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How to make SEKOTENG


1 large ginger
granulated sugar (as desired)
1/2 piece of palm sugar
100 g peanuts, fried and get rid of its inner skin
100 g green beans, boiled
3 slices of bread, diced
1 tbsp pomegranate seeds, boil until soft

Ginger water:
1.Peel and slice the ginger.
2.Boil it in a litre of water.
3. Add some granulated sugar and 1/2 piece of palm sugar.
4. Strain once it’s boiled.

1. Pour some boiled ginger water into a small bowl
2. Add 1 tbsp of pomegranate seed, green beans and peanuts.
3.Add some bread on top.
4. Serve while it is hot.

1. What is likely the benefit after reading the text?

A. Knowing more about the ingredients of Sekoteng.
B. Getting information on how to make ginger water.
C. Realising the important of Sekoteng.
D. Being able to make Sekoteng.
2. What should you do with the bread before putting on the bowl?
A. Boil it in a litre of water.
B. Slice it into dices.
C. Peel and slice it.
D. Fry and peel it.
3. “Strain once it’s boiled.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Remove
B. Serve
C. Filter
D. Peel

Kolak is Indonesian common dessert, which is made from bananas, sweet potatoes, and oftenjackfruits.
It has sweet and creamy flavour from coconut milk.
 5 pieces Saba bananas
100 grams jackfruits

200 grams sweet potatoes

50 grams
400 ml palm sugar
coconut milk
 2 pieces screw pine leaves
1 tbsp salt


1. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into small cubes and bring to the boil. As they
become tender, drain and set aside.
2. Pour in the coconut milk in a boiling pan and simmer. Add palm sugar and stir until
completely dissolved. Keep stirring to prevent from being lumpy.
3. Add the sweet potatoes and cook further.
4. Peel the bananas, cut into small pieces and put into the pan.
5. Knot the screw pine leaves and add it in.
6. Cube the jackfruit and stir in carefully for 2 minutes. Then, sprinkle a pinch of salt.
7. Remove the stew from the heat and serve Kolak warm or with ice.
4. Which of the following statements are in line with the text?
I. Mince the screw pine leaves before adding them.
II. Boil the sweet potatoes before cutