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White Box Class Tweaks

Why You (Probably) Don’t Need More Classes

By LikelyArrow

This game supplement is compatible with the rules of SWORDS & WIZARDRY.

SWORDS & WIZARDRY, S&W, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of
Matthew J. Finch. The author of this supplement is not affiliated with Matthew J.
Finch, Mythmere Games™, or Frog God Games.
It’s the perennial temptation: creating a new class to fit your character concept
better. This guide gives examples of two approaches to adapting the core four
classes of Cleric, Fighter, Magic-User and Thief to the various concepts usually
represented as other classes. The first approach is the Thematic Approach, in
which the game mechanics of the class are not changed at all. The second
approach is the Tweak Approach, in which small mechanical changes are made
to better fit the concept.

The guiding philosophy of this supplement is “rulings, not rules,” so the following
are all examples for a Referee to consideration, not attempts to build a system of
subclasses or archetypes. Sometimes more than one example is given, to
emphasize different approaches that can be taken. Referees should use this
supplement as a set of suggestions, and are encouraged to use multiple tweaks
on a single character if the concept calls for it, or — more importantly — to come
up with their own tweaks.

Probably you won’t find all of my suggestions adequate. Maybe you still feel some
concept really does demand a new class entirely. Good. If I’ve got you thinking
about what it is you want from your game, I’ll call that a win.

Note that some concepts are listed under both approaches, giving different ways
to handle it.

The Thematic Approach

Acrobat: A Thief who treats his Thievery as one higher (max 5) when climbing
walls and moving silently, and one lower when finding and disabling traps.

Assassin: A Thief, or possibly Fighter, who joined the assassin’s guild instead of,
or in addition to, the thieves’ guild.

This gives the assassin access to assassination contracts and a source for
purchasing poisons, but requires adherence to strict rules, such as never killing
another member of the guild, always aiding members who call for help, and of
course monthly or yearly dues and a cut of all income from all assassination
contracts made outside of the auspices of the guild.

Note that the first two rules may cause quite awkward situations if an NPC
antagonist encountered on an adventure happens to be a fellow guild member!
Barbarian: A Fighter from the hinterlands who sacrifices heavy armors for the
sake of freer movement. Note that this is a heavy sacrifice to make, so it’s
recommended that a Tweak approach be used in this case.

Bard: A Thief with high Intelligence and Charisma whose head is full of random
lore. He may or may not play an instrument, but almost certainly will be chronicling
the party’s adventures in verse, including some embellishments.

Cavalier/Knight: A Fighter sworn to a liege. The exact details of the bond is up to

the Referee, but should include a right to hospitality in the liege’s domain and a
duty to defend the realm against all threats and to serve the liege when called
upon. A knight must also purchase a warhorse at character creation; a character
who does not have enough funds is too low in social standing to become a knight.

Warlock: A Chaotic Magic-User bound to an unholy patron. A failure to make

appropriate sacrifices — animals are acceptable at low levels, but eventually the
patron will accept nothing less than humans or demihumans — will result in some
sort of punishment.

Warlord: A Fighter with high Charisma who employs many retainers and
specializes in tactics. Playing such a character makes one a natural pick for the
role of the caller.

Witch: A Magic-User who lives alone and specializes in “witchy” spells such as
Charm Person or Crystal Ball, or in use of poisons. He may or may not be Chaotic,
but probably is not Lawful.

The Tweak Approach

Barbarian: (v1) A Fighter from the hinterlands who sacrifices the ability to use
chainmail or plate armor in exchange for an additional cumulative +1 “to-hit” at
levels 1, 4, 7, and 10, with the result being that his “to hit” bonus is always equal
to his level.

(v2) A Fighter from the hinterlands who sacrifices the ability to use chainmail or
plate armor in exchange for the ability to rage for 1 round per level each day.
During a rage, the barbarian gains +2 “to hit” and to all saving throws and may roll
all damage twice, taking the higher value, but suffers a penalty of +2 [-2] to her
AC. A rage may last for multiple consecutive rounds the barbarian must wait at
least one turn before raging again.

Druid: A Cleric who is allowed and required to be Neutral, and who sacrifices the
ability to use metal armor for the ability to use any one-handed weapon, or a sling.
Paladin: (v1) A Cleric who is trained in the use of any weapon but who must swear
strict oaths to, for example, never lie, never knowingly associate with Chaotic
characters, and to give away the vast majority of his income to his order. Violation
of these oaths, even minor ones, result in the paladin losing all magical abilities,
including Turn Undead, until he atones.

(v2) A Fighter sworn to a holy order. He must swear strict oaths, as above. As long
as these oaths remain upheld, the fighter gains a permanent Protection from
Chaos effect, which becomes a permanent Protection from Chaos (10’ radius)
effect at level 7. Additionally, starting at 3rd level, the paladin may cast either Cure
Light Wounds or Bless once per day, increasing to twice per day at 6th level and
three times per day at 9th.

If the paladin violates his oaths, even in a minor way, such as a “white lie,” he
loses all the benefits of having taken them. In addition, and suffers the effects of
a Curse (as per spell). This curse can only be removed through atonement.

Priest: A Magic-User who casts cleric spells instead of magic-user spells, but
using the magic-user’s spells per level table. Like clerics, such a character does
not need a spell book and may memorize any spell from a level she is able to cast.
Likewise, she may Turn Undead as a cleric of the same level. Instead of daggers,
the priest may use a quarterstaff or club, maybe a sling.

Ranger: A Fighter who specializes in mobility and awareness in the wilderness,

sacrificing the ability to wear plate armor in exchange for a lessened (1-in-6)
chance of being surprised, and a chance (2-in-6) to follow tracks in the wilderness
even after heavy rains or purposeful obscuration.

Warlock: As the Thematic version, but she no longer has or requires a spell book.
Instead, each level she is granted one or two spells of a level she is able to
memorize and cast by her patron. Because this is a gift, the Referee should choose
the spells.
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Rules by Marv Breig, copyright 2008-2011 Matthew J. Finch
Delving Deeper Reference Rules Compendium v4, copyright 2014, Simon J. Bull
The Hero’s Journey Fantasy Roleplaying, copyright 2016 Barrel Rider Games: Author James M. Spahn
Bloody Basic: Sinew & Steel Edition, copyright 2015. John M. Stater
SnW Whitebox Essential Adventuring Rules v1, Copyright 2014 Douglas Maxwell.
White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game, Copyright 2016, Charles Mason
White Box Class Tweaks, Copyright 2022, LikelyArrow.

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