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critical articles or reviews.

What Do Women Want? 4

Chapter 1: The Four Feminine Needs 14

Chapter 2: The Zen Method:

Phil Jackson’s Method For Controlling Unruly Egos 27

Chapter 4: How to correct bad behavior 32

Chapter 5: 101 ways to reward her. 39

Chapter 6: The Art Of Saying No 50

Chapter 7: How to get more sex from your wife 56

Chapter 8: The Mafia Boss Aura 62

Conclusion 68

What Do
Women Want?
“Who cares?”

I’m kidding – I was just doing my Roger Sterling impression. But

honestly that was a test.
Because if reading those very 5 words in that sequence made
you… ick.

It makes you feel like it’s misogynistic or disrespectful. Then that

right there is the problem my friend.
Let me explain:

In today’s society, men are pressured to let women lead. Let them
live their lives.
Do whatever it is to make them happy.

But as you can tell based on what you’re experiencing now…

…your wife ain’t happy, is she? I wonder why?

Science might give us a clue. In fact, they already did.

Based on a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic


…despite the freedom and employment opportunities of women
are at an all-time high.

Women are also experiencing higher levels of anxiety,

depression, and sleep issues than before.

Hell, U.S. women’s satisfaction with society’s general treatment of

women is at the lowest rate since Gallup began polling the
question in 2001.

Can you believe it?

Meaning our mothers and grandmothers – who likely had less

“freedom” as a woman – were happier than today’s women who
are practically given the world.

Which is funny because… women would ask you if they want more
freedom, more power, more rights.

Today, women possess greater freedom, power, and rights than at

any other point in history.

Political Representation:

According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), as of August

2021, global average percentages of women in national
parliaments reached 25.5%, an increase from 13.2% in 2000.


UNESCO data showed that the global gender parity index (GPI) for
enrollment at the primary level of education was 0.99 in 2019,
meaning there's almost equal enrollment of boys and girls in
primary schools globally.
However, disparities increase at higher education levels,
especially in certain regions.
Economic Participation:

According to the World Bank, in 2019, 47% of women were

represented in the labor force globally, compared to 75% of men.
While a disparity still exists, there's been a general upward trend
over the last few decades in many regions.
Legal Rights:

The World Bank's "Women, Business, and the Law 2021" report
highlighted that women now have an average global score of 76.1
out of 100 regarding legal rights, an increase from 73.9 in the
previous edition. This score represents women's rights in areas
like mobility, workplace rights, pay, marriage, parenthood, and

Healthcare Access:

As per UNICEF data, the global maternal mortality ratio declined

by 38% between 2000 and 2017.
Violence Against Women:

The WHO reported that globally, about 1 in 3 women (30%) have
been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner
violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. While this
statistic highlights the magnitude of the issue, many countries
have begun implementing measures to combat such violence,
and there's increased global awareness around this issue.

And yet women’s mental health is on a steady decline. The math

doesn’t add up.
Now what am I trying to say with all this?

What I’m about to say is very controversial but dare I say is the

Women want to be led. That’s what they want.

Think about it… there are absolutely no matriarchal societies.

There are societies with matriarchal elements like the Mosuo of

China and Umoja Village of Kenya…

…But pure matriarchal societies where only women get a say?


Where patriarchal societies have been the blueprint of a thriving

society since the dawn of human time.

Here’s what that means.

Men are logical, Women are emotional.

Now don’t get me wrong here because I’m not referring to any of
the sexes being ‘inferior’.

But the truth of the matter is this,This simply means we are better
at X while women are better than Y.

Regardless of how much pressure our modern society gives to a

man to treat a woman as ‘equal’...

Equality is a fucking myth.

Not because men are a bunch of power-hungry pigs. But because

we are not the same.
We are complimentary different. Look around you…
The world was built by men.

But the human race was woven by women.

In some essence, women are more powerful because of their

ability to bear a child…

(Not to mention, there passion and emotion can move mountains)

But we men are tasked to direct and channel that very power.

That’s why the initiation of the conception of the child starts from
our Semen.

Sure, it’s the woman’s womb. But biological, it’s the man who will
dictate when and where to have a child.

That’s how biology is.

What does that have to do with your wife being respectful?

If your woman is acting up or doesn’t have any respect towards

you… you’re simply lacking in the leadership department.

You are not leading her to respect you.

Your woman when acting like a b word (And I mean brat… not
THAT b word)...

…her biology is desperately seeking for someone to lead her.

Someone with balls to call her out and straighten her up.
(Don’t get it twisted – I will never ever in my entire life endorse

This is also why giving in into a woman’s demands ALWAYS


Let’s face facts gentlemen, when was the last time we did
something that our wives wanted…

…and it resulted in long-term happiness? No, there’s always

something she’s seeking.
Because the truth is… whatever it is she tells you she wants…

That doesn’t mean a damn thing. All a woman wants is a leader.

Let’s get this clear though…
I’m not talking about being a dictator and just imposing your will
onto her.

But a leader is simply a person with a clear vision in his mind…

…and can bring that same vision to his people i.e. your wife. Do
you think your wife actually likes disrespecting you?
No she doesn’t.
So once you start to become a leader, and lay out this beautiful
vision of your marriage filled with respect, peace and genuine

….you will earn her respect.

But make no mistake, leadership starts with ACCOUNTABILITY.

If you can’t look in the mirror and tell yourself this is all your fault.

“This is my fault my wife is treating me this way” “This is my fault
my wife is talking down on me”

“This is my fault my wife is keeping secrets and making decisions

without consulting me”

Then leadership is not for you.

