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NIM : 1211111022

DOSEN PENGAMPU : Dra. Eva Betty Simanjuntak M.Pd


MATA KULIAH : Bilingual





Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan
karunianya , yang salah satunya saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas Critical Journal
Review ini dengan baik serta tepat waktu

Adapun tujuan dibuatnya tugas Critical Journal Review ini adalah salah satu
tugas individu dalam Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Medan.

Dalam penulisan tugas ini penulis merasa banyak kekurangan baik pada
teknik penulisan maupun materi, mengingat kemampuan yang penulis miliki.
Untuk itu kiritik dan saran dari semua pihak sangat diharapkan.

Dan tidak lupa ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak yang telah membantu
dalam pembutan tugas ini, khususnya kepada Dosen kami yang telah memberikan
arahan , sehingga tugas ini dapat diselesaikan

31 Maret 2022, Lubuk Pakam


Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar.......................................................................................................................................i
Daftar Isi................................................................................................................................................ii
BAB I..................................................................................................................................................1
A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya CJR..................................................................................................1
B. Tujuan Penulisan CJR..............................................................................................................1
C. Manfaat....................................................................................................................................1
D. Identifikasi Artikel dan Journal yang direview........................................................................1
BAB II.................................................................................................................................................3
Ringkasan Isi Artikel...........................................................................................................................3
A. Introduction.............................................................................................................................3
B. Content Description.................................................................................................................5
BAB III................................................................................................................................................9
PEMBAHASAN ANALISIS...............................................................................................................9
A. Discussion................................................................................................................................9
B. Journal content advantages..................................................................................................10
C. Lack of journal content........................................................................................................10
BAB IV...........................................................................................................................................11
A. Conclussion.........................................................................................................................11
B. Recommendation.................................................................................................................11
Daftar Pustaka...............................................................................................................................12


A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya CJR
Critical jurnal review merupakan salah satu tugas mata kuliah konsep dasar
fisika dan kimia yang mana pada tugas ini mahasiswa menilai konstruksi sebuah
jurnal dari aspek struktur,cover, layout dan aspek tatabahasa. Mereview sebuah jurnal
dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami isi dari jurnal serta melatih
keterampilan dalam mengkritisi dan menemukan solusi dalam pembelajaran. Di era
yang serba canggih ini kita dapat mengakses banyak hal melalui internet seperti salah
satunya sebuah jurnal oleh sebab itu kita harus sadar bahwa pentingnya membaca
sebuah jurnal karna jurnal juga dapat memberikan sebuah referensi bagi kita.

B. Tujuan Penulisan CJR

1. Untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas dalam mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris
2. Menambah pengetahuan dalam memahi sebuah jurnal.
3. Meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mereview dan menilai sebuah jurnal.

C. Manfaat
1. Dapat memahami isi sebuah junal.
2. Dapat mengidentifikasi kekurangan dan kelebihan sebuah jurnal
3. Dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam belajar.

D. Identifikasi Artikel dan Journal yang direview

Jurnal Utama

Jurnal Pembanding


1. Nama Jurnal : Journal of English Language Education,
2. Volume & Halaman : Vol 2(1) & 47-62
3. Pengarang Artikel : Tira Nur Fitria
4. Penerbit : Edulangue
5. Kota Terbit : Surakarta
6. Nomor ISSN :-
7. Alamat Situs :


Ringkasan Isi Artikel

A. Introduction
Main Jurnal

English is one local content lessons taught in schoolsbasis in Indonesia. Time
allotted forthe process of teaching and learning this foreign language namely for 90
minutes a week. Limited time availability impacted on the opportunities students have
forlearn English skills. Limitations time at school made them unable put the learned
knowledge into practice freely as a result their parents who realized the importance of
English directing children to attend classes additional tutoring or courses. However Not
all students go through this step, just those from the economic group upper middle class
only while the parents of students who have a low level of economic life think that this is
a necessity can be postponed because there are many other things that be a priority.

At this time the general picture of activity daily school children namely studying
at school in in the morning until noon continue to study additional in the afternoon by
taking a course at out-of-school educational institutions. Therefore, the author tries to do
simple English learning training to students with topics around activities daily.

Language conversation training program English implemented in educational

institutions This non-formal aims to:

1. Teaching and training the students have an English conversation simple everyday
2. Provide motivation/encouragement to the participants students to learn more
English freely due to time constraints opportunity at school.
3. Empowering the Sabilun Najah students in terms of practicing conversational skills

Teaching materials are given as English conversation training materials simple

forms of dialogue and everyday conversations such as greetings/greetings, question
and answer regarding information about yourself or someone else.In training students'
speaking skills,the author focuses on the use of functions English for communication
purposes and use the pair work method (practice in pairs).

