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Board Report April 16, 2024

Review of Weapons Detection System Implementation

We are pleased to present the findings of a comprehensive survey conducted to gauge the
perceptions of weapons detectors in our high school environment. In response to the ever-
evolving landscape of school safety measures, this survey sought to gather valuable insights
from students, staff, and visitors regarding the implementation of weapons detection systems.
By exploring attitudes, opinions, and experiences related to these security measures, this
survey aimed to inform future decision-making processes and further enhance the safety and
well-being of our school community. Through collaboration and open dialogue, we endeavor to
create a secure environment that fosters a sense of safety and peace of mind for all individuals
on campus.
Summary of Comments & Themes that Emerged from Students
In summary, the comments reflect a range of concerns regarding the effectiveness, reliability,
and impact of weapons detection systems in schools. Common themes include doubts about
their effectiveness in preventing violence, operational challenges, concerns about cost and
resource allocation, and the need for alternative approaches to school safety. These
perspectives underscore the complexity and multifaceted nature of the issue of school security.
Positive Themes:
1. Time Efficiency: Some acknowledge that while there are operational issues, they
see potential benefits if the system becomes more efficient in terms of time
2. Recognition of Purpose: Comments reflect a recognition of the intention behind
the detectors, suggesting they could be effective if improved.
3. Acknowledgement of Importance: Students express understanding of the need
for security measures, even if they are critical of the current implementation.
4. Potential Deterrence: Many believe that despite shortcomings, the presence of
detectors could deter some individuals from attempting to bring weapons into the
Negative Themes:
1. Operational Inefficiency: Comments highlight various operational inefficiencies,
such as frequent false alarms, long wait times, and inconsistent functionality.
2. Lack of Trust: Many express a lack of trust in the detectors due to frequent false
alarms and perceived inadequacy in detecting actual threats.
3. Evasion and Bypassing: Several comments point out the ease with which
individuals can bypass or evade the detectors, raising doubts about their
4. Cost and Resource Allocation: Some criticize the allocation of funds for the
detectors, suggesting that resources could be better utilized elsewhere, such as
mental health support.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 1
5. Privacy Concerns: A few express discomfort with the level of intrusion during bag
checks and perceived violations of privacy.
6. Perceived Uselessness: Some comments express outright skepticism or
frustration, deeming the detectors useless or ineffective in preventing violence.
7. Negative Impact on Environment: Several comments highlight the negative
impact of the detectors on the school environment, such as increased anxiety among
students and feelings of being criminalized.
8. Alternative Solutions: Some suggest alternative approaches to school safety, such
as removing the detectors altogether or reallocating resources to address underlying
9. Criticism of Staff and Procedures: A few criticize the handling of security
procedures and suggest the need for better training and procedures for staff
operating the detectors.
Summary & Themes that Emerged from Parents
In summary, while there are differing opinions on the efficacy and necessity of weapons
detection systems, common themes include concerns about student safety and well-being,
doubts about effectiveness, operational issues, and questions about resource allocation and
cultural impact. These perspectives highlight the complex considerations involved in
implementing security measures in educational settings.
Positive Themes:
1. Concern for Safety: A few comments express appreciation for the efforts to
enhance safety, even if the effectiveness is questioned.
2. Acknowledgment of Control: Some recognize the limitations of current
legislation and appreciate the measures taken within the school's control.
3. Support for Improvement: Despite criticism, some express willingness to
support the implementation if issues are addressed and improvements are made.
4. Recognition of Potential Benefit: A minority acknowledge the potential benefits
if the detectors are effective in preventing violence.
5. Awareness of Other Threats: A few acknowledge that while the detectors may
target specific weapons, there are other potential threats that they do not detect.
Negative Themes:
1. Lack of Effectiveness: Many comments express doubt about the effectiveness of
the detectors in enhancing safety, citing data or personal observations.
2. Negative Impact on Environment: Several comments highlight the negative
impact of the detectors on the school environment, including increased anxiety
among students and a perception of the school as unwelcoming or prison-like.
3. Operational Issues: Various operational issues are mentioned, including long wait
times, inefficiency, and concerns about the effectiveness of staff monitoring the
4. Privacy Concerns: Some express discomfort with the level of intrusion during bag
checks and concerns about potential racial or ethnic profiling.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 2
5. Waste of Resources: Many criticize the cost-effectiveness of the detectors, viewing
them as a waste of money that could be better allocated elsewhere.
6. Skepticism about Security Measures: Several express skepticism about the
overall effectiveness of the detectors in preventing violence and suggest alternative
approaches to school safety.
7. Feelings of Unease and Discomfort: Many express feelings of being unsafe or
uncomfortable due to the presence of the detectors, particularly students of color or
those who feel targeted or criminalized.
8. Ease of Circumvention: Some mention the ease with which individuals can
bypass or evade the detectors, raising doubts about their effectiveness in preventing
weapons from entering the school.

Summary & Themes that Emerged from Teachers

In summary, while some individuals express confidence in the necessity of the weapons
detection system for enhancing school safety, many raise significant concerns regarding its
effectiveness, cost, impact on students, and alternative strategies for addressing security needs.
These varied perspectives highlight the complex considerations involved in implementing and
evaluating school safety measures.
Positive Themes:
1. Feeling of Safety: Some express confidence in the system's potential to enhance
safety and prevent violent incidents.
2. Acknowledgment of Importance: A few recognize the significance of having
security measures in place, especially in light of the prevalence of school shootings.
3. Support for Personnel: Some appreciate the efforts of security personnel,
acknowledging their positive interactions with students and their role in maintaining
a safe environment.
4. Preventive Measures: A few believe that while the system may not be perfect, it
serves as a deterrent and reminder of the importance of school safety.
5. Potential for Improvement: Some express openness to the system if
improvements are made, such as addressing operational issues or increasing
Negative Themes:
1. Lack of Effectiveness: Many express doubts about the system's effectiveness in
preventing weapons from entering the school, citing instances where weapons have
been bypassed or concerns about its accuracy.
2. Negative Impact on Environment: Several comments highlight the negative
impact on the school environment, including feelings of fear, anxiety, and discomfort
among students and staff.
3. Operational Issues: Various operational issues are mentioned, including long wait
times, concerns about the monitoring of the system, and inconsistencies in its
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 3
4. Financial Concerns: Many criticize the cost-effectiveness of the system, viewing it
as a waste of taxpayer money that could be better allocated to other needs.
5. Circumvention and Inequity: Some express concerns about the ease with which
the system can be bypassed, leading to a false sense of security and perpetuating
inequities in the school environment.
6. Negative Impact on Student Experience: Several comments highlight how the
system negatively affects students, including lateness, reduced participation, and
feelings of being criminalized or targeted.
7. Limited Scope and Coverage: Some criticize the limited coverage of the system,
with only certain entrances being monitored and gaps in security during after-school
8. Cultural Impact: Several comments express concerns about the system's impact
on school culture, with some feeling that it creates a sense of fear or a prison-like
9. Alternative Solutions: Some suggest that the focus should be on addressing
underlying issues and investing in supportive programs rather than relying solely on
security measures.
Free response comments from survey administered to parents,
students, and teachers at East, Highland, and West High Schools
February – March 2024

What would make you feel more safe at school?

1. Administrators and counselors greeting students at every door (not just the front door!) in the
morning and upon departure as well as being present in the halls throughout the day.
2. If I knew that students at risk of causing harm to others were getting all the support that they need
in order to make safe, healthy decisions, I would feel better. I am not confident that sufficient
resources and attention are being put to this.
1. The Weapon detector
2. Police Post
A change in the current culture. But I think that is bigger than HHS
A consistent full staff with School Resource Officers AND School Community Advocates like West Poly
Alumni. Partnering with local community grassroots groups and organizations who provide youth
programming and resources with family resources and programs will help provide a safer space for
learning with open and welcoming. I also think these specific groups and resources should be trauma-
informed and use trauma-informed care in their groups, organizations and institutions.
A country and state that doesn't put some theoretical right to a gun over the life of my child
A different attitude towards guns and how to resolve conflict in our society.
A legislature that is willing to enact common-sense gun safety laws. Weapon detection systems seem
like a cheap band-aid for a problem we don't have the political will to solve.
A more passive way for security rather then an active one since something don’t get detected.
A welcoming staff that knows and cares for its students on a personal level
Active school resource officers or a dedicated police officer. Cameras. Awareness of what is happening
with students.
Adequate supervision of students in the hallways, students being in class rather than wandering the