Accept accountability – accept that this is all your fault. The

Then you regain the power to fix it.

If you put yourself in this mess, you can get yourself out.

That’s how you can become a man your wife will utterly respect.

Start with the mindset of a leader… and you're on your way from
regaining your wife’s respect.

Once you embrace this mindset, remember that respect is not a

destination but a journey.

It's about the daily gestures, the continuous effort, and the mutual

It's about knowing when to lead, when to follow, and when to walk
side by side.

Leadership is not just about being at the forefront.

It's also about knowing when to step back and let your partner

Your wife, as an individual, has dreams, aspirations, and strengths

that must be nurtured and celebrated.

Recognizing her capabilities and supporting her endeavours is as

much a part of leadership as guiding and making decisions.

Communication is paramount.

Your leadership role does not mean you dictate terms. Instead, it
involves creating a platform where both of you can openly share
feelings, hopes, and concerns.

Listen intently, not just to respond, but to truly understand.

Encourage her to speak her mind, and ensure she knows her voice
is valued.

Moreover, mutual respect is a cornerstone of any healthy


Just as you yearn for her respect, she too seeks yours.

Ensure that your actions, words, and intentions always reflect a

deep reverence for her as your life partner.

The dance of marriage is a delicate balance of give and take. Both
partners play a pivotal role in ensuring its harmony.
As a leader, your job is not to overshadow but to spotlight.

Illuminate her strengths, cushion her weaknesses, and let the love
between you shine bright.

Lastly, be patient.

Winning back respect is not an overnight task.

It's the accumulation of small, consistent acts that, over time,

rebuild trust and reverence.

Stay committed to your journey, and in time, with understanding

and compassion, you'll find the respect and love you seek.

Now that we’ve set the foundational principle of Wife Whisperer,

we can now move on.

Wife Whisperer Lesson #1:

Biologically, women seek a leader

Chapter 1:
The Four Feminine Needs

The internet is chock full of stories of guys with unbearable wives.

Believe me, I’ve read over a thousand ‘em.

Now, let me give you a brief summary of one particular story of Mr


Income Disparity & Work Recognition:

• The husband earns approximately 75% of the household
income, while his wife contributes 25% from her part-time
RN job.
• His wife has expressed a desire to quit her job altogether,
despite her contribution being used to afford many luxuries
she desires. The husband, on the other hand, would prefer to
save more money to achieve early retirement. This
difference in financial goals has been a point of contention
between them.
• Despite his significant contribution, his wife doesn't
recognize the demands and obligations of his work. She
expects him to be readily available when working from home
and is annoyed when he has work-related commitments that
conflict with her plans or the kids' schedule.

• A notable example was a recent crisis at work, which was an
opportunity for him to demonstrate leadership for a possible
promotion. However, he had to leave on time due to his
wife's displeasure with his decision to work from the office
that day. He feels unappreciated and unsupported in his
professional growth.

Domestic Responsibilities:
• He believes he contributes considerably at home, handling
tasks like cooking, washing dishes, and putting the kids to
• Despite these efforts, his wife perceives him as an "absent
• He often has to manage both kids while she spends
extensive hours watching TV or resting.
• Personal sacrifices include a lack of social life, no hobbies,
and limiting his gym sessions to early morning hours. All his
efforts are primarily directed towards his family, and he feels

Gift Expectations:
• His wife has expensive tastes. A recent instance was her
insistence on a Cartier bracelet for Valentine's Day.
• She displayed impatience and anger over its delivery,
wanting to flaunt it during a vacation they had planned
before Valentine's Day.
• When it was delivered just in time, she neither expressed
gratitude nor seemed content with the gift, later stating her
dislike for it.

Now what a shitshow eh?

Before we let our anger get the best of us… remember our first

You are a leader.

You don’t point fingers, you solve problems.

Now leaving this toxic woman is ALWAYS an option don’t get me


But since you bought this book, I can’t tell you to leave your wife
now can I

(In fact, let’s face it. You love her too much)

Now with that being said, we need to take a look at these stories
from a ‘problem-solving’ perspective.

So I invite you, my dear reader, to read through the story and tell
me where the husband is lacking.

(Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not here blaming it all on the
husband. He in fact doesn’t deserve any of this toxicity and he
has a … well let’s just go ahead and say it Bitch of a wife.

But once again, you are a leader… what can WE do to change our
situation rather than play the blame game? Remember, you get
what you put out.)

Do you have any idea?

You see… women have four needs

Emotional, Sexual, Finansial, Physical

In this particular scenario… The man is lacking in two separate


Financial + Emotional.

Let’s talk about the financial first and where that came from.

Once again, I would like to reiterate here. In a perfect world, hard-

working men like this guy deserve the best wife alive…. But we are
not living in a perfect world are we? So we have to deal with what
we have.

So, let’s assess the problem and pinpoint a solution. Financial.

The woman doesn’t want to work anymore.

But she still wants to finance all the nice things she wants.
Yes, it’s a sad reality that women can be shallow. But again, I want

to keep hammering home here that you need to focus on the
solution. You married a shallow woman – you either leave her or
fix her, that's it.

This is how you will fix her:

By giving her what she subconsciously wants.

And that is for the husband to carry the entire load of the finances.

Now I know what you’re thinking… the woman doesn’t deserve it.

Again, either leave your wife (which is always an option) or

provide what she’s subconsciously seeking – being spoiled.

Once this man starts providing the financial needs of a woman

from a leadership standpoint. She will 100% start to treating him

You see, when a woman sees you as the SOLE provider her female
wiring will start to kick in…

This is our biology, men are the providers while women stay at
home. This has been the case since the dawn of human time.

