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1. Which of the below was a poet of the Revolutionary Period?

A)Walt Whitman

B)Jonathan Swift

C)Washington Irving

D)James Fenimore Cooper

E)Nathaniel Hawthorne

2. Which of the below are the two black writers of the Colonial Period?

A)Olaudah Equiano (Gustavus Vassa) - Jupiter Hammon

B)Roger Williams- Samuel Sewall

C) William Byrd- John Woolman

D)Olaudah Equiano- Michael Wigglesworth

E) Robert Beverley- Jupiter Hammon

3. Which of the below is not one of the themes of Dr. Heidegger's Experiment by

Nathaniel Hawthorne?

A)longing for the past

B)age and wisdom

C) wisdom that comes with aging


E)eternal youth

4. Which of the below cannot be stressed by the American Enlightenment?

A) equality
B) tradition

C) natural rights of man

D) justice

Ε) liberty

5. Which of the below is wrong about the Slave Narratives?

A)Slave narratives are in the form of fiction and autobiographies.

B)"Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiana; or, Gustavus Vassa, the

American, Written by Himself" was the first slave narrative to be an international best-


C)Majority of slave narratives were written by slave owners.

D)There are writings of African-born Muslims who wrote in Arabic.

E)White American sailors who were captured by the North-African pirates wrote slave


6. ………..developed American Gothic, used scientific theories, and expressed

subconscious fears.

A)James Fenimore Cooper

B)Phillis Wheatley

C)Royall Tyler

D) Charles Brockden Brown

E) Washington Irving

7. ……….. was a poet and journalist, writing anti- slavery poems such as


A) Walt Whitman

B) Margaret Fuller

C) James Russell Lowell

D) Emily Dickenson

E) John Greenleaf Whittier

8. Who was accepted as America's first great man of letters and was the writer

of "Autobiography"?

A)Benjamin Franklin

B)Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur

C)Charles Brockden Brown

D)Thomas Paine

E)James Fenimore Cooper

9. Which of the below types of writing was financially profitable in the

Revolutionary Period?

A) poetry

B) diary

C) journalism

D) fiction

E) religious writing

10. Which of the below can be a feature of Romanticisin?





E) Subjectivity

11. Which of the below is not about Gothics?

A-sensations of awe and terror

B-set in ruined castles

C-preoccupied with the su limity and beauty of nature

D-nature presented as awe-inspiring

E-deals with magic

12. Which of the below is a concept that is referred to in



B-the survival of the fittest

C-free will

D-natural laws

E-Darwin's theory

13. Which of the below is the first American comedy to be staged?


B-The Conquest of Canaan

C-Modern Chivalry

D-American Liberty

E- The Contrast

14. Who is the earliest woman prose writer of note?

A-Hannah Foster

B-Marw Rowlandson

C-Emily Dickinson

D-Sarah Kemble Knight

E-Anne Bradstreet

15. Which of the below is a work written by Christopher

Columbus to recount the discovery?

B-History of the Indians

C-Vinland Saga

D-The exploration


16. Which of the below cannot be stated about Tell-Tale Heart


B-disturbed psyche




17. Which of the below cannot be a genre of Native American



B-fairy tales




18. Which of the cannot be stated about the Brahmin Poets?

A-associated with Cambridge University

B-Brahmin is a reference to Brahma, the highest caste in Hindu society

C-aristocratic and wealthy

D-advocated the democratic ideals

E-conservatives in their art

19. Who wrote The Leaves of Grass and Song of Myself stressing

the individual and self?

a.Edgar Allan Poe

b.Henry David Thoreau

c.Phillip Frenau

d.Ralph Waldo Emerson

d.Walt Whitman

20. Which of the below was written by William Bradford?

a.The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America

b.Of Plymouth Plantation

c.The Day of Doom

d.Metrical History of Christianity

e.Mayflower Compact

21. Which of the below can be ascribed to Henry David Thoreau?



c.Civil Disobedience



22. During the Revolutionary Period, letters written by women

were important documents. One such letter writer demands

women's independence. Who was the writer of this letter?

