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Region No. 02
Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Kasibu West District
S.Y. 2022-2023

Achievement Test

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write the chosen letter before the item.

1. The rondalla is also called ____.
a. native orchestra c. Filipino stringed band
b. local band d. combo
2. Music reflects the _______ of the society.
a. culture b. industry c. dances d. songs
3. Like the rondalla, our folk songs have ____ influences.
a. American b. Spanish c. Japanese d. Korea
4. This is usually sung by elders in the community during Lenten season.
a. Pasyon b. Alay c. Percussiond. Brass Band
5.The Ibaloi Badiw is a vocal genre considered to be the signature form. Where does Ibaloi Badiw
a. Cordillera b. Mindoro c. Palawan d. Visayas
6. Which of the following is an epic poetry sang only in four major instances-rice harvests,
weddings, funerals, and wakes?
a. Bua b. Hudhud c. Ibaloi Badiw d. Owiwi
7.What bamboo and drum ensemble that cut in varying length and is place on a pedestal and
came from the natives’ original way of communicating to others?
a. Kalingtangan b. Mariachi c. Rondalla d. Tultogan
8. Which province that have three major instruments used to communicate with the spirit world
and used for more contemporary rituals such as weddings, courtships, festivities, and lullabies?
a. Cordillera b. Mindoro c. Palawan d. Visayas
9. Which of the following is the second largest island in the Philippines?
a. Cebu b. Luzon c. Vizayas d. Mindanao
10. Which of the following vocal forms in Muslim Mindanao that describe the lives of gods and
a. Epic songs b. Solo songs c. Life cycle d. Occupational songs
11. How do you describe the vocal forms of Muslim wherein they performed singing for the
a. Song debates b. Songs for the departed c. Life cycle d. Occupational songs
12. What songs done by Muslims while farming, fishing, and doing household chores?
a. Life cycle b. Songs for the departed c. Song debates d. Occupational songs
13. Ati-atihan is a festival celebrated in__________.
a. Aklan b. Batangas c. Cebu d. Davao
14. What festival in Legaspi City, Albay that is accompanied by three heroes in an epic story?
a. Kadayawan b. Ibalong c. Ati-atihan d. Sinulog
15. Moriones is a festival celebrated in__________.
a. Aklan b. Batangas c. Cebu d. Davao

16. Worn by Ivatan men farmers that are made from the leaves of vuyavuy, a tree endemic to
a. singkaban b. kiping c. vakul d. vest
17. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos that is produced using traditional wooden looms.
a. kain b. ginaspalawanes c. ikat d. inabel
18. A burial cloth woven by female elders of Mountain Province.
a. kadangyan b. wanes c. bakwat d. calado
19. Considered as the “Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines” located at Laguna which is
popular for the carving of saints and other religious images, decorative carvings of floral
patterns and geometric designs.
a. Masinloc b. Nueva Ecija c. Paete d. Abucay
20 What do you call the Mangyan design composed of a simple vertical and horizontal lines
which form a cross and derived from the Spanish word “cruz” means cross?
a. Hablon b. Pakudos c. Ramit d. Sudlikama
21.Who are the world-class furniture producers?
a.Cebuanos b. Mangyans c. Palawenyos d. Romblomanons
22.Products in this locality are made from native raw materials such as bamboo, rattan and
other vines. It is also known as the basket capital of the Philippines.
a. Antiquera, Bohol b. Cebu c. Palawan d. Samar
23. What is the most famous handicraft of Palawan?
a. Pakudos b. Ramit c. Tingkop d. Tinubkan
24. Muslim Mindanao is the term given to the region within Mindanao that is highly populated
by Muslim communities. Where can you find the Banjao, Tausug, and Jama Mapun in
a. Lanao b. Maguindanao c. Sulu d. Tawi-tawi
25. What do you called to their wood carving feature a unique and exquisite folk motif?
a. okir b. panolong c. sarimanok d. torogan
26. What do you called the residence for the datu and consideres as a symbol of high social
Status in Mindanao?
a. okir b. panolong c. sarimanok d. torogan
27. What elements of arts that has always 3 dimensions; length, width, and height?
a. shape b. form c. texture d. value
d. huge necklace.
28. How are going to describe metal crafting?
a. process of carving c. by using traditional cloth
b. process of sewing d. process of blacksmithing
29. It is known as the mother of all Philippine festival.
a. Kadayawan b. Panagbenga c. Ati-atihan d. Sinulog
30. It dramatizes the steadfast character of the Negrenses and symbolizes what the City of
Smiles, Bacolod City.
a. Higantes b. Masskara c. Santacruzan d. Dinagyang