If you want her to be more respectful, to be more docile, and send

her back to your honeymoon phase where she will be a more
warm and loving partner…

…then make her dependent on you.

Now I know what you’re thinking.

Since just taking the reigns of SOLE provider isn’t as easy as

snapping a finger.

How exactly can the man increase his income to cover the
expenses of the woman

In other words… How can he provide 100% of the income?

Here lies the Zen method of Phil Jackson which we will talk about
in the next few chapters.

But basically you will enlist HER help to give her what SHE wants.

She will have to start dealing with the family full time in order for
the man to succeed in his job and earn more income.

Now let’s talk about the emotional. When she says he is an absent
father… Here’s the kicker:
She doesn’t really mean that.

She means “you’re not spending enough time with me!!”

I absolutely understand that womanese is complex but it is what it
Women’s language is indirect, while we communicate directly.

So you can’t really understand sometimes what she’s trying to say.

But this scenario when she uses the kids as her shield in an
illogical way…

99% of the time she means ‘ME ME ME’.


Spend more time with her. Treat her on a date.


Let’s talk about the other two: sexual and physical. And here’s
another summarized story: Communication Issues:
• His wife frequently challenges his statements, even when he
is factually correct. She disputes facts without evidence,
solely based on her feelings.
• The disagreements often escalate to arguments. Even when
proven wrong, his wife rarely apologizes and tends to shift
blame onto him, particularly focusing on his reaction rather
than her initial inaccuracy.

Disagreements over Household Tasks:

• There are recurring issues with minor household chores. The
wife often neglects tasks she has agreed to do, such as
hanging towels or tidying up after cooking.
• Despite the husband's efforts to ease the burden by taking
on more chores and addressing these issues in
conversations, no lasting change has been achieved.

Let’s take a guess on what’s lacking here. Can you spot it?

At this point you only have two options: Sexual and physical.

Bingo, it's sexual.

More likely, he is not pleasing his woman in bed.

Now how the bloody hell did I come up with that conclusion?
Here’s what other guys don’t understand about women.
Well… let’s start off first with both man and woman in general.

A hot steamy passionate sex is where a man and a woman is at

their most primal state.
All masks are off.

All propaganda wears off.

And we are back to our caveman days of pure biological instinct.

And during sex, it’s just a man dominating a woman in bed.

Women during a *good lovemaking (and I emphasize good… as in

she finishes)

This is where she is most receptive.

The reason?

If there’s anything that Biology, Anthropology, and history can tell

us… it’s that females by nature are subservient.

That’s why for most of human history men led.

And during a great sex where you and your partner are at a most
primal state…

For a woman… This leads to being more receptive.

Long story short. If you can give her great sex… she can’t help but
listen to you.
Not only that…

Unfortunately, how to give great sex is beyond the score of this


But here are a couple of resources to get started:

She comes first
Red Boost

Now how about the physical aspect of the feminine needs?

First off I’m not asking you to look like Henry Cavill. You are who
you are and that’s that.

But let’s put it this way.

If you don’t have respect for yourself… then nobody, even your
wife, will respect you.

Sure, we all would love to live in a world where our wives will
respect us no matter what but once again let’s drop the “It should
be this!” and instead think of ‘What can I do?”

You should at least clean yourself up. Get new clothes, get a

Obviously, there’s no one-size-fits all here but do what actually

makes you feel good about yourself.

Do things that will make you go look in a mirror and say “You
handsome devil”

But there is one one-size-fits-all but it’s probably the hardest. Get
in shape.
Look, it’s no secret that a great physique commands respect from

Yes, every single one, even your wife and kids.

Looking like a superhero just hits different for most people. Let
me tell you why.
Because every single person alive dreams of having a fit body.

When you have something other people want, it can make you
instantly respectable.
And your wife will be all over you and she can't help herself.

Once again, fitness is the scope of this book. But if you are
interested… send me an email at:

And I’ll hook you up with a fitness coach who knows what he’s

But I feel that’s a cop out approach and I want to give you at least
what I did to get into better shape.

1. Counted my calories
2. Weightlifting 3x a day
3. Progressive overload

Doing these two religiously can definitely give you results.

As you noticed, there’s no special diet… there’s no eating
vegetables… no more giving up on the foods you eat.

Just do those three and you’re on your way to getting a

respectable physique.

(Or if you do need extra help, let me know via the email above) In
There’s always a subconscious reason for how your wife treats

And most of the times, it falls under 4 categories

Physical Sexual Emotional Financial.

Yes, it takes a skill to dissect what she is trying to tell you (and the
fact she herself doesn’t know doesn’t help)

If you do need 1-on-1 support in dissecting your woman’s

behavior… I would like to offer you my 1-on-1 email support

Email me at to get started.

Important reminder:

There will be certain scenarios where your wife doesn’t

necessarily have a problem but instead… well… she has
deep-seated issues – mostly coming from a traumatic

Unfortunately, those types aren’t really subconscious problems

that you can fix but rather require professional assistance.

If this is your case… getting a therapist – hell even a divorce

lawyer might be your best bet.

Chapter 2
The Zen Method: Phil Jackson’s
Method For Controlling Unruly

Phil Jackson is a genius.

The man didn’t get his 11 titles by doing nothing.

Phil Jackson is a genius. The man didn’t get his 11 titles by doing

For those who might not be familiar, Phil Jackson is one of the
most successful basketball coaches in NBA history, having
guided two different teams, the Chicago Bulls and the Los
Angeles Lakers, to multiple championships.

However, his legacy goes beyond the trophy count.

