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Passive Pussy:

An Instagram Dating Guide

Let's look at the things you
can do immediately to set up
your profile and start talking
to new local girls today. Just
by getting these few things
done, you’ll be among the top
25% of guys who she sees on

This is the first thing she sees when she gets a notification of you interacting with her
on IG. It seems insignificant yet important. In the future get a photographer but for
now just use your phone to take cool profile pic if you can't find something in your
camera roll.

Pic should be colorful to stand OUT. Anything RED, GREEN, BLUE. Anything to
stand out and be eye-catching. Anything to help spark curiosity and for her to
click and scope your profile. Take a selfie if needed, for the time being it's good

Not looking at the camera, looking to the side. Pick your best angle.

Interesting background but enough of your face so she can distinguish what you
look like.
4 Main mistakes guys make.

Too many faces in all the pics. Your profile is a snapshot into your life, so if all
your pics are of you or you and other people drinking, hanging out- you look
like a very social person but like you have no life outside of that and it's not
Pics of only you. Makes you look like a loner with no friends.
Too much man shit, lifting, cars, bikes, material items. If you wanna attract
dudes that's good but if you want girls attention, you need things that interest
girls too. Girls love romantic things, don't snooze on showing them the dating
side of your life they could possibly be a part of.
Too many girls in your photos, although preselection does work- do not try to
be a knockoff Dan Bilzerian. They want to know you’re in demand but also
available, its a fine line. Keep note of body language of the girls in your pics, if
all of them are super buddy buddy instead of them swooning over you, it
makes you look like the gay bestfriend, not like a player.

It's better to have FEW good pictures than a TON of pics where half are shitty. Archive
all that doesn't fit with the new perspective you're trying to create of an interesting
man, living his best life. The point is to have a good base without any pics that would
“disqualify” you to keep her interested. We will focus on adding correct pics after, but
for now deleting bad ones is a good start.
Let's be real here. Girls want to date up and LOVE a high status man. The easiest way
to hack your way into perceived social status without needing to actually be known
is by BUYING FOLLOWERS. Now remember, we are not worrying about anything right
now besides getting you the biggest advantage in order to be able to attract NEW
GIRLS who don't know you and getting them intrigued enough to want to learn more
about you to get them out on a date. A random guy with good pics and 100 followers
vs a random guy with good pics and 50k-100k followers WILL see different results. buy as many as you can afford. I would recommend 100k if you
can afford it, otherwise start out with at least 20k. TRUST ME THIS WILL MAKE
A DIFFERENCE. This is an investment in your future dating life. $250 or $500
might seem like a lot but when you think about it, that's literally a few nights
out of bar tabs where you waste it and probably got no girls at a bar.
When you start to see Instagram as a dating app, you
have to position yourself as a high value man that
girls want to get to know. Your profile is the tangible
product you're selling. The photos, captions, likes,
comments, followers stir the feelings and ultimately
the dream you're trying to get her to buy.

All girls want the same thing. A prince charming that will take her out of her boring
shitty life into a whirlwind of fun, excitement and (hopefully) romance. This
permeates everything girls swoon over. Ever heard of 50 shades of gray? Rich dude,
pulls up swoops boring hoe and flips her life upside down. Aka high status man
(higher than her) with an exciting life gives her romance. This simple formula is a hack
into a girl's subconscious that will automatically get her curious about what it would
be like to date you.

Now obviously, if you aren't actually all that exciting, fun or rich in real life then there
will eventually be an issue but for the purpose of this product, our goal is to make it
seem like you are at least to get her out on a date so that you can shoot your shot.
There is a very fine line between blatant lying and exaggeration, in this formula- we
will tread the line.

Since the beginning of time, girls have been attracted to powerful men, but you
already knew that. I’m not here to teach you game dynamics, im here to give you the
low down of what works in order to portray what you need on Instagram to seem like
a powerful high status man.

Followers + engagement are the only thing on Instagram that separate a low status
man from a high status man.
Based on nothing else. Who do you think she’ll be more interested in clicking “Follow”
to learn more about?