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 4
halls during class, more staff on hand who can develop relationships with students. Positive
relationships are what will keep our students safe.
All entries monitored. I've witnessed students holding side doors open for their friends to come in and
bypass security.
Allowing the student to have phones to ensure safety and contact
An increase in programs such as Communities in Schools that are focused on supporting families and
students outside of the school building so that problems there do not translate into violence at school.
I can tell you that I feel less safe knowing my student is at a school where their peers are made to feel
as if they're potential criminals every time they set foot in the building, especially when the system
SLCSD selected requires that large bags containing chromebooks be passed around the sensors,
opening up a huge hole in "security" from minute one. I also feel less safe myself when entering a
building with such a system, and with my child in a school where leadership believes these systems are
effectively keeping our kids safer.
Attendance expectations. Knowing where they are when they are supposed to be there.
Bathroom patrol, some students do not feel safe going to bathroom, because of private area, like there
was news that a assault happened in the bathroom and a student died (not at this school, I think out of
state). I do not feel safe for my going to bathroom, but that will cause medical issues if he holds and
not going to bathroom.
Being better about all bags and people entering the school go through the weapons detection. Also
binders need to go through.
Strict policy on if students bring a weapon to school they don’t get to come back.
Being in class when supposed to be. Knowing people are walking around the halls forcing the kids to
go to class.
being more aware of harassment and social media posts of fights at school
Better attention paid to the people going through the detectors.
Better gun laws
Better state-wide gun control so there are fewer guns in homes that kids can get their hands on
Bueno que tuvieran más seguridad que unos simples detectores
cameras in the parking lots
Change in legislation and more gun control
Chaplains or Social workers on site would be better money spent then on metal detectors and security
Check backpacks morning when students come from home
Check everything
check all the hiding spots
Check-In policy for visitors
Clean bathrooms without drugs or fights
Con los detectores que pusieron siento que está segura
Continuing the support of this system and funding of the dedicated support team that is necessary for
the effect and positive use of the system
Continuing the weapon detection procedure even after school when clubs are still running.
Creating strong relationships with students, especially those students who are at-risk.
Data. How many incidents before the system and how many now? Tracking data proves if it is
effective or not.

Destigmatize mental health services - encourage their use and make them more widely available.
Mandate student connection through mixed grade mentorship programs, community service, etc. Take
an active interest in students' lives to better recognize when one needs help. Change the culture to one
where individual differences are celebrated rather than bullied.
Early prevention case management where students at risk are identified early and supported within
their needs rather than a “gotcha” approach with the weapons detectors and other hard approaches.
Enforcing gender specific bathrooms while offering a private bathroom to those who have changed
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 5
their gender.
Even more adults to be available walking the halls, being present, build rapport with students.
Training in Stop The Bleed for as many as possible.
Evitar mochilas
Federal firearm ban
Fix the spectacularly dangerous pick up/drop off “procedure”. It’s total chaos, and the mix of
pedestrians,, public transportation, frantic parents dropping off their kids with no school zone speed
limit(!!!!) will get someone killed.

Reminder that seventh and eighth graders go to West and leave the school at will just as the older
students do.
Focusing on academics and not talking about gender ideology or DEI subjects would help all students
feel more safe. Many teens with conservative moral values do not feel safe speaking up.
Follow the major safety laws. Respect the witnesses of crime and protect the reporters when crime
For Utah and our nation to pass stricter gun laws, and provide better access to healthcare and mental
health care to the young people that live in our state and nation. People of this state need better
resources for mental health, housing, food scarcity, and EDI initiatives. There needs to be more focus
on inclusion for LGBTQ people. Young people need help and our state is consistently taking social
structures of support away from people that need it as well as fueling fear and hatred towards LGBTQ,
and minority groups.
Functional gun control laws
Good question. I worry that police presence frames students as potential criminals instead of scholars.
Students would be safer if their community were supportive, if students had access to mental health
care, if the culture promoted empathy. Yay for the new health clinic!
Gun control legislation
Gun regulation
Gun regulation; something the school cannot do
Hace falta más seguridad aún con el detector y la gente de seguridad no es suficiente ya que si se les ha
colado a chicos con armas blancas y los chicos han tenido peleas frecuentes dentro y fuera de los
edificios de la escuela , además en los jardines no están seguros nuestros estudiantes cualquier
persona puede pasar y traer un arma contra de los estudiantes, y los homeless merodeando drogados
Have a police officer on site.
Have a police officer on site.
Have a principle that actually cared about the school. Walked the halls. Showed students he was there
and built relationship with ALL of them, but a select few.

Having security more present at the south parking lot and in sugarhouse park. More police present in
the halls.

Take the high school back to a 7:30am start so they are more focus on academics and not tik tok or
snap chat, or fighting. A 7:30am start would also eliminate late students who come from 2700 south
and dealing with the traffic. Highland park elementary starts at the same time as highland high.
Trying to get students to both schools and the traffic off of 1700 East, Stratford and 2700 south is
horrible for all.

Monitor the bathrooms more so students can use them and not worry about other student in their who
are cutting class.

Have a set A day and B day schedule. Monday and Wednesdays are A days. Tuesday and Thursday are
B days. Every Friday rotation of A and B day. Give the kids a more structured schedule instead of them
always needing to figure out what day it is.
Have them at every door.
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 6
Having a closed campus instead of an open one. Students should not be able to go in and out as they
please, much less students from other schools trespassing.
Having the legislature change laws so adults can't just bring a gun into school.
He already feels safe
hire better staff, some hardly ever check your bag, just open it and let you go on your way.
Honest to goodness consequences when a student breaks a rule.
Cameras throughout the school would probably do more than the metal detectors so as long as
sentence number one is carried out.
Honestly, better and more protective gun control laws that happen above the school level. Schools are
in an awful position to try to defend themselves against gun violence and are frankly not given the
support they need by the legislature. Suggestions that teachers be armed at work or should be
expected to protect students against violent aggressors are shameful.
hosting the importance of safety classes
I am more afraid of an active shooter than gang violence. This means the focus should be on mental
health help and inclusivity
I am more concerned that there is flooding in the building and that the school is not safe from an
environmental stand point. Fixing the school building is more important than weapons at this point.
I do not think the metal detectors make schools meaningfully safer from guns or violence. I think a
major change in gun laws in our state or country is what would actually make schools safer.

I feel like she is safe. I haven’t had a feeling she was unsafe. I also didn’t know they had weapon
I feel that our student is safe.
I feel that there's only so much the school can do, and I completely resist arming teachers. What
violence occurs at school has been occasional fights not involving weapons. Monitoring students with
behavior problems and making sure they get the help they need seems to be the main way to minimize
such incidents.
I feel that this school is already doing that.
I felt my student was safe already
i have just heard the students talk about all the ways to get around it on the detector and also that it is
the reason my student is late sometimes due to getting through the detector.
I have seen a decrease in school lockdowns since the detectors have been put in place, so that has been
I have witnessed students holding side doors open for their friends. Apparently all doors need to be
monitored, not just locked.
I think a chaplain or social worker on site would be better than a metal detector and security guards.
I think getting reports of when it catches weapons or some sort of communication to parents on how
it's improved safety for students and teachers. It just seems like it was implemented but then how do
we know if it is really working?
i think having a bench of people at the entrance of the school may prevent outsiders to come in, in that
respect it might be safer for the school
I think it's good for my kid safety I really appreciate to have weapons detector inplace at school.
I think limiting entrances and having good plans in place for dealing with active shooters or violence is
important. Also having good support for kids with mental health issues.
I think more counselors, more eyes on the bathrooms and better relationships between adults and
students should be a major component of increasing student safety.
I think students need to be treated kindly, especially if they identify with the LGTBQ group. My
student has felt unsafe around many students who belittle or put down people who identify as LGTBQ.
If students understood that everyone has feelings and should be treated kindly. People need to give
everyone some grace and believe they are doing their best.
I think the security team is doing a good job.
I think we should sell the weapons detectors to try to recoup some of our money. I think the Principal
should stand at the entrance to the school every morning to greet students when they arrive.
I think West is forgetting about being a psychologically safe place. This is primarily on the teachers.
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They cannot be dismissive and forget to grade your papers (leaving you with 0 and Fs on
powerschool). This type of callousness causes great harm as well and could like feed into the concern
about bullying and violence at the school.
I worry about classroom placement and egress for good safety. At least one of my child's rooms has
just one door no windows and it doesn't seem safe for several disaster scenarios.
I would feel safer if I had regular, two-way communication with the teachers and other staff about my
child's academic and emotional performance at school. Parent teacher conference is the only method
of communication I have been encouraged to engage in. And that has a caveat of teachers not having
enough time, so only parents of students whose grades are low should meet with the teacher during
conference time.
I would feel safer knowing that there isn’t a need for a weapons detector. Also, teachers being aloud to
bring guns into the classroom makes me want to homeschool my child. It is bonkers!
I would like to know what happens to students that bring weapons to school. I hope it is a single strike
I would like to see more teaching and practicing positive social skills. I'm more concerned with how
students and staff treat each other than I am concerned about weapons. The high turnover of staff
concerns me as some teachers who have good relationships with my kids are no longer there. If
weapons detectors are necessary, then they need to be able to accurately discern the difference of a
school binder and a weapon. They also need to be at all entrances. I've had to go through the weapons
detector at the beginning of a school day. In my view, they aren't worth the money.
I would like to see statistics about the estimated number of weapons brought in the school before the
detectors were in place and an estimation of the number of weapons found or avoided with this new
I’m concerned that the metal detectors are only at two doors and limited hours. Although, it does seem
like there’s been less lockdown this year.

