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Weekly schedule

Teacher’s name: Asmaa Abou zaid Grade: 6 Week/semester: Week 32 Date:12 /5 to 16/5

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

By the end of this week learners shall :
- Write a personal narrative.
Lesson Objectives - Know how to plan it?
Task 1: Writing: Writing a personal narrative / SB Unit 6 P.64,65
- Ss will read a given sample of a written narrative. They will read it then deduce how to write it?
- How to use descriptive language, how to grab the reader’s attention and how to choose a
topic to their narrative.
- Ss will plan their own personal narrative in their WB P.59

Task 2 : Continue writing a personal narrative:

- Based on the drafts in their WB , Ss will write their own personal narrative in their writing

Teaching - Writing Copybook

- SB
- WB
Interactive - Smart board
teaching methods

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