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1. The result of 17 x 64 : 8 is ...

B. 146
C. 136
D. 126

2. The temperature of ice cream in the refrigerator is at first -5°C. If the ice cream is removed from the
refrigerator, the temperature up 2°C every 3 minutes. The temperature of the ice cream after 12
minutes of being removed is...
A. 2°C
B. 3°C
C. 4°C
D. 5°C

3. An agent will ship his merchandise to several stores. These items

These include 198 boxes of biscuits, 90 bottles of juice, and 108 packs of wafers. If every store accepts
goods. The same amount of merchandise, the most number of stores that get merchandise from agents
such is ...
A. 18 stores
B. 16 stores
C. 14 stores
D. 12 stores

4. Fractional order 82% ; 0,81 ; 22/25 ; 4/5 starting from the smallest is

5. A trader has a supply of 23.5 kg of beef. Two buyers came and

Bought 2.75 and 5.5 percent of the beef, respectively. Leftover beef that hasn't been
sold as much ...
A. 15.25 kg
B. 15.5 kg
C. 15.75 kg
D. 16.25 kg
6. Nino will draw a tree that is 6 meters tall. If he draws in a drawing book
with a scale of 1 : 30, the height of Nino's artificial tree image is ...
A. 10 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 16 cm
D. 20 cm

7. Pay attention to the picture!

The area of a triangle is ...
A. 180 cm2
B. 210 cm2
C. 230 cm2
D. 250 cm2

8. Take a look at the following diagram of the favorites of grade VI students!

If the number of students in class VI is 20 children, many students who are fond of sports are ...
A. 2 persons
B. 4 persons
C. 6 persons
D. 8 persons

9. The many fish that a trader successfully sells in a week are as follows
On Monday, fish were successfully sold as much as 28 kg, Tuesday 17 kg, Wednesday 20 kg, Thursday 34
kg, Friday 30 kg, Saturday 56 kg, and Sunday 46 kg. On average, many fish are successfully sold every day
A. 30 kg
B. 31 kg
C. 32 kg
D. 33 kg

10. Results of
a. 5
b. 12
c. 15
d. 60
11. Result of √12 x √32 + 2√6 = ⋯
A. 8√3
B. 10√3
C. 8√6
D. 10√6

12. Pay attention to the picture!

The triangles in the pattern are composed of matchsticks. Many matchsticks on the pattern to
28 is ...
A. 68
B. 61
C. 39
D. 32

13. Known

then the value of x + 4 is ...

A. 10
B. 8
C. 6
D. 4

14. Of the 32 students in class 7A, 18 students like to play volleyball, 16 students like to play basketball
and 5 students are not fond of playing volleyball or basketball. Many students love to play
Volleyball and basketball are ...
A. 6 children
B. 7 children
C. 8 children
D. 9 children

15. Two dice are bounced together once, the opportunity for the eyes of the dice to appear
prime is ...
A. 1/2
B. 1/4
C. 1/6
D. 1/9
16. On the math ability test, the total score is determined by the rules: a score of 4 for correct answers,
a score of -2 for incorrect answers, and a score of -1 for unanswered questions. Of the 50 questions
given, Amir only answered 48 questions and scored 100. Many questions Amir answered with
true is...
A. 25 questions
B. 33 questions
C. 40 questions
D. 48 questions

17. Dina saved Rp4,800,000.00 in the Bank. The interest rate given by the bank is 18% per
year. Dina saved a long time if after a while her savings became Rp5,088,000.00
A. 3 months
B. 4 months
C. 5 months
D. 6 months

18. An agent will deliver his merchandise to several stores. These items include 198 boxes of biscuits, 90
bottles of juice, and 108 packs of wafers. If each store receives as much merchandise, the most number
of stores that get merchandise from agents
such is ...
A. 18 stores
B. 16 stores
C. 14 stores
D. 12 stores

19. The result of -48 x 8 : (-4) – 30 : (6) is ...

B. -91
C. 91
D. 101

20. Results of
a. 4
b. 2
c. 1/4
d. 1/8
21. The simple form of
A. 8 + 2√11
B. 8 + √11
C. 8 − √11
D. 8 − 2√11

22. A car can travel 150 km on 30 liters of gasoline. To cover the distance
250km, a lot of petrol required is ...
A. 5 liter
B. 40 liters
C. 45 liters
D. 50 liters

23. Pay attention to the following patterned image!

Many matchsticks in the 15th pattern are...
A. 59
B. 49
C. 39
D. 29

24. Mr. Erik bought a motorcycle, then the motorcycle was sold at a price
Rp12,000,000.00 and suffered a loss of 20%. The purchase price of the motorcycle is...
A. Rp.13.500.000,00
B. Rp14.000.000,00
C. Rp15.000.000,00
D. Rp24.000.000,00

25. Pak Dodo bought 100 kg of salak for Rp400,000.00. The salak is sold for 55 kg at a price
Rp5,000.00 per kg and 40 kg at a price of Rp4,000.00, while the rest is rotten. Then the percentage
The profit or loss of Mr. Dodo's salak sales is...
A. Rugi 8.75 %
B. 8% loss
C. 8% profit
D. Profit 8.75 %



29. The solution of the equation 4(-3x + 6) = 3(2x – 5) + 3 is ...

A. -7
B. 2
C. 7
D. 11
30. A parker gets Rp22,000.00 from 3 cars and 5 motorcycles,
while from 4 cars and 2 motorcycles he got Rp20,000.00. If there are 5 pieces
car and 10 parked motorcycles, a lot of money he earned was...
A. IDR 30,000.00
B. Rp34.000,00
C. Rp40.000,00
D. IDR 44,000.00

31. The function f is expressed by f(x) = 5x + 3. The result of f(2a + 7) is ...

B. 7a + 21
C.10a + 32
D. 10a + 38

32. In one class there were 30 students carrying a bar, 13 students carrying bows, and 10 students not
brought both. The number of students in the class is 45 people. Many students are carrying crossbars
and the bow is ...
A. 4 persons
B. 6 persons
C. 8 persons
D. 9 persons

33. The following diagram shows the amount of a student's allowance in a week. Money increase
The student's pocket happened on the day...
A. Monday – Tuesday
B. Tuesday – Wednesday
C. Wednesday – Thursday
D. Friday – Saturday

34. The Mathematics test scores of a class are shown in the following table.
The mean of the money is...
A. 6.75
B. 7.04
C. 7.08
D. 7.17
35. In a bag there are 6 blue marbles, 4 red marbles, 8 color marbles yellow, and 7 marbles of green
color. Anton picked up one marble. Anton's chance of taking A blue marble is...
A. 16%
B. 24%
C. 28%
D. 32%

36. Data in one class showed an average male student weight of 40 kg and an average body weight
female student 31 kg. Many students in the class were 36 students and the average weight of all
students 35 kg. The correct conclusion from the information is...
A. The difference between many male and female students Nine people
B. Many male and female students alike
C. Five more male students than female students
D. Four more female students than male students

37. Irma bought a fan with a price tag of IDR 200,000.00. The store gives discounts
20%, then Irma will have to pay a lot of...
A. IDR 240,000.00
B. Rp180.000,00
C. Rp160.000,00
D. Rp120.000,00

38. The x value in the figure is ...

A. 110°
B. 60°
C. 55°
D. 50°

39. The set of solutions of quadratic equations

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 4
C. -2 and 4
D. 2 and -4

40. Factors of
A. (x + 3) (x + 5)
B. (x + 3) (x – 5)
C. (x – 3) (x – 5)
D. (x – 3) (x + 5)

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