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When you've decided on your

cover story, come up with a list of
topics for your feature articles.
This can range from interviews,
product reviews, human interest
pieces, and even lists. Think about
what your audience would be
interested in and get writing!










Chapter 1
Facial harmony
Facial harmony gives a unique and more aesthetic look
to your facial attractiveness. As you can see on your left
side the blue eyes boy looks more good than the right
one both of them have almost same facial features but
the left one is more attractive than the right one due to
high facial harmony.Harmony plays an important role. A
good facial harmony includes clear skin,thick
eyebrows,which you can achieve through good skin and
haircare but the thing with facial harmony is its mostly
genetic. Facial harmony happens naturally after your age
18 years of age the age between 18-24 your face starts to
change into more mature and helps your face to look
masculine and makes you more attractive. You can boost
your harmony from the age of 16 or below there are
many ways to fix your harmony.
How to fix/boost facial harmony ?
There are many ways to boost your facial harmony from
the age of 16 is the best time to fix/boost your facial
harmony if u are under 24yo read this carefully it will boost
your facial harmony

Maintaing a good healthy skin can balance your facial
attractiveness and gives you a more youthful look.
Drink 4L water a day,lift heavy weights,.have a skincare
routine apply your skincare routinr atleast 5x a week to
achive a good smooth skin to balance your skin.

Teeth balances your atrractiveness when you smile if
you dont have good straight white teeth it will surely
affect your facial harmony. The teeth affects the
support structure for the face.Properly aligned teeth
contributes to well-support facial structure,preventing
issues like colllapsed or suken facial features .

I will put two pictures on how teeth affects your looks

on the other page

Did you see how much diffrence your teeth
make in your facial attractiveness?
The size and position of upper front teeth can influence
the length of the upper lip which plays a role in facial
aesthetics. Teeths are part of your facial harmony.
Brush your teeth 2x a day.


Light eyebrows Thick eyebrows

As you can see thick eyebrows on right one looks
more masculine and atrractive than the right one due
to eyebrows in eyebrows there are low set,high set
eyebrows as shown in this picture which also effects
your facial attractiveness.
High set eyebrow
Low set eyebrow

How to get thick eyebrows?

Consume vitamin e, vitamin a apply castor or
coconut oil and gently massage your eyebrows
every night before going to bed .
Do not plucking your eyebrows all of the time.
Groom your eyebrow regularly. Can also apply
aloevera gel not too much just a little bit to help the
condition of your eyebrow.
Use eyebrows serum containing like peptides and
biotin. Avoid using harsh chemical.
Sleeping position
The worst sleeping position is the embryo
position/side, because the hip flexor is shortened
here, just like in sitting. You should think of sleep as
counteracting the abnormalities from everyday life,
not exacerbating them. At the same time, in this
position it can lead to a shortening of the calf muscles,
knee problems can occur, shoulder problems and
especially the neck, which is already always
overstretched in everyday life, is thus also further
aggravated at night. The neck is also interesting in
terms of looksmaxing, because in this position your
jaw develops incorrectly, just as it would with mouth
breathing. The best position is to sleep on your back
without a pillow. On your stomach is also bad
regarding your respiratory system and giving you an
assymetrical face.
Why without a pillow?
A pillow raises your head, as well as your upper back, so
your spine is in an unnatural position, especially if the
mattress is soft. At the same time, breathing is more
difficult with a pillow, and the greatest possible relief to
everyday life can only be guaranteed with a straight
posture during sleep, just as you would sleep on the
ground in nature

We are always upright in everyday life with a
physiologically curved spine, during the day gravity
acts on us and with all the shortening that occurs
during the day. The result is hyperlordosis and -
kyphosis. With a soft mattress, which so many people
use, these problems are exacerbated. However, if we
sleep on a fairly hard mattress, where we do not sink
in various places, the undesirable developments from
everyday life can be corrected. A soft mattress may
feel good, but in the long run various problems will
develop with regard to the back, calves, respiratory
system, joints, face, and so on. But a hard one needs
a certain period of acclimatization, the beginning can
even cause a real muscle soreness, because you have
neglected these muscles very much, after 1-2 weeks
you will get used to it and sleep very well.

You have through these two things the possibility to

develop a perfect posture for everyday life while
sleeping and that without any additional training this
will help you alot and your sleep quality will improve



Chapter 2- Asymetry
As you cam see Adriana has perfect face alignment
that defines the beauty. Adriana has asymetrical
face which makes her face more aesthetic against
Irina both are very successful and famous female
model. Your face symmetry is determined by your
facial bones (22). When they are in their correct place
head is optimally expanded, grown and symmetrical.

When there is overall tightness in one side then

expansion happen only on the other one making your
face asymetrical.

You will learn a powerful way to combat the

assymetrical face and will see results in few months

Fascia is a thin,tough
layer of connective tissue
that covers your body
and skull and has the
ability to contract

On your head the fascia and muscles are

extremely closely linked. Tight mastication muscles
and tight back of the neck muscles especially will
make your skull fascia extremely tight as well

when your fascia is tight your face becomes

undergrown, especially on the tighter side.

It happens because your fascia is permanently

contracted more on one side and that is why you are
asymmetrical. You can tense and relax your bicep on
command, why cant you do the same in your face?

Because you currently have 0 mind-fascia

connection. When developed mind-fascia connection
will allow you to relax fascia on command. ©ofglowkey
Take a look

How to gain mind-fascia connection?
To gain mind-fascia connection you will need to
first feel your fascial. Your fascia has almost the
same capability for sensation of touch of your skin
its just your brain tunes it out.
Some exercise you can try -

Feel the journey of the air all
the way down

Soon enough you will start to

get a tingling sensation. That
is your fascia comming back

Sit on your bed cross your legs ,eyes closed, back

against the wall. Relax your body. Notice the air
you are breathing. Notice how it feels in your
nose, how it moves to the back of your throat,
down your windpipe expanding your chest and
finally your diaphragm.

Less at first, more as you continue, you will gain

full sensation of the air you breath. Practice this

For you to regain feeling of your fascia you

will learn consistently. The more you train the
more accurate the feeling. If you dont feel it
the first time do not lose hope.

Even though it is slight, the movement is 100%

noticeable when you are able to concetrate on it

During respiration you do not only use your

chest and diaphragm. You also use your neck.
This muscle tilts your head back when u inhale
and down when u exhale. The movement is very
slight. Sit on the same position and this time
breathe in and out. The more you concentrate,
the more you will feel it. PRACTICE MAKES
Craniosacral fluid is your brains
pluming. It runs from the bottom of
your spinal column to your heart,
what pumps the craniosacral fluid

diagram of the scull

Your skull! The craniosacral fluid gets moved

around by a slight expansion-contraction cycle
happening via the diaphragms of the scull!
Diaphragms of the skull. The main ones separarte
your different brain areas(green),

These diaphragms are made out of very tough

fascia and in most people are extremely tight.
Because they attach to alot of your scull bones, if
they are too tight your scull cannot expand (mewing
wont work) and if they are tighter on one side,

What you are going to do is simple. You will regain

sensation of the fascia inside your head. Then you will

be able to relax it and get expansion and symmetry.

