. When shapes, lines and color are repeatedly done in a planned way, it is known as
A. Pattern B. Complementation C. Harmony D. Balance

5. Which of the following has the highest dietary fiber content?

A. sweet corn or mais C. lentils or patani
B. banana D. peanut or mani

6. What kind of assessment task is applied when Teacher Kris asked her students to browse
around the school garden and then draw a picture of what they observed?
A. Intrapersonal task C. Spatial task
B. Interpersonal task D. Bodily kinesthetic

7. What Cuban carnival dance is paraded with a march-like rhythm?

A. Conga B. Samba C. Cha-cha-cha D. Rumba

8. In resistance training, what happens to the muscles when exposed to stress?

A. They get worn out C. They decrease in size
B. They get weaker D. They get stronger

9. In sports aerobics, how often must one engage in this activity to achieve the desired
level of fitness under the Filipino Pyramid Guide?
A. 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week
B. 20 minutes, 3 times a day
C. 45 minutes a day
D. 60 minutes once a week
10. Whom will you identify as being given primary honor by the cultural Papuri dances?
A. religious persons C. guest of the occasion
B. high government officials D. parents and elders

11. What is known as the bass gong of the southern Philippines?

A. Gansa B. Gabbang C. Kulintang D. Agong

12. What is executed by moving the hand from the wrist either clockwise or counter
A. Sarok B. Kulintang C Kumintang D. Saludo

13. How can a teacher help a student suffering from sickle cell anemia?
A. Prevent child from physical exercise and other sports activities
B. Be aware of the child's emotional and social needs
C. Help child get peer acceptance in games and other creative activities (e.g.
handicraft, music, etc.)
D. Let the child understand his/her condition thoroughly

14. What is recognized as “the kingly and beautiful half” with a throne room for the
emperor that was the pride of Western Europe in the 3rd and 4th centuries?
A. Basilica B. Temple C. Sophia D. Pantheon

15. A melodic phrase that is repeated again.

A. Partner song B. Canon C. Descent D. Ostinato

16. In art awareness, which is not suggest sunset?

A. Red B. Yellow C. Orange D. Blue

17. Among key phrases and processes in implementing school projects, e.g. music week
celebration, which of the following has the broadest scope for program formulation and
A. Closing the project C. Controlling change
B. Managing risks and issues D. Planning and management

18. What Contagious disease is characterized by severe itching caused by secretion of

itch miles?
A. Boils B. Callus C. Moles D. Scabies

19. What is eye sore in the eyelid or eyeball causing redness in the eyes?
A. Cataract B. Styes C. Myopia D. Trachoma
20. To what physical deficiency will you connect the absence of proper dental care
A. Poor personality image C. Jaw and facial deformities
B. Lower self-esteem D. Improper grooming

21. Who is an outstanding Filipino Sculptor working with an urban refuse and
ecological materials are artistic media?
A. Rey Paz Contreras C. Napoleon Abvuevas
B. Guillermo Tolentino D. Anastacio Tanchangco Caedo

22. How do muscles work to produce movement?

A. pulls each other C. opposite directions
B. pushes each other D. isometric

23. Humans have five senses: the eyes to see, the tongue to taste, the nose to smell,
the ears to hear, and the skin to touch. By far what is the most important organ?
A. ears B. skin C. tongue D. eyes

24. Exercises to prepare the body for a strenuous workout.

A. Cool-down B. Stretching C. Warm-Up D. Fitness

25. If your skin is oily then you are prone to pimples, blackheads and white heads.
The best way to treat oily skin is _______.
A. to wash your face twice a day with a gentle non-foaming cleanser and warm water.
B. to use toner to help with that tight and flaky feeling
C. not to use moisturizer
D. to exfoliate

26. Which among these Physical Fitness Tests measure flexibility?

A. Chair push-up C. Sit and Reach
B. Stick Drop Test D. Flexed Arm Hang

27. What is important for teeth care, particularly for areas the toothbrush cannot
A. Plaque removal C. Use of ordinary salt
B. Flossing D. Use of fluorine

