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Name: Holizatul Mutmainah

Class: 7-TP3

Nim: E1D020094

Worksheet #3 - Describe Your Business Idea

1. Describe your business goals.

- The aim of this business is to create employment opportunities for indigenous communities living
around the location. Apart from that, the villa that I built there will certainly be able to attract foreign and
domestic tourists, so that Senaru village will become more advanced and known in the world of tourism.
Apart from making big profits in the world of tourism, here I can also indirectly help tourists in preparing
a pleasant place to stay or holiday for them. and this can reduce the unemployment rate among the
younger generation.

2. What exactly are the products and/or services that your business is going to provide? (Describe in
detail the new products/services.)

- The services provided to guests or visitors to the villa include providing comfortable temporary
accommodation for them such as bedrooms, bathrooms, camping areas, restaurants, parking lots, prayer
rooms, as well as views of Mount Rinjani and a calming atmosphere.

3. Is this business new or existing? (If already operating, indicate when it started and describe the
ownership of the business, current operations, current products, and location.)

- This business has been around for a long time, but I want to add other facilities such as a hall to hold
large events such as weddings. Apart from that, this business has been started since 2019 and the owner
of this business is my older brother. The place is in a village called Senaru Village which is located right
under the foot of Mount Rinjani.

4. When and where do you want to start this business or this expansion?

- This business will start operating in early 2024 and is located in Senaru village, this place has natural
beauty including views of hills, mountains, waterfalls, traditional villages that are still preserved.

5. Who will be on your management team? (Describe who is involved in management along with a
description of the roles and responsibilities.)

- several village youths who are tenacious, diligent and honest in their work as listed below:

1. Holizatul Mutmainah as managers who create a business

2. Mawazzatun Zohrah and Lutfi Perdian as chefs

3. Arnaya Ames as receptionist.

4. Andri and Hendra as housekeeping

5. Widya Wulandari as a room service

6. What resources you will need?

- Financial Resources: financial resources require about 250 million.

- Human Resources: Of course, human resources are needed and the support of local residents is
important for security around the villa.

7. What results do you expect to achieve based on your goals? (Identify business objectives in short and
longer term.)

- My desire regarding this business is of course to create jobs for local residents by employing the young
generation who don't have jobs and make Senaru village a developed tourist destination that is well
known to everyone.

Worksheet #4 - Who will buy Your Product?

This worksheet will help you develop a detailed profile of your target market(s).

1. Identify the type of visitors you will serve

- Tourist

- Traveler

-2. Answer the following questions for each type of visitor you will serve:

Why do they travel?

- because they want to explore new places, experience different cultures, relax, or even travel for work or

When do they travel?

- They usually travel at the end of the year and mid-year holidays.

How often do they travel?

- Some people may vacation several times a year, while others may only take it once every few years.
This really depends on personal preference, time availability, budget, and various other factors. Some
people may plan frequent short vacations, such as weekends or short vacations, while others may plan
less frequent long-term trips.
How do they travel?

- A traveler's journey can vary greatly depending on their goals, budget, preferences and travel goals

How do they spend their money?

- Travelers spend their money on various purposes during their trip. Here are some common ways in
which they spend money: Transportation, accommodation, food, shopping, insurance, health, souvenirs

How price-sensitive are they?

- A traveler's sensitivity to price can vary significantly from one individual to another. Some travelers are
very price sensitive and try to find the best deals, avoid overspending, and plan trips within a tight budget.
They may prefer more affordable accommodations, eat at cheaper places, and look for cheaper plane
tickets or transportation.

Who are they are (age, family types, income, marital status, education and lifestyle patterns)?