Sit like you did on previous exercise this time

you are going to use visualization to help you
regain the feeling of your spines and eventually
sculls fascia
You will start again by seeing your breathe go
concentrate on your spine.

From the bottom going up, you will fell your

spine activate, your craniosacral fluid is
travelling up towards the brain.

As it reaches your scull you will feel your

diaphragms first the horizontal one (ear to ear)
then (with more practice) the vertical one.

The jaw refers to the mandibular bone. The andibnle is
the strongest and largest bone is facial skeleton.
It is the only movable bone in skull and holds the
lower teeth and lower arch. Zygomatic/maxilla

The mandible sits behind the maxilla and connects to

the temporal bones via the TMJ(Temporomandibular
Joint). The connection between the mandible and
maxilla indicates that one change affects the other.
The jaw consists of 3 components

The mandible body is the middle part of the jaw. It

starts from ramus.
The madibular body is basically a curved
horizontal structure that serves as an attachment
point for many different muscles and for many
different muscles foramen (opening to allow
nerves to pass through).

Mandibular body
The Ramus:
Located on both sides, it is the vertical structure
that connects the manbite to the temporal bonesvia
the TMJ. The ramus serves as the attachment point
for the masseters. The green area is called ramus.

Gonial angle:
The gonial angle is the junction point where the
mandibular body and the ramus meet. They can be
inverted or everted. They form the attachment
point for many muscles

The gonial angle can be inverted or everted.
Typically an everted gonion gives the appearance
of a sharper jaw shape and inverted jaw gives
shape of a rounded jaw, although it is not known if
the inversion levels can change

I will not go deep in this topic as you all know
what is mewing. It promotes horizontal and
forward growth of face. I would suggest you to do
hard mewing for forward growth or atleast 4-8hrs
a day

To improve your masseters muscles size you have
to chew harder. Bigger masseters will pull the
skin tighter and make your face seem hollow
from the front and 3d (gonial angle showing
)from the side. Developed masseters makes the
face look more defined and masculine.

All systems in your body are balanced. Your biceps has

triceps. The masseters have the tongue!
While at rest(not chewing) as the masseters push
down the tongue pushes up. Its a delicate were at
your natural state your teeth lightly touch. Neither
clenching nor not touching. This is the normal
resting position.
Tongue chewing:
It is a great way to strengthen your tongue to
make mewing and correct posture easier.

Instead of chewing the gum, you make a ball and

push it on the top of the palate. As shown in the

This exercise will help you to increase your mewing

results and will get you up speed if you have only
been chewing.

Bone Density:
THE problem with mewing and chewing is that they
dont address the bone density of the bones
important fot facial attractiveness.

To address this you need to know about


What is Bonesmashing?
As you guys have heard this from memes
bonesmashing is a controversial, yet effective
technique used to improve facial aesthetics.

It is done by precise striking on the facial bones in a

safe place manner. Ofcourse, this technique requries
you to understand what to do and what not to. This
technique works on the basis of wolffs law.
Wolfes Law:
It works based on physiological mechanism
known as wolffs law. Wolffs law staes that bone
will adapt to the loads that is placed upon it. If a
particular loading increases on thatr bone, it will
adapt in order to better resist these loads.
Basically, bones get stronger and bigger when
they resist hits

Why Should you bonesmash?

If you want to get high cheekbones, strong
and defined jawline, chiseled chin and hunter
eyes, then bonesmasing is the most effective
way to achive your goal.



We're all aware of the quest for a chiseled

jawline as a pinnacle of masculine
attractiveness. But let's address a critical point:
how to achieve targeted jaw growth without the
risk of undesirable systemic effects? Unlike
patients with conditions that lead to uncontrolled
growth, we have the choice to modulate our
treatment. So, what's the best approach for jaw
growth? Enter IGF-1 injections.

If you're aiming for jawline gains without
affecting your overall facial structure, localized
IGF-1 DES injections seem to be the way to go.
These injections have shown promise in animal
models for targeted jaw growth, making them a
compelling option for those looking to enhance
their mandible specifically.
So, could localized IGF-1 DES injections be the
golden ticket for jawline enhancement? The
science seems promising, but more research is
You may think if you inject steroids in your bicep,
the steroids won't magically localize growth to the

Which is why you don't believe injecting IGF or

growth hormones in your jaw will do anything apart
from causing pain and perhaps scar tissue. ©ofglowkey
Then you are neglecting to recognize the fact that igf1
des has a localized effect while steroids and growth
hormones do not. In this case there is proof in animal
studies that I linked, so there is definitely evidence that
igf1 is capable of causing jaw growth or any sort of local
growth. There is also evidence of this in human studies
where igf is used in children with ISS ( idiopathic short
stature, or short with no medical cause ) IGF1 is
administered via injections to the knee (intraarticularly)
targeting the growth plate area to cause vertical growth.
You know what this means?yes that is totally possible
and is actually done medically. I referenced it in my
response to another comment but they basically do
igf1 intraarticular at the knee area and targeted
towards the growth plate. I think that based on the
data on the two strategies for height (igf1 local or
hgh) the medical field has made it clear that gh is still
king. Possible to do them both at the same time tho.
Intraarticular injections are gonna be a pain in the
ass to facilitate especially at an appropriate
frequency for igf1.

You know what this would be a game changer in

looksmaxing community if autistic guys find the best
spot to inject igf1.

I am not making any claims about the
efficacy of this i am just providing research
and a hypothesis.

You can do your research on this.

This is an interesting theory but a bit risky. I

would suggest not too because if u do and fuck
up that will destroy your face I would say do
your own research on this and then think about
it. Its an intersting theory on jaw growth so I
wanted to share this theory in this e-book.

About bonesmashing if you do dont go with the

hammar first try it with remote or your fist first
slowly and you will see progress.

We will go overover some necessary
information and then we will cover how we can
apply this.
Hair Texture:
Your hair texture is obviously determined by
mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by
environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or
nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or
lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds
between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The
more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types

Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair
reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient
hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage
and next to impossible to curl this hair texture.
Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the
sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its
way from the scalp to the ends without the
interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair
texture of all.
Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies
somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also
imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than
straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum
you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is
typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can
easily alternate between straight and curly styles,
type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand

of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S
shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or
upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some
occasions… however, there is a definite curl
pattern in place, with or without products. This hair
type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity =
frizz), and damage- prone. Lack of proper care
renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).
Kinky Hair

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many

misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine
and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each
strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A
misconception exists that this hair type does not
grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other
textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks
more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a
fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and
avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair
type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires
a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem
robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair
textures because coily hair contains the fewest
cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main
challenges oily hair women experience are lack of
hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and
breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you
take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and
styling products that do not dry.
The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to
maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
Types 1A to Types4A hair are good hair.
Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair
has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair
are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil
problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness
I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is
ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman
dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type
4 hair serves better protection purposes than
aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell,
frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with,
looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to
break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make
look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward
hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to
make it look good (check the beautiful women
below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely,
extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good.
Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when
they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and
"pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair
types should either change their hairstyle to looser
textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit
looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually
flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long
hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can
properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get
them redone consistently and taken care of
properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and
end up looking like subhuman shit.