Say she hits follow on both. Now she's on the profile and scrolling, who do you think
she’ll be more interested in replying to once she sees a message from?
Based on nothing else, your attention is more valuable when she sees she's
“competing” with hundreds of people vs dozens for your time. Every girl loves a
challenge and this sets up a dynamic of her chasing you for your attention.

If you already have a large social circle and have high engagement on your posts-
good, then don’t worry about this step but for everyone else pay attention. In order
to trick these girls into believing she is competing with tons of other people for your
attention you will be buying LIKES & COMMENTS on every single photo you post
using the 10-10-1 formula.

• 100k followers - about 10k likes - about 100 comments

• 20k followers - about 2k likes - about 20 comments
• Amount of followers x 10% likes, amount of likes x 1% comments

Simple but powerful stuff. For this use:

• I recommend 2nd option on drop down menu “Instagram Likes”, 1st option under
packages “Instagram Likes [No Refill]”

I recommend option 10 on drop down menu “Instagram Comments”,

• package option 7 “Instagram Random Comments [Female] [High Quality]”

• package option 8 “Instagram Random Comments [Emoji] [High Quality]”
• package option 22 “Instagram Comments [RANDOM] [FEMALE]

If you have trouble seeing the package names on mobile, you have to use
desktop or flip your phone horizontally.
Girls are boring af for the most part
so you have to show that if she steps
into your life, it will be filled with fun.
Ever heard the song “Girls just wanna
have fun”? Girls are emotional
creatures filled with higher highs and
lower lows than me or you could ever
feel. She thrives on LIVING and
EXPERIENCING. This is why they're
so obsessed with instagram and all
the cool shit they could be doing
instead of being lame. Scroll through
most girls' instagram and outside of
thirst traps what you'll see is all
similar. Nightlife, travel, friends,
luxury, and rest pics of her. Scroll
through most *high status* guys
instagrams and what you see is all
similar. Nightlife, travel, friends,
luxury, pics of him- BUT ALSO of his

The one thing that separates men

from women is our taste for cool, fun
dangerous shit. Fast cars, water
sports, snow sports, fighting, off
roading, guns. Think James Bond.
Everyone loves him because he
embodies raw masculinity to the
core. Cool shit, cool lifestyle, dresses
sharp, exotic locations, high end
restaurants and nightlife typically
with a pretty girl in tow. SHE WANTS
Sell her the dream of the possibility
of being that girl in tow to your
exciting James Bondesque life.
Think about it like this- as a guy. Who of the following, knowing nothing else- would
you have the most fun hanging out with? -and why do you think that?

1, 2, or 3? Really actually think about why and how each of these profile and there
collective ~15 images gives you a “dream” about what each of their lifestyle is like-
even if its not true.

You know girls are total saps that thrive off love stories, fairy tale happy endings,
romantic shit in general right? If not, idk what to tell you but take my word for it, they
eat that shit up. Most guys are afraid to show their romantic side in fear of being
taken advantage of or being seen like a simp but real players weaponize the fuck out
of that shit. How else can you make a girl fall madly in love if you don’t trick her brain
into thinking she is in her very own version of 50 Shades of Gay or whatever other
lame shit they’re watching on Netflix these days? Girls want to be wined and dined,
taken to far away places, have romantic scenes as if out of movies, so you use this to
your advantage and place “Scenes” of your life with pictures taken in a way that lets
her put herself there. This is where 1st person and 3rd person pictures reign supreme.
These are literally the same drink at the same restaurant. Notice how one picture
does not have the same feeling as the other although they are essentially of the
same thing and place.

Again, same thing. Notice how in one you can picture yourself there, while in the
other its just a guy standing there.
Now with the formula in mind, we are going to be building our profile by staggering
the types of pictures in a manner that gives her a picture of your *enhanced* life.

Notice how no two pictures are showing the same thing. Starting from top right we

Now obviously a lot of these categories overlap but this is the point. She gets hit from
all angles and it sparks curiosity to want to know who you are and ultimately accept
your advance via messages.
This very moment I want you to find in your camera roll.

