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Copyrights: ©2019 Denae Mroczek Ami Amore

 The pattern, photos, and images contained in this document are the sole property of Ami
 This written pattern is for personal use only. Please do not redistribute or sell this pattern in
whole or in part.
 You may sell the finished product, but please credit Denae M. of Ami Amore as the designer.
 Permission for commercial use does not include mass or factory production of any kind; for the
pattern, design, or finished items.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy this sweet Tigger pattern!

Size: Stitches - Abbreviations Key

 Finished size: 6” sitting, 8” standing  Rnd - round
Skill Level:  MR - magic ring
 Beginner / Intermediate  st(s) - stitch(es)
 sl st - slip stitch
 sc - single crochet
 Worsted weight (4ply) yarn
 ch - chain
 Crochet hook - Size E (3.5 mm)
 puff - puff stitch
 12 mm Black safety eyes (2)
 inc - increase (sc 2 into 1 st)
 Black embroidery thread (optional)
 dec - decrease (join 2 sc into 1 st -
 Polyfil or stuffing of your choice
invisible decrease looks best)
 Yarn or darning needle
 [#] - number of st in round
 BLO – Back Loops Only

 The Tigger doll shown is between 6 & 8 inches tall, yours will vary because of the yarn and
your tension. Keep your stitches tight and consistent to create an even fabric with no holes for
stuffing to show through.

 Crochet in spiral or joined rounds, use the method you prefer best, it won’t affect the final
look. I personally prefer joined rounds, while others use spiral rounds.

Ch 7
Rnd 1: In 2nd st from hook: Inc, sc 4, sc 3 in 1 st, sc 4, sc in last st. [14]
Rnd 2: Inc 2, sc 4, inc 3, sc 4, inc in last st. [20]
Rnd 3: (Inc, sc) x2, sc 4, (inc, sc) x3, sc 4, (inc, sc) [26]
Rnd 4: (Inc, sc 2) x2, sc 4, (inc, sc2) x3, sc 4, (inc, sc 2) [32]
Rnd 5: (Inc, sc3) x2, sc 4, (inc, sc 3) x3, sc 4, (inc, sc 3) [38]
Tie off and leave a long tail for sewing to Head. Place two 12 mm eyes between Rnds 3 & 4 at the
widest points of Face Mask. Make Head and stop at Rnd 19 or 20, do not stuff the Head yet. Place
Face Mask on Head and insert and secure the eyes between Rnds 11 & 12, with about 11 holes in
between. Finish Head, then sew around Eye Mask using a backstitch.

Rnd 1: In a MR - sc 8 [8]
Rnd 2: Inc in each st [16]
Rnd 3: (Sc 1, inc) x8 [24]
Rnd 4: (Sc 2, inc) x8 [32]
Rnd 5: Sc in each st [32]
Rnd 6: (Sc 3, inc) x8 [40]
Rnd 7: Sc in each st [40]
Rnd 8: (Sc 4, inc) x8 [48]
Rnd 9: Sc in each st [48]
Rnd 10: (Sc 5, inc) x8 [56]
Rnd 11-18: Sc in each st [56]
Rnd 19: (Sc 3, dec) x11, sc in last st [45]
Rnd 20: (Sc 2, dec) x11, sc in last st [34]
Rnd 21: (Sc, dec) x11, sc in last st [23]
Rnd 22: Dec around, sc in last st [12]
Rnd 23: Dec around [6]
Start stuffing Head after eye mask is attached. Cut your yarn and leave a tail to sew the hole closed.
Finish stuffing and tie off.

Rnd 1: In a MR, sc 6 [6]
Rnd 2: Inc in each st [12]
Rnd 3: (Sc 1, inc) x6 [18]
Rnd 4: (Sc 2, inc) x6 [24]
Rnd 5: (Sc 3, inc) x6 [30]
Rnd 6: (Sc 4, inc) x6 [36]
Rnd 7-14: Sc in each st [36]
Rnd 15: (Sc 3, dec) x7, sc in last st [29]
Rnd 16-18: Sc in each st [29]
Rnd 19: (Sc 2, dec) x7, sc in last st [22]
Rnd 20: Sc in each st [22]
Tie off and leave a long tail to sew Body to Head. Sew the
Belly, Arms, Legs, and Tail on the Body before stuffing.
When ready, stuff Body and sew onto the Head. Shape the
Body so the bottom is flat to help Tigger sit up.

ARMS - make 2
Rnd 1: In a MR, sc 6 [6]
Rnd 2: (Sc, inc) x3 [9]
Rnd 3: Sc 4, puff, sc 4 [9]
Rnd 4-10: Sc in each st [9]
Rnd 11: Lightly stuff Arm. Fold and sc 4 across top, through both sides to close.
Fasten off and leave a tail for sewing to Body. Sew between Rnds 17-18 of the Body.