Head shapes, Haircuts, and Lenghts:

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve
harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to
do that will have you looking bad or at least, not
good. Here is an example

Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of

his head that he can which gives the appearance
that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as
well. This is an example of head shape to hair
disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should
also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and
Head shape List and Haircut Advice:

To know what head shape you have, I
recommend you to download an app on your
mobile device or find a website that can
calculate your head shape, take a picture of
yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for
certainty), and voila! You've found your head
shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be
found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person

from getting hair past their collarbones. In this
scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I
do not recommend doing this as this will make
you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the
best in my opinion. Short and long hair are
This part is crucial, once you have detected
your hair type, check your advice for your
specific type down below.

Type 1 Hair:

1.Wash your hair regularly

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical
to controlling your oil production, as this kind of
hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you
wash your hair every two to three days to keep
it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed
hair always tends to look a little bit more
voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to
wash it too often, because that can actually
cause your strands to produce more oil. And we
don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands

When you wash your hair, cold water is best.
It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it
comfortable. Washing your hair with cold
water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt,
oil, and the like but also will keep your hair
cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on
those days you can’t be bothered to wash your
hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise
3. Dont over do it with hair products:
Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you
reaching for all the hair products—put them
down. You don’t need them. Using too many of
them will actually make things worse. They’ll
only weigh down your lifeless strands and can
even make them appear greasier than they
already are. Avoid things that increase
moisture in your hair, this will actively make it
worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the
most though. Once every other day is best.
4. Dont go to bed with wet hair:
Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for
those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create
unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also
tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed
with dry hair. If ©ofglowkey
you must go to bed with wet or damp
strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner
for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims:

Trimming your dead ends will add some life
and fullness back into your limp strands. The
longer you go without cutting your hair, the
more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on
a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can
help you determine what that maintenance
looks like for you.

Type 2 hair:

1.Find a shampoo for wavy hair:
Over-washing curly hair can strip away the
natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and
healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is
naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing
once a week is enough to clean without stripping
away too much moisture. When you do shampoo,
use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair
with a gentle and hydrating frizz- fighting
2. Condition-A LOT!
Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner
infused with hydrating oils and other
ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both
before and after shampooing to soften and
detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh
curls by just using conditioner in the shower.
3.Deep condition often
Skipping the shower today? Work in a
frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your
curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing
their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a
smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a balance between moisture
and strength

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair

hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s
strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking
for products for your wavy hair, look for
formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk
proteins. These formulas are known to
strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off heat

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness
and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair
is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat
tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry
wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-
dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to
disperse the heat and minimize friction. When
you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to
seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

Type 3 hair

1. Choose Shampoo Wisely

Washing your hair is the first and foremost
step in any hair care routine irrespective of the
hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that
there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and
product buildup on your scale.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like

sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that
can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering
agents while parabens are preservatives used in
your hair care products. Switch to mild
surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-
free, and paraben-free formulas in your
shampoos. ©ofglowkey
Pro Tip:
Dilute your shampoo and low-lather cleansing
conditioner in water before you let them work on your
hair. This will ensure you don’t use up too much product
at once, which is good for both your hair and pockets

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively
shampooing your hair can suck out its natural
moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients
in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that
your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against
environmental damage.

3.Pre-Shampoo Treatment
Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with
curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing
the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your

dry hair by separating out sections of hair.
Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can
put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some
heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that
the conditioner penetrates your hair well.
4. Never Brush Curly Hair

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a

wide- toothed comb on your curly hair before
shampooing. After washing your hair, simply
run your fingers through your hair. Never ever
brush your wet hair as it is more prone to
breakage and damage.
5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat

The high temperature from heat styling tools

can remove the natural texture of your curls,
making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of
heat styling and use a good heat protectant
spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate
heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally
beautiful curls.
6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the

tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to
up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be
considered as a potential breaking point,
gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess
with your natural hair texture and can cause
damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or

sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open
up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to
frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your
safest bet whether you are shampooing or
conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get

rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly
hair needs to look and feel healthy.
9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine
Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick
as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all
your hair on top of your head into a bun or a
loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction
between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to
satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases
to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For

Healthy Curly Hair
Use hair masks containing natural ingredients
for your curly hair:

Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and

mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse
with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes.
While eggs provide protein to your hair,
mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the
dry curls.
Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and
good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a
tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons
of olive oil. ©ofglowkey
Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it
on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle

Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and

hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have
healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize

No matter what the hair texture or type, the

basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling
your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp
and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B

Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of
vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help
to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how
natural oils control frizz and improve the
manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural
oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and
promotes hair growth.”
Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly
hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto
your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before
bedtime and wash it the morning after.
Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour
before shampooing your hair.

Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair.

It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for
a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair
with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over
your head and rinse off the oil with a mild
shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it

comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its
stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It
can moisturize your curly hair and add shine.
Haircare experts recommend using castor oil
before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed

oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla,
Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for
curly hair.
What Should You Not Do With Curly

Do not wash your curly hair every day as

it can remove all the natural oils.

Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can

create friction between the strands.

Do not do heat styling often as it can strip

off the moisture from your curls.

Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails

all the time. The pulling can cause scalp

Never settle for one-size-fits-all products.

Go for products that are created for your
hair type.

Most importantly, do not compare your hair

with straight hair or other hair types. Learn
to embrace your curls.
How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?

You can skip the conditioner once in a

while to keep those curls intact.

Use a curl cream on your hair to define

the curls. Avoid using too much product as
it can weigh down your hair.

Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up

your hair.

Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the

curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and

all the above tips are all it takes to keep
your tight coils or looser waves in shape.
Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt
your curly hair with the hairstyles
mentioned above.

Type 4 hair

Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture

that exists and as such requires extra care and
attention. If there is anything to take away
here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair
requires gentle handling and should be styled
with as little manipulation as possible in order
to promote length retention, volume, and
growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well
maintained due to its fragile state and with a
little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair
will grow longer, stronger and healthier.
Washing tips
Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally
every two weeks. You could go for three months
without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly.
Experiment with your regimen to see what works
for your hair. Remember that once your hair is
wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more
prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle
your hair with care!
Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the
lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates
all costs, along with any other ingredients that
dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help
with moisture and detangling, and look for
products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your
curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb
will help remove tangles and help disperse
conditioners throughout your hair. After
shampooing, use a deep moisturizing
conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in
conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your
curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can
also use intense hydration products to make this
work even better. You'll know if you're doing this
right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it
throughout the day. ©ofglowkey
Deep Conditioning
Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add
moisture and nourishing ingredients to your
hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If
your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a
protein conditioner to strengthen the hair
follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in
particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once
a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the
hair. We would recommend using hair butters,
natural oils, and natural moisturizers.

Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair

wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect
your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing
bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to
retain the moisture you worked so hair to put
back into your hair.

For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony
as well with your skin and your clothing, I will
cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if
you're warm-colored or cool-colored.
How To Change Your Hair Texture
From Straight or Wavy to Curly
Get a perm + using curl activating and
curling creams
From Straight to Wavy
Use curling wands lightly
Use curling creams and curling creams +
styling creams and hold creams
From Wavy or Curly to Straight
Use a straightening brush
Ironing your hair
Keratin Treatment
Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and
holding cream ©ofglowkey
From Curly to Wavy
Blow-dry + brush it straight with some
waves + styling and holding cream
Use a straightening brush lightly

From Kinky to Curly (Training your

Hair Texturizers
Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair
consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if
your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
Training your hair to become curly (the
same way people with waves train their hair
by consistently brushing) by caring for it
hyper- consistently, and twisting the curls
onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search
it up on YouTube!)

For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it
is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert
Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off
the inspiration there.
For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks
nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done
haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two
Make sure your edges are well done and make
sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with
special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce
the oil in your hair, as dandruff
feeds off of oil!
Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to
create volume
Straight-haired people should not be
moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be
fighting excess moisture.
Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a
little additional moisture, especially if it's type
Curly-haired people should be moisturized
Kinky-haired people should literally drown their
hair in as much moisture as possible, for as
long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap
it all in!
Research styling creams that will help you get
the desired result in your hair
Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your
hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.

Make sure the water you use isn't highly
chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter
on your showerhead and use cold water.
Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress,
depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair
loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately,
get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a
derma roller and start derma rolling and
applying minoxidil as soon as possible!
Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP
therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper
Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body
hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean
Genes Holder)
Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft
and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other
products to take care of it. Use a beard
shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite
quality ones!) to optimize your beard's
Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint
oil can be added) on your beard for patchy
beards, or increase your testosterone levels
Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't
look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop"
and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired
You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
For straight-haired and wavy-haired people,
you know how important volume is. Using the
right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc.
You can get your desired volume. Search Alex
Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a
hair god!
Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed
at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed
body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing
your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I
recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice
water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and
either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or
ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is
the worst!
Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair
transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides
of your hairline (if they're too far). This can
ascend some people combined with good hair
Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an
absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it
damages your hair
Restrict using texturizers that have heavy
chemicals, same reason as above.
Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage,
breakage, and strip oils away.
You can use colored conditioners and
shampoos to change your hair color without
dying it.
Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone
to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
Avoid heat damage at all costs!
Look into styling creams and holding creams!
Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair


Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get

some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous
hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)

Chapter 5 -Eye Area
The eye area is literally the most important
eye area on par with the lower third of the
face. If you're lacking in that... Well, it's going
to be hard at best and over at worst. Here is
an easy step- by-step course and tutorial on
the eye area.
Eye Shaping

There are a variety of eye shapes a person

can have but the most attractive eye shape
for both genders is the almond eye shape.

Your eye shape is determined by your orbits (the
eye sockets)in the skull. The closer you are to
this shape, the better. They are characterized by
double eyelids a.k.a non-monolid (Asian) eyes
and a roughly 3 by 1 width to height ratio. This is
exactly why women wear wings (the black
things in the corner of their eyes) to fraud this
ratio to enhance their attractiveness. It's also
why their eyes can look dead when all of the
makeup is gone

The closer your eyes are to this description, the

better. One solution is squinting exercises
which will help train the muscles around your
eyes to adapt to constantly squinting to
enhance your eye area, please learn how to do
this without looking like a try-hard!

You can also do mewing, which is basically
resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth. if
you have scleral show and a lack of maxillary
support in the undereye area. This can reduce
the scleral show and reduce the height to closer
fit the ideal almond eye ratio. If this doesn't work
you can get Lefort 3 surgery to bring the
cheekbones up higher to replicate undereye
support. If this fails, It is suggested that you get
almond eye surgery to fix this if needed.

For people with monolid eyes, you can choose to

undergo double eyelid surgery, a surgery that is
very, very common in South Korea, especially
among K-Pop stars to enhance their
attractiveness to both genders

Canthal Tilt
The canthal tilt is basically the tilt at which
your eyes are tilted. This is measured by
measuring from the medial canthus a.k.a your
tear ducts to your lateral canthus, a.k.a the
corner of your eyes.[UWSL] [/UWSL]Ideally,
they should either be positive or neutral,
anything that is extreme or negative is bad and
removes points from your attractiveness. This
is because a negative canthal tilt predicts the
likelihood of the carrier having poor genetic

The best way to fix this fixing your scleral

show, which I will discuss later, or you can also
get almond eye surgery or canthoplasty to
correct this.

Upper Eyelid Exposure
Ideally, you would have to have low or no
eyelid exposure. You also don't want excessive
eyelid exposure as this will make your eyes look
like you have a negative canthal tilt and will
hide your eye shape and make it into something
more squarish or triangular.

The ideal UEE levels are where the eyelids

are not or barely visible but also don't disrupt
the eye shape. One method you can use for
decreasing your upper eyelid exposure is
eyelid pulling which looks like this.
If constantly done, you'll redirect fat to move
down and cover up your upper eyelid exposure.
Another method is called ice hooding, this is
where you get something really cold, preferably
a piece of ice, and place it on your eyelids for
five minutes. This stimulates brown fat
production and you'll get immediate results, you'll
need to use this consistently to get permanent
results. People who are native to the tundra have
low upper eyelid exposure for this exact reason.
The third thing you can do for death-tier
upper eyelid exposure is getting hyaluronic
acid fillers. This basically fills in all of the
exposure and solves the problem.

Scleral Show

This makes you look tired and sleepy, some

Chads can pull this off, but for the rest, it's a
looks minimizer. You ideally want your lower
eyelids to sit right below your iris, not covering it,
or else you'll look like you're squinting all the time

And not below it, or else you'll have scleral show.

Mewing is one way to fix this as it will push
the maxilla up, giving support and pushing the
lower eyelids up. Another way is squinting
exercises, as I have explained earlier. Surgical
options include getting a canthoplasty. I
strongly recommend trying non-surgical
options before undergoing any surgery.
Deep-set eyes
Deep-set eyes are a masculinizing trait in a man
and you can achieve them by enhancing your
brow bone. This gives the illusion of the eyes
being deeper set within the skull. One way you
can do this is by increasing your testosterone,
Vitamin K2, and growth hormone levels.[UWSL]
[/UWSL]Surgically, this can be done by getting a
brow bone implant. I heavily recommend getting
this done with Dr. Eppley as he is the best at these
things and you want it to be high quality.
Deep set eyes

Eye Color

Throughout the world but especially in the West,

light-colored eyes are prized to be more
attractive than dark-colored eyes as it is a
striking feature to have. We all know that light
eyes are a halo to others, specifically when
you're above a 5 out of 10.

A temporary solution to change your eye color is
colored contacts. You preferably want to measure your
iris and pupils to make sure that they'll fit perfectly. You
also want to purchase ones that look as real as possible
as well. These are not a very safe long-term solution as
you can irritate the eyes with long-term usage.