• 1 picture of a cool outdoors view in a location you visited

• 1 picture of yourself looking good (ideally away from camera)
• 1 picture of a city view in a location you’ve been to
• 1 picture of you having a good time with friends
• 1 picture of you doing some cool James Bond shit, refer to list above
• 1 picture of what a romantic date with you could look like from her pov

Now most of you should have these in your phone BUT IF FOR SOME REASON YOU
DONT- Guess what? How do you know I took any of those pics in my photo gallery
personally? (I did) BUT I could not have. Now don’t go stealing my fucking pics you
schmuck but I’m saying if you’ve been to Paris but didnt take any cool pics- theres a
bazillion online. Idk copyright laws or whatever but do at your own risk, I doubt
someone will come hunt you down for putting their pic on IG though.

DO NOT skip this step, it's super important and the level of thought and time you
put into this step will pay off tenfold when girls start clicking on your profile.

You know girls edit the fuck out of their pics right? Well we gotta play fair so we’re
going to do the same. Now I don’t mean edit the fuck out of your face like a f@& but
we will edit your pictures to make the colors pop more and look all around more

Go to your app store and download “Lightroom” from photoshop. This is where you
can begin to choose the aesthetic to your profile by playing with the presets. Don’t
over think it, the level of contrast vs level of brightness doesnt fucking matter. Just
hit all your pics with the presets you most like, pick 3-4 of them that feel good and
be done with it.
This is probably the most level of customization youll be able to do to your profile. I
won’t tell you what to write because that defeats the purpose of selling YOUR dream
life but I will tell you what girls don’t like: try hardness. Don’t try to be an influencer
and ask people bullshit questions, that btw your bots wont answer. Don’t try to post
a bunch of philosophical bullshit that she doesn’t understand and doesn't give af
about. Keep it short, simple, and don't overthink it.

If you’re struggling with this, think: “nonchalant”, “nbd”, “mysterious”, “distant”,

“dominant”. All the good qualities the leading dudes in their romance shows and
books are like.

Hit your IG, add the pic in a staggered order so no two touching pics are alike, add a
caption (points for all lowercase), tag the location (for passive pussy) and hit upload.

Hit massgress buy 10% of your followers in Likes and 1% of those in comments and
repeat until all 6 are uploaded.
Now that you have the best possible profile as a “hook”, its time to go fishing.

The point here is to get as many local girls to know you exist. There is no point in
being the best looking, most exciting, best possible guy in your area if no one knows
you. This is why Instagram is so powerful. From the comfort of where you currently
stand you can penetrate the awareness of hundreds of local girls.

The easiest way to do this is to “Follow” them to trigger a notification on their phone
and bait them into clicking onto your profile (your hook). If your profile is good
enough, they’ll hit “Follow Back” and you are now in their circle of awareness.
Although you are a stranger, you are now someone they “know” from Instagram
instead of a total stranger.

Open up your instagram and hit the search

function. Type in any popular bar or
restaurant in your area and hit search
Very important you hit search instead of
clicking the venue profile as this will pull up the
“Places” option you’re looking for.

Hit the correct location and start your search

under the “Recent” tab. I choose Recent
because a lot of the top pics can be over a year
old and a lot can change in a year depending
on where you live, a lot of people move, etc.
Click a pic to enter scroll mode and hit “Follow”
for any potential cutie you think looks good. At
this step don’t bother checking profile.

• Restaurants
• Bars
• Nearby places of interest
• Hair Salons
• Nail Salons
• Universities
• Coffee Shops
Another great place to fish is in local people
you know Followers or Following.

I prefer the following list because if they’re well

known or popular they could have followers
from all over the country.

I’m not the biggest fan of this method because

you typically have to take an extra click onto
their profile to make sure they’re actually local
or you'll end up with a ton of girls who aren’t
even in your area. Regardless, it's still an easy
way to expand your reach fast.
This is why putting the effort in the previous step is so important, after you hit follow
you’ll be relying on your profile to strike up enough curiosity to elicit them to want to
“Follow Back”. If you’re doing this right, you’ll begin to see the potential matches that
start to follow back which will be your pool of girls to choose from.