The success of learning activities teaching can be seen from the evaluation
conducted. These evaluations include:

1. Students understand about the materialtaught.

2. There is compatibility between teaching materials and student needs.
3. Using learning methods that match the conditions of students and teaching
4. Students are given a test to seedevelopment of their abilities.

English teaching and training to children need energy and creativity. It is not only
related to teaching materials but as well as teaching techniques and approachesfor
students to achieve goals from the programme. Understanding of child psychologyit is
necessary to remember the language English is an additional lesson inthis non-formal

In teaching and training activities English is at the initial stage of the santri not easy
to talk to in English. Many are waiting. But it can overcome after several times the
trainer Give an example of a conversation first formerly Constraints in teaching and
training speaking is preparation of time and teaching materials. The trainer must
arrange time with the routine recitation schedule of parastudents and format the
duration of the time right at each meeting. Thereby along with teaching materials.

Comparison journal

In developing these four skills, the English language components of vocabulary,

structure, pronunciation, and spelling are taught to the learners/students. One of the most
important skills in the English language that the learners/students need to learn is writing.
Writing is considered as a productive skill. In writing, students learn how to write
grammatically correct words, sentences, paragraph, and texts. Writing is one of four skills
that must be mastered by the learners/students. It is an active skill because the students have
to involve personally in constructing a good writing productination of all skills in English.

In fact, writing is the skill where the students produce the sentences which are put in a
particular order and linked together in certain ways into good paragraph. But the written
production is the most difficult task. Writing English is not easy for the students.
They may have difficulties when using the language in writing. Consequently, errors in their
written products are inevitable.

Nevertheless, the learners often make errors in writing composition because they are
still influenced by Indonesian sentence structure in making and composing English sentences
when writing a paragraph. Errors are signs from the students who have not mastered the
English rules. Errors are faults which the students cannot correct thems elves and therefore,
need the explanations (Harmer, 2007). The students will not understand the English rules
without making errors first.

However, errors that are mostly made by the students should be identified, classified
or described; a task called error analysis. Error analysis is the study of students’ errors which
can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within
the learners (Brown, 2000). It is aimed to give feedback about the students’ types and sources
of errors in order for the students and the teacher to get the betterment of English in teaching
and learning process. Therefore, the students learning English often make mistakes and errors
while learning English, especially when they try
to arrange sentences or use tenses while writing. As a result, they write sentences with
incorrect grammar.

As a matter of fact, the errors in the use of simple present tense in descriptive text are
so commonly occurring to students in writing English. Meanwhile, Simple Present Tense is
important as the basic rule for the students to make and use sentences to communicate in their
daily life. The students’ error in learning a foreign language is a part of the learning process.
It is impossible for students to learn a foreign language without making mistakes or errors. In

this study of errors (error analysis) in students’ writing composition is part of an investigation
of the process of language and learning English.

Furthermore, from the above fact, the writer is interested in conducting the study
entitled “An Error Analysis Found in Students’ Writing Composition of Simple Present
Tense’’. This research will find out the types of errors in the Students’ Writing Composition
in terms of grammar, punctuation and spelling and to find out the most dominant kind of the

B. Content Description
Main Jurnal

In this journal the methodology in conducting conversation training simple English to

the students at the Sabilun Najah study hall, the method that used namely;

1. Observation This method aims to get accurate description of the condition and
the atmosphere of the location of the service this society lasts. Time that required
for the observation process activities at the Sabilun Najah study center is one
meeting for 120 minutes.
2. Training Implementation ProcessImplementation of English language training in
the Sabilun Najah study center is held in five meetings with a duration of 60
minutes of each meeting after the first 60 minutes used to read the Koran. On the
first meeting before the training starts, the trainer introduces himself and invites
the participants students to introduce themselves each. Then in the second
meeting training program started. Students grouped into three groups. One group
consists of students aged 5 to 8 years, grop second 9 to 10 year old and third age
group 11 to 12 years.

The first step in implementation this English speaking training is by teaching the
students in their respective groups about everyday conversation. Step two Invite students to
practice individually about the daily conversations that have been studied it. They are asked
to train alone, in pairs and also try with trainers. Teaching materials are given as English
conversation training materials simple forms of dialogue and everyday conversations such as
greetings/greetings, question and answer regarding information about yourself or someone

In training students' speaking skills,the author focuses on the use of functions English
for communication purposes and use the pair work method (practice in pairs). Could
concluded that:

1. English teaching and training to children need energy and creativity. It is not only
related to teaching materials but as well as teaching techniques and approaches for
students to achieve goals from the programme.