28. Unlike adults and older children, children up to age of 7 are unable to understand
coaching instructions, rules or strategies, or to complete doing two things at the same
time. Which theory explains this?
A. Kolb's learning style
B. Bandura's social cognitive theory (self-efficacy)
C. Piaget's theory of cognitive development (preoperational stage of thinking)
D. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences (bodily kinesthetic intelligence)

29. Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and acne are the result of __________
A. germs found in the layer of the epidermis
B. overly active secretion of oil glands in the body
C. overexposure to the sun
D. fungal infection

30. Fetal alcohol syndrome is associated with which of the following?

A. Hepatitis C. Phenylketonuria
B. Developmental disabilities D. Leukemia

31. Musical symbol used to raise the pitch of a note by one half step.
A. Flat B. Natural sign C. Sharp D. Ledger Lines

32. An orchestral composition with one or more solo instruments that is usually in
three movements is called ___________.
A. Concerto B. Symphony C. Sonata D. prelude

33. Which is the least among noble motivation that prodded the Greeks to introduce the
Olympic Games?
A. Love for sports and life C. Military might and power
B. Leisure and entertainment D. Love of arts and Culture

34. Sports which have "carry-over value" for the young can be.
A. Popular sports C. With money value, as in professional sports
B. Good for prestige D. Pursued in later years.

35. In philosophy of education, this is tending to limit the learning knowledge in

A. Progressivist B. Realist C. Constructivist D. Essentialist

36. What does a 60 years old cannot do?

A. bowling B. jogging C. weightlifting D. hiking

37. Who is the famous international actress?

A. Aiza Seguerra B. Lea Salonga C. Liza Macuja D. Nora Aunor

38. Which of the following is not a natural way of reducing weights?

A. fasting B. exercise C. balance diet D. Eat less
39. What hymnal tune is associated with German Protestantism?
A. Sonata B. Chorale C. Cantata D. Concerto

40. Ryan Cayabyab and Chino Toledo are known for what kind of music?
A. Expressionism C. Impressionism
B. Neoclassicism D. Electronic

41. Japanese Kabuki is a sign of?

A. Samurai C. Feudal conflicts
B. Emperor worship D. Imperial dream

42. Queen Elizabeth I had many suitors and lovers but she always refused to marry. She
also called________.
A. The Unmarried Queen C. The Lovely Queen
B. The Virgin Queen D. The Powerful Queen

43. Antonio Molina was a Filipino composer. He was known as the Claude Debussy of the
Philippines due to his use of impressionist themes in his music. Which of the following
is the famous of the due to his composition of him?
A. Nasaan ka irog C. Kayumanggi
B. Hating Gabi D. Kapantay ay Langit

44. The PPFT (Philippine Physical Fitness Test) should be done every A. End of the
school year
A. End of the school year C. Quarterly
B. Twice a year D. Monthly

45. It is a well-known worship dance in honor of Mahal na Poong Sta. Cruz where the
male dancers are slightly bend forward and continuously move their feet forward.
A. Sakuting B. Tinikling C. Subli D. Maglalatik

46. Lapay Bantigue is a mimetic dance originated from the seagull's movements as they
are imitated by the native women of Masbate which waiting for the fisherman to arrive.
The seagull's movements are characterized by the following steps except for the
A. Skipping B. Gliding C. Diving D. Swooping

47. Which of the following commonly passage of virus?

A. Tongue B. Mouth and nose C. Hand D. Feet

48. Stravinsky: Unique and Bela Bartok:_______________.

A. Simplicity B. Complexity C. Beautiful D. Classic
49. It is the basic serve of badminton in singles where the shuttle is being dropped
in front of the body before the racket head lifted for wrist and arm action.
A. Driven serve B. Short serve C. Long high serve D. Push serve
50. He composed the Anak-Dalita considered as the first Kundiman art song. He is
sometimes called the "Father of Kundiman Art Song."
A. Nicanor Abelardo C. Ryan Cayabyab
B. Francisco Santiago D. Levi Celerio

51. Of the following, this is the LOWEST in score of skills needed as pre-requisite
requirements to obtain benefits from sports or physical fitness activities.
A. Baseball C. rock climbing
B. stretching D. hiking

52. What is the best known as Tibetan Buddhist music?

A. Gar B. Chanting C. Drumming D. Shin

53. These characteristics an effective swimming stroke but NOT to include __________.
A. minimum splashing C. surface water strokes
B. least water resistance D. smooth forward motion