If administrators would stop bragging about their multimillion metal detectors that most high school
students can figure out how to avoid if trying to get a weapon inside the school. They are basically
challenging the students to try getting a weapon inside the school.
If all entrances and exits were more secure and monitored and if the searches were more thorough
If bathrooms had some level of security or adult oversight.
If he weapons detectors were actually monitored all day from when the building is full rat blocked to
If the bathrooms were monitored
If the bathrooms were open and clean and had soap, and that there was someone monitoring them so
that my kid could use the restrooms without having to inhale a lot of vape smoke.
If the bathrooms weren’t camping grounds gangs.
If the entire country had stricter gun regulations
If the metal detectors were actually used during the lunch hours.
If the other doors without detectors were more closely monitored. Like students letting other students
in when they shouldn't.
If the pathetic legislature of this state would take gun control and the safety of our children seriously.
If there were a way to prevent circumventing the metal detectors.
If they feel welcomed and students of all socioeconomic backgrounds are encouraged to participate in
sports, clubs, SBOs, etc. if there was less racial profiling and more inclusion and understanding of
home situations.
If they knew what to do in an emergency, I asked my child where she would go to be accounted for in
case of a fire, earthquake, etc., she had no clue. Again could be a teenage thing of not listening, but the
school could send that out as information.
If unruly kids are dealt with decisively and firmly without fear or favor
If Utah & the U.S. had stricter gun regulations.
If we spent the budget of the NBA and NFL on school wellness.
I'm not sure if there is a solution for this, but bathrooms are notorious for bad behaviors and violence.
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Vaping, bullying, physical violence (and vandalism)
implementing weapon detector, using transparent bags or backpacks.
Invest time and resources into developing strong student-staff relationships and a sense of belonging
at school. The best line of defense is well-trained, highly alert staff, and student body.
It was pretty safe as it was.
K hubiera más vigilancia de policía en la escuela siempre en los pasillos y en las puertas principales
Keep up the good work that they are doing!
Keeping an eye out on troubled kids and being preventative
limiting the use of cell phones
Major gun reform in the United States.
Major societal changes
make more effort to stop knives and drugs from coming into the school
Make sure all outside doors are locked securely during school especially the older doors that don't
latch very well (the one on the north side by the childcare). I noticed that when I was volunteering to
help with the metal detectors a few months ago.
Making sure neither TEACHERS NOR STUDENTS have guns at schools. Gun control legislation.
Many young people are struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, are struggling socially, struggling
with family, with phone & social media "addiction." Mask mandates, weapons detectors, shooter drills,
though perhaps necessary, do increase anxiety and a sense of doom. Please use more resources and
staffing to provide more direct and individualized human support and mentoring.
Más seguridad y ablando con nuestro hijo
Más vigilancia en la entrada pasillos y baños
Maybe crack down on the amount of vaping and smoking going on in the schools.
Me gusta que siempre hay policía
Metal detector and security next to the door
Metal detector is great. But consistency of enforcing is just as important. Please fix all the outside
doors that are not able to lock properly during school time.
More community/parent involvement and communication
More cops in the halls talking to people
More counselors at the school. A large focus on mental health support. Required anger management
classes, required classes on appropriate conflict resolution and communicating with people who have
different opinions. More means of making certain 'at-risk' students feel a sense of belonging and part
of some positive group.
More direct interventions for students with a face to face mentor or counselor, and rather than 3
“security guards” at each door, maybe 3 very visible positivity oriented hall walker who interacts w the
students every day during passing time to monitor behaviors, make corrections, and support students
while being a Visible Positive presence.
More effective national and state gun laws
More effective weapons detectors, better intervention for bullying.
More help for and recognition of kids that are struggling socially/emotionally. Less focus on the
symptoms of these issues (e.g. weapons detectors).
More legislative action to ban assault weapons.
More non-binary bathrooms!
More of a regular police presence.
More police present
More safety officers and detection at school help to make a safer environment.
More school resource officers. But please do not require teachers to be armed as the legislature is
More school safety officers would make the school more safe. But DO NOT require teachers to carry
guns as the legislature is suggesting.
more security outside and inside the school premises
More social workers to keep vulnerable students from falling through the cracks.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 9
More staff with positive relationships monitoring the hallways - the number of students who wander is
More time devoted to educating the students and keeping them busy with productive tasks.
My child feels safe at Highland High and did so before the weapons detection systems were in place.
We hope the three-year contract is not renewed. Waste of money. This was a short-sided decision by
Martin Bates and the previous board.
My concern is students can enter any of the other doors and bring weapons in.
My son always tells me everyone knows that the detection is broken and doesn’t do any good. I think
the thought of the weapons detection machine there is helpful though.
My student coming home with more positive stories about his day at school. Less public videos being
posted about fights on or near campus. Less rumors of the metal detectors NOT working and therefore
children walking around with weapons in their bags just to test.
My student feels pretty safe there.
My student has told me about fights where no students were punished or the bullies in the fight were
unpunished. I heard that some senior football players beat up a sophmore football player in the locker
room and the coach did nothing about it! Also, my student feels that the teachers and everyone is
afraid of some of the Polynesian gangs at the school and that they are the ones in charge.
My student says the detectors make him feel more safe, and therefore I feel more safe.
nada todo bien
National and state-level gun regulation.
National Gun Laws
National or state gun control legislation.
Nation-wide gun registration, education and licensing. Registering all gun sales, and penalties for
allowing minors to have access to unsecured firearms.
No access to social media on school laptops
no dangerous people
no lock downs this year. So far.
No response
Not allow teenagers to buy a gun in the first place. The school shouldn't have to check for guns on its
students, the state shouldn't allow students to obtain guns in the first place.
Not allowing students to sit in the bathrooms and vape. My student hates going to the bathroom
because of the other students that hang out in the bathroom.
Not allowing teachers to have guns at school. I don’t know the policy for this now.
Not sure.
Not sure. If someone wants to use a weapon, they can find a common object and make it a weapon. I
think the detectors do at least reduce the lethal weapons coming in. I think the school has done as
much as they can without violating privacy.
nothing more really
Nothing much…
Nothing to think of
Nothing. School shootings and violence is unpredictable and terrifying. Kudos to the resource officers
that noticed suspicious activity in the parking lot and got the guns from those individuals. It might
have been last year…idk…but thank you.
Panic buttons for teachers, individual bathrooms, individual changing rooms, after-school security
staff (maybe there are some) to roam the halls and parking lots.
Patrolling the restrooms. Expelling students who cause trouble, not allowing students to skip class and
wonder the hallways. Students are not disciplined and allowed multiple chances. Disruptive students
should not be allowed in classrooms

Perimeter checks, parking lot watch, increased hallway monitoring, less cell use.
Permitted cellphone communication is comforting but generally we feel that our student is safe from