2. Understanding of child psychologyit is necessary to remember the language
English is an additional lesson in this non-formal institution.
3. In teaching and training activities English is at the initial stage of the santri not
easy to talk to in English. Many are waiting. But it can overcome after several
times the trainer Give an example of a conversation first formerly.
4. Constraints in teaching and training speaking is preparation of time and teaching
materials. The trainer must arrange time with the routine recitation schedule of para
students and format the duration of the time right at each meeting. Thereby along
with teaching materials. Teaching materials must according to the age being taught.

Teaching and training program in this non-formal institution is expected to carried out
continuously considering the importance of mastering English to support life today.
Especially for students as young learner who is undergoing a periodwhere is the gold of
intellectual development they have been able to memorize a lot once information such as
treasurywords, tones of sounds and etc.

Comparison journal

Writing skill is an ability to express an idea, opinion, feeling, or experience that

somebody has heard in written form. It can begin with a simple piece of writing to a more
advanced level. According to Brown (2000), writing is a thinking process, because writing is
a process of putting ideas down on paper to transform thought into words and give them
structure and coherent organization.

Nunan (2005: 31) defines that error analysis involves studying samples of students’
written language to identify the grammatical errors they make. This analysis is absolutely
needed to be the basis for providing feedback to the students, or for tabulating the errors.
Brown (2000) states that error analysis is the study on learner’ errors that can be observed,
analyzed, and classified to tell something that happen within the learners.

Simple Present Tense is the tense for the description, definition and statements of
general truth. Azar (1989) says the Simple Present Tense expresses events, perceptions,
feelings, or states that occur or exist always, usually, habitually; they exist now, have existed
in the past, and probably will exist in the future. Based on Aitken (1992), simple present
tense is helpful to express actions which are always, repeatedly, or generally true, or actions
occur at the moment of speaking (with no reference to past or future).

This research of the jurnal used the qualitative research to collect empirical data from
the students’ writings. By using this method, the data would be accurately collected. The
object of the research was fifteen students’ writing composition which were students of S1
Accounting STIE AAS Surakarta. The result of the analysis shows that the students’ error
consists of three aspects of writing. First, in grammar, punctuation and spelling.

In grammar aspect, there are errors in some points of word class like in noun (21 data
or 36,84 %), determiner/article (2 data or 3,51 %), pronoun (1 data or 1,75 %), preposition
(15 data or 26,32 %) and verb (18 data or 31,58 %), then the most dominant error in grammar
aspect is noun. Second, in punctuation (16 data or 17,20%). Third, in spelling (20 data or
21,51%). Based on the frequency of each aspect of writing error, the most dominant error
found in the students’ writing composition is in the a spect of grammar (57 data or 61,29 %).

From the previous study, there are some similarities to and differences from this
research. The similarities are 1) The kind of research. Both of these studies investigate errors
in students’ writing composition. 2) The object of the research. researches focus on simple
tenses. 3) The dominant type of error.

Both of researches show the frequency error students’ writing is in the aspect of
grammar While the differences are, 1) the previous study investigates simple future tense,
while this one focuses on simple present tense. 2) The result of the study shows differences in
total number of data and in each percentage. 3) In grammar a spect in the previous study, the
first rank of error is in noun, determiner/article, pronoun, preposition and the last is verb.

This study will apply the quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative
method is used to analyze the errors found in the students’ assignment. The qualitative
method is used to give the description of the students’ errors previously presented in the
table. The data source is the subject from which the data are taken. The data in this study are
primarily data directly obtained from the result of the writing assignment of the students. The
total number of the students in this research is 15 students.

According to Saleh (2001: 31), “the term of ‘instrument’ means equipment for
collecting the data. In this study, the writer used documentation as a method of collecting
data. According to Arikunto (2006: 231), documentation is a number of data that present the
verbal data, such as correspondence, journal, memory, report and others’ which can be
mutually responsible. In this study, the writer uses paper assignment. This is used to know the
students’ errors in the use of simple present tense in their writing product.

From the analysis of this research, it shows that the students’ errors in writing
composition of simple present tense consist of three aspects of writing, they are they are in
grammar, punctuation and spelling. In the aspect of grammar, there are 66 data or 56.89 %,
which consist of some errors in class words (part of speech) such as in in verb (25 data or
37.88 %), determiner/article (16 data or 24.24 %), preposition (15 data or 13.64 %), noun (9
data or 13.64 %) and pronoun (1 data or 1.51 %).