a.Otis Warren

b.Susanna Rowson

c.Abigail Adams

d.Judith Sargent Murray

Hannah Foster
23. Which of the below cannot be a theme in Puritan writing? as a test


c.The battle between the forces of God and Satan

d.heavenly bliss


24. What is the name of the magazine published by the


a.the Common Cause

b.The Dial

c.The Wit

d.the Spirit


25. Which of the below is not about American Romanticism?

A)Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B)Ralph Waldo Emerson

C)Henry David Thoreau

D)psychological states


26. Which of the below cannot be a theme in Bartleby the

Scrivener by Herman Melville?


B)isolation in the workspace

C)commendation of business

D)Passive Resistance

E)resistance to capitalist business culture

27. ………was a naturalist writing The Red Badge of Courage and

Maggie: A Girl of Streets.

A. Edith Wharton

B. Henry James

C. Jack London

D. Stephen Crane

E. Theodore Dreiser

28. Who is the first professional woman journalist of note in


A. Hannah Foster

B. Susanna Rowson

C. Margaret Fuller

D. Anne Bradstreet

E. Emily Dickenson

29. Dependence is a state of degradation fraught with disgrace,

and to be dependent on a foreign mind for what we can ourselves

produce is to add to the crime of indolence the weakness of


The above quotation from a magazine of the Revolutionary Period

discusses the…….¿

A. scientific dependence

B. intellectual dependence

C. dependence on British literary modes

D. economic dependence

E. political dependence
30.Which poet wrote "An Address to the Negroes of the State of New York"?

A. Jupiter Hammon

B. William Byrd

C. John Woolman

D. Anne Bradstreet

E. Olaudah Equiano

31.Which of the below cannot be a feature of Dark Romanticism?

A. optimism

B. anthropomorphization of evil

C. self-destruction

D. human fallibility

E. sin

32.Who has been deemed the first American writer to earn his living from


A. Emily Dickinson

B. Charles Brockden Brown

C. James Fenimore Cooper

D. Benjamin Franklin

E. Washington Irving

33.Which of the below cannot be a feature of Civil Disobedience?

A. an essay written by Henry David Thoreau

B. civil rights


D.resistance to injustice

E. passive resistance
34.Which of the below work has been accepted as the harbinger of the

Declaration of Independence?

A. Mayflower Compact

B. The Day of Doom

C. Of Plymouth Plantation

D. Metrical History of Christianity

E. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America

35.……….was the author of The House of Mirth, the Age of Innocence and Ethan

Frome, writing about the Europeans and the Americans. Who is this author?

A. Kate Chopin

B. William Dean Howells

C. Stephen Crane

D. Edith Warton

E. Henry James

36.Who wrote about the frontiers embodied in the character of Natty Bumppo?

A.Nathaniel Hawthorn

B.Rudyard Kippling

C.James Fenimore Cooper

D.Washington Irving

E.Charles Dickens

37.Which of the below features is not stressed in Romanticism?

A. transcendental experience

B. hero's inner struggles

C. human psychology

D. the genius
E. scientific objectivity

38.…..was a poet who became the first influential newspaper editor in America?

A. Walt Whitman

B. Edgar Allan Poe

C. John Trumbull

D. Timothy Dwight

E. Phillip Frenau

39.Which of the below is a feature of the American Enlightenment?

A) stress on the natural rights of man

B) authoritarion state

C) tradition

D) religious dogmas

E) inequality

40.…..was the earliest European to define the new American character and

presented America as a melting pot.

A. Benjamin Franklin

B. Washington Irving

C. Thomas Jefferson

D. Herman Melville

E. Hector StJohn de Crèvecoeur

41.Which of the below wrote the stories about an Indian princess Pocahontas?


B.Thomas Hariot

C.Christopher Columbus

D.Bartolome de Casas
E.John Smith

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