For more permanent solutions, using eye-lightening

drops can also work. These drops contain ingredients
that kill the melanin in your eyes to give you a lighter
Surgical options include getting laser eye surgery that
will laser the melanin out of your eyes for you. Sadly, you
don't really get to choose the eye color as the color
underneath is not known but it is usually blue, blue-green,
or green.

You could ask the doctors to use a less intense laser
if you're aiming for green for example. Usually,
patients will get green or blue. I do not recommend
this for people with dark shades of their eye color
as for example, if you have very dark brown eyes,
you could end up getting very dark blue eyes. I
would recommend using eye- lightening drops first.

If you have concerns about blindness, don't worry.

you'll only go blind if your pupils, the black middle
part of your eyes get burned or they laser really,
really close to it, which shouldn't happen. If you
want to go surgically but are extremely safety
paranoid, wait for the Stroma surgery to come

Other methods such as iris implants in which they

cut your eyes open and insert an iris out of it and
ketaro-pigmentation, which includes tattooing
your eyes both look extremely fake and iris
implants have a 60 to 80% complication rate, while
laser eye surgery has over 95% success rate, so
this is the safest surgical option.

Iris implants are very dangerous

Also, hyper-dosing antioxidants like Lutein,

Zeaxanthin, MSM, and Vitamin C can also lighten
your eye color by removing waste cells and
inhibiting and killing melanin. Some vegans report
their eye color changing due to their diet and this
is the reason why. Personally, I would recommend
that you take some eye-lightening drops, hyper-
dosing MSM, and the other supplements I listed
earlier and contemplate surgery if you are
unsatisfied with the results of the methods I just
listed. On top of that, make sure your sclera is fully
white as yellow and red scleras just look
unappealing. Wear red eye relief eye drops and
reduce inflammation in your eyes via anti-
inflammatory supplements, drugs, and an anti-
inflammatory diet, or just get some sleep
Info on eyebrow tilt. You want to be between neutral and low
trust. High trust makes you look like prey and cucked

Nagasaki eye area mog, and palate width mog too...

Common Failos
If you have a bad eye area, using sunglasses will be
a lifesaver as you can cover it up.

Definitely not death tier, average really, but his features

are negatively tilted.

And no, this man is 0-2% Pajeet at best. (He's of Latin Descent
I believe, some even say the Caribbean)

On the contrary, if you have a good eye area,
remove your glasses as they're making you less
attractive by hiding your eye area.

Here is a list of the shapes of glasses that suit your

eye shape.

If you have a unibrow, laser it off professionally
o use an at-home lasering device to remove it.

Eye Shaping
You can use this website to analyze your eye area:

Eye Color
Colored Contacts Websites:
Most Real (much more expensive):

Eye Lightening Drops I recommend, especially the
first one:
Laser Eye Surgery: I will put on some studies link on
this, other options,, (Not available
yet) or
Studies on the safety and efficacy of Laser Eye
Surgery, by

Studies showing that iris implants aren’t safe:
If you have yellow eyes, you need to consult a
doctor for jaundice
If you have red eyes, you either need sleep, have
dry eyes, have allergies or wear contacts too much.
You need to use an eyedrop relief drop. If you
have allergies, stay clear of the causant or reduce
eye inflammation as much as possible to diminish
You can wear to make
your sclera as white as possible
MSM: Absorbs better, apply on skin:, Absorbs worse: As you’ll need to
megadose this for this to work, you’ll need to take
a bare minimum of 10 grams daily. Recommended
is 15-20 grams. Necessary!
Lutein, Zeaxanthin: 2 to 4
tablets daily. Optional, but recommended.
Vitamin C. Thrice daily.
Metyrosine: A very expensive drug that is proven
to lighten eye color. It is EXPENSIVE! You can find
it on the internet for purchase.

Other Likely Lighteners, are taken best as eye drops but

can be swallowed.
Mulberry Extract - A herb that is a strong tyrosinase
inhibitor. (
NAC - Stimulates glutathione.
Licorice Extract - Strong tyrosinase inhibitor.
Resveratrol - An anti-aging supplement, that
suppresses tyrosinase.
Honey Eye Drops - Makes eyes appear lighter, it has a
slightly noticeable difference but it's slow and you have
to be consistent. Don’t think it’s worth it from my
experience, but it does work. Just too weakly.
Norfloxacin - An eyedrop that is designed to treat
bacterial infections but decreases tyrosinase activity in
the eyes.


Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Castor Oil:
Peppermint Oil:
Dyes for Eyebrows and Eyelashes:
Eyebrow Pen:

Eye Failos
At-Home Laser Device:
Eye Wrinkling Repair:
Collagen (for wrinkles)

I am just going to leave this here...

Good Eye Area = about +3.5 points!

Chapter 6
Essential Nutrients
This guide is about all the essential nutrients and
how to get all of them from animal food sources,
as part of a carnivore diet or otherwise.


I. Protein
Proteins are large biomolecules and macromolecules
that comprise one or more long chains of amino acid
residues. Proteins perform a vast array of functions
within organisms, including catalysing metabolic
reactions, DNA replication, responding to stimuli,
providing structure to cells and organisms, and
transporting molecules from one location to another.
Proteins differ from one another primarily in their
sequence of amino acids, which is dictated by
the nucleotide sequence of their genes, and
which usually results in protein folding into a
specific 3D structure that determines its activity.
Protein as a macronutrient has roughly the same
energy content as carbohydrates, namely ~4 kcal
(17 kJ) / g.

The required amount of protein is the topic of

an age old debate. For non active persons the
RDA recommends around 1 gram for each
bodyweight kilogram of protein per day, but
that's jackshit. You'll gona look like a muscle
less skinnyfat faggot with that amount. There
are another scientific papers that conclude
there's no point consuming more than 1.5 g /
bwkg as the excess is not absorbed.
Personally from half a decade of personal
experiments, my anecdotal opinion is in line
with the broader carnivore community. I
recommend 2-3 g of protein a day for each
lean (fatless) bodyweight kilogram. The higher
your protein consumption, the leaner you can
be sustainably without muscle wastage.
II. Amino acids
The most important aspect and defining
characteristic of protein from a nutritional
standpoint is its amino acid composition. Proteins
are polymer chains made of amino acids linked
together by peptide bonds. During human
digestion, proteins are broken down in the
stomach to smaller polypeptide chains via
hydrochloric acid and protease actions. This is
crucial for the absorption of the essential amino
acids that cannot be biosynthesized by the body.
There are 21 amino acids common to all life forms,
of which nine humans cannot synthetize thus need
to be consumed with food, six other amino acids
are conditionnaly essential, meaning their
synthesis can be limited under certain
pathophysiological conditions and last but not
least another six amino acids are non-essential,
meaning the human body is able to synthetize
Essential amino acids (EAA)
There are nine essential amino acids which
humans must obtain from their diet in order to
prevent protein–energy malnutrition and resulting
death. They are:

Conditionally essential amino acids

Six other amino acids are considered

conditionally essential in the human diet,
meaning their synthesis can be limited under
special pathophysiological conditions. They

Non-essential amino acids
Six amino acids are non-essential (dispensable) in
humans, meaning they can be synthesized in
sufficient quantities in the body. They are:

Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid

Animal vs plant based protein

Biological value (BV)

Biological value (BV) is a measure of the

proportion of absorbed protein from a food which
becomes incorporated into the proteins of the
organism's body. It captures how readily the
digested protein can be used in protein synthesis
in the cells of the organism. Proteins are the major
source of nitrogen in food.

