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1st Summative Test

Grade 9 Earth and Space

Write the letter of your answer.

1. Type of volcano formed from cinders and ash?
A. Shield b. Cinder c. Composite d. Candela
2. Type of volcano formed from mostly lava?
A. Shield B. Cinder C. Composite D. Candela
3. Type of volcano formed from alternate solidification of lava and cinders?
A. Shield b. Cinder c. Composite d. Candela
4. Which of the following are active volcano?
I. Mayon
II. Taal
III. Kanlaon
IV. Tamnurok
A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I, II, III only D. IV only
5. Which of the following characteristics of magma mainly affect the explosiveness of a volcanic eruption?
a) Color b. size c. silica content d. location
6. Which of the following characteristics of a volcano depends on its magma emission?
A. Age b. size c. shape d. volcanic ash
7. A part of volcano that usually has as an opening.
a) Summit b. slope c. vents d. base
8. An expert who studies about volcanoes.
a) Archeologist b. Volcanismist c. Architecture d. Volcanologist
9. What happens to the magma’s viscosity if the temperature increases?
A. Viscosity will increase b. viscosity will decrease c. Viscosity is constant d. Sana All
10. It is a property of a material to resist flow.
A. Viscocity b. Pyroclastics c. Temperature d. Viscosity
11. What chemical affects the ability of the magma to flow?
A. Viscosity B. Pyroclastic C. Silica D. Gas Bubbles
12. A type of eruption that is also known as “steam-blast” with no new magma erupted.
A. Strombolian B. Vulcanian C. Phreatic D. Phreatomagmatic
13. It is known as the most powerful type of eruption.
A. Strombolian B. Plinian C. Surtseyan D. Hawaiian
14. Which of the following factors associated with huge volcanic eruptions may cause the decrease in the Earth’s
average temperature for a few years?
a) Heat b. light c. acid rain d. ash-cloud/volcanic ash
15. A thick layer of volcanic ash can be heavy enough to collapse the roofs of the buildings because ash _______.
A. Is solid
B. cannot be blown by winds
C. becomes heavier as it cools
D. consist of fine fragments of rocks that becomes heavy as they pile up

Arrange the following steps in Geothermal Power Plants. Write the correct number sequence.
1. Wells are drilled deep into the earth to pump steam or hot water to the surface.
2. When the water reaches the surface, the drop in pressure causes the water to turn into steam.
3. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.
4. Cooling tower cools the steam which condenses it back to water.
5. The cooled water is pumped back into the earth to begin the process again.

Short Essay.
1. How does the eruption of a volcano lower the atmospheric temperature?
2. Give one positive and one negative effects of volcanic eruption.
3. Give three things a person should do to avoid getting hurt/casualties cause by volcanic eruption.
4. How is energy from volcanoes tapped as a source of electricity?
5. Describe the difference between active, inactive and extinct volcanoes.

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