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 10
violence at school.
Pienso que ya está seguro.
Police presence before school, during school and after school
Police presence more often and metal detectors that pick up everything.
Por los detectores y k también hubiera más policías en la escuela y rebisaran bien las mochilas
Positive relationships between faculty/staff/students/parents. I also appreciate that my student has a
cell phone with them at all times. That has been super helpful during bomb threats, lockdowns,
reporting a weapon on SafeUT.
Possibly because there have been no lockdowns this year.
Proactive adults
Probably not have middle schoolers have open campus. But my daughter wouldn't be happy if I said
that. :)
Progressive gun laws implemented by the school district, UT Legislature and the US Govt.
Providing students with the educational resources on weapon safety. Emphasizing to students the
importance of reporting and that reporting is anonymous.
Pues que siempre esten al Pendiente de todos los estudiantes
Que den platicas más frecuentes sobre sustancias indebidas (alchol,drogas, vapes, etc.) para respetar a
las personas que están a su alrededor y evitar que estas sustancias entren a la escuela.
Que haya más seguridad
Que las personas en el mundo fueramos mas respetuosos y responsables con los demás
Que no hagan bullyng
que pongan cámaras afuera de los baños y más al pendiente en los pasillos donde los estudiantes se
van para pelear o aser cosas indevidas
Que siga la medida que han tomado y si se pudiera implementar otras sería más seguro, gracias
Que tengan más vigilancia
Que ubiera mas seguridad
REAL security.
Regulating guns at the state and national level.
Revisar las puertas que no tienen detectores de metal, dónde se puede ingresar, cuando algún
adolescente abre desde adentro la puerta a otro alumno de afuera.
Safe and clean restrooms. Reduced drug use on campus. Personnel able to respond to and refer violent
incidents to the appropriate place. Increased gang prevention strategies.
Safety workshops on bullying/cyber bullying, class discussion about the hard issues, and more peer
discussion in school clubs.
School is now provided extra security by installing weapons detectors at the school's entrances to
prevent students bringing in weapons inside the school facilities.
Security needs to pay closer attention. Too many bags are just going around the scanner.
Security or adult oversight in the bathrooms!
Self-education of the student about the dangers of carrying a weapon and tampering with it.
Possible instructive posters or a short film on this topic or something else not sure what!
stop creating divisive attitudes amongst the students - encourage the students to have more respect for
all humans
Stop enhancing the school to prison pipeline and do real work
Stop them from leaving the property and going to the park to smoke weed.
Strict gun laws
Stricter gun control laws
Stricter gun laws. Why fortify schools when the problem and solution lies elsewhere. I don't think
weapons have been a big problem.
Stronger leadership. Stronger punishment for kids acting out. More enforcement of kids being in
Taking away weapon detectors and relying on the other resources.
The added security that comes with the weapon detectors.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 11
The current plan now is great
The current police presence and the randomness of it helps.
The current police presence randomly during the day is making me feel better about the schools safety
along with the detectors.
The detectors and security staff present
The doors are not monitored before 8:00. This is a huge loophole.
The metal detectors seam to be inconsistent. Some days a computer sets it off, other days it does not.
So what else is able to get through with it's inconsistency? If keeping in place perhaps they can
become better at detecting items that should not be in school.
the police presence in the establishments.
The problem with the detectors is that any adult can just talk through. So, I'm glad they stop kids from
bringing them in, but I also think kids prop doors open all the time and there are times after school
when someone could bring one in and hide it somewhere. And of course any adult can still do whatever
they want. If someone wants to bring in a gun to school, it could be easily done. But I'm glad at least a
kid who is lazy about it would be stopped.
The security guards themselves help to prevent violence and fights in school. Whether or not the
weapons detectors are helpful, the security guards are a positive presence, and my student appreciates
and likes them as individuals.
The thing that makes me feel safest is knowing there are students who make adults aware of weapons
or concerns they have. I believe that when the majority of the students trust the adults in the building,
those relationships keep the school more safe than any metal detectors. I have heard that the security
staff is building relationships with students and encourage them to go to class and do the right things,
so I think that may be the best benefit to the weapons detectors.
The Utah Legislature actually doing something about assault weapons.
There has been less reports of weapon presence this year than years prior.
There has been no data shared in whether or not the weapons detectors have served as a deterrent or
have prevented any incidences. I think whether or not we think it's "working" is just a perception of
how we feel about our kids walking through metal detectors every day. If there is a way to share any
data collection, or to share teacher and staff perceptions of how it's working, I would be interested to
know. I have zero idea if my kids are any safer, of if it's an expensive tool to give us the illusion that
they're more safe. I have heard that the security staff is building relationships with students and
sharing information with admin that can maybe help them do their jobs better, so I hope that is true.
More trusting, caring adults in the building is more important to me than weapons detectors.
There wasn't a weapons incident this year to my knowledge.
Things outside of the school's control; tighter gun control at the federal and state level.
Times have changed, total safety is not achievable, we as parents need to accept there is a slight risk,
no matter the school/location.
todo bien ninjuna
Treating my student like the intelligent person they are.
Unsure - perhaps useable lockers so there is less "stuff" in the halls?

I like him being able to have his phone with him. That adds to a feeling of safety for me, even if it is not
accessed in class.
Using school IDs & cameras to gain admittance, and keep track of where and when students enter the
building. Have a way to screen to keep out strangers, former students, students from other schools,
etc. I am hopeful that the weapon detectors are acting as a deterrent, but do not know if that is true. It
is not illegal for an adult to enter a school with a weapon, so basically if we had a way to prevent entry
to trespassers that would be an improvement.
Utah legislature passing common sense gun laws.
Wasn't aware of this but believe it us a positive move for safety
We don’t like Auto message system to tell parents their child’s absents. Most of the time, my child was
not absent. It sounds like teachers or substitutes teachers sent wrong info to the office. I was confused
ever time I receive the auto message and had to text my child who was in class to make sure he is not
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 12
Weapon detectors at all doors. If they want to sneak in a weapon they still can, through the doors that
don’t have detectors. Friends can let them in
weapons detector good start
Weapons detectors are deterrents. I have noticed an increase in security at non-entry spaces, making
sure students don’t prop doors open.
What science says works-overall stricter gun laws. And supportive school systems. Not Utah legislators
When our society stops owning so many guns it will be safer. I guess I'm glad the school has metal
detectors, though it's a huge hassle for the kids, but I think it makes things safer? But I don't really
know - I have the feeling if someone really is motivated to bring a gun to school they will find a way.
On the other hand, if we are making it harder to bring weapons that's probably a good thing?
When weapons are totally forbidden our kids will be safe and secure.
Without that system, the school is as safe.
We could have spent that budget in hiring personnel to: (1) promote the safety information; (2)
implement the safety procedures at school; (3) persuade the policy makers to stop the law on owning
personal weapons; (3) be safeguards at the school;
wow, this is impossible to say. Safety, wellness and support starts at home, extends to the community,
which includes the immediate school and greater school district. It is difficult to ask, let alone require,
teachers and administrators to also "police" the students. In general, though, I REALLY believe
reduced class sizes make teachers more connected to students and students more connected with /
concerned about and respectful of each other.
You are doing well