If you’re not seeing many Follow Backs, this will tell you that your profile is not strong
enough and something needs tweaking. Don’t stress too much though, whether they
follow you back or not- You can still DM them, the Follow Backs are simply the “warm
leads” where as no Follow Back will be considered a “cold lead” and therefore a lower
response rate on average.
Remember that instagram is a SOCIAL network. The more social you are in person,
the more that can be leveraged into building connections online. The easiest example
of this is showing up on a friend's IG Story. The more effort you put into showcasing
your life online, the more chances girls will stumble on your profile and fall into your

THIS DOES NOT MEAN PAYING FOR SHOUTOUTS. This means, posting stories when
you’re out with friends and tagging them so they can repost on their stories. Anyone
watching their stories will be able to click onto your profile and see what you’re about.
Don’t be weird about this and start asking everyone to tag you but just know it is
powerful- Especially if you have hot girlfriends that constantly post about you.

And like with any other job, the more time you put in, the more you get paid. Make it
a daily routine to search out 25-50 girls and over the course of time your funnel will
start overflowing with leads.
You have a sexy profile, you’re
reaching out to dozens of local
girls daily, you’re seeing follow
backs and likes from them, now
how do you convert that attention
into real life pussy?

First things first, any and all attention from girls is GOOD ATTENTION. They know you
exist, you are someone that if you ran into them and approached, theyd be like “omg
yes I know you from Instagram”. They KNOW of you. The opposite of love is not hate,
it’s indifference and the only thing worse than having girls reject you is girls not
knowing you exist. WIth that being said- you have different levels of interest that we
gauge by their level of engagement with your profile.

• Cold Lead- No follow back, no likes on posts, literally zero engagement.

• Warm Lead- Followed back, maybe some post likes, more than zero engagement.
• Hot Lead- Followed back, liked 3-5 posts, definite engagement.

Now as you can see, with just the Follow/Follow Back formula, we don’t have much
data to work with to determine her level of engagement with your profile. Unless
you’re posting new pics every few days and can see her liking everything consistently,
after the initial Follow Back and possible Likes, you’ll be in the dark. This is where
stories come in.
Stories allow you to not only stay top of mind and
continue to curate her image of you DAILY, but it
gives you real time data about what girls are
showing interest in you.

By looking at your story views you can single out

the girls that are keeping tabs on you and attack
accordingly. This is about as close as you’re going
to get to them approaching you, so take
advantage of it.

Where I see most guys struggle is in not knowing

what to post or posting dumb shit. This is fair
because you don’t want to “ruin’ the image you
have but let me tell you it’s basically better to
post and stay top of mind than to fade into
obscurity. Don’t overthink it, post at least 3-5
times daily and you’ll end up with a healthy fat
pipeline of hoes to choose from always.

- Don’t be shy to use an IG filter on these

- (Unless you work at mcdonalds) Try to post the cool shit or let them think you
don’t work

- Pictures of cash, expensive shit, your car, house, etc

- Don’t be shy to pull out your phone and record your nights out. Don’t
overdo it, don’t be a dork about it but don’t miss the opportunity to give her

- Don’t post your fucking PB&J you made for work or your dry ass chicken breast
and rice that you meal prepped. Nice restaurants or home cooked meals

- Avoid the motivational shit but definitely don’t shy away from posting funny
or controversial shit, you’ll be surprised at how many responses you get.

The more you do it, the more of a habit it’ll become and the more you’ll notice specific
girls watching the “Show” of your life.
Now keep in mind, you don’t have to wait for the
Follow Back, or Likes or story views for you to shoot
a DM. It’s simply a way to over time nurture leads and
get them warmer. By no means should you use that
as a cope to NOT send DMs. I’d even say that in the
beginning it’s better to not wait for any engagement
and just start talking with local girls, a lot will Follow
Back or show engagement AFTER you start
messaging back and forth.