- Travelers' ages, family types, incomes, marital status, education, and lifestyle patterns vary widely, and
no single profile represents all travelers. Travel can be an activity undertaken by various groups of
people. However, here is a general overview of the diversity in traveler characteristics: Age: Travelers
can come from various age groups, from children to adults and even the elderly. Young travelers may be
more likely to seek adventure and travel on a more limited budget, while older travelers may have
different preferences. Family Type: Travelers can be individuals traveling alone, couples, families with
children, or groups of friends. This type of family will influence the type of travel and accommodation
they choose. Income: Travelers with different income levels will have different travel budgets. Some are
on a tight budget and looking for ways to save money, while others may have a bigger budget for luxury
travel. Marital Status: Travelers can be single, partnered, or have a family. Marital status can influence
the purpose of the trip and the type of activity chosen. Education: People with different educational
backgrounds can have diverse interests and travel goals. Some may be interested in cultural and historical
travel, while others may be more interested in natural adventures. Lifestyle Patterns: Traveler lifestyle
patterns vary greatly. Some like adventure travel, hiking, or beach vacations, while others may prefer city
trips, shopping, or leisure activities.

How many are expected?

- A traveler's expectations can vary significantly from one individual to another. Some common
expectations that travelers often have include: Exploring New Places: Many travelers have hopes of
visiting new places, exploring different cultures, and experiencing unique experiences. Learning and
Personal Growth: Travelers often expect the opportunity to learn more about the world, expand their
horizons, and perhaps even face challenges that allow for personal growth. Precious Memories: The
ultimate hope for many travelers is to create precious memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.
Socializing and Meeting New People: Travelers often look forward to the opportunity to meet and interact
with new people, both fellow travelers and local residents. Exploring Nature and Natural Beauty: For
some travelers, exploring nature and natural beauty is the main hope, such as exploring mountains,
beaches or other natural places. Escape from Routine: Some travelers want to escape from their daily
routine and enjoy the freedom that comes with travel. Pursue Special Interests: Most travelers have
special interests such as history, culinary, adventure, or art, and they expect their travel to satisfy these
interests. Increase Understanding of the World: Travelers often hope that travel will help them understand
the world better, including social, cultural, and environmental issues.

What interests them?

- A traveler's interests can vary greatly depending on personality, preferences and personal experiences.
Some general factors that can attract a traveler include: Culture: Many travelers are interested in
exploring new cultures, such as exploring local traditions, art, architecture and language. History: A rich
history and historic remains are often a major attraction for those who like to understand how a place
developed over time. Culinary: Food enthusiasts often seek out authentic culinary experiences, trying
regional specialties and exploring local food markets. Adventure: Some travelers look for extreme
adventures such as mountain climbing, diving, or other challenging outdoor activities. Nature and
Environment: Natural beauty, such as beaches, mountains and national parks, can be a big attraction for
travelers who want to experience the natural beauty of the world. Arts and Performances: Seeing
performing arts, theater, or cultural festivals can appeal to those who love arts and entertainment. Meeting
Local People: Meeting local people and gaining first-hand insight into daily life and local culture can be
very engaging. Historical or Spiritual Journeys: Some travelers are interested in historical or spiritual
journeys, such as following in the footsteps of a religious figure or visiting historical places that have
special meaning. Ecological and Social Activities: Some travelers care about sustainability and social
justice, and they may look for opportunities to participate in ecological or social activities in the
destinations they visit. Fun and Entertainment: There are also travelers who are looking for a relaxing
vacation, entertainment, and fun, such as vacationing in a resort or city that offers an active nightlife. It's
important to remember that a traveler's interests can vary widely, and what is interesting to one person
may not be to another. Therefore, travel is an opportunity to pursue personal interests and explore
different aspects of the world

Where do they come from?

- They come from various regions in Indonesia and various countries.

3. How many of the tourists in each category could potentially use your service or facility? (Consider the
proportion of tourists that require accommodations and preferences that have been shown for hotel, motel,
bedand-breakfast or campground accommodations. Is this pattern changing? How does your business
concept respond to this pattern?)

- I think 75 percent. because this Villa have a great relation and complete facilities. My bussiness prepare
any concept to respond this pattern like, update every facilities.

4. What do you estimate the demand for your business to be for the next five years? (Consider the nature
of the tourist traffic in the area - who visits, how long do they stay, what services do they use? Has tourist
traffic to the area been increasing, decreasing or holding its own over the last several years? What share
of the tourist market do you think your business will capture?)
- Many Tourist and traveler from germany anda france visit this villa is 55 percent. The regional estimate
for the next 3 years for the camping ground tourism business is 75 percent. because, judging from the
current economic level and seeing the condition of visitors there may not be as many as when this
business was first established.

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