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 13
A less violent history
Actual policies put in place for gun control. The metal detectors go off even for metal binder rings, but
don't when guns go through. I have been pulled over and searched even when the detectors have gone
off. As a result of the detectors, I have almost been late to a good majority of classes. Not only that, if
someone wanted to take a gun to school, they could go through a different entrance or come before the
metal detectors are on or after they are turned off. Incredibly ineffective.
actually taking action to stop it at the source, help people to not feel the need for weapons, make it so
people dont even want to
Are know
Armed guards
ban guns
Ban guns and stop fights that happen out in the park- people getting jumped
Banning all guns and making them so much harder to get.
Banning Guns and more mental health awareness and resources
being able to use my phone
being nice
being safe
Better checking at doors also no vaping and smoking week in the bathroom
better detection system
Better detectors and have them on all entries and exits. Sometimes if I walk through with my laptop in
my backpack it doesn’t go off so that means people with weapons can walk through.
Better freaking gun LAWS. I want action, not "thoughts and prayers". If the government gave students
and children the same level of protection they give unborn fetus, we would have much safer schools.
Instead, they can only think about their sports and their personal convenience for getting killing
machines. It wouldn't be that hard to restrict who can get guns, and to implement the need for a
permit with a greater search so we know the people getting guns are ok and won't put them in places
where people who would use them for harm can get to them. Also not hiring sexual abusers would be a
plus for overall comfort and just logical in general.
Better gun laws
Better gun laws
Better gun laws
better mental health care bc kids wouldnt shoot up schools if they didnt hate it or themselves or
Better monitoring of students whose behaviors are likely to inhibit the use of weapons in school, such
as those who come to class under the influence of any substances.
Better policy’s on fights
Better searching of bags when the machine beeps.
Better security and actual metal detectors that don't go off for no reason
Better teachers
Body guards
Brighter colors
Cell phones should not be banned because they are a great learning tool and knowing it’s right there to
call my parents if something happens make me feel safer so please don’t ban cell phones
Don’t think there is anything else we need.
Door blocks
During lockdowns telling the students what is happening as soon as possible instead of leaving us
wondering. have security monitoring near bathrooms and ALL doors.
Early start time and no detectors.
eh i’m a senior i don’t really care anymore
Ending hate speech.
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 14
Evacuation drills not fire drills
Fellow students that know bringing a weapon to school is more trouble than it’s worth
Fixing the parking lot situation would make me feel safer. People park illegally so the chance of
crashing goes up. Also, many people speed in the parking lot so people could get hit.
Get rid of weapon detectors
get ride of detectors
Getting rid of the detectors
Gun control laws.
Harassment reports and such taken more seriously, as well as a better effort to actually help kids in
need. Listening better to the students.
Have 24 hour security, when I get up for volleyball or something early, you are just able to walk in, and
someone could easily walk in with a gun.
Having a phone
Having better regulation of weapons outside of school, I.e. at a federal level.
having good and understanding teachers
Having kind security guards, not just intimidating people.
Having more police officers that can actually combat a threat. The current “security officers” running
the detectors couldn’t do anything against a real threat.
Having the detectors open in the mornings and after school for some time, if you arrive literally 30
min early you can sneak in any weapon you want because the detectors aren’t open yet (I haven’t of
course but I noticed this by doing sports)
Having them at every door, there are many places to still get in
Honestly I don't think there are many things that can be done to make it a safer experience. It really
comes down to the feeling of whoever has weapons and if they get people to help them. Part of the
problem is how many possible ways there are to enter the school, there are tens of doors that many
people don't even know about which all would be an easy way to just waltz in the school. In my opinion
the only way for me to feel truly "safe" would be for America to change their gun laws.
I already feel safe
i already feel safe at school
I already feel safe at school
I already feel safe but making sure kids are in class would be good and not just letting them roam
I already feel safe.
I don’t feel particularly unsafe
I don’t know what could be done to help me feel more safe, but the metal detectors don’t work very
well in my opinion
I don’t know.
I don’t know. I think it’s fine the way it is.
I don’t mind security guards but schools are safer when students are happier. Accommodating for
disadvantaged students and valuing all students in this building may create a positive environment
I don’t really know
I don’t think there’s many things you can do to prevent students from fighting, weapons or not.
I don't know. I don't care either.
I don't really care tbh, I have no concept of safety
I dunno
i feel fine
I feel pretty safe already
I feel safe
i feel safe
I feel safe
I feel safe already
I feel safe at school.
I feel safe at school.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 15
I feel safe at school. I don’t think the people who bring weapons to school want to hurt people they are
protecting themselves or it’s friend influence.
I feel safe i just dont feel like the metal detectors do much because kids get let in from other doors
without metal detectors
I feel safe now
I feel very safe right now.
I honestly already feel safe at school, so I don’t really have any suggestions.
I honestly don’t know.
I think I would feel safer if the United States had common sense gun control laws. But since that is out
of the picture, I don’t think the weapons detectors are doing anything. Anyone with clear intentions to
cause a problem at school could easily cache a weapon before school (when the detectors aren’t on) or
after school (when the detectors aren’t on). Personally I don’t know what the best solution would be
but I don’t think these detectors are it. They are wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars that could be
used to actually better my school experience.
I think it’s fine as is right now
I think that the huge metal detectors right in your face are a little intimidating- I feel like dog detection
units might seem a little more inviting
I think the school is safe
I think we have done almost everything to feel safer!
I think we should all have parachutes so we can jump out the window if we need to evacuate
I would feel more safe at school if the legislature and government banned guns
I’m fine
I’m good and I feel safe
I’m not sure
I’m not sure
I’m not sure what else could
idk but I don’t think the metal detectors help at all
If every entrance had detectors
If guns were illegal
If it was harder for people to buy guns
If it was significantly harder for teenagers to obtain guns. I'm aware that's a difficult one though
if people actually cared about bullying here and if the teachers and staff did anything about bullying
if some of the police officers actually did their job
if teachers were more caring and understanding that we have to use our phones sometimes for
personal things.
If teachers were more understanding and flexible.
If the doors without weapons detectors were alarmed that would be helpful. No one follows the rule of
not opening the door. Even if most people do not have weapons on them, there is still a way to get
around the weapon detectors. Having them either alarmed or having a security guard stationed at the
other popular entry points would make me feel safer.
If the guards really checked bags and if the doors without detectors had a system to alert they were
opened/propped open
If the kids weren’t dumb or if there was less bullying but there’s not much we can do about that
If the Metal director actually worked
If there weren't so many hecking white people
If they got functional machines and had them up and running at 7:00 am when students start entering
the building
If they’d ad metal detectors at every door because it’s super easy to open the north door for a friend to
get in.
if we banned guns in the US like normal people
If we had a better system for bully's
I'm not sure...
I'm ok

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 16
Im pretty good now
it’s pretty good in my opinion
It’s regular system.
It's fine as it is
Keep it the same
Keeping our phones on us to be able to communicate in case of an emergency
Keeping phones on us so we can call to get out if we need too, or communicate with people at the time.
Also at early periods of the morning the metal detectors aren’t on until like 8:00 and I’ve walked into
the school without the metal detectors being on
Kids not being assholes
Kids not sulking in the bathroom during lunch to go vape
Knowing that people had no reason to cause violence/wouldn’t have access to weapons in the first
Knowing those machines work
later start times
Less bullying, Emily jarman has been bullying me and I feel very unsafe I think this school needs an
assembly to focus on bulling I feel very uncomfortable at school.
less fights in the bathrooms.
less fights.
Less police presence, less presence of administrative personnel at students spaces like to lunch room,
both have an ominous presence, and make it difficult to freely interact with friends. I feel less
connected and less able to be open with friends when they are around.
Lock down drills
Lockdown drills, security measures capable of stopping an actual attack instead of detectors getting
triggered by binders.
Locking the doors when the security leaves.
locking the front doors. (main)
Maybe getting those detectors set up when the forts open.
maybe more education on school violence
Maybe more protection? Like from police?
Maybe remove sharp objects in school? Cause kids can use that to hurt someone
Medal Detector
Monitor all doors to the outside
More acceptance
More authoritarian environment without useless practices that waste resources.
More cinnamon bagels.
more cops
More education about situations and possibly trained personnel to identify any threats.
More education on ACTUAL world history, instead of the completely Eurocentric curriculum. More
punishment and advisory for bullying someone OR bullying a marginalized community, even if none of
the community members are around. More education about taboo topics in class, such as sex
education (including teenage pregnancy, without preaching abstinence), racism (maybe we could read
books about black history that are actually written by black people, we could also talk about the
harmful stereotypes of all POC communities that most kids are completely oblivious to, which leads
them to supporting harmful racist jokes without even knowing they are racist(read the book ‘racism
without racists’ it’s incredible)
More effective weapons detectors
More effort put into dealing with the root issues of school shootings.
More enforcement about theft and substance abuse.
More food in class
More free bagels
More gender neutral bathrooms.
More guards

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 17
More hall monitors, and safer bathrooms.
More lockdown drills
More people watching the school, i feel like if there is more supervision, the amount of bad things will
decrease significantly.
More police officers. Take out the metal detectors
More police presence instead of those weapon detector monitors
More resource officers. / give the metal detecor security gaurds body armor. It will make them look
more threatening, and that can deter more idiots.
More security guards that could actually do something (not older men and women)
More support for students. Just care for them. I consider fellow students struggling with mental health
to be the biggest threat to my safety. So bring in counselors and programs that will take care of
students and make them feel happier in their school. I think this will make students less likely to bring
weapons. I look at these useless weapons detectors and I think about how annoyed and angry they
could make a potentially-disturbed teen. I know it sounds silly, but I am a teen right now. I have
mental health issues, and I am around teens like me. I know how we think. When we are already
hurting, things that make our life harder set us off. In extreme cases, making someone violent and
dangerous. Stop focusing on appearing tough with your big machines and instead take care of your
More support programs.
more support to students who are struggling, and more encouraging people’s differences (like teachers
talking about their personal experiences) instead of just “there’s like uhhh a pride club meeting :/“
move to europe

Nicer people.
No detection
No idea
no metal detectors
No people fighting while I'm trying to get to my class.
no school
No students.
No tengo ninguna duda
No weapons
No weapons detectors, but more certified police officers. No fake security personnel.
No weapons detectors, it doesn’t make a true difference.
Not being around Olyver Cameron
Not being disabled & trans /half-joke
Not being in school.
not coming
Not feeling like I'm a criminal smuggling my school work in in every time the metal detectors pick up
the metal in my binder.
Not having a strong built in metal detector system. Long process to go through every morning
Not living in America
Not much. Change in a certain legislation maybe.
Nothing at a school level, but country-wide gun regulation.
Nothing I can think of
Nothing I can think of right now.
Nothing I think weapon detection is enough.
Nothing I'm fine buddy
Nothing it’s school? I don’t think anyone feels safe at school
Nothing really