54. Which gymnastic skills have bending on one knee, the other leg straight, weight on
both feet and hands on hips?
A. Overhead reach C. Arch jump
B. Bridge stand D. Lunge position

55. Which colors when combined create secondary colors?

A. Primary colors C. Complemental colors
B. Tertiary colors D. Neutral colors

56. What air pollutant should environmentalists control due to its capacity to be
transported to far distances as fine particulate combined with haze?
A. Nitrogen oxides C. Carbon dioxide
B. Ozone D. Sulphur oxides

57. Among the following equipment, which can the Music teacher best use for music
listening lessons?
A. Reasonable number of Music books
B. Tape recorder and recorded music
C. Bulletin board and charts
D. Pitch pipe
58. What is the normal index in the use of the BMI formulated for computing body mass?
A. 30.0-40.0 C. Greater than 40
B. 18.5-24.9 D. Less than 15

59. These are ways to prevent the appearance of virus-caused warts or kulugo on the
hands, face, feet and legs but NOT to include ____________.
A. Keeping hand and feet clean
B. Avoid walking barefoot in public areas
C. Using deodorant or alum powder
D. Avoid applying cosmetics used by people with warts

60. In softball, when does a batter receive a free base or "walk"

A. After hitting an infield flies
B. After two strikes
C. After hitting two fouls
D. After 4 balls

61. Which swimming stroke involves the dolphin kick with a windmill-like movement of
both arms in unison?
A. High elbow catch C. Trudgen
B. Butterfly D. Crawl

62. Following Charles Merrill's Level Strategy, what is the Values Level in a lesson
on illegal drugs?
A. Geographical extent of the drug menace
B. Human wellness and productivity
C. Crimes arising from drug abuse
D. Physiological effects of drug use

63. In musical sound, what is emphasis by way of timber or tone color?

A. Sound pitch B. Sound quality C. Sound duration D. Sound intensity

64. Among native dances, which is unique fighting dance in the form of martial arts by
the Tausug tribe?

A. Dinuyya B. Burung-talo C. Lumagen D. Salisid

65. When should school officials schedule safety drills in cases of fire, earthquake,
and other natural calamities?
A. Start of the school year C. Middle of the school year
B. End of the school year D. Monthly during the school year
66. In basketball, offensive players are not allowed to stay inside the restricted
area for ________________.
A. fifteen seconds B. three seconds C. three minutes D. ten seconds

67. He composed popular lullabies "Sa ugoy ng duyan and the symphonic "Lahing
A. Ryan Cayabyab C. Levi Celerio
B. Lucio San Pedro D. Lucrecia Kasilag

68. Which of the following is NOT one of the physical activities under the Larong
A. Patintero B. Tumbang preso C. Iskrimahan D. Agawang base

69. How would you design music after Claude Debussy's scale in half-tone?
A. Impressionistic C. Expressionistic
B. Modern D. Avant-garde

70. What principle is most appropriate to teaching MAPEH in accordance with the
sequential stages of development of the learners?
A. Experienced-based C. Interactive learning
B. Progressive learning D. Focus on learning styles

71. What refers to as degree of difficulty in an exercise under the Personalized

Exercise Program (PEP)?
A. Intensity B. Frequency C. Duration D. Specificity

72. In softball, the space over the home plate, between the batter's armpits and the
tip of the knee is the ___________.
A. foul zone C. catcher's zone
B. strike zone D. penalty zone

73. Who was judged to be the "Poet of the Piano" growing to his composition of piano
A. Franz Lizst C. Huhannes Brahams
B. Frederic Chopin D. Franz Shubert
74. Since MAPEH is focused on skills, assessment is expected to be by ways of
A. Performance and production C. Written tests and evaluation
B. Coaching and trainer reports D. Teacher monitoring and assessment
75. In volleyball, which is a hard hit that sends the ball directly downward over the
top of the net into the opponent's court?
A. Spiking B. Blocking C. Passing D. Stopping

76. To what art form will you ascribe the Greek reflection that "Man is the measure of
all things"?
A. Anthropomorphic sculptures C. Trojan heroes
B. Olympic gods and goddesses D. Greek warriors