BV assumes protein is the only source of nitrogen and
measures the amount of nitrogen ingested in relation
to the amount which is subsequently excreted. The
remainder must have been incorporated into the
proteins of the organisms body. A ratio of nitrogen
incorporated into the body over nitrogen absorbed
gives a measure of protein "usability" – the BV.
Some examples: (100 would mean 100% of the
nitrogen is incorporated
Food Biological value

Whey protein 96

Whole soy bean 96

Human milk 95

Chicken egg 94

Beef 92

Cow milk 90

Cheese 84

Rice 83

Fish 76

Bean 65

Whole wheat 64

White flour 41
Complete vs non-complete protein sources
As you can see in the table above, animal protein
sources tend to have higher biological values, than
plant ones, this is due to animal based food being
a complete protein source (they contain the nine
essential amino acids in ideal ratios) and plants,
aside from soy and few others being incomplete
protein sources (they don't contain the nine
essential amino acids in ideal ratios).

Some animal (complete) grams of protein

protein sources per 100g

Cheeses 15-40

Muscle meat, including

fish 15-25

Quark, cottage cheese


Complementary protein
Aside from soy, buckwheat and hempseeds, plants
lack one or more essential amino acids.

In legumes' and vegetables case is usually

Grains lack lysine and threonine
Nuts and seeds lack lysine
Corn lacks tryptophan and lysine

To combat this, humanity have been combining

each plants with others that complement
other's amino acids profile. Like grains with
legumes. Just think of food like Mexican burritos,
Levantine tahini with hummus and pita, etc.
The inherent problems of plant protein sources

Despite complementing, plants are still

should be a last resort (in case of famine) to
intake protein, due to:

Not a single living organism wants to be destroyed.
Plants might not fight back with physical force
unlike animals due to their stationary nature but
they do harm those who eat them, with myriads of
purpose produced chemicals called antinutrients.

Carbohydrate content
Even if we disregard the abundance of harmful
antinutrients found in plant protein sources, there's
still one more critical flaw that cannot be ignored.
Plants rich in protein more often than not are also
filled to the brim with carbohydrates, at least that
is certainly the case for legumes and grains (e.g.
for every 10g of protein from wheat, you consume
80g of carbs). More in the IV. Carbohydrates
section about why excessive carbohydrates,
especially starches are horrible for you.
You cannot effecitvely lean down eating plant
protein sources, since their high carbohydrate
content keeps your blood sugar levels high. Another
way to look at it is protein per calorie. You can
consume as much protein as possible with the least
amount of calories from animal sources, since e.g.
lean meat is nothing but protein and water. ©ofglowkey
III. Lipids
Fats should be your main energy source. Either
from your bodyfat or dietary sources, they
provide more than double the amount of energy
than carbs and proteins at 9.3 kcal (39 kJ) / g. My
recommendation is to consume 2-3x the amount
of your bodyweight in grams of fat, depending on
your activity level, in combination with 2-3x
protein and 30-50 grams of simple carbohydrates.

Ketosis is a metabolic state characterized
by elevated levels of ketone bodies in the
blood or urine. Physiological ketosis is a
normal response to low glucose availability,
such as low-carbohydrate diets or fasting,
that provides an additional energy source
for the brain in the form of ketones. In
physiological ketosis, ketones in the blood
are elevated above baseline levels, but the
body's acid– base homeostasis is maintained

There may be side effects when changing over
from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism.
These may include headache, fatigue, dizziness,
insomnia, difficulty in exercise tolerance,
constipation, and nausea, especially in the first
days and weeks after starting a ketogenic diet.
Breath may develop a sweet, fruity flavor via
production of acetone that is exhaled because of
its high volatility. This is known as the adaptation
period and it may last for weeks, depending on
yoour level of carbohydrate intake beforehand.

I don't recommend being in ketosis all the time.

Preferably before and after exercise you should
consume some simple carbs, to elevate your blood
sugar level and stimulate an insulin response

Saturated fatty acids

Although saturated fat has been demonized for
decades by big pharma, it's an essential part of
the diet. It should be your main energy source. It
is essential for healthy testosterone levels. Feel
free to consume it in any amounts, according to
your needs based on your activity level.

Most animal fat is saturated. If the food is solid in
room temperature, it is mostly made up of
saturated fat.

You should always cook your meal with either
butter or animal fat (pork, goose, beef lard etc.).
Never use vegetable oils for cooking, they are
Another one that has been demonized for
decades so that statine producing pharma
companies and margarine producers with their
lies can make profit from your harm.

Cholesterol is absolutely essential for androgen

hormone production

and although our body can synthetize some amount,
it's good to consume as much as you can. It can only
be found in animal based foods.

The best sources of cholesterol are eggs, red meat,

organs, seafood and dairy, especially cheese. Always
eat the opposite (((they))) tell you. Make no mistake,
the foods they demonize are the most essential ones
to be healthy and strong both in the body and mind.
Monounsaturated fatty acids

Chemically speaking, monounsaturated fatty acids

(MUFAs) are fat molecules with one unsaturated
double carbon bond. These fats are usually liquid
when at room temperature and turn solid when
chilled. They are found in many foods, also in
meats among with other fats, not much more to
say, you eat them either way.

III. Carbohydrates
Despite 99% of the population running on glucose,
carbohydrates are in fact a non-essential
macronutrient. In absence of them the body switches
from glucolysis to ketosis, in another words using
body & dietary fat for energy to keep running.

The brain do needs glucose to function but
glucose can be still made by the body without
dietary carb intake through the demand-driven
metabolic pathway of gluconeogenesis, which can
convert proteins and lipids into glucose.

With that said, I certainly don't recommend

totally abstaining from carbohydrates as being
in a constant state of ketosis is stressful for the
body and ultimately catabolic over the long term
(due to no blood sugar levels spiking - insulin is
an anabolic hormone but it's good to use it
moderation). Again, this is solely my anecdotal
observation from multiple years of trial and
error. I recommend a daily carbohydrate intake
of around 30-50 grams (could be less but not
more). This amount has proven to be the sweet
spot for many. With it I am in anabolic state yet
the amount is far too little to rollercoaster ride
my blood sugar level, this way I can stay around
at 10% body fat year around without limiting my
calories. This is something guys running off of
glucolysis only could dream of.