In punctuation, there are 28 data or 28.14 %, while in spelling there are 22 data or
18.97 %. Grammar aspect is the first rank of the error type found in students’ writing
composition followed by punctuation aspect in the second rank and Spelling aspect in the
lowest rank.


A. Discussion
Main Journal

Limited time availability impacted on the opportunities students have for learn
English skills. Limitations time at school made them unable put the learned
knowledge into practice freely as a result their parents who realized the importance of
English directing children to attend classes additional tutoring or courses. However
Not all students go through this step, just those from the economic group upper
middle class only while the parents of students who have a low level of economic life
think that this is a necessity can be postponed because there are many other things that
be a priority.

Therefore, the author tries to do simple English learning training to students

with topics around activities daily. Language conversation training program English
implemented in educational institutions This non-formal aims to:

1. Teaching and training the students have an English conversation simple

everyday use.
2. Provide motivation/encouragement to the participants students to learn
more English freely due to time constraints opportunity at school.
3. Empowering the Sabilun Najah students in terms of practicing
conversational skillsEnglish.

MethodologgyIn the implementation of conversation training simple English to the

students at the Sabilun Najah study hall, the method that used namely;

1. Observation This method aims to get accurate description of the condition and the
atmosphere of the location of the service this society lasts. Time that required for
the observation process activities at the Sabilun Najah study center is one meeting
for 120 minutes.

Training Implementation ProcessImplementation of English language training in the

Sabilun Najah study center is held in five meetings with a duration of 60 minutes of
each meeting after the first 60 minutes used to read the Koran. On the first meeting
before the training starts, the trainer introduces himself and invites the participants
students to introduce themselves each. Language conversation training program

Simplified English has been implemented starting 16 to 20 October 2017 on

5 to 6 p.m. 40 male and female students aged 5 to 12 years following this training
program. They generally live around the hall Sabilun Najah study. Training
processimplemented by grouping para students into three age-appropriate groups.

Comparison journal

The students’ error in learning a foreign language is a part of the learning process. It is
impossible for students to learn a foreign language without making mistakes or errors. In this
study of errors (error analysis) in students’ writing composition is part of an investigation of
the process of language and learning English. Furthermore, from the above fact, the writer is
interested in conducting the study entitled “An Error Analysis Found in Students’ Writing
Composition of Simple Present Tense’’.

This research of this journal will find out the types of errors in the Students’ Writing
Composition in terms of grammar, punctuation and spelling and to find out the most
dominant kind of the errors. The data source is the subject from which the data are taken. The
data in this study are primarily data directly obtained from the result of the writing
assignment of the students. The total number of the students in this research is 15 students.

Based on the result of this study, this research can minimize the students' errors dealing
with simple present tense in descriptive writing. When teaching English subject, the teachers
can give clearer explanation of English grammar rules, such as in parts of speech, tenses or
other aspects especially in the simple present tense. Therefore, the students might be able to
understand those rules correctly in writing.

The teachers also should use their creativity to develop the teaching materials. They may
use a variety of methods or strategies in learning English to solve the students' problems,
hence the students will gain better understanding on the kinds of tenses. When learning
English subject, the students should master the grammar rules especially the usage of tenses
well before studying English. Therefore, they can write English composition well. The
students should do more writing exercises/practices and should be encouraged to use
grammar correctly..

B. Journal content advantages

1. Writing in the main journal is quite good.
2. The content of the articles in the journal is quite good.
3. The language and use of words in the journal are easy to understand.
4. Cover in the main journal is quite good.
5. The main journal and comparative journal have a fairly complete identity.

C. Lack of journal content

1. In the comparison journal the cover is less attractive
2. In the comparison journal the writing is not good
3. In comparison journals, there are many materials that are a bit difficult to understand.


A. Conclussion
In this English lesson an understanding of the present time is very necessary considering
that there is a lot of material about it which is sometimes a bit difficult to understand and
then there are some mistakes in pronunciation and there are also some formulas in the

Between these two journals, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Where
every book has explained about sentences, verbs, adverbs. And has explained the
procedure for writing, functions, formulas, changing verbs from within a sentence.

B. Recommendation
In writing this journal review, the author realizes that there are shortcomings in writing,
therefore suggestions and input are needed in this writing so that in the future it can be of
benefit to many people.

Daftar Pustaka


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