77. To calculate your heart beat, feel the pulse of the artery at the wrist with the
fingertips of the other hand; time the pulse for 15 seconds and _______.
A. multiply by 4 C. multiply by 10
B. multiply by 6 D. multiply by 5

78. What is NOT directly necessary in maintaining dental care and hygiene?
A. Proper eating habits C. Tooth braces
B. Brushing of teeth D. Dental check-up

79. Physical education has its origin in the Grecian philosophy of ________.
A. Competitive sports C. Stoicism in sports
B. Victory through laurels D. Sound mind in sound body

80. To what will you connect open wounds produced by pointed objects such as pins,
nails, and splinters?
A. Punctures B. Incisions C. Abrasions D. Lacerations

81. Which of the following comes first in a physical fitness program?

A. Types of exercise C. Dietary changes
B. Amount of exercise time D. Goals of physical fitness

82. Athletes begin at a staggered point before the turn in the track and remain in
their lanes for the first 100 meters. This is the________ run.
A. 800 meters C. 1,000 meter
B. 100 meters D. 200 meters

83. Which part of the tongue is receptive to bitter taste?

A. Tip of the tongue
B. Rear of the tongue slides of the tongue
C. Slides of the tongue
D. Front of the tongue
84. How much time should one devote for physical fitness work-outs?
A. Depends on inclination to work out
B. Depends on goals and level of fitness
C. Depends on gender and age
D. Depends on available physical fitness equipment

85. Any stroke is used in _________ swimming.

A. back style C. free style
B. breast style D. butterfly style

86. Which is the highest female voice?

A. Tenor B. Baritone C. Soprano D. Alto

87. These characterize the butterfly swimming stroke EXCEPT _______.

A. supine position C. prone position
B. dolphin kick D. wide-like arms

88. He/she is physician who specializes in the disorders of the ears, nose, and
throat, but not the head and neck.
A. Otologist C. Otorhinolaryngologist
B. Mycologist D. Orthopedic

89. How are infected or clogged skin pores known as pimples easily healed?
A. Do not prick or press them C. Get morning sunshine
B. Prick or press them D. Eat dark chocolates

90. In undergoing the Philippine Fitness Test, how speed is measured using a clapper
and stop watch to get speed in seconds?
A. By the 100 meter run C. By the 5-meter sprint
B. By the shuttle run D. By the 30-seconds curl-ups

91. What dance is based on music played at bullfights, particularly during the
entrance of bullfighters and the preparation for the kill?
A. Rumba B. Pasadoble C. Salsa D. Samba

92. What kind of chairs can help the body posture of students who spend much time
sitting in class?
A. seats lower than the hips
B. height that allows both feet to touch the ground
C. slanted chair trays fitted the back of students
D. slightly bent backwards for comfort
93. What kind of assessment task is applied when teacher Nico asked his students to
read a book and write a written report?
A. Intrapersonal task C. Linguistic task
B. Spatial task D. Interpersonal task

94. What kind of practice conforming with multiple intelligence is Teacher Mari
applying when she asked her students to draw smiley or lonely faces to express their
inner feelings about classmates?
A. Intrapersonal C. Existential
B. Interpersonal D. Spatial

95. What rhythmic pattern is used mostly in classical waltz music with three beats in
a measure?
A. 6/8 meter B. 4/4meter C. 3/4 meter D. 2/4 meter

96. How do pairs of muscles work to produce body movements?

A. Stays stagnant C. Acts the same direction
B. Act in opposite direction D. Pushes each other

97. You wish to find out how MAPEH interests students in K-4 classes. Which data will
you gather?
I. Student attendance in MAPEH classes
II. Student projects in MAPEH
III. List of MAPEH lesson topics
IV. Student rating of MAPEH teachers
A. II, III and IV
B. I only
C. I, II and III
D. I, II and IV

98. What is the lively Afro-Cuban dance that has pronounced hip movements done by
transferring weight from one foot to the other?
A. Salsa B. Boogie C. Rumba D. Swing

99. For music signs and symbols, which are the five horizontal parallel lines in four
equal spaces where tones are represented by notes?
A. Staff B. Clef C. Space D. bars