LEGS – make 2
Rnd 1: In a MR, sc 8 [8]
Rnd 2: Inc in each st [16]
Rnd 3-5: sc in each st [16]
Rnd 6: Sc 4, dec, sc, dec, sc, dec, sc 4 [13]
Rnd 7: Sc 6, dec, sc 5 [12]
Rnd 8-9: sc in each st [12]
Rnd 10: (Sc 2, dec) x3 [9]
Rnd 11: Sc in each st [9]
Lightly stuff Leg, fold Leg opening in half and whip stitch
closed. Tie off and leave a tail for sewing to Body. Sew on
Legs between Rnds 4-5 of the Body.

Ch 4
Rnd 1: In 2nd st from hook: sc 1, sc 1 in next st, sc 3 in last st. Other side, sc 1, sc 2 in last st. [8]
Rnd 2: Inc in each st [16]
Rnd 3: (Sc 1, inc) x8 [24]
Rnd 4: (Sc 2, inc) x8 [32]
Tie off and leave a long tail for sewing to Body. Position into place, pins help to keep it from shifting,
and sew onto the Body using a backstitch.

Rnd 1: In a MR, sc 5 [5]
Rnd 2: (Sc, inc) x2, sc in last st [7]
Rnd 3-10: Sc in each [7]
Rnd 11: Fold in half and sc 3 across top, through both layers to close. Tie off and leave a tail for
sewing. Sew between Rnds 4 & 5 of Body. *Crochet Rnds 1-3 in black, and Rnds 4-11 in orange.

Ch 4
Rnd 1: Start in second st from hook: Inc, sc 1, sc 3 in 1 st, sc 1, then sc in last st [8]
Rnd 2: Inc in each st [16]
Rnd 3: (Sc, inc) x8 [24]
Rnd 4: (Inc, sc 2) x8 [32]
Rnd 5-8: Sc in each st [32]
Cut yarn and leave a long tail for sewing. Stuff Nose.
Position onto Head with the top of the Nose in the
middle of the Eyes, pin into place, sew around Nose, and
tie off.

Rnd 1: In a MR: (Sc, dc) x3 [6]
Rnd 2: (Sc, sc 3 in 1 st) x3 [12]
Tie off and leave a tail for sewing onto Snout. Position the Nose with the top edge lining up with the
space between Rnd 4 & 5 of Snout. Sew into place with a backstitch.

EARS – make 2
Rnd 1: In a MR - sc 7 [7]
Rnd 2: Inc in each st [14]
Rnd 3-4: Sc in each st [14]
Rnd 5: Fold in half and sc 7 sts through both sides [7]
Tie off and leave a tail for sewing. Sew Ears on, positioned from Rnd 6 to Rnd 10 of Head.

Ch 6
Rnd 1: In the 2nd st from the hook: sc 5.
Tie off and leave a tail for sewing. Position the Eyebrows above and to the side of eyes, both half on
and half off the Eye mask. Sew around them using a backstitch.

I sew on all the stripes on after I’ve stuffed and sewn all the pieces together. I believe this is easiest.
NOSE: Use an Orange piece of yarn or embroidery thread to sew 4 lines between the Eye Mask
and Nose.
HEAD: Use dark gray or black thread and place the following stripes using two stitches each so they
are double thick: 1) Across the top of the Head, spanning from Rnd 4 to Rnd 4. 2) Between Rnds 7-8.
3) 3 stripes between Rnds 12-13: Place a long one in the middle and two short stripes on either side
under the Ears. 4) Between Rnds 16-17, make a stripe under the first Ear stripes, one on each side.
BODY: 3 stripes down the back: Make each stripe 2 stitches thick. Between Rnds 7-8, 12-13,
& 17-18. Sew 3 Stripes on each side under the Arms, make each stripe 1 stitch thick. Between Rnds
6-7, 10-11, & 14-15.
ARMS: 3 stripes, 1 stitch thick each: Between Rnds 4-5, 6-7, & 9-10.
LEGS: 3 short stripes on the front of the Leg. Make the first one 2 stitches thick, and the next two only
1 stitch thick: Between Rnds 6-7, 8-9, & 10-11.
TAIL: 4 stripes, the first two should be 2 stitches thick and the last two should be only one stitch each.
Between Rnds 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, & 11-12.

Tips and Tricks:
1: For the best success: read over the pattern, make all the pieces first, and then assemble
the animal. Pinning the pieces in place before sewing them on is very helpful too.

2: Use a smaller hook if you have lots of holes or loose stitching.

3: The Head should be shaped like an upside-down peach, mold it in your hands after it is
stuffed. Amigurumi are quite malleable!

And that’s it, you’re done!!
I hope you enjoyed this pattern! Share your finished doll on Instagram or email me, I’d love to see
your finished results! I’d like to invite you to check out my online shops & sites for more Ami Amore
crochet pattern designs!

Instagram: @amiamorecrochet
Pattern Store:

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