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Name: Calungcaguin, Juliana Mae C.

M6: Check-in Activity 2

Section: BSN 2B

1. In a study of diagnostic processes, entering clinical graduate students are shown a

20-minute videotape of children’s behavior and asked to rank-order 10 behavioral
events on the tape in the order of the importance each has for a behavioral
assessment. (1 = most important.) The data are then averaged to produce an average
rank ordering for the entire class. The same thing was then done using experienced
clinicians. The data is below. Check the measurement of agreement between
experienced (E) and novice (N) clinicians. Use alpha = 0.05.

E 1 3 2 7 5 4 8 6 9 10

N 2 4 1 6 5 3 10 8 7 9

We aim to find Spearman’s correlation coefficient to measure the agreement between
experienced and novice clinicians. However, we will use Pearson’s correlation coefficient
formula for the rankings.

Experienced(X) New (x-x̄ ) (y-ȳ) (x-x̄ ). (y-ȳ) (x-x̄ )^2 (y-ȳ)^2


1 2 -4.5 -3.5 15.75 20.25 12.25

3 4 -2.5 -1.5 3.75 6.25 2.25

2 1 -3.5 -4.5 15.75 12.25 20.25

7 6 1.5 0.5 0.75 2.25 0.25

5 5 -0.5 -0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25

4 3 -1.5 -2.5 3.74 2.25 6.25

8 10 2.5 4.5 11.25 6.25 20.25

6 8 0.5 2.5 1.25 0.25 6.25

9 7 3.5 1.5 5.35 12.25 2.25

10 9 4.5 3.5 15.75 20.25 12.25

73.5 82.5 82.5

Σ(x-x̄ )(y-ȳ)= 73.5

Σ(x-x̄ )^2=82.5
- The Spearman’s correlation coefficient that measures the agreement between
experienced and novice clinicians is 0.8909
- The covariance of the two variables is 8.167
- The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for the ranked data is 0.891
- The square of the rank correlation coefficient is 0.793

Conclusion: A high positive value of Spearman’s rank correlation indicates that both ranks are
related. Approximately 80% variation is expected in the agreement between experienced and
novice clinicians.

2. Determine the Cramer’s V for the table below. Interpret the hypothesis testing using
alpha = 0.05

Observed (O) Therapy 1 Therapy 2 Total

Cured 31 57 88

Not Cured 11 51 62

Total 42 108 150

Expected (E) Therapy 1 Therapy 2 Total

Cured 24.64 63.36 88

Not Cured 17.36 44.64 62

Total 42 108 150

Pearson Chi-Square Therapy 1 Therapy 2 Total

Cured 1.641623 0.638409 2.280032

Not Cured 2.330046 0.906129 3.236175

Total 3.971669 1.544538 5.516208

Pearson Chi-Square value= 5.516208

Significance= 0.018 <0.05
Reject the null hypothesis Cramer’s V= 0.191767

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