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 18
Nothing really, i feel pretty safe
Nothing specific
Nothing, cause I feel safe
Nothing, it feels safe for me at least.
Nothing, problems come one way or another. There’s nothing to keep people 100% safe.
People stop judging by appearance.
Police ? Idk.
police 👮‍♀️
probably if the guards searched people’s bags more thoroughly
Probably nothing, school is safe as it is
Probably teachers and staff monitoring students.
Putting the metal detectors at all doors, and actually checking bags when people set off the metal
Resource officers instead of weapons detectors.
school is super safe already
Security doing there job
Stricter gun laws and a better police force
Supportive teachers
Taking away those statistically useless piece of crap and put in actually effective measures.
Taking them out of the school.
Teachers acknowledging when a student has problems with others.
Teachers not letting kids go crazy
The detectors are 100% useless. They do not accurately detect weapons, or metal I general, and only
detect binders and computers. Anyone with bad intentions could easily bypass the useless waste of
money. More than anything, we need mental health training for students, and progressive gun laws
from the Salt Lake City School District, The Utah Legislature, and the United States of America. It is
unacceptable that guns are the number one killer of children in the USA.
The detectors don’t always operate smoothly
The extra security
The metal detector
The people who run the metal detectors seem very uninterested in their job. I don’t think that they are
prepared to prevent a threat when they spend time on their phone, knitting, or simply not paying
attention. I would feel much safer if they were to be more invested.
The police officers already make me feel safe at school
the police officers we have.
The problem with the weapons detector is that it introduces new problems. For example, many
students can end up being late. Then the security at this school doesnt check as it thuroughly, thus I
could have my chromebook and a gun behind it. I do not beleive this slip in security is safe, especially
when people can easily come in earlier when the school is open, as the security systems are off.
Another thing to note is the fact that the times the security systems are online, is when the buses arrive
at highland. The system makes students late, which also happens to be the section of students who
take the bus. They already have a hard enough time getting to class ontime and getting no club
privilages. This system makes it worse for everyone by throwing a wall of protection from bus takers.
the pull out bullet proof room thingies
The school board to take assault more seriously, no matter how long ago it was.
the school cops
The school could do a much better job of advocating for transgender students. Access to non-gendered
bathrooms is something great that the school has done. With all the new bills, supporting trans youth
has become harder. It's scary. Transgender youth are scared. We need more support. I think maybe
having someone to talk to about the struggles we face, someone who is knowledgeable about gender
identity, could be extremely helpful. I know I'm only once voice out of many but take my suggestion
with consideration.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 19
The teachers
The weapon detector
The weapon detectors are nice but the security that operates them wouldn’t do anything if it did go off.
It goes off all the time and kids just keep moving. What if that’s the kid with a gun?
The weapons detectors aren’t even on early in the morning or in the afternoon so if someone wanted to
bring a weapon in, it’s still just as easy. We need a new solution. Fun reform needs to happen. Mental
health resources need to increase. Local governments need to advocate for more laws around this
there are improvements in the general environments of students that contribute to their violent
actions, i think for one utah should have stricter gun laws because there is no reason a highschool
studen should have access to a gun. i also think that it had to do with a lack of mental health care in
this country which leads to violence.
There is no way I can get hurt by someone else
There’s nothing that the school or district can do. Though, I would be safer with more exacting gun
regulations at the Federal leve.
they would actually check the bags instead of just peeking inside them
things are good
Weapon detectors that actually work
weird boys not being here
Well, I feel safe at school because I have family I go to school with and the teachers just make me feel
safe as well
When there are no vapes or cigarettes

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 20
1. Constant hallway supervision, including "secret" areas like stairwells.
2. Stronger norms around attendance and coming to class on time, so that hallway traffic during class
is more unusual and can thusly be addressed as a potential intrusion.
3. Clean, safe bathrooms.
A change in gun policy in the United States
A nationwide ban on personal firearms such as assault rifles and other similar weapons.
A professional with a PhD leading this institution with a restorative justice framework AND an
extensive knowledge of the written agreement and SIC protocols.
A space that students feel proud of and belonging to.
Actuall people. Administrations, “advocates “ who actually spend time in my area of the building.
Nevermind. No one is reading this and nothing I say will change my daily experience

Addressing this and the fact that students are still allowing other students indoors without weapons
detectors (doors by the gyms). Asking students to wear their student IDs, just like one would wear at a
job, easier to identify visiting students from other schools. Giving the school security (hall monitors)
more money and better benefits.
An additional hall monitor or two as opposed to all the security guards stationed at the doors.

An attendance policy. This would make more students get to class, causing fewer students in the halls
and common areas, which would reduce the incidents of violence and negative behavior.

Better support for the students roaming the halls. It's a very small group of students and they are the
ones setting the tone, for the most part. Currently we just chase them around all day every day. I
believe it has become a game for them. School is like hanging out at the mall with their friends. There
aren't any consequences beyond getting told to go to class and the occasional call home.

'-Better systems for getting students to go to class and keep them from wandering around the halls.
-ID scanners in every classroom for the purpose of attendance and for tracking students.
-Required comunity involvement with parents in the halls during school hours to help with
-Students know that there isn't much that can be done to make them do things. It would be nice if that
were different. Real consiquences, deterants, something so they understand the importance of
choosing to go to class. It would be nice to return some power back to the teachers.
Clearing the hallways during class time
Colleagues who treat each other with respect.
Committing to becoming a trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and inclusive school community. I
would feel safer if we moved away from the punitive, exclusionary practices and policies we've seen in
the last several years to restorative practices. The majority of our safety issues stem from the trauma
our students came with which we have compounded and our continued alienation and of our most
vulnerable and at risk student populations.

Comprehensive laws restricting gun ownership in our country

Distributing security across the school grounds more evenly. Having security move throughout
different locations, not just stationed at a handful of different areas. Have security at all buildings,
including the Field House. If we use monitors, we should use them before and after school as well.
Many people come and go before and after school. How hard would it be for someone to hide a weapon
inside of school after bringing it in before or after school hours?

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 21
Have a detection system that would work school wide. If someone wants to bring a weapon to school
that can get by very easily. They'll prop a door open or a student will let them in.
There is No security or detection devices in the Field House- its open game?

Having doors that locked from the inside. We were told at the end of last school year that we would be
getting new door hardware. It’s 3/4 of the way through this school year and we have no safe way of
locking the door. If our doors are unlocked to allow students in, we have to go out into the hallway to
lock the door. That’s extremely unsafe in an active shooter situation. We had lock blocks that allowed
for the door to be locked, but remain open to students. Those were removed by the district and we
were supposed to have new hardware installed. Now, teachers use masks, folders, boxes, etc to keep
the door locked, but have the classroom accessible to students while having the door closed to the
hallway noise. It’s very frustrating when the district doesn’t follow through with promises.

Having fewer students in the hallways during class. Having bathrooms that students can use - they
aren't locked or filled with vaping or gambling students.
Having students in their class
Hiring a few more advocates
Honestly, it's a difficult era. I'm not sure that the school is as secure as we think it is--there are still so
many doors, and so many students willing to open those doors to whomever is passing by.
I already feel safe at school, however I am a large male and this would be a better question for our
female teachers.
I feel safe. The weapons detectors just add nice staff greeting the kids. That is the best part!

I feel safest when I know people and people know me. I feel safe at West also because we build
relationships where students bring concerns to trusted adults in the building to solve problems that
include violence or potential violence at school. I would feel safer if less students wandered the halls
during class time and if the bathrooms were safer spaces for students to go. Vaping in the bathroom
seems like a bigger problem to me than weapons at school. Maybe the weapons detection system is
helping reduce the vaping?
If all outside doors were truly locked so students could not prop them open for their friends.

If we could have our bathrooms monitored all of the time. A lot of crap goes in the bathrooms. It has
gotten a bit better now that our security is doing random sweeps, but it would be so nice to have it all
of the time.
We really need a new building so monitoring would be more effective. This building has too many
places to hide. We need a building where there are a few clear vantage points for the entire building.
Increase monitor detection

Keeping students in class and out of the hallways.

legal consequences for violent actions that occur at school. I know we are trying to avoid detrimental
consequences to students, but if a student is behaving violently they shouldn't be at school at all.

Lock blocks. Being able to leave my room locked and just slide the block to close the door and hallway
doors was great.
Making students and staff members a stake holder in being vigilent and letting the proper people know
when they see or here something.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 22
More consequences need to be put in place for students that break the rules. There is a high level of
disrespect at HHS from students towards teachers because there are no consequences for breaking
rules. Schools need to have the option of out of school suspension or expulsion and use those options.
The hallways are littered with students during class time and that is when it is dangerous. Students do
not listen to teachers and openly ignore and verbally assault them and the teacher has to take it. Many
teachers have given up and are apathetic to the problem. There is no consequence for not attending
class and students know that they can get away with it. The district has gone soft and caters to students
under the banner of “equality”. That has caused more danger then any weapon.