Hoping to lean down while being in glucolysis
by restricting caloric intake and / or fasting is
retarded. The body always responds to
restricting with accumulation as it think you are
amidst a famine. Burning fat is not it's trivial
choice, it will burn anything from muscle mass
to collagen. Carbohydrates hinder fat loss since
the body cannot burn fat while constantly being
in a state of high blood sugar levels. By
abstaining from carbs, your body will naturally
turn to your bodyfat deposits to energy,
preserving your hard gained muscles in the
The 30-50 grams of daily carbs should all
be simple carbs (sugars) and should come
from dairy in the form of lactose (milk
sugar). 2-3 cups of whole milk should do the

Never ever consume starches, they are

horrible nutrients that will only bloat you.

Although the mainstream fitness advice is to
consume enough both water soluble and non soluble
fiber to avoid constipation, this couldn't be further
from the truth. It does slow down the digestion of
foods, which comes handy if you eat carb heavy
dishes, since the elongated absorption also means a
more gentler glycemic load.

Their usefullness ends here, if you otherwise don't

consume carbs, there's no point of intaking ANY
fiber as fiber is ultimately undigestable plant matter
that rots in your intestines.

Many of looksmaxxers who i know consume fiber

aside from a few times in the last 3-4 years and they
are just fine.
IV. Vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins are similar to oil and do
not dissolve in water. They are most abundant
in high fat foods and are much better absorbed
into your bloodstream when you eat them with
fat. The fat- soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K, are
stored in the body for long periods of time and
generally pose a greater risk
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and an essential
nutrient for humans.

Vitamin A occurs as two principal forms in foods:

a) as retinol, found in animal-sourced foods
b) as carotenoids (like beta carotene, lycopene
etc.), in plant based foods

Deficiencies of vitamin A is relatively common

worldwide and is linked to bad eyesight and more
importantly from a looksmaxxing perspective,
harmful effect to skin (increased susceptibility to
skin infection and inflammation). In fact according
to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD),
retinol (retinoid), a topical form of vitamin A, can
help treat and prevent inflammatory acne lesions.
The organization recommends using topical
retinoids to treat several types of acne. Retinol
may help improve acne by: decreasing
You can use this useful effect of it with tretinoin
but as my personal anecdotal observations
suggest, simply eating liver regularly also helps (as
it has by far the most retinol in it out of any food).

On the other side, hypervitaminosis A, the
oversdosing of retinol can do occur, since it's a fat-
soluble vitamin we are talking about. You should
take into account liver's high retinol content and
consume it responsibly.

Carotenosis, more commonly known as the

yellowish-warm discoloration of the skin due to the
consumption of high amounts of carotenoids (beta
carotene & lycopene) on the other hand is
harmless. Consumption of greater than 30 mg/day
for a prolonged period has been confirmed as
leading to carotenemia. Carotenodermia is
reversible upon cessation of excessive intake.

The reccomended daily amount of vitamin A is

around 900μg RAE (retinol activity equivalent),
with the tolerable upper limit being 3 000μg RAE /
day. IU = International unit. 1 IU ~= 0.3μg of retinol

Animal food source IU of retinol per 100g

40 000 (1350% of
Duck liver RDA)

27 000
Turkey liver
21 650
Pork liver
16 900
Beef liver

11 000
Chicken liver

The best sources of beta carotene aside from


mg of ß-carotene per
Plant food source

Sweet potato 9.4

Carrots 9.2

Pumpkin 6.9

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids
responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of
calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and many other
biological effects. In humans, the most important
compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also known
as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). The
former is only found in food derived from animals
The major natural source of the vitamin is synthesis of
cholecalciferol in the lower layers of epidermis of the
skin through a chemical reaction that is dependent on
sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation).
Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol can be ingested
from the diet and supplements. Only a few foods,
such as the flesh of fatty fish, naturally contain
significant amounts of vitamin D.

Vitamin D from the diet, or from skin synthesis, is

biologically inactive. It is activated by two protein
enzyme hydroxylation steps, the first in the liver and
the second in the kidneys. As vitamin D can be
synthesized in adequate amounts by most mammals
if exposed to sufficient sunlight. The ability to
synthetize vitamin D using sunlight is greatly

hindered by melanin in the skin, which means the
darker your skin is, the more dietary cholecalciferol you

An estimated one billion people worldwide are either

vitamin D insufficient or deficient. Vitamin D deficiency
is widespread in the European population. A diet with
insufficient vitamin D in conjunction with inadequate
sun exposure causes vitamin D deficiency, which makes
you depressed, worsens calciumabsorption and
testosterone production.

The recommended daily amount is around 10-15μg

(400-600 IU).

The best source of vitamin D3 is by far fatty sea fish.

Animal food source μg of vitamin D3 per 100g

Mackerel 16 (300% of RDA)

Salmon 14

Tuna 5.7

Sardines 5

Herring 4

Eggs 1.5

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that

protects tissues while fat is burned for energy.
Severe deficiency is rare, but low intakes of
vitamin E have been linked to high oxidative
stress and tissue damage. Vitamin E is unique in
that it is fat soluble and literally weaves itself
into the fatty outer layer of the cell (the cell
membrane) to stand guard and neutralize
damaging compounds.

The benefits of vitamin E extend beyond its

antioxidant capabilities. It also disrupts platelet
aggregation, meaning it has a slightly blood
thinning effect. In this capacity it may have a
positive impact on cardiovascular health –
allowing blood to flow freely through blood
vessels. This same effect is observed in other
heart healthy nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin E is

15mg. Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin. So in
nature, the higher concentrations will be in foods
with fat, the best source being fatty fish.
Animal food source mg of vitamin E per 100g

Fish roe 7

Abalone 4

Trout 2.8

Sardines 2

Mackerel 1.5

Salmon 1.1

Eggs 1

Muscle meat in general 0.3

The Daily Value (DV) is a reference amount set

for adults to consume of a particular nutrient
each day. The DV for vitamin E is set at 15 mg of
alpha- tocopherol, the only form of vitamin E
maintained in our blood plasma (*). Although this
is the working number set for vitamin E in the US,
the FNB acknowledges that more research is
needed to accurately characterize the amount of
vitamin E required for optimal human health.
Now, if you do a simple google search for food
sources of vitamin E, you’ll come across many
vegetable oils listed. But what you’ll want to keep
in mind is that vegetable oils are typically high in
inflammatory omega 6 fats and they are typically
processed in a way that produces free radicals
(highly manufactured, high heat and chemical
laden processes). So how much sense does it make
to get your anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
nutrients if they come bathed in free
radicals.Exactly, not much.

In another words, vitamin E is another case where

the requirement is likely lower if you abstain from
plant food.

Vitamin K
Vitamin K refers to structurally similar, fat-
soluble vitamers. The human body requires
vitamin K for controlling binding of calcium in
bones and other tissues.

Vitamin K1 is made by plants, and is found in
highest amounts in green leafy vegetables, because
it is directly involved in photosynthesis. It is active
as a vitamin in animals and performs the classic
functions of vitamin K, including its activity in the
production of blood-clotting proteins. Animals may
also convert it to vitamin K2, variant MK-4. Bacteria
in the gut flora can also convert K1 (phylloquinone)
into MK-4. All forms of K2 other than MK-4 can only
be produced by bacteria, which use these during
anaerobic respiration. Vitamin K3 (menadione), a
synthetic form of vitamin K, was used to treat
vitamin K deficiency, but because it interferes with
the function of glutathione, it is no longer used this
way in human nutrition.

