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Movement of materials to different parts of cytoplasm and nucleus is generally carried

out by Ribosomes

In mitochondria, ATP synthesis chemical reaction takes place in Inner Membrane

Squamous epithelial cells are found in the inner lining of Oesophagus

Transformation of meristematic cells into specific permanent tissues occurs by the

process of Cell Differentiation

Cell wall is not present in the cells of Humans

Metabolism is defined as a property of living organisms

Increase in mass and number are the characteristics of growth

Identification, classification and nomenclature are the processes of taxonomy

The lowest taxonomic of taxon is Species

The taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animals based on contrasting
characters is called Keys

ICVN International Code of Viral Nomenclature

The specific epithet of Ranga Thiranga is Thiranga

First step in Systematics is Characterization

Five Kingdoms are widely accepted

Methanogens are found in Marshy Areas

Viruses can synthesis their food through photosynthesis

Monera and Protista are unicellular

Chitin is the cell wall of any fungus from plants

Malarian(Plasmodium) is a parasite of protozoan. It does not affect Kidney

Volvox algae reproduce by oogamy and is a colonial alga

Cell wall of Chlorophyceae is made up of cellulose and pectose

In rhodophyceae, the food is stored in form of Floridean Starch

Bryophytes are known as Amphibians of Plant Kingdoms because they can adopt to both
aquatic and terrestrial habits, Vascular system is not found in Bryophytes

Flask shaped archegonium is found in Bryophytes

The leaf like photosynthesis organ is Phaeophyceae is Frond

Chlamydomonas algae can even store food as oil droplets

Marsilea(aquatic fern) has vascular tissues, they are endoparasites

Phytoplankton produce most of the organic carbon in the ocean

Gametophytes of sexually reproducing flowering plants are Haploid

Zygote is Diploid

The main difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria lies in cell wall

The agent responsible for mad cow disease transmission is Prions

Slime Moulds, Protozoans, Chrysophytes are included under the Kingdom Protista

Neurospora is extensively used for genetic work

Lichen and Diatoms do not grow in polluted areas

Gonyaulax belongs to Dinoflagellates

Benthem and Hooker’s classification is also called as Phenetic classification

Insects are most abundant species

Earthworms do not undergo periodic moulting of their external body covering

Organ level of organisation is found in Platyhelminthes

Metamerism is seen in Nereis, Pheretima, Hirudinaria

Agnatha lacks jaws

Tetrapoda includes all Mammals, Aves, Reptiles

Creeping mode of locomotion is seen in Reptilia

Macropus is the scientific name of kangaroo

Mitochondria, nucleus and chloroplast contain DNA

One of the additional of Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is detoxification of toxic


Mitochondria is not found in Prokaryotic cells

Water is the most abundant inorganic constituent substances of Protoplasm

In Virus “cell theory” is not applied

Mitochondria lacking its outer membrane leaving its inner membrane intact is called as

Functions of cytoplasm are providing mechanical support to the cell, mobility cell,
maintaining the shape of the cell
Hairlike outgrowths of the cell membrane are Cilia and Flagella

The two subunits of Eukaryotic Ribosomes are 60S and 40S

Semiautonomous organelles are chloroplasts and mitochondria

Groups for similar cells function together to form tissues

There are 4 types of tissues in our body . Connective,epithelial, muscular, nervous

Mitochondria can produce their own proteins

Plasma Membrane does not contain nucleic acid

Lysosomes are rich in hydrolytic enzymes

The columnar cells specialized for secretion is called as Glandular Epithelium

Adhering Junctions performs cementing function

Cartilage, Blood and bones are specialized connective tissues

Connective tissues are most in human body

Neurons are units of nervous system

Skeletal Muscle is intricately linked to the bones

Neural tissue controls the responses of the body to the changing environment

Homodont are the dentition found in fishes

Epiglottis prevent the entry of food into windpipe

Leprosy is caused by bacteria

What is “breakbone fever” most commonly known as Dengue,Dandy

Cholera, TB and Typhoid are caused by bacteria

The pacemaker of heart is SAN(sinoatrial node)

The sequential event of the heart consists of both they systole and diastole of the
heart is Cardiac cycle

The left ventricle pumps blood into the Aorta

Atherosclerosis affects the vessels that supply blood the heart

Nasal Cavity does not comprises the Pharynx

Sleeping sickness is caused by Trypanosoma

The process where the alveolar air is expelled out is Expiration

Alveoli is primary site of exchange of gasses

Pressure contributed by an individual gas in a mixture of gasses is called Partial


Corpora quadrigemina is in Midbrain

Amino Acid is never excreted out through urine under normal circumstances in any
healthy human

Thyroxine controls metabolic rate

Thyroid Gland - Goitre

Functional units of Kidneys is nephrons

Sebum is secreted by Sebaceous glands

A human excretes 1- 1.5 liters of urine

Henle’s loop plays a significant role in urine concentration

About 80% of the electrolytes and water are reabsorbed in PCT

Testes are situated in an abnormal pouch called Scrotum

Male testicular hormones are called as Androgens

LH, FSH, Progesterone are involved during menstrual cycle

Eggs in the ovaries start to develop during infancy

Morula is an embryo with 8-16 blastomeres

The expulsion of the baby out of the uterus through the birth canal is called Patrution

Phylloquinone is necessary for blood clotting and called Vitamin K

Retinol is Vitamin A

Vitamin C deficiency causes Scurvy

Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease are non infectious

Cancer causing viruses are called viral oncogene

Addiction is a psychological attachment to affect Euphoria

Cocaine is also called as Crack

Diacetylmorphine is called as Heroine

Benign Tumours are usually confined to a location

Mesophytes grow under average temperature and moisture

Aorta is the largest artery in the human body

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