Send anything to spark her curiosity and make her

want to reply. The easiest thing I’ve tried is sending
“city you’re both from?”. I got this from Andrew Tate
and guess what it fucking works. She’ll want to know
why the fuck you want to know if shes from there
and reply.

9 times out of 10 they’ll reply with yes or no, as

long as they don’t say they live somewhere else,
just follow up with

I’m not going to give you exact sentences to say

beyond that, it defeats the scope of this but keep
it light and playful, don’t spend more than 10
messages back and forth before inviting her out
for coffee. Find common ground and make it an
excuse to get together.

Depending on the feedback I might add more

here but I don’t want to turn this into a “pick up”
instructional, there is infinite material out there.
I’d recommend checking out the archives of
Chateau Heartiste.
Overall the more effort you put in the more results you will see. Just remember it is
a numbers game so outside of constantly improving your profile, the amount of
activity and interactions you have daily will ultimately determine your results.

The world is slowly moving more and more online and your digital world (or more
importantly your portrayal of it) matters more and more. Be proactive, do the work
and reap the rewards.
What if I don’t want to use my current account or have an account to begin with?

• a fresh account is sometimes the best because you don’t gotta worry about shit
it’s a fresh start

Why can’t I buy followers on

• its finicky sometimes processing payments but it should let you switch to paypal
after a failed attempt. there’s other sites but goread is hands down best quality so
try to work around it. others have recommended buzzoid

Why is a zoomed in profile pic important?

• zoomed out pic makes girls think you ugly because you hiding

What if I don’t want to buy followers or likes?

• buying followers is for perceived social status to leverage with a local audience.
buy them or youre ngmi

But is the profile pic actually important?

• yea anything that can give you the edge to have her click over to your profile
is money in the bank. in sales funnel terminology it’s literally the tippity top of the

What if I get called out for buying followers?

• no girls will really ever call you out for buying followers because they think you’ll
call them out on editing their pics. haven’t had any girl mention my follower count
So we really only need a few photo gallery rows of good pics?

• 100% all you need is 4-6 rows which is 12-18 pics. enough to fill a phone screen on
your profile page

What are your personal results with these methods?

• out of every 20 girls that reply you should be able to get 2-3 of them out and the
rest is up to you. amount of messages needed for 20 girls that reply is totally going
to depend on your profil. from dates to fucking my close rate is like 60% unless
something about her is just not my taste. i have a strong social circle in denver so
that helps a ton i always have places to take girls but when i was austin i built a
social circle from scratch. instagram helped a lot with because i would post tons
of stories and everyone would always want to join

Any examples?
What does your inbox look like?
What's the biggest issue with this method?

• instagram spam filters after a while they’ll stop letting you cold dm mass
amounts of girls and they’ll block you from starting convos for periods of time.
which is where you have to start focusing more on follow & nurture instead of
shotgun approach. the idea is that through focusing on stories and continuing to
build your profile the snowball of local girls that know you grows and you’re able
to pick them off over time. passive pussy

Can you show “good stories” to see exactly what you mean, the angles, how to
portray things in cool and not dorky way?
• 2 months of stories but over half are videos tho so it loses context
Do you have a limit on how many followers the girl has, or shit like that is pointless?

• typically better response rate with girls under 10k. it’s very superficial, remember
girls wanna date “up” so girls with much lower counts than you

Do a lot of big accounts buy fake followers?

• facts. once you realize it’s a hack and nobody ever calls you out on it it has zero
downside with significant upside

What makes pics shit or good so I know what to look for in the future?

• shitty quality is no good. better off putting pictures of not you that are high quality
showing your interests. all mine are from my iphone. whenever someone takes
pics have them shoot blast and take like 15-20 pics really fast, typically 1 comes
out good unless lighting issue or they have crackhead hands
Remember the overall angle is to create a dating profile, this means you give it a
dating angle. Don’t be afraid to use Lightroom, its literally a hack and makes every
image look at least 2x better. Don’t forget to mix up the VARIETY and stagger
different types of pics. No two pics of food next to each other, no two pics of people
together, no two pics of views together.

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