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MELCS: Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of materials viewed.

Truth- The reality behind facts.

Accuracy- it possesses the quality of being true combined with being correct and exact.

7 types of information disorder

1. Satire/parody- It have no intention to cause harm but has potential to decieve the viewers.

- Content purporting to satire will avoid fact checkers, and frequently overtime the original
content get lost; people share and re-share information not realizing the content is satire and
believing that it is true.

2. Misleading Content- use of information to frame an issue.

- It is about cropping photos, or choosing quotes selectively in order to support an argument.

3. Imposter content- when genuine sources are impersonated. The goal of this deception is to
increase the chance that people will trust the content without checking it.

- Some well known brand’s logo or name is used in order to create an impression that you are
receiving a legit content.

4. Fabricated content- The new content is 100% false.

- Designed to deceive and to harm. New fake social media accounts are created to spread new
and invented content from it.

5. False connection- This is when the headlines, visuals, captions do not support the content.

- For example, click bait headlines, can do no harm but only to irritate the viewers.

6. False Context- When genuine content is shared with false contextual information.

- A picture is re shared to fit in a new narrative.

For example: An old picture was used to make an issue more trend even though it is not related
to the present event.

7. Manipulated content- When genuine information is tampered with or doctored in some way to

- Usually it concerns photos and videos that are altered in such a way that they seem real
We all know that fake news is spreading even online or personal we must determine its
truthfulness and accuracy to avoid being decieved and with that we have can use the
SOAPSTone Method.



- Stands for Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject and Tone.

- It is a method for evaluating the credibility of materials viewed. It deepens student thinking
about sources and of information and allows practice of authenticity.


Elements of source Description/meaning Critical Questions


Speaker The voice 1. Is the author in the viewed

communicating/speaking to material speaking for himself
the audience. or using the voice or opinion
of a particular person or
Example: Author group?

Occasion Time or place; context that 1. What has triggered the

prompted the author or author's material
speaker to create the material (presentation, website,
document)? or
Example: Election period,
pandemic crisis 2. Are the reasons for
creating the material based on
events, emotions, data, or

Author Group to which the material is 1. Toward whom is the

intended Example: material (presentation,
Consumers, employees, website, or document)
students intended?

Purpose The reason to of the author in 1. What does the author want
creating the material the intended audience to think
or do as a result of reading or
Example: To mislead the viewing the material? 2. What
readers To give information does the author want the
unintended audience to think
or do as a result of reading or
viewing the material?

Subject What the material is all about. 1. Is the content general or

specific? Why?
Example: General: COVID-19
Specific: Ways to prevent the
spreading of the COVID-19

Tone The attitude of the author 1. How does the choice of

towards the subject or his words, description, use of
audience. media or opinion of the author
impact the meaning and
Example: Humorous, content of the material
sarcastic, disapproving, document, presentation? (site,
objective etc,

Activity 1: Match Me

Directions: Match Column A which is the types of information disorder to its corresponding
definition in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before the

Column A

____1. The use of information to frame an issue.

____2. When genuine sources are impersonated.

____3. When genuine information is tampered with or doctored in some way to deceive.

____4. The new content is 100% false.

____5. When genuine content is shared with false contextual information.

____6. It have no intention to cause harm but has potential to deceive the viewers.

____7. This is when the headlines, visuals, captions do not support the content.

A. False context

B. Misleading content

C. Satire/Parody

D. False Connection

E. Imposter Content

F. Manipulated content

G. Fabricated Content

Activity 2: Fill Me Up

Directions: Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the news article by answering the critical
questions in the SOAPSTone table below.


Public confused with changes in quarantine rules


May 18, 2020 08:00 AM

Confusion over the effectivity of new quarantine levels and guidelines in Metro Manila and other
parts of the country left the people more questions than answers.Vice President Leni Robredo
noted her office received complaints from the public regarding the adjustments made by the
government on the different forms of community quarantine.

“Ito, talaga naman parang araw-araw nagbabago, araw-araw may dagdag, araw-araw may
babaguhin. Iyon talaga iyong pinakareklamo ng marami: “Ano na ba talaga?” Robredo said on
her weekly radio show.(This seems to change every day, every day there are additions and
changes. That’s the main complaint of many people: What’s really the rule?)

A cause of the problem, Robredo said, is the lack of clarity to communicate this to the public
amid the coronavirus pandemic.“Tama iyong parang mga phases para hindi bigla-bigla pero
iyong parang nagkulang tayo doon sa mas klarong pagpaliwanag,” she said. (It is correct to do
these phases so the enforcement is gradual but it looks like we lack in explaining it more

But despite this, Robredo said the public should keep themselves updated on the changes in
quarantine areas.The government’s coronavirus task force has backtracked a few times on
imposing quarantine levels and rules in various areas in response to the appeal of local officials.

It recalled the lifting of community quarantine in eight regions classified as “low risk” to
coronavirus infection and placed them under modified general community quarantine. These
regions are Ilocos, Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Northern Mindanao, Davao, and the
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao or BARMM.

The task force also revised the status of some areas supposedly under GCQ to modified ECQ
like Bulacan, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, Zambales, and Pampanga, until the end of May.


Elements of Source Answer Critical Questions


Speaker 1. Is the author in the viewed

material speaking for himself
or using the voice or opinion
of a particular person or

Occasion 1. What has triggered the

author's material
(presentation, website, or

2. Are the reasons for creating

the material based on events,
emotions, data, or

Author 1. Toward who is the material

(presentation, website, or
document) intended?

Purpose 1. What does the author want

the intended audience to think
or do as a result of reading or
viewing the material?

2. What does the author want

the unintended audience to
think or do as a result of
reading or viewing the

Subject 1. Is the content general. or

specific? Why?

Tone 1. How does the choice of

words, description, use of
media or opinion of the author
impact the meaning and
content of the material (site,
document, or presentation?
Let us have a quiz!

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What type of information disorder, that is not intended cause harm but has potential to

A. Fabricated Content
B. False Connection
C. False Context
D. Satire/Parody

2. Maria create a dump facebook account to spread fake news about her friend who she argue
with. What type of information is present?

A. Fabricated Content
B. Imposter Content
C. Manipulated Content
D. Satire/Parody

3. Did the following picture is true and correct? Why?

A. Yes, because he died a long ago.

B. No, because he died last 2021.
C. No, because he died last 2018.
D. No, because he is still alive and attend shows.

4. Ivy did not go to school because she saw it on a facebook post. On the other day she knew
that there is a class. What must Ivy consider next time?

A. Still do that again next time.

B. Check first the source of information and ask a teacher.
C. Told the teacher that she saw a post and because of that she will going to absent the next
D. Inform other classmates without verifying the information so next time her classmate are
absent too.
5. What is the importance of determining the accuracy or truthfulness on material that you

A. It is not important at all.

B.It is not needed to verify an information.
C. To know if the information is true so that I can spread fake news.
D. To know if it is legitimate information to avoid being decieved and sharing false information
to other people.

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