One of his most admirable feats was his ability to manage and
lead teams filled with strong personalities and individual egos.

On paper, this seems like a herculean task.

How do you get individuals like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant,
Scottie Pippen, or Shaquille O’Neal and even the infamous Dennis
Rodman - who are all legends in their own right - to not only play
together but thrive together?

The answer is not what most would expect. Jackson didn't spend
his time micromanaging each player or trying to control them.
Instead, he took a very Zen approach.

He trusted them completely. But with that trust came a constant

reminder of the shared objective: to win a championship.

This is the Zen Method.

At its core, the Zen Method is about mutual trust, respect, and a
unified goal. It's not about control, but about alignment. Phil
Jackson, in his unique style, created a system where the players
didn't feel managed but rather empowered.

He reminded them of their shared goal, ensured they knew their

role in achieving that goal, and trusted them to play their part.

Now, let's pivot this to marriage and relationships.

Gaining respect, particularly in a relationship, isn't about

controlling the other person or dictating their every move.

It's about mutual trust. It's about giving your wife a part to play in
the grand scheme of your shared life and trusting her implicitly to
play that role.

For a husband striving to gain his wife's respect, taking a leaf out
of Jackson's book might be the key.

First and foremost, set a common goal for your relationship or


This could be anything from raising well-rounded children,

achieving financial security, traveling the world together, or simply
growing old hand-in-hand. But this goal needs to be clear and

Next, delegate and trust. Just as Jackson trusted Jordan to be the

on-court leader, trust your wife with aspects of your shared life.
Perhaps she's better at managing finances, or she's the emotional
anchor of the family, or maybe she has a knack for long-term

Delegate those roles to her and trust her completely to fulfil them.

This doesn't mean you sit back and do nothing, nor does it mean
she's limited to only those roles.

It simply means recognizing each other’s strengths and leaning on


It's about creating a synergy where the sum of the parts is greater
than the whole.

Trust isn't built overnight.

It's a process, and it requires open communication.

But by setting a shared goal and trusting your wife to play her part,
you're showing her respect.

And in turn, you earn her respect. As Jackson often emphasized,

it’s the journey of working together towards a shared goal that
binds a team - or in this case, a couple - together.

The Zen Method isn't about control; it's about collaboration. It's
about realizing that a championship - or a successful marriage -
isn't won by individuals but by teams who trust and respect each

Trust your wife, remind each other of your shared goals, and
watch as your relationship thrives.

And remember, just as Phil Jackson didn’t earn his titles alone, a
strong marriage is a joint achievement, built on mutual trust and

Now, let’s talk about our prior story where the woman wants to

work and let the man take care of the finances 100%.

How you can ‘spoil’ your wife without being taken advantage of is
to give her a part in this play.

Tell her in a very civilized discussion that you want HER to stop
working and you want to spoil her…

(Always starts with ‘what’s in it for her’)

Then you give her a part to play – tell her you need help with the
kids and she needs to step up in that aspect for YOU to work and
make more income.

Always, always frame your favor as a favor for herself.

This is how you remind her of the common objective: Make her
stop working without compromising her knack for spending.

And this is how she can be dependent on you.

Of course, you can always always do this method for anything that
you want.

This is how billionaires delegate their tasks – they always find

out what the other person wants, and use that to his advantage.

Chapter 4:
How to correct bad behavior

Now of course just because you’ve established yourself as a

leader doesn’t mean your woman will start to act accordingly all
the time.

You can’t expect her to change her behavior 100% in an instant.

If she still does annoying stuff like start petty fights or keep
secrets to you… then…

So correcting behavior is in order. But…

Understand this, you can only start to correct bad behavior once
all four feminine needs are met.


Because once you meet all four feminine needs, you are now in a
position of power. And you have the ‘right’ to punish her.

Do it without a position of power and it will bite you in the ass

Once you have subconsciously established that you are leading

this ship, then you have earned the right to ‘correct’ her behavior?


I would like you to make a guess.

Normally, parents would talk to their children to correct bad


Is this what you were thinking? ARE YOU SAYING WOMEN ARE

I’m kidding.

And this is where most men make the mistake.

They talk to their wife with all the LOGIC in the world. Sure, in
logical terms you’re correct.
But logic doesn’t exist in their world, you and I know that. So what
do you do?
Do the opposite. Ignore.
Here’s how this sex dynamics work.

In our very biological instinct… men need sex. Women need

This very dynamic is in full display in this social media age. Tiktok,
instagram, etc.

You’ll see women everywhere dancing with almost no clothes off.

They show their skin to hundreds, thousands, and even millions of

strangers online.

The exchange? Validation.

AKA their attention. That’s how it is done.
Now here’s the thing, when you give your attention to your woman
when she is not acting the way you want her to act….

…you are devaluing your attention.

You’re biologically saying “this behavior merits a response” That’s

not what you want.
Instead, you do the opposite.

Ignore her.

And she will only get your attention once she starts to behave

And then you need to sit her down and have a calm and civilized
conversation that this certain thing she did is not to be tolerated.

And you know what?

Women love this.

Women pretend they don’t but they absolutely do.

When they are put in their place, this is when they see you as
the man you are.

And this is when they will realize that all that bullshit will no
longer fly.

Now, think about it: At the core of every interaction, there’s a

transaction. The same principles apply in the wild game
of love and relationships.

Every gesture, every word exchanged, it's all a trade.

Men often think they need to respond, to always have a


But sometimes, silence is the most potent reply.

Silence doesn't mean passivity; it means control.

Control over one's emotions, reactions, and, ultimately, the


When she throws a curveball, trying to incite a reaction...

