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Atatrk Dnya Lideri

Atatrk Society of America derneinin geleneksel 19 Mays programnda Atatrkn dnya lideri olduu bir kere daha ispatland.

Atatrk en byk lider

20 mays 2008 Kasm Cindemir / Washington

aBDde Brown niversitesi retim grevlisi Profesr arnold Ludwig, gelitirdii bir metodoloji sonucunda, atatrkn 20. yzyln en byk siyasi lideri olduunu ortaya koydu. Dan arslan: siyasi Liderliin Doas adl kitabn yazar Prof. Ludwig, amerika atatrk Derneinin (asa) toplantsnda, gelitirdii siyasi byklk skalas ile, atatrk ibandaki aBD Bakan George W. Bush ile karlatrd. sonuta, Bush 15 puan alrken atatrk 32 puan toplad. Ludwigin almasnda, nelson mandela 20 puan, Winston Churchill 22 puan ve Bill Clinton da 15 puan almt. Maodan 2 puan yksek Ludwigin daha nce yapt almada, atatrk 31 puan ile birinci olurken, mao Zedong ve Franklin D. roosevelt 30 puanla ikinci olmutu. ayn almada, Charles De Gaulle altnc, Woodrow Wilson 15. olmu ve ronald reagan da 25 numarada yer almt. Psikiyatrist olan Prof. Ludwig, kltrel zellikler ve nyarglardan arndrlm bir yntemle dnya liderlerini 11 ayr kategoride deerlendiriyor. her kategoride liderlere 0 ile 3 arasnda puan verilirken, sadece iki kategoride 0 ile 5 arasnda puan
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verilebiliyor. Bu kategoriler, sfrdan lke yaratmak, topraklar geniletmek, iktidarda kalnan sre, askeri baar, sosyal tasarm gc, ekonomik baar, devlet adaml, ideoloji ortaya koyma, ahlaken rnek olma, siyasi miras ve lkenin nfusu olarak sralanyor.

Atatrk, 20. yzyln en byk lideri

amerikal tarihi ve psikiyatrist Prof. arnold Ludwig, dnyann eitli siyasi nderlerinin baar ve nem derecelerini snflandran 11 lee gre, trkiye Cumhuriyetinin kurucusu mustafa Kemal atatrk, 20nci yzyln en byk lideri olarak nitelendirdi. amerika atatrk toplumu adl

kuruluun Washingtonda dzenledii yllk atatrk anma konumasn, halen aBDnin en eski yksek retim kurumlar arasnda yer alan Brown niversitesinde grev yapan ve 2002de yazd ve dnya liderlerini ele ald Dan arslan: siyasi Liderliin Doas adl kitabyla tannan Prof. arnold Ludwig yapt. aslen psikiyatrist olan ve daha sonra tarih ve siyasi liderlik konularn incelemeye ynelen Ludwig, siyasi nderlerin neden ve ne kadar nemli ve byk olduklarn tarafsz ekilde deerlendirebilecek bir lei gelitirmek iin uzun sre altn ve sonunda Jul sezar, napoleon ve George Washington gibi tarihi isimlerin, liderlii tanmlamak iin ortak kulland 11 kriterden oluan bir sistem belirlediini anlatt. 11 kriterden oluan sistem Ludwigin verdii bilgiye gre bu lein

kriterleri, sfrdan lke yaratmak, topraklar geniletmek, iktidarda kalnan sre, askeri baar, sosyal tasarm gc, ekonomik baar, devlet adaml, ideoloji ortaya koyma, ahlaken rnek olma, siyasi miras ve lkenin nfusu ltlerinden oluuyor. Daha sonra incelenen liderlere, bu kriterlerin her biri iin 0 ile 3 veya 0 ile 5 arasnda puan veriliyor. Prof. Ludwig, kitabnda, 20nci yzyla damgasn vuran yzlerce lideri bu sisteme gre kyasladn ve atatrkn en st srada geldiini anlatt. Buna gre atatrk, Ludwigin kitabnda bu 11 kriterden toplam 31 puan ald. sralamada ikincilii, 30ar puanla komnist inin kurucusu mao Zedung ve 2. Dnya sava srasndaki aBD bakan Franklin Delano roosevelt elde etti. ayn lee gre, dalan ssCBnin son lideri mihail Gorbaov 24, ngilterenin efsanevi babakanlarndan Winston Churchill 22, Gney afrikal lider nelson mandela 20, eski aBD bakan Bill Clinton da 15 puan toplad. Ludwig, toplanty izleyenlerle birlikte imdiki aBD Bakan George Bushu da deerlendirdi. Bushun puan 15 kt.

