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Last April 22, 2024, I attended a two day seminar for all 3rd year and 4th year

education student in
Bohol Island State University, Calape Campus. It is a Seminar-Workshop on Becoming an Innovative
Educators with a theme: "Preparing the Aspiring Future Educators in the Milestone of their Profession".

The first speaker of Day 1 was Ma'am Marietta B. Naquilla. I knew her because she was our adviser in
Grade 7 gumamela. The first session of her lecture tackles about bad effects of multitasking.
Multitasking is actually task switching in disguise. When you try to do two things at once-like checking
your email during a meeting-you're actually jumping between those two tasks at lightning speed. Task
switching takes precious mental effort, meaning you're likely to make more errors and get less done.
She also tackles about

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