Resisting the bait shows strength and assurance.

Why? Because it disrupts the expected pattern.

Instead of the usual back-and-forth, she gets... nothing.

This vacuum, this absence of response, makes her rethink.

She begins to question if her tactics are effective or if they've

lost their power.

Now, she's the one second-guessing, not you.

That’s the crux of it: Shifting the dynamic back to you.

Yet, this isn't about games or manipulation.

It’s about understanding the essence of human interactions.

People, regardless of gender, test boundaries.

And knowing how to navigate these tests, with poise and


That’s the hallmark of a mature relationship leader.

But remember, leadership isn't about suppression; it's about


Providing a steady hand, even when the waters get choppy.

It's about mutual respect, but also about standing firm when

Because at the end of the day, it's this balance that builds lasting

In this elaborate dance, timing is everything.

Hesitate for too long, and you risk being seen as indecisive. Act
too swiftly, and it can come off as impulsive.
The nuances of human connection lie in reading these subtleties.

Now, some might argue: Why play these games at all? But here's
the thing: It's not a game, it's strategy.
A chess match of emotions and expectations.

Every move you make, every silence you keep, sends a message.

Some might see it as a high-stakes gamble.

But for those in the know, it's a well-calculated risk.

The key is to be always three steps ahead, anticipating reactions.

You see, relationships aren't just about love.

They're about understanding, respect, and sometimes, a little bit
of challenge.

When done right, these challenges strengthen bonds. They push

both partners to evolve, to grow together.
Now, don't mistake this for a recommendation to be cold or

It's about finding the right balance between engagement and


Every relationship has its rhythm, its unique cadence. Your job?
To master that rhythm, to lead the dance.
Not with force, but with finesse.

Understanding when to step forward, and when to hold back.

Because, at its heart, love is as much about knowing when to

speak as it is about knowing when to listen.

So, as you navigate this intricate ballet...

Remember: The most profound connections are built on balance,

understanding, and a sprinkle of strategy.

Chapter 5:
101 ways to reward her.
Here’s the deal:

If she ever does something to you that you liked… To fully

establish that behavior, you have to reward it. If she ever confides
in you.
If she ever apologizes to you.

This is the BEST and CRUCIAl time to reward her.

Following are 101 ways to reignite the ‘honeymoon phase’ and get
her to behave better than before.

This is to be done when she displays an attitude that you.

Of course, you could come up with your own. This is not an

exhaustive list… so if you can come up with something personal…
something that taps into Nostalgia… the better.

Here are some ideas:

1. Surprise Date Night: Whisk your partner away for a surprise

romantic evening.

2. Handwritten Notes: Leave love notes in unexpected places
like their shoes or book.

3. Memory Lane: Revisit the place where you first met or had
your first date.

4. Sunrise/Sunset Dates: Share a blanket, a drink, and watch

the day begin or end.

5. Cook Together: Cook a romantic meal and enjoy by


6. Dance: Play a romantic song and dance together, even in

your pajamas.

7. Love Letters: Pour out your feelings in handwritten letters.

8. Stargazing: Share a blanket and watch the stars, maybe see

a shooting star together.

9. Picnic: Surprise your partner with a romantic outdoor picnic.

10. Bedtime Ritual: Read romantic stories to each other before


11. Revisit Wedding Vows: Renew or revisit your vows in a

private intimate setting.

12. Morning Rituals: Surprise each other with breakfast in bed

13. Flirt: Whisper sweet nothings, wink, or playfully tease.

14. Game Night: Play games that bring you closer, like "Truth or

15. Photography: Take turns capturing candid moments of each


16. DIY Projects: Make something beautiful for your home


17. Listen to Love Songs: Share earphones and listen to

romantic tunes.

18. Gifts "Just Because": Unexpected flowers or a book by their

favorite author.

19. Surprise Lunch: Drop by their workplace with a romantic

picnic lunch.

20. Random Hugs: Embrace them tightly out of the blue.

21. Surprise Kisses: Catch them off-guard with a passionate


22. Love Jar: Each write down romantic things and takes turns
pulling them out.

23. DIY Spa Night: Aromatic oils, a warm bath, and mutual

24. Monthly Love Recaps: Reflect on your most romantic

moments each month.

25. Recreate a Special Memory: Maybe that special day at the

beach or a mountain hike.

26. Plan Surprises: Even little things like their favorite treat or a
surprise movie night.

27. Cherish Intimacy: Set aside intimate moments regularly.

28. Theme Nights: Choose romantic themes, like Parisian

nights or 1920s glamour.

29. Home Movie Night: Create a cinema setting with romantic


30. Go Local: Plan surprise romantic outings in your city.

31. Dress Up: Occasionally get dressed up for dinner at home.

32. Hidden Talents: Serenade or perform for each other.

33. Share Desserts: Feed each other that delicious piece of
chocolate cake.

34. Sing to Each Other: Even if it's silly or off-key, it's about the

35. Love Challenges: Like "7 days of surprise kisses."

36. Romantic Dreams: Discuss where you'd love to be together

in 5 or 10 years.