19th of May is a very special day

continued from page 8

and higher education on an equal footing with men. and added everything we see in the world is the creative work of women. Under his leadership in 1934, turkish women have been granted full civil rights including political way before the several other nations. The change was not an easy task. turkish youth has a very special meaning for atatrk. he presented may 19th as a gift to the turkish youth. in his speech in 1927 he said: Gentlemen, these detailed descriptions, which have occupied you for so many days, are, after all, merely a report of a period of time, which will henceforth belong to the past. i shall consider myself very happy if i have succeeded in the course of this report in expressing some truths, which are calculated to rivet the interest and attention of my nation and of future generations. Gentlemen, i have tried to show, in these accounts, how a

great people, whose national course was considered as ended, reconquered its independence; how it created a national and modern state founded on the latest results of science and technology. The result we have attained today is the fruit of teachings which arose from centuries of suffering, and the price of streams of blood which have drenched every foot of the ground of our beloved Fatherland. This holy treasure i lay in the hands of the youth of turkey. o turkish Youth! Your first duty is ever to preserve and defend the national independence, the turkish republic. and as turkish youth, we repeat once again that in any circumstances we will forever protect and defend turkish independence, turkish republic and atatrk reforms. Thank you. * Deniz ozkan is the President of the Graduate turkish student association at GWU
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The Atatrk Memorials


tatrk memorial (nZ) is situated on a ridge above tarakina Bay, Wellington. The memorial looks out over Cook strait and the site was chosen for its remarkable likeness to the landscape of the Gallipoli Peninsula. The memorial is an outcome of an agreement between the turkish, australian and new Zealand governments. in 1984, australia asked turkey if the cove on the Gallipoli peninsula could be renamed anzac Cove in memory of the australian and new Zealand troops who died there in 1915 during the Gallipoli Campaign of World War one. The turkish Government agreed to change the coves name from ari Burnu and also built a large monument to all those who died in the campaign. The memorial was designed by ian Bowman and was unveiled on anzac Day 1990 by the turkish minister of agriculture. The memorial comprises a marble crescent, a bust of atatrk, inscriptions and soil from anzac Cove. in 1999, a

paved forecourt and path, also designed by Bowman, and gravel car parking areas were added with funding from the turkish Government. The inscription on the memorial was written by atatrk in 1934, and is read every year by the turkish ambassador on anzac Day at the national War memorial, Wellington . The text is as follows: Those heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives, you are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side in this country of ours. You, the mothers who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears, your sons are now lying in our bosoms and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they become our sons as well.

he memorial, created by the architectural firm PDCm Pty Ltd, consists of a crescent-shaped wall on a circular paved area. The form of the wall reflects the crescent and five-pointed
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star of the turkish flag. at the centre of the memorial, placed in a time capsule, is soil from the battlefields of Gallipoli. This memorial is designed by turkish sculptor huseyin Gezer. Centrally located on the wall is a bronze likeness of atatrk, a gift of the turkish government. The inscription beneath - atatrks own words - pays warm tribute to the anZaCs and reflects his understanding of the awful cost of war. surrounding the memorial are pine trees, Pinus halepensis, grown from seed collected from the Gallipoli lone pine. The memorial is a crescent-shaped wall derived from the symbol on the turkish flag. it is constructed from aggregate concrete, polished granite, stone sets and copper alloy and is placed on a circular mosaic made up of small granite squares. in the centre section is a bust of Kemal atatrk and inscribed in the south west corner is the crescent and star symbol of the turkish flag. to the south of the memorial are two flag poles which fly the australian and turkish flags and further south again is a notice board with a description in both english and turkish. a canister containing soil from Gallipoli has been placed in the ground at the memorials centre.

ON CENTRAL pANEL Of WALL bELOW busT Of HEAd Of KEMAL ATATRK: Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives... You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the johnnies and mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours... You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well. CIRCuLAR pLAquE AT gROuNd LEvEL IN CENTRE Of MOsAIC: Soil from anzac cove, turkey was placed beneath this plaque at the commemoration of this memorial on 25 april 1985, the 70th anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli, by his excellency Mr. Vahit Halefoglu, minister for foreign affairs of the republic of Turkey in the presence of the honourable Gordon Scholes, minister for territories and acting minister for veterans affairs of the commonwealth of Australia and the honourable Frank Oflynn, minister for defence and associate minister for foreign affairs New Zealand.

he atatrk statue was provided as a gift to mexico City with the assistance of the Union of turkish Confederation of employers. The statue is located in a nearly 200 square meter park on one of mexico Citys most important avenues called reforma. The official unveiling of the statue was held on the commemoration of the 80th year of our republic on april 29, 2003. attending were state minister Gldal akit, Defense minister Vecdi Gnl, Labor minister murat Baesgiolu, Union of turkish Confederation of employers President refik Baydur, as well as turkish ambassador to mexico mehmet nuri ezen, and ambassador ergun Pelit who was ambassador to mexico when the statue was erected in 2002.
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he municipality in Chiles capital, santiago, built a monument with atatrks words inscribed at a park so that those living in that city can use it as an example. The monument with atatrks words inscribed is located at the novigod Park on apoguindo street so that people in the city can be inspired by them. The inscription reads: The founder of the republic of turkey, the countrys loyal and self-sacrificing servant, unique hero, live example of the human ideal, who devoted his entire life to the turkish people, gave his own soul and fire to his nation. his memory lives on as an eternal flame which keeps his peoples souls alive.