More people roaming halls to get kids to class and where they are supposed to be -- not just at the
doors in the morning. Those guys sit all day long -- we need them roaming and with control to get kids
to class!
One entrance being the only entry point to our school once our school bell rings (similar concept as our
elementary and middle schools).
Security in halls and checking student restrooms more.
Serious consequences (suspending or expelling students) for bringing weapons on campus or fighting.
I feel like the students often get a slap on the wrist and there is no real punishment for students
making the school unsafe for others.
State law that requires biometric locks for gun owners
Teacher with Concealed Firearm Permit
The weapons detection system is ridiculous. The school is open and students can enter before the
system is up and running in the morning. If somebody wanted to bring a weapon into the school, they
would just get here early. It is a waste of money, and makes it appear like Highland is not safe.

There are two sets of doors close to the front doors that I witness being held open for students to
bypass the detectors. There should be an alarm on doors without detectors. The notes do nothing to
prevent access.
There needs to be a better rapport with students. The security needs to be more professional. They are
often on their phones, knitting and cursing at the students.
To have a consistent presence of resource officers -- officers who are specifically assigned to our school
and who take the time to get to know the students.
We need to focus more on building relationships with the students. Get to know the students in the
halls by name. Get to know their stories. Be more mindful of the language we use when talking about
all of students but especially these students who need more connections at our school. Start to build
trust. Bring student voice into solutions. East was working on that in previous years. Having equity
walks with student voice helped our school start building trust and leaderships skills with students to
identify issues and working together to solve those. This is the work that helps us identify more of our
students needs and root problems. That is more informative and can be used to create longer lasting
solutions in our schools than weapon detectors. That is the work we need to create a safe and
welcoming environment at our schools.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 23
What concerns do you have about the weapons detection system at
your school?
They don't make our kids safer, detract from the focus of school and community, and take time for the
kids to get in the door thereby exposing them to risk while waiting
They make my student feel unsafe. The data is quite clear about weapons detectors. They absolutely
DO NOT decrease violence at school while they increase anxiety among students.
They need to get through the door faster.
They seem (I almost never come in during the day, when I do come in for after school events they are
unmanned and I just walk around them) simultaneously a hassle to go through and not totally
effective, but I don't really know what the data points are before and after to go off of. If they are
preventing violence that is good but I don't know if they are or not.
They slow things down, but I'm not opposed to that when the kinks get worked out.
They wouldn't be necessary with better legislation
This is security theater that makes people feel safer without actually accomplishing anything at a huge
To remove their school computes from their backpack slows them down to go in the school.
Too much like the 90s movie in NYC.
Too much time, money, ineffective
Un poco acuerdo deberían de vaciar los bolsos de los estudiantes al checar
Until the laws change this is what we have control over and I strongly appreciate this since this is what
is in our control.
Waste of money
Waste of money.
We have not see any data on how often students are stopped, what the demographics are for students
who are stopped, or how students are being prevented from opening non-detector doors for friends (or
strangers) during the school day. I could talk about how racial and ethnic profiling go hand-in-hand
with these types of systems, but I know that you know that I already know about that. I also know that
you've left this field deliberately small to try to minimize parent response lengths.. So I'll say it plainly:
this system is racist. This system was always going to be implemented in a racist way. I have no faith in
whatever rent-a-cop system SLCSD hired to do the job of monitoring these devices, and would not be
even the slightest bit surprised to see reports in the future about gross negligence and/or racist
practices by this company when operating the detectors.
Weapon, may only detect guns or knifes, there are many other things that can be used as a weapon. It
may be less incident of having guns and knifes at school, but again, other things can be used as a
While I doubt that the metal detectors make the school meaningfully safer from violence, and I am sure
there are multiple ways for people who are motivated to get guns or other banned items past them I
think they make many students feel less safe and comfortable in school. My student, a child of color
who has faced many challenges in the school system and I would guess many others like him, do not
feel comfortable with the metal detectors. It makes the students feel criminalized and makes the
school seem more like a jail or prison than someplace welcoming. I do not think making some students
feel this way is worth the small amount of increased safety (or maybe only perceived safety) for others.
I have also heard about the security guards flirting with high school girls and acting inappropriately
with the students so I am concerned about having them in the school if they lack proper training about
appropriate behavior.
Wish it was faster to go through
You can walk around them on the side... so is it really preventing the kids with weapons from bringing
them in? Are the sides blocked / not accessible maybe when the kids only are coming in? (I've only
been there after hours.)

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 24
They barely work and don’t detect things that should set them off while going off on things that
They buzz you for no reason and make me late. I’m not sure how much I trust them.
they can just walk around the metal detectors
They could just have someone open a door for them on the inside without a metal detector
They do not detect laptop often. the guards do not search bags that get pinged
They do not function well. I’ve seen officers walk through and they not go off, even though the officer
is carrying multiple weapons. They’re fickle machines in the fact that sometimes my bag gets flagged
for no reason, and sometimes it doesn’t. They take so much time to get through. Keeping students at
the front of the building isn’t smart either, because if there was a threat, then there are 50 students
right at the entrance who aren’t safe.
They do not stop weapons being brought in
They don’t actually check the bags when it goes off but if they do check everyone bag it takes too much
time. I could walk through and when it goes off just say I have a laptop in my bag and they won’t care.
They don’t always work.
they don’t check very thoroughly when it does beep off
They don’t cover every door
They don’t even search your backpack they just open a zipper and let you pass I could carry a full gun
in and they would have no idea I once got away just saying my laptop was in my bag and the that’s why
is beeped I would never bring a weapon but I think it’s very unsafe how you guys handle things but I
also feel like my privacy is being invaded when the security is going though my tampons!
they don’t even work they just detect our computers
They don’t work
they don’t work properly.
They don’t work.
They don't detect weapons.
They don't work
They fail to pick stuff up sometimes.
They glitch or bug out often
They go off on random items I've been told my umbrella is flagged as a knife and my portable charger
as a potential bomb which makes me have to get my bag checked every time I go through them which
has made me late to classes
They make it take a long time to get into school.
They make people get creative of how to bring their weapons in.
They may not work
They only start at 8 and stop around 4:30 it is very easy for someone to sneak something in and hide it
before the school day starts
They take a lot of time and are not efficient. Taking your computer out is time consuming and difficult.
Once that is fixed, i would feel better and safer coming to school.
They take a lot of time to come into school but i think they are worth it.
They trigger all the time and offer many many false positives, which is annoying
They work half the time
They’re a false sense of security. Realistically, they work terribly. Someone could easily sneak in a
weapon if they wanted to. The metal detectors just make school life a pain in the ass.
They’re not very accurate and i get consistently buzzed even with nothing in my backpack
They’re useless. Students could easily bring weapons in if they wanted to. So many easy hiding spots
that guards would never search. Such a useless implement that takes up space and time.
They're very sensitive, but don't detect knives. Every A day I have to get searched because of the
combined density of my binders and notebook.
Time it takes, employment, etc
To long
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 25
Tons of false positives
Too expensive
Too many false positives waste my time when security checks my bags.
Untrained staff operating them
Waste of money. People could probably still bring weapons in.
Waste of time
Ways to avoid weapons dectectors if someone felt inclined:
-Go in another door (of which there are many unlocked)
-Put gun in instrument case
-Come to school 30 minutes early
-Dont go to the officers when it rings, they never do anything about it
-Walk around detector

Additionaly, even if it rings they don’t search well.

They look one inside one pocket of the bag and giveup. Meanwhile, all this commotion allows easier
entry of someone with an actual gun.
we get searched almost daily even if i have nothing and my laptop isn’t in my backpack. annoying
We let adults walk in with out getting searched I think it's unfair. Because what if an adult came in
with a weapon
What if they don't detect any weapons?
What makes them go off?
What would be mire safe is to simply remove the weapons detectors, or have the security arrive as
soon as the building opens, and change the bus routes. This, may seem unrelated, but it rather
annoying that around a third of the hus routes dissapere in comparison to the first buses and the last
club bus. Students of Highland High, no matter where they come from, deserve the right to club, but
by making students walk up to an hour back to their house after the bus is simply rediculus. On top of
that, the only students who fan combat this need to have their parents, ect. pick them up. However,
club is a weekly basis, requiring the parent to use more and more gas and spening on a club, which
that money could’ve been used on food or rent. Rather, needs to be targetting low income families.
When i have something metal in my backpack, the metal detectors finds the metal in it
While I know the detectors might slow down a dangerous person who is unfamiliar with our school, I
find the whole system ridiculous. There are many ways to get weapons in anyway, potentially making
more dangerous situations. A person who arrives one minute before 8 o'clock in the morning could
waltz on in with all the guns and knives and bombs that they so desired. And using so many funds for
this project is wasteful. There are better places for that money to go, such as having mental health
professionals work here to check on students. I recognize that there are always going to be dangerous
people outside of school, but we can not control them anyway. If someone wanted to attack people in
this school, the three measely detectors and tired Netflix-watching security guards wouldn't stop the
Why should we need them?
you could put weapons in a metal water bottle, really not hard to bring weapons in they barely check

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 26
Actually people. Administrations, “advocates “ who actually spend time in my area of the building.
Nevermind. No one is reading this and nothing I say will change my daily experience
Again, if we use monitors, we should use them before and after school as well. Many people come and
go before and after school. How hard would it be for someone to hide a weapon inside of school after
bringing it in before or after school hours?

