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1)Overstep the mark - behave in an unacceptable way

2)Palsy-Walsy friends- Good friends,pal or buddy

3)Open a Pandora’s box- to do something that causes a lot of problems to appear that did not
exist or were not known about before

4)Pull your socks up- make an effort to improve one’s work, performance or behaviour

5)To get under somebody’s skin - to irritate or upset someone

6)Blow by blow- describe an event as it occurred in every detail

7)Chock-a-block - failed to capacity

8)For good - permanently

9)Be over the hill - to be old to do things

10)Bite your tongue - to stop yourself from saying something because it would be better not

11)A paper tiger - person or organisation that appears powerful, but actually is not

12)The dog days - the hottest days

13)To fall flat - to be met with a cold reception(bad welcome)

14)Turn a blind eye- to choose to ignore behaviour that you know is wrong

15)Yellow Journalism - writings in newspapers that try to influence people’s opinion by

using strong language and false information

16)To bring one’s eggs to a bad market - to fail in one’s plans because one goes to the wrong
people for help

17)Turn topsy-turvy - to completely change something

18)A clarion call - a strong request

19)Fire in the belly - powerful ambition

20)A hunky-dory situation - No problems and all happy

21)Give somebody a leg up - to help someone to be successful

22)To set the people by ears - to excite people to a quarrel

23)To fight to the bitter end - to carry on a contest regardless of consequences

24)A jack of all trades - someone who has many skills but not expert in one

25)Fight tooth and nail - to try very hard to achieve something

26)A culture vulture - someone who is very keen to experience art and literature

27)Verbal Diarrhoea - to talk too much

28)A double entendre - a word which has two meanings

29)A red letter day - a very important or significant day

30)The gift of the gab - ability to speak easily and confidently

31)To give a false colouring- to misrepresent

32)Off colour - ill

33)Take a hike -

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