37. Love Language Acts: Know their love language and act on it.
For example, acts of service or words of affirmation.

38. Adventure Together: A surprise day out or even a balloon


39. Poetry Night: Read romantic poetry to each other.

40. Love Bucket List: Places to kiss, romantic movies to watch,


41. Couple’s DIY: Make a scrapbook of your memories.

42. Cherish Old Photos: Look through old photos and recall
those moments.

43. Play their Favorite Love Song: Dance or just listen wrapped
in each other’s arms.

44. Plan a "We" Day: A whole day dedicated to just the two of

45. Surprise Massages: Offer a massage after a long day.

46. Gift a Star: Name a star after your love.

47. Candlelit Evenings: No occasion needed, just candles


48. Playful Teasing: Bring in playful banter to keep things light.

49. Romantic Vision Board: Visuals of future romantic


50. Love Quizzes: Learn more about each other's romantic


51. Make a Love Song Playlist: Songs that define your


52. Romantic Sleepovers: Like the ones from the dating days
with movies, snacks, and cuddles.

53. Slow Dance: No music needed, just move to your own


54. Exchange Romantic Books: Share your favorite romantic


55. Random "I Love You" Calls: Unexpected calls just to say
those three words.

56. Whisper Dreams: Share your most romantic dreams with

each other.

57. Do a Love Quiz: Find out how well you know each other.

58. Romantic DIY Coupons: "Redeem for one massage" or

"Redeem for a surprise date night."

59. Love Puzzles: A puzzle night with romance-themed puzzles.

60. Kiss Under the Rain: If it’s raining, why not?

61. Midnight Snack: Whip up a delightful treat to enjoy together

in the wee hours.

62. Make a Time Capsule: Fill it with tokens of love and decide
on a future date to open it.

63. Dream Dates: Write down dream dates and take turns
surprising each other.

64. DIY Love Storybook: Pen down your love story together.

65. Decorate a Room: Redecorate a space in your home as a

romantic haven.

66. Exchange Love Tokens: Personal tokens that symbolize your

love for one another.

67. Spontaneous Dance: Pull them close for an impromptu


68. Travel Memory Night: Remember the romantic moments

from past trips.

69. Nature Walk Hand in Hand: A simple walk, holding hands,

and cherishing nature.

70. Love Calendar: Mark a day every month dedicated to

something romantic.

71. DIY Perfumes: Create a unique scent for each other.

72. Write a Song: Even if you're not musical, write a fun or

touching love song.

73. Light Show: Set up fairy lights in your bedroom for a magical

74. Beach Day: Spend a day at the beach, ending with a
romantic bonfire.

75. Custom Jewelry: Design a piece of jewelry for each other.

76. Love Questions: Ask each other intriguing love-related


77. Plan a Mystery Trip: Take turns planning a surprise romantic


78. Cook Their Childhood Favorite: Make a dish that brings

them back to their childhood.

79. Watch Romantic Classics: Revisit old classics like

"Casablanca" or "Pride and Prejudice."

80. Moonlit Dinners: Set up a surprise dinner under the


81. Plan Future Romantic Adventures: Discuss the most

romantic places you'd love to visit.

82. Gift a Romantic Book: Write little notes on the margins for

83. Love Bucket Challenge: Do something sweet for your
spouse every day for a month.

84. Love Notes on Mirror: Write "I love you" or other sweet
messages on the bathroom mirror.

85. Plant a Love Tree: Plant a tree and watch it grow as your
love does.

86. Recreate Movie Scenes: Reenact your favorite romantic


87. Kiss Marathon: Try to recall all the types of kisses and share

88. Gift of Time: Dedicate an entire day to your partner, doing

whatever they wish.

89. Write Poetry: Write poems for each other.

90. Rooftop Romance: Spend an evening on the rooftop with

snacks, music, and stars.

91. Love Crafts: Make something crafty for each other.

92. Scenic Drives: Go for long drives without a destination in


93. Love Collage: Make a collage of your most cherished

94. Love Pictionary: Play Pictionary, but with romantic prompts.

95. Exchange Gratitude Notes: Tell each other what you're most
thankful for.

96. Set Up Love Goals: Like "Watch 100 sunsets together" or

"Kiss in 10 different countries."

97. Homemade Candle Night: Make candles together and use

them for a romantic evening.

98. Star Naming: Name a star after your love story.

99. Love Horoscope Night: Look up your love horoscopes and

read them to each other.

100. Telescope Evening: Watch the stars and planets up

close, sharing wishes.

101. Cherish The Silence: Sometimes, sitting in silence,

holding each other, speaks louder than words.
These gestures, when done sincerely, can warm the heart and
reignite the romantic spark. Remember to always prioritize
communication and understanding in the relationship.

Chapter 6:
The Art Of Saying No
Ever had someone catch you off guard with a request, and before
you know it, you’re nodding and saying "yes" when every fiber of
your being wanted to shout "no"? Or maybe you’ve been in a high-
stakes negotiation, feeling the pressure to accept a deal you
weren’t comfortable with?

If these situations sound familiar, allow me to introduce you to

Jim Camp and his game-changing approach to negotiation: the
philosophy of "No".

Jim Camp wasn’t your typical self-help guru or motivational


Nah, he was the real deal—a negotiation coach who transformed

the way some of the biggest players in business and politics
approached the bargaining table.

His secret weapon? Encouraging people to embrace the power of


Contrary to popular belief, "no" is not about rejection. It's about

protection – of your interests, your values, and your sanity.

Let’s dive into why Jim Camp was such a huge advocate of this
two-letter word.

1. "No" Creates a Safe Space:

First off, when someone says "no", it sets boundaries. These
boundaries give you the freedom to operate within a zone
where you're comfortable. It keeps things transparent. In
negotiations, when someone knows where you stand, it
eliminates the guesswork and the unnecessary tension. This
makes the entire process more genuine.

2. It's Not the End, But the Beginning:

Camp argued that "no" isn’t the end of a discussion but rather its
beginning. Think about it: if you tell a salesperson you're not
interested in their product, what do they usually do? They ask
why. That "why" leads to more discussion, more understanding,
and potentially a better deal for both parties.