The adequate daily amount for vitamin K (US

Academy of Medicine does not distuingish between
vitamin K1 & K2) is set at 120μg. No sufficient data
exists for tolerable upper limit.

Phylloquinone (K1) has been determined to have the

bioavaibility of only 5-10% when consumed from plant
based foods (thereduced bioavailability of plant-
sourced vitamin K appears to be due to a tight binding
of phylloquinone to the thylakoid membrane of plant
chloroplasts). K2 is superior to K1, so it's kinda
redundant, but you can still get it from animal sources:
Animal food source μg of vitamin K1 per 100g

Egg yolk 7

Butter 2

Mackerel 1

Beef chuck 0.6

Some K2 sources:

Animal food source μg of vitamin K2 per 100g

Cheese 300-500

Goose liver 370

Beef liver 106

Milk 38

Turkey sausage 37

Chicken meat 36

Bacon 35

V. Water

I recommend a daily water intake level of

at least 1 liter per 20 kilograms of your
bodyweight. Always keep yourself hydrated
by drinking many times but not a lot at each
occasion. Avoid drinking from plastic bottles
and don't worry about the fluoride meme as
there are very few places where they put
fluoride into drining water.

Mineral water can be a good supplement if

you can get it in glass bottles. The ones that
have high magnesium content are the most

Chapter- 7 Lips
Benefits of full lips:
- perceived as more youthful
- enhances facial symetry
- more appealing smile
- sign of genetic quality
- improves kissing skills

Examples of full lips:

Full lips vs thin lips

What determines the lip fullness?

1. Genetics
Self explanitory
Some individuals may have genetically inherited
fuller lips, while others may have thinner lips due
to their genetic makeup. Genetics determine the
lip musculature.

2. Collagen, hydraulic acid levels

Collagen and hyaluronic acid are substances
present in the skin that contribute to its structure
and volume.
Higher levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid in
the lips can result in increased fullness.

3. Fat
The fat stored in the lips obviously contribute
to their overall fullness and shape.

4. Hydration
Hydration is important for keeping the lips
moist and supple, as dry and cracked lips can
appear smaller, deflated and less appealing.

5. Age and hormones

Age affects lip fullness by reducing the amount
of fat and collagen in the lips, making them
thinner and less plump.
Hormonal levels can also affect lip fullness,
especially estrogen, which can increase blood
flow and swelling in the lips

How can we increase the lip fullness and

attractiveness without surgery?
Brushing lips with a toothbrush each day can
temporarily increase lip fullness. The brushing
may stimulate blood circulation in the lips,
leading to temporary redness and slight
This increased blood flow can create the
appearance of fuller lips for a short period.
Brushing the lips with a toothbrush can help
exfoliate the surface layer of dead skin cells,
promoting smoother and potentially plumper-
looking lips. Removing the buildup of dead skin

2. Vaseline

Applying vaseline on the lips increases

moisture retention, provides a smoothing
effect and makes them more "reflective". This
can give the illusion of enhanced volume by
making them slightly more fuller and

3. Hydraulic acid serum

Applying a hyaluronic acid serum to the lips can

help it retain moisture and improve hydration.
Well-hydrated lips appear plumper and fuller
Hyaluronic acid molecules have a high molecular
weight, which allows them to temporarily
increase the volume of the lips upon application.
When applied it can create a cushion-like effect
by binding to water molecules in the skin, leading
to a temporary plumping effect.
Hyaluronic acid has aslo been shown to promt
your body to produce more collagen so applying
it to the lips would likely increase the collagen

Before and after using hydraulic acid

serum for 1 week

4. Peptide serums like matrixyl

Stimulates collagen synthesis , more collagen =

fuller lips, reduced wrinkles etc
Enhances skin barrier which plays a role in
retaining moisture and hydration.

5. Volufiline

Volufiline works by increasing the amount of

fat stored in the cells, leading to an increase in
volume in the area where it is applied, in this
case the lips.

Before and after volufiline

6. Microneedling

Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin

Microneedling leads to enhanced product
absorption, so the other methods will work better
in combination with dermarolling
It is recommended to use a microneedlning
device such as a dermaroller (or derminator if
you are rich, reduces scarring) with a length of
0.5 mm every second week.

Before and after using derma roller for 2 years

How can we Increase lip fullness with
Botox Lip flip

This procedure provides a subtle and natural

effect, but it may influence the length of the
philtrum due to changes in muscle tension.
Whether this is a significant factor for you or not is
subjective. Keep in mind that facial expressions
may be impacted as the nerves are affected. This
option only provides temporary results so I
wouldnt recommend it.
This option only provides temporary results so I
wouldnt recommend it.

Before and after lip flip

2. Lip fillers:

Skillful administration of fillers by an experienced

professional can achieve your desired lip shape
and fullness. However, it's important to note that
over time, the filler may migrate into the upper
lip and philtrum area, resulting in an exaggerated
and puffy appearance. Dissolving the filler is an
option if desired or if migration occurs.
This option provides temporary results aswell.

3. Lip blushing

In this procedure a permanent color is tattooed

onto the lips by a skilled technician. During the
process, the technician can slightly enhance the
natural lip outline. Temporary side effects such
as crusting, bleeding, and swelling may occur
but subside within a day. To maintain the
desired outcome, touch-up sessions are
recommended every five years.

4. Permanent Fillers (Artefill/Artecoll/Bellafill)

These fillers contain collagen and PMMA

microspheres, stimulating the production of
natural collagen. They provide a long-term
solution as they remain in the body for years.
However, there is a risk of filler migration and
lump formation. Removing the filler can be a slow
process involving multiple injections of anti-
proliferative drugs like steroids, hyaluronidase,
and 5-fluorouracil.

5. Lip Implants

Custom-made implants, typically composed of

silicone, are surgically placed to achieve the
desired lip shape and fullness. Risks include the
body reacting to the implant and potential
stiffness. The advantage is that lip implants can
be easily removed if desired.

Before and after lip implants

6. Fat Grafting

This procedure involves the extraction of fat

from another area of the body through
liposuction. After purification, the fat is
injected into the lips. Risks include fat
absorption, lumpiness, uneven results, and oil
cysts. Removing integrated fat from the lips is
challenging, so it's important to address any
concerns within three months to avoid
prolonged dissatisfaction.

7. Lip Lift

Various techniques exist for lip lifts, but the

overall objective is to increase lip size while
reducing philtrum length. In a typical bullhorn
lip lift, a section of skin beneath the nose is
excised, and the remaining skin is sutured to
the area beneath, lifting the upper lip skin to
expose more of it. Risks include temporary or
permanent paralysis, noticeable scarring, and
limited lip mobility. It's worth noting that lip
lifts can sometimes result in a flatter
appearance, necessitating additional filler for
a rounded lip aesthetic.

Before and after lip lift



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