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Operation Flood is also called as White Revolution(Kurien)

Tallest Breed of Sheep in India is in Nellore

Jersey, Holstein and Brown Sissie are exotic breed of dairy cattle

Dolly sheep was created by cloning

Rani Ki Vav is in Gujarat

Gully Erosion, Rill Erosion and Sheet Erosion are the types of water erosion

Narmada flows through a rift valley

Duncan Passage is a passage between South and Little Andaman

Lagoon Lake- Chilika

Sunda Trench lies in Pacific Ocean

Shipka La passage lies in Sutlej Valley

Apogee is a point in the orbit of the moon at which it is farthest from earth

15 Agro Climatic regions are in India

Kharif Crops are also known as Monsoon Crops

Slash and Burn Farming is also called as Primitive Subsistence Farming

Keppel Islands is mainly bleached due to Starfish

In Neritic Zone most organisms are found

In coniferous forests silver foxes are found

In tropical rain forests most diversity is found

In Deciduous forests trees shed their leaves

Bina Refineries is operated by Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd

Beagle Tip is located on the southernmost tip of South America partly in Chile and

Tropical Grasslands are known as Elephant Grass

Westerlies are known as Anti - Trade Winds

Rain shadow effect is associated with Orographic rainfall

The current produced by upwelling of cold water off the coast Chile and Peru is
known as Humboldt Current

Anticyclone has high pressure at the centre

Chambal River is part of Ganga Basin

ITCZ - Intertropical Convergence Zone

Mercury And Venus have no satellites of their own

Rubber, Coconut, Durian, Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Nuts, Cinchona, Mangoes, Wet
Rice, Cassava are Equatorial Corps

Ptolemy published Guide to Geography in 2nd Century AD

Environmental Determinism approach believes that physical geographies determine

human behavior and the existence of different forms of societies

Sidereal Month - it is period in which the moon completes an orbit around the Earth
and returns to the same position in the sky

Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System

1 Astronomical Unit is the distance between Earth and Sun

Alfred Wegener propounded the Continental Drift Theory

The longest latitude is 0°

Lunar Eclipse takes place when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and the

Solar Eclipse takes place when Earth comes between Sun and Moon and it’s
maximum duration is 7 minutes 30 seconds

Tropic Zone has highest Biodiversity

Xerophytes thrive in Cool and Arid condition

Mahatma Gandhi Hydroelectric project is on Sharavathi

Jupiter > Saturn > Uranus > Neptune > Earth > Venus > Mars > Mercury
Pulsar is quality of Rapidly Rotating Stars

Panna District in Madhya Pradesh is famous for Diamond Mines

The Important feature of Shifting Agriculture is Change of Cultivation Site

Singhbum is famous for Iron Mines

Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of Sulphur in India

Process of crop growing in which plants are kept in multi - storeyed structures in
troughs instead of soil is classified as Hydroponics

Earth has highest density

Petroleum is mainly found in Brahmaputra

Boiling Point of Diesel is 150-380 C

CNG is non polluting

Extensive subsistence agriculture farming on the thinly populated areas

Cloudy Nights are warmer than clear nights because if Insolation

At mid oceanic ridges Earth’s Crust is the thinnest

Fresh Water, Timber is considered as Renewable Resource

Soil is the most natural resources on Earth

Weight of Body is Maximum at the Surface

Granite is an Igneous Rocks

Ozone is located in the Stratosphere

Maximum Depth of Lithosphere is found in Pacific Ocean

Truck Farming is found in development countries

In commercial agriculture there is heavy reliance on machinery, product is

consumed off the farm, a small percentage of the workforce is engaged in

Intensive rice cultivation and subsistence farming occupies the largest percentage of
the world’s total land area

Australia is the largest producer Bauxite

Chile is the largest producer of Copper

Fatu Hiva Marquesas is an example of Undisturbed Natural Resource

Convection Rainfall occurs daily in the afternoon in the equatorial regions, it is of

noticeably short duration, it occurs through Cumulonimbus clouds

Midnight Sun is the sun shining in the polar circle for long time

If the Earth’s Axis of Rotation has 0 degrees then there would have been no
seasons, length of day and night would have been the same throughout the year and
all over the Earth

Movement of Tides are mostly determined by Rotation of the Earth

River Son is the tributary of Ganga

Nanda Devi Peak is located at Uttarakhand

River Beas, flowing from Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, joins the River Satluj

The natural vegetation which covers the maximum geographical areas of India is
Tropical Deciduous Forests

In 2020 Panna Tiger Reserve was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Zojila Pass is in Ladakh

The result of overgrazing in semiarid climates is Desertification

Narmada flows between Vindhya and Satpura Ranges

Major Benefit of Crop Rotation is Nitrogen is put into the soil, which is needed for

Kepler, Aristarchus, Stavinus, Mare Nubium are the craters of Moon

Nimbus cloud is a rain bearing cloud
Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same field in a definite
pattern is known as inter cropping

Gandhi Sagar Reservoir is one the Chambal River

Lake Titicaca is located between Bolivia and Peru

Katanga Plateau in Africa is known for rich deposits of Copper and Uranium

Belarus does have a border in Black Sea

Strait of Giblaratar connects Mediterranean Sea to Atlantic Ocean

Isohyets shows lines on a map showing equal rainfall

Equatorial Regions is known as Belt of Doldrums

Soil Factors are also known as Edaphic Factors

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