3. It Shifts the Power Dynamics:

Imagine being in a room where everyone is trying to woo you
into agreement. By saying "no", even just mentally at first, you
reclaim some control. Camp believed that when you’re not
desperate for a deal, you can negotiate on your terms. And
when the other party knows you're willing to walk away, it can
shift the dynamics in your favor.

4. Clarity Over Courtesy:

Now, I'm not saying you should become a grump who denies

everything. It's about clarity. Often, in our quest to be polite, we
end up in situations that aren't favorable to us. Camp’s
philosophy tells us it’s okay to be clear about what we want,
even if it means ruffling a few feathers.

The Art of Saying "No" the Camp Way

Of course, it’s not about bluntly rejecting everything thrown your

way. Camp’s approach was more nuanced. It's about asking
open-ended questions, understanding the other party's position,
and guiding the conversation.

For instance, instead of saying, "I won't pay that much," you could
ask, "Can you help me understand why this is the best price?"
Such questions don’t just shut the conversation down but rather
channel it in a direction you’re comfortable with.

In a world that often prioritizes pleasing others and seeking

external validation, Jim Camp’s philosophy of "no" is refreshingly
empowering. It's not about being confrontational but about being
true to oneself. It reminds us that in negotiations, and in life, we
have the right to prioritize our needs, values, and boundaries.

Am I going off-topic?

I wasn’t because saying no is actually always a powerful way to

re-establish respect from your wife.

Saying Jim Camp's favourite word can be a big step so here’s

how you can practise it.

Evaluate Personal Boundaries:

Action: Spend some time reflecting on your personal boundaries.

Write them down. What makes you uncomfortable? What do you
need more of in your life, and what do you need less of?
Practice Assertive Communication:

Action: When discussing something with your wife where you feel
inclined to say "no", use "I" statements. For example, instead of
"You always want to go to your parents' house", try "I need some
quiet weekends at home for relaxation."

Propose Alternatives:

Action: If you're saying "no" to a particular suggestion or request

from your wife, try to offer an alternative. "I can't watch the kids
on Saturday morning, but I can take over in the afternoon."
Delay Your Response:

Action: If you're unsure about a request, instead of immediately

agreeing, say, "Let me think about it and get back to you." This
gives you time to genuinely evaluate the situation.
Set Aside Time for Personal Activities:

Action: Dedicate certain times of the week for activities you enjoy.
Inform your wife in advance so she's aware and can plan

Engage in Constructive Discussions:

Action: If you find certain topics or requests recurrently

problematic, set aside a time to discuss them without
distractions. This prevents on-the-spot "yes" answers that you
might regret.

Seek Support:

Action: Talk to friends or consider counseling to help you build

assertiveness skills.
Regularly Check-in on Boundaries:

Action: Monthly, revisit the boundaries you've set. Discuss with

your wife how things are going and adjust as needed.

Be Consistent:

Action: Once you've communicated a boundary, be consistent in

maintaining it. Changing your stance frequently can lead to

Express Appreciation:

Action: After discussions or when your wife respects your "no",

express appreciation. This reinforces positive communication.
Remember, saying "no" isn't about being combative or
confrontational. It's about maintaining personal integrity, mutual
respect, and ensuring both partners in the relationship have their

needs acknowledged and addressed.

So, next time you find yourself instinctively nodding along to

something you're not entirely on board with, channel a bit of Jim
Camp. Take a breath, embrace the power of "no", and see where it
takes you. Because, in the wise words of Camp, "No is just a
moment in a conversation."

Chapter 7:
How to get more sex from
your wife
One more thing about women.

When they say ‘they’re too tired’ or ‘not in the mood’. Those aren’t
Let me just get this out of the way, no way will I ever endorse
forcing yourself on your wife.

If you hear these words of I'm too tired or any form of rejection…

…leave it as may.

But what I want you to understand in this scenario is this:

Whatever reasons she throws at you.
It’s all one thing and one thing only.

She no longer has any burning desire for you…

She may see you as a leader… but an intense burning desire is still
a different animal.

Not reigniting the passion in your marriage is a different process

(May I recommend my book in the subject)

But for this chapter, that’s what I want you to understand. It’s not
about her mood or her energy.
Remember, Eve was made for Adam.

During ancient times, a woman’s body was a gift for a man.

Her rejecting your sexual advances is simply an expression that

she doesn’t see you as a husband – at that moment.

But only sees you as some guy she’s living with.

Once again, for a more long-term solution, I highly

recommend my book.

Now since you already bought this book, I don’t want to leave you

Here’s a step-by-step blueprint to getting more sex from your wife!

1. Take her out to a simple and quiet restaurant – one that

has subtle lightning. Make sure you don’t go cheap here. If
there’s one thing that dries up a woman, it’s frugality.

2. Don’t do it for a big occasion – just do it out of random.
Spontaneity breeds sex
3. Pick a good table, where you two can talk in private and
where you can cuddle a bit. Somewhere next to a wall is a
good place.
4. Order a good bottle of wine
5. Watch her sip her wine and have fun and tell her you have
something serious t o talk about.

6. (In case she says she doesn't want any – just order two
glasses anyway. Women can’t resist a good glass of wine)
7. Tell her how great she’s been so far.
8. Talk about all the good moments you had together
9. Start transitioning into the more – ‘dirty’ memories. Have
you done it in a theater? Or in your parents house when you
were a teen? If your relationship was pretty vanilla, you can
just start talking about your first sex and how you felt.[
Make sure to compliment her saying how beautiful she is
and start saying how she still looks beautiful
10. Tell her how you look at her sometimes and you’re still
attracted to her.
11. Ask her what happened why you two are no longer having
12. Listen
13. Don’t blame her at all
14. Make sure her glass is filled during this time
15. At this time, gauge her answers. If she’s really trying to
give you helpful ones then it’s time to start getting touchy
16. If she’s dismissive, then better back off.
17. Once you do start to touch her, observe how she is
18. And then you seal the deal by whispering in your ear that
you gotta do it again.