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HON. JEAN sCHMIdT oF ohio entatiVes in the hoUse oF rePres THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008
cant day morate May 19 as a very signifi Speaker, I rise today to comme is celebrated as the Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam of turkey. in turkey, may 19 of our dear friend the republic it was may in the history er of the republic of turkey. stafa Kemal atatrk, the Found sun and the war commemoration of mu ded in the Black sea port of sam r 1919 when mustafa Kemal lan national 19 in the yea a year later the turkish Grand Under his leadership less than of independence began. s born a new nation. later the republic of turkey wa s established and a few years assembly wa n of a pro-western, about reforming her. His visio a vision for Turkey and he set Atatrk had ame reality. der the rule of law quickly bec ular, and democratic state un sec ical reminds mankind of the histor edy said, ``The name Atatrk p gave inspiration to President John F. Kenn n of this century. his leadershi ents of one of the greatest me courage and accomplishm ing of the modern world, and sightedness in the understand the turkish nation, far power as a military leader. women by giving commitment to the rights of that Atatrk demonstrated his ple are It was in 1934 y can only flourish when its peo . he understood that a countr them full political rights truly free. st could ever attempt. cribed Atatrk better than mo neral Douglas MacArthur des urkey got My hero, Ge ers of our era. He ensured that T tesman, one of the greatest lead ``He was a soldier-sta rld. st advanced nations of the wo its rightful place among the mo began his journey, egan. On this day a great leader ery important day when it all b m this May 19 is a v We should all learn a lesson fro and a great nation was born. . a vision became reality lay the roots for a great future coupled with determination can ion e. mans life. a leader with a vis n beginnings should take not o today wrestle with their ow rkeys neighbors wh tu

IN TuRKEY -Y ANd CHILdRENs dAY NATIONAL sOvEREIgNT ril 23, 2008) (Extensions of Remarks - Ap
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d Childrens Day. The ey as National Sovereignty an very year is celebrated in Turk nce, the Grand national ker, April 23rd of e ing turkeys War of independe Ms. FOXX . Madam Spea in 1920. on april 23 , 1920 dur this date form of an emerging liberal and genesis of these celebrations is liamentary democracy in the the foundation for modern par assembly met in ankara to lay 23 as National lic of Turkey, designated April secular republic. e that a e first President of the Repub s future. This was the first tim atrk, the founder and later th children to the country Mustafa Kemal At gnition of the importance of , in reco sovereignty and Childrens Day dren. -long ceremonies marked by leader designated a day for chil world ay. Schools participate in week dren also send their gnized as an official public holid entire nation. on this day chil In Turkey this day is reco that draw the attention of the esident, the Prime Minister, large stadiums performances by children in aucrats in their offices. The Pr c gesture fficials and high ranking bure lace state o representatives. This symboli own ``representatives to rep r their positions to childrens vincial governors all turn ove that they are serving t leaders the Cabinet ministers, and pro of turkey and to remind curren ting to educational and that they are the future leaders is intended to show children turn, sign executive orders rela inherit. These children, in that they will ly and hold a special session to these children and the nation in the Grand national assemb replace the parliamentarians n also environmental policies. Childre ens Day internationally. World Childr childrens issues. discuss hildrens day has been adopted this tradition of celebrating c atatrk school in new York. ) from It is inspiring to know that Ustundag (9 and 11 years old nds Funda Karagozler and engin ns Day in turkey, these two frie was the idea of two classmates, nationally celebrated Childre ent to comment on the tive of peace and an assignm mon objec in april 1986, in response to to come together with the com ids of the World, inviting them te a letter addressed to the ``K wro edicated to childrens ICEF, a United Nations body d friendship. h the letter that she sent it to UN United nations. The response o impressed wit the permanent missions of the The school principal was s for the a copy of the letter was sent to stance, embly was opened to children issues. Through UniCeFs assi il 27, 1986, the Un General ass (WCDF) was established wanted to participate. on apr ndation was overwhelming. everyone r, the World Childrens Day Fou ldrens Day. Later that same yea DF sponsored programs and first celebration of World Chi celebration in new York, WC in addition to the annual activities. to oversee World Childrens Day es es around the world. d the future of their communiti service projects in 140 countri community ifference in their own lives an kgrounds together and to To equip children to make a d (1) omic bac The programs goals were: races, religions, and socio-econ dren of different nationalities, rth sunday in april as the and nations; (2) to bring chil mon; (3) to establish the Fou people have much in com e factors, all n everywhere to shape the show them that, in spite of thes ability and potential of childre ldrens Day to recognize the cap rld Chi internationally celebrated Wo eneral Day celebrations in the UN G re. futu jects articipated in World Childrens s around the world. These pro ren from 140 countries have p munity service project More than 5,300 child e participated in WCDF com children hav assembly. about four million n Turkey in 1920. d millions of lives worldwide. have touche orld and remember its origins i dicated to the children of the w is important date de I stand to commemorate th

sPeeCh oF HON. vIRgINIA fOXX oF north CaroLina entatiVes in the hoUse oF rePres 8 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 , 200


Atatrk stamps from around the world

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