100. If Nicanor Abelardo is known for his Kundiman, Jose Maceda is known for his ______
A. Country B. OPM C. Indigenous D. avant-grade
101. Jose Maceda Ugnayan: Ryan Cayabyab :_____________.
A. Nasaan Ka Irog C. Tsismis
B. Gunita D. Itak ni Mang Juan

102. A way for composers to indicate that a passage of music should gradually increase
in loudness over time.
A. Crescendo B. Decrescendo C. Accelerando D. Ritardando

103. A person who able to see more than one side of an issue and exhibits good time-
management skill is said to possess ________ wellness.
A. occupational B. social C. intellectual D. emotional

104. In terms of cardiorespiratory fitness, which of the following is an incorrect

A. Abduction: raising the arms
B. Circumduction: circular motion of the trunk
C. Adduction: lowering the arms
D. Flexion: stretching the arms

105. Which is a Filipino vocal form that expresses powerful emotions toward a beloved
that can be for a lover, child, country, religion, ideal or a cause?
A. Recitative C. Aria
B. Kundiman D. Folk song

106. Who is a National Artist who returned fragments of the past into vivid records of
legendary courage of ancestors of our race like the painting at the City Hall of Manila?
A. Carlos "Botong" of Manila C. Arturo Luz
B. Victorio Edaces D. Galo Ocampo

107. In basketball, which is the basic officiating signal for time-out?

A. R fist in front C. R and L. hands in and out
B. R hand on R shoulder D. Hand around R wrist

108. To what tradition will you credit the height of sophistication in the art of
writing known as the Hieroglyphics?
A. Phoenician art C. Sumerian art
B. Egyptian art D. Babylonian art

109. What foremost moral value is inculcated by the singing of the National Anthem in
school and other public activities?
A. Extolling national heroes C. Struggle against colonial rule
B. Unity among Filipino D. Love of country
110. Find which of the following concepts are mismatched:
A. Music: styles in composition
B. Physical Education: Drug use and abuse
C. Arts Color and tone
D. Health education: Wellness

111. These are characteristics bone structure and body muscle of the short and stocky
people EXCEPT __________.
A. Heavy boned C. Thin muscled
B. Medium shouldered D. Wide hipped

112. Who invented the first ever recorded writing on clay, the cuneiforms?
A. Hebrews C. Assyrians
B. Egyptian D. Sumerians

113. Teacher Kim shows that she is not thin-skinned to criticisms, even as she
demonstrates a tolerant and friendly behavior with students and peers. She shows
A. social wellness C. occupational wellness
B. emotional wellness D. intellectual wellness

114. Which of the following elements is applied when a musical sign that indicates the
speed of a song composition has to be sung or played?
A. Sonority B. Register C. Monophonic D. Tempo

115. What is a characteristic of African music?

A. Solo singing C. Chorus-like
B. Call and response singing D. A-capella singing

116. Whose work of art was the famous "Pieta"?

A. Donatello B. Rafaelo C. Michealangelo D. L. da Vinci

117. What is the most essential factor when participating in gymnastics?

A. precision B. flexibility C. balance D. power

118. The national dance of the Philippines.

A. Cariñosa B. Singkil C. Rigodon D. Tinikling
119. Which of the following is mismatched among folk arts in Luzon.
A. bulacan: jewelry
B. paete: wood carving
C. angono: sarao jeepney
D. batangas: balisong

120. Where does the Habanera botolena originated?

A. German B. African C. Cuban D. Mexican

121. In k-12 curriculum, when does MAPEH subject is exploratory?

A. Intermediate grade C. Grade 11-12
B. Primary grade D. Grade 7-8

122. An overload component which refers to the degree of difficulty of an exercise

A. Intensity B. Frequency C. Duration D. Specificity

123. An act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance of

disabled person and their integration into the mainstream of society is known as
A. RA 9211 B. RA 9165 C. RA 7277 D. RA 10175

124. What is the acclimatization to remove fear of water or aqua phobia?

A. Isolating C. Conditioning
B. Weathering D. Visualizing

125. He bagged a gold medal in the men's floor exercise of the 2019 World Artistic
Gymnastic Championships last October 12, 2019, in Stuttgart, Germany.
A. EJ Obiena C. Justine Lucio
B. Carlos Yulo D. Martin Cruz