Why are they not present at the Field House? This is where the largest number of individuals gather on
a regular basis?
Because the weapons detectors are not manned after hours, what keeps students/adults /public
members from bringing in weapons during after-school activities or when the weapons detectors are
turned off?
Doesn't pick up every weapon
Everything. I don't trust the security guards (though some do seem to put in effort to have positive
interaction with students), I don't think it's an effective use of money when there are dozens of other
needs we could put money toward, students have expressed anxiety going through them, frustration
that it takes a long time to get through them, and I've even heard students brag about what they've
been able to sneak past the metal detectors. To be clear, I don't think the solution is to increase
security. We should invest in supportive programs to help struggling students, not punishing or
isolating them.
I am confident that we could be using the money for instructional purposes.
I am somewhat concerned that they offer a reminder and possibly a personal challenge to students to
see if they can bypass the detection system.
I believe it sends a message that we suspect students.
I don't have any concerns about it. In the 15 years I have taught at Highland, I have never felt a fear for
my life. However, I realize it only takes one kid with a gun to make that feeling change. The
unfortunate truth is that school shootings are too common and it may be only a matter of time that
Highland is one of those schools. The weapon detection system is an important piece of the puzzle in
keeping us safe in the building.
I have no concerns
I think its a waste of tax payer money. The security people do very little and they have multiple
security at the doors. I believe so many people go through the detectors that the security people just
send them through.

A staff members spouse walked though the detector at East High with a gun and he was not even
Is the percieved small amount of protection worth the extreme and real cost?
It creates a culture of fear, where students' sense of psychological safety is decreased because of the
process of walking through the detectors every day. It creates a vacuum where we feel we are going to
be targeted (which I understand we might be) when we likely won't be. It makes the students feel like
we don't trust them or are suspicious of them which harms my relationship of trust with them.
It doesn't work! It's a false security
It is a waste of tax payer money. There are too many available outside doors that students still open for
friends even though there are signs saying not to. There are work arounds, like the doors, that should
be first addressed then the detectors will be effective. Until then, it will be a waste of money that is
window dressing instead of being a solution. Let’s actually fix the problem instead of putting a bandaid
on it to provide a false sense of security.
It is completely ineffective. It actually doesn't work and it is paying people to sit at the front of the
school rather than wandering the halls and getting to know the students and help with security
throughout the building.
It is making a lot of students late. It seems to be faulty and glitchy. And, most importantly, I don't
know how reliable it is at detecting the things we want it to detect most with so many "leaks" elsewhere
in the school.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 27
It is so easy to bypass this system that it truly has no effect. Makes the school feel like a prison. I sure
would like the money spent on this to reduce class sizes .
It isn't always picking up everything it should. Really, I am less impressed with the actual machines
than I am with the screeners (people). They have made a big impact on improving our climate. They
build relationships with our students and adults. They are important parts of our school.
It misses some things (students have told me how easy it could still be to get in a weapon), and it
causes students to be late to first period if busses are already running behind.
It slows down students entering the building, it cost way too much money that could be used for other
things, it makes it appear like Highland has a weapons problem.
It takes a lot of time and energy and if someone is willing to kill themselves to kill you it is very difficult
to stop the violent act.
It's faulty at best; it detains students from being able to grab their breakfast because waiting in the
entry line takes so long. They have to choose whether to make it to class on time (or not as late) or to
grab food (which might be the only meal for some of these students).
My students use it as an excuse as to why they are late. Some days my students have said they get in
line at 8:37 and have not been able to be to class until 8:50. It is reducing the amount of seat time a
student can get and makes an easy excuse students use as to why they are late.
No concerns. The security team has been welcoming and supportive and seem to have a good rapport
with both students and staff.
None- I just don’t believe they are an effective deterrent
NONE. It's better than what we had before, which was nothing.
Number one concern is the staff at the weapon detectors. At East they continue to take on jobs beyond
watching the weapon detectors. They have made very concerning comments to our students. They
need more training on interacting with our students.

Second big concern is the time they are taking away from our students. The past few weeks this time
has gotten worse. More students are late to class. I have students who are choosing to not get breakfast
at school where they usually do in order to not miss more class time. This is not something they should
have to choose between. Some teachers are more understanding with the situation and some are not.
Some teachers allow students to eat breakfast in their rooms and some do not. If the detectors stay, we
need a school wide procedure to ensure all students have the chance to get breakfast and get to class
on time or at least create supports for our students when that doesn’t happen.
Some interactions I've seen between students and security staff.
Students can enter the building after school without going through a weapons detector.
Students who arrive late are given a "pass" that requires that I change their absence to "present".
Students who know this have developed a habit of coming late, with tacit permission to do because of
this policy. Even students who arrive after 8:45 are given passes. I am concerned that this policy has
erased data that would quantify the impact of weapons systems on lateness.
The "guards" consistently sexually harass students. They also yell at kids constantly. The only item that
is caught in the "detectors" are laptops. I can't believe y'all wasted millions just to continue to harm
kids. Shameful.
The impact and message is send to students.
The individuals manning them need to be on a different radio system or channel or only have a lead be
on the schools radio channel. Sometimes they help when issues arise an sometimes they are a
hindrance to. The make rationale calls from their walks around the school and its somewhat clutter
some of the airways. I wonder if these individuals are vetted by trainings like district employees have
to do. Also, the intercede in incidences when it should be administration or SROs and its bothersome
to hear the level of their involvement as paid outside entity. I think this is costing the district a lot of
money and is making our district look sad overall when we have visitors to our building. All of the
signage on outside doors is very negative and not appealing to guests nor families.
The kids now bring their computers less to class because they don't want to deal with them at entry.
The weapons detection system and increased security makes the school feel less welcoming.
The weapons detectors themselves are not effective. They do however have the appearance of being
effective. I carry a multitool on my hip all the time and the detectors rarely go off when I go through. If
SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 28
the district wants to really prevent weapons entering the school they need to implement a different
system similar to what TSA uses at airports with metal detectors and X-ray devices.
THe best thing to come from this is the presence of uniformed personel at the doors. They are kind and
welcoming and are the biggest deterent against bringing weapons into the school.
There seems to be a lack of engagement by students since installing the detectors. The evidence is
anecdotal but there was a feeling of disconnect the first day they started using the detectors and
student energy feel lower on days when they reset the detectors. I have seen a large drop in student
participation second semester compared to the start of the year. There is obvious problems with the
culture of the school but it could be something else other than the detectors. I would defer to the
student survey.
They are easily circumvented by students putting weapons in binders that go outside the scanners, or
by students already in the building opening one of the 30+ other doors in the building.
They aren't 100% accurate, Students stand outside in the rain/snow at times waiting to enter the
school, first period can't start until 15-20 minutes after school starts because students keep filing in
They don't work. I have reported two instances of guns in school in the last month, and I am only one
teacher. Not only do they not work, but they create an inequitable environment and are being used to
stereotype and target specific students. They are the very definition of performative and are a simple
doubling down on the school-to-prison pipeline.
They leave at 4:00 p.m., and then the school is left open. If students wanted to bring or hide weapons
for the following day, it would be easy for them to do so. Students roam undetected after school, and
many students from this school and other schools also roam the halls. Weapons detection is a band aid
on the actual underlying issue.
Unwelcoming, time consuming for students, makes it feel like a prison

and since students can pretty much avoid them, if they want, totally pointless
We have had significant violent incidents at this school this year, in spite of the presence of the
detectors. At the same time, the impact on the time it takes to enter the school building has been
significant. Just not sure the benefits outweigh the costs.
We have weapon detectors at three of the main entrances when there are many more entrances to the
school. The weapon detectors are only in operation shortly before and after school hours. This is not a
secure system at all, and anyone who is determined to cause harm in the school could easily plan a way
to get a weapon in the building.

SLCSD Board Meeting 4.16.2024 Open Comments from Survey Re: Weapons Detectors 29

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