Let’s dissect this plan.

This has been inspired by a dating concept called fractionation.

You start off good – treat her to a nice dinner which every woman
would want.

Make her feel good by bringing up great memories from the past.

Then instantly bring her feelings down like a roller coaster by

asking her what happened – you bring up the present.

Then you instantly bring her up again only this time – sexually.

Once she’s been in a whirlwind of emotions… she will be stripping

her clothes off.

Make sure to NOT waste your time here. If you are far away from
home, it’s best to seal the deal in a nearby hotel or anywhere you
can do the deed!

During this time, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. You don’t want to say
anything that will ruin the mood.

So how did it go?

If you followed this plan to the T… let me know how it worked out
for you.

I’m sure you scored and I want all the details.

Send it over to me at ;)

Chapter 8:
The Mafia Boss Aura

I’ll unveil to you one of the most potent mind games ever: the
'Mafia Boss Aura'.

Ever wondered how those mob leaders can simply tilt their head,
and the entire room freezes?

It's all about silent power. Those mafia dons, they don't lose their
temper, they don't shout, and they certainly don't beg.

Yet, everyone around them is constantly on their toes, trying to

please them.

Why? Because they’ve mastered the art of conveying power with


Now as a man, the last thing you need to show your woman is
emotion. Look, a woman loses her respect to a man when she
acts like a woman. It's as simple as that.

When you are shouting, kicking, screaming like a little girl, your
wife will disrespect you.

This art starts with unwavering self-confidence. Knowing your
value and worth.
When you have that, you don't need to shout or threaten. Your
mere presence communicates authority.

It's not just about posture and attitude; it's deeper than that.

It's about sending a clear message without saying a word.

Now I don’t believe in faking confidence one bit. I don’t think that
can be faked so you need genuine confidence to pull something
like this off.

How exactly can you be confident? If you’re willing to walk away.

This is the harsh truth that most readers of this book won’t be
able to swallow.

Here’s the deal and I’ve told you this from the beginning. In every
relationship, there is no 50/50.
Sure there maybe 60/40 or 80/20 but a complete equality is not

The reason is no matter how many times each one of you i

understand and compromises with one another…

…at the end of the day there will always be a difference. Because
you two are two separate people.
(Which is good because being married to yourself is creepy)

To stay together as long as humanly possible… you need to rely on
one leader.

And as a man… that’s you.

In any relationship, the person who’s willing to walk away HAS the

So, if there’s anything that you can take away from this book. If
there’s anything that instantly commands respect…
…it’s the ability to walk away.

It’s a subconscious thing that you can’t fake and even if you do
women will detect it right away.

That’s their power – emotions.

Once you do have unwavering confidence… the mafia boss aura

comes naturally.

But let’s break it down anyway.

First, your physical presence must reflect power.

It's not about bulging muscles or expensive suits, but about how
you carry yourself.

Stand straight, shoulders back, chin up.

Every move should be deliberate, every gaze calculated. When you

enter or leave a room, do so with purpose.
Next, your silence is golden.

Most people are uncomfortable with silence, feeling the need to

fill every gap with words.

Not you.

When someone speaks to you, take a moment before responding.

Let them squirm in the silence.

They'll often fill it with more information, or even change their

stance, just to appease the pressure you've created without
uttering a word.

Your words, when you do speak, should be chosen with precision.

No excess, no fluff.

Be direct, even if it's cryptic.

Let people spend their energy deciphering your meaning.

This creates a dynamic where they're working to understand you,
putting you in a position of power.

Eye contact.

This cannot be stressed enough.

When you look at someone, make sure you really see them.

It's almost like you're peering into their soul, assessing them.

This type of intense, unyielding eye contact can unnerve many,

making them feel like they're under your spell.

Lastly, unpredictability.

Have patterns, but break them just often enough to keep people
on their toes.

This ensures that no one ever feels entirely comfortable around

you, always second-guessing how they should act or what they
should say.

Implement these techniques, internalize them, and you'll radiate

an aura that few can resist.

It's not about manipulation, but about understanding human

psychology and using it to establish an unspoken dominance.

Throughout "Wife Whisperer," we've embarked on a
transformative journey, exploring the depths of understanding,
communication, and connection in marriages.

Every chapter was designed to equip you with knowledge and

tools to bridge the gap, mend broken threads, and regain that
precious respect from your wife.

We delved into the dynamics of relationships, discovering that

respect is more than just a by-product of love—it's a foundation
that requires patience, trust, and continual effort.

It's about understanding her emotions, appreciating her

perspectives, and valuing her feelings.

By implementing the strategies and practices laid out in this book,

you are taking proactive steps to foster a healthier, more fulfilling
marital relationship.

However, the journey doesn't end here.

Relationships evolve, and as they do, challenges may shift and


It's crucial to remember that the journey to regaining and
maintaining your wife's respect is an ongoing one.

The skills and insights you've gained from this book are tools that
you can revisit and refine over time.

Lastly, everyone's journey is unique, and while this book provides

a broad framework, there might be specific situations or
challenges you encounter that weren't covered in these pages.

If you have any questions, need further guidance, or simply wish

to share your story, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

We are here to assist and support you on this significant voyage.


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