126. The Summer Olympics 2016 held in Rio, Brazil. Which country will be the host for
2020 Summer Olympics?
A. Germany B. China C. Japan D. Philippines

127. How many sports have been added to the 2020 Summer Olympics?
A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D.5
128. Cardiovascular Fitness, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, and
muscular endurance are the specific test for one component of physical fitness. What
component is being described?
A. Skill-Related Component
B. Socially Related
C. Health-Related Component
D. Emotionally Related

129. Leandro Locsin designed the__________.

A. Manila Metropolitan Theater
B. GSIS Building
C. Cultural Center of the Philippines
D. Manila Jia-building

130. Rough, hard, soft or smooth are all samples of ___________.

A. line B. shape C. texture D. color

131. What is the most appropriate treatment for a child with diarrhea?
A. Antibiotics
B. Banana diet
C. Oral rehydration solution
D. Gatorade drinks

132. Which come first in personalized fitness training program?

A. Selecting fitness program
B. Getting your fitness parameters
C. Getting motivated to a fitness plan
D. Preparing a physical fitness plan

133. What should the teacher adapt to help students is not incurring heavy expense in
MAPEH projects?
A. Moderation in assignments
B. Funding from the PTA
C. Seek donations
D. Projects for selected students only

134. This line suggests movement

A. Static B. Diagonal C. Jagged D. Dynamics

135. He is the "Father of Philippine Arts", Oblation of UP and Bonifacio Monument

artworks done by ____________.
A. Rey Paz Contreras
B. Guillermo Tolentino
C. Napoleon Abvueva
D. Anastacio Tanchangco Caedo

136. In Sepak Takraw, which muscle group is responsible when hitting the ball using the
A. Hamstring C. Gluteus Maximus
B. Quadriceps D. Trapezius
137. When a player commits a flagrant foul, the referee's decision is to __________.
A. award a point to the opposing team
B. eject the player from the game
C. call the attention of the coach
D. continue the game

138. Which is continuous from of practice which is best for simple skills? An example
would be a rally in badminton where the learner must repeatedly perform drop shots.
A. Distributed practice C. Variable practice
B. Massed practice D. Fixed practice

139. What eye inflammation caused by contagious virus that results in eyelid and-cornea
A. Cataract C. Trachoma
B. Astigmatism D. Glaucoma

140. These are the basic variables or consideration in physical fitness plan, but NOT
to include _________.
A. time for exercise
B. type of exercise
C. sophisticated equipment
D. dietary changes

141. In organizing a community dance what will be good for wide participation and
familiar social dances.
A. Hip-hop B. Disco C. Ballroom D. Cultural Dance

142. What cultural strain influence the habanera botolena dance?

A. Argentina B. Hispanic C. Mexico D. Cuban

143. Philippine musician known for using the leaf as a musical instrument which led to
being recognized as the "only man who could play music using a leaf” by the Guinness
Book of Records.
A. Ryan Cayabyab C. Levi Celerio
B. Ramon Santos D. Chino Toledo

144. What contribution of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn of Germany-made him the "father of
modern gymnastics"?
A. He developed the bars (side, horizontal and parallel), balance beam and jumping
B. He included physical exercises with other forms of instruction
C. He developed a more graceful form of the sport.
D. He invented more than 30 pieces of apparatus

145. Which movements include all movements that the body is able to execute while the
feet remain stationary?
A. Locomotion Movements C. Non Locomotion Movements
B. Locomotor Movements D. Non Locomotor Movements

146. The "Father of the String Quartet" is _____________

A. Vivaldi B. Haydn C. Paganini D. Mozart

147. This music in 20th century uses synthesizers, amplifiers, tape recorders and loud
speakers to create different sounds.
A. Impressionism C. Electronic

B. Neo-classicism D. Chance music

148. Composer of the Messiah an English-language oratorio in 1741.

A. Haydn B. Mozart C. Handel D. Beethoven

149. Who is acclaimed as the "Father of Philippines Impression"?

A. Antonio Molina C. Alejandro Cuvero
B. Bela Bartok D. Jean Sibeliu

150. Who is the "Father of modern Filipino sculpture"?

A. Rey Paz Contreras C. Constantin Brancusi
B. Guillermo Tolentino D. Napoleon Abueva

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