31. What type of exercise is more appropriate in the cool down as they help the muscles to relax?
a. Static stretching c. Dynamic stretching
b. Strength exercise d. Endurance exercise
32. Which of the following is an example of static stretching exercise?
a. Calf b. Front swings c. Plank walk-outs d. March and Reach
33. Which of the following is an example of dynamic stretching?
a. Calf b. Chest c. Upper back d. March and Reach
34. These exercises are done by doing gradual stretching activities from upper to lower
a. Strength exercises c. Flexibility exercises
b. Endurance exercises d. Warm-up exercises
35.A match shall consist of 2 out of 3 games with each game. How many total score to declare a
winner of the match?
a. 21 points b. 25 points c. 30 points d. 31 points

36.In doubles, how are going to determine if the player will serve on his/her left side of the
a. If their score is 12 points c. if their score is 13 points
b. If their score is 16 points d. if their score is 20 points
37.In case a score reaches 20 for both sides, the side that earns a 2-point advantage first win
the game. What is the maximum score for badminton?
a. 15 points b. 20 points c. 25 points d. 30 points
38.How are you going to show respect to your opponent in badminton?
a. Get to know your opponent.
b. Hit your opponent with a smash.
c. Leave the court after you win the game.
d. Throw the shuttle to your opponent when it lands to your side.
39. The tinikling dace step was patterned after the movements of what kind of animal as they
play and chase each other?
a. birds b. cats c. fishes d. snakes
40. What do you called the forms of Philippine folk dances of mountain tribe in Northern Luzon,
such as those of the Kalinga and Ifugao people?
a. Ethnic/Tribal Dances c. Cordillera Dances
b. Mindanao Dances d. Rural Dances
41. Which of the following arm position wherein the one arm raised sideward and the other arm
is overhead?
a. 1st position b. 2nd position c. 3rd position d. 4th position
42. Which step in Folk dance you do springing into the air from one foot and landing on the
same foot?
a. hooping b. jumping c. leaping d. pivoting
43. How are you going to execute kumintang?
a. rotating the hand and wrist.
b. an elaborate bow like fetching water.
c. a tilt of the chest to the side and “step, cross, step, close”.
d. to brush, sweep or scuff the foot against the floor.
44. Which of the following movement skills make an individual remain in one place while
a. Locomotor b. Non-locomotor c. Manipulative d. Fundamental
45. Which of the following movement skills mainly involve activities with the use of hand and
body coordination to execute a task?
a. Locomotor b. Non-locomotor c. Manipulative d. Fundamental

46. It refers to the state of complete physical, mental or intellectual, emotional, social, moral-
spiritual and environmental well-being.
a. Health b. Physical Health c. Social Health d. Emotional Health
47. It refers to the well-being of an individual.
a. Physical Health b. Mental Health c. Moral Health d. Emotional Health
48. It refers to the ability of an individual to rationalize things.
a. Physical Health b. Mental Health c. Moral Health d. Emotional Health
49. It refers to the ability of an individual to accept failure, understanding and liking oneself.
a. Mental Health b. Physical Health c. Moral Health d. Emotional Health
50.Why do we need to eat fruits and vegetables everyday?
a. To maintain our weight.
b. It will give us energy and vitamins.
c. For us to engage in any physical activities.
d. For the growth of our muscles and tissues.
51.Which of the following foods that will give protein to your body?
a. Cheese and milk c. mango and orange
b. b. corn and potato d. meat and fish
52.Which of the following drinks that is good option for teenagers that is rich in calcium and
good for bone development?
a. Coffee b. Milk c. Soft drinks d. Water
53.How can grain foods such as rice and bread help us to feel better every time we do some
a. To avoid headache.
b. Feel free from body pain.
c. It may reduce constipation.
d. For the development of our body.
54. It is defined as ability accept yourself and others, express and manage your emotions, and
deal with the demands and challenges in life. What do you call to this problem?
a. Physical Health c. Physical and Emotional Health
b. Physical and Mental Health d. Mental and Emotional Health
55. How will you define eustress?
a. Negative Stress.
b. Positive Stress.
c. Situation or event that causes stress.
d. response of the body and mind to challenges and threats.
56. Which of the following is an example of Catastrophes?
a. going to a place you are not familiar with.
b. war, violent crimes, and terrorism.
c. too many assignments.
d. overcrowded bus.
57. What do you call the illness of the mind that reduces a person’s ability to function, adjust to
change, and get along with other people?
a. Mental health c. Mental disorders
b. Mood disorders d. Emotional health
58. It is the misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system.
a. Allergy b. Cancer c. Arthritis d. Diabetes
59. It refers to the inflammation of joints.
a. Allergy b. Asthma c. Arthritis d. Diabetes
60. It is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways to become inflamed.
a. Allergy b. Asthma c. Arthritis d. Diabetes

Prepared by: Noted/Verified:

Rongel G. Guingayan Loradel R. Sulio
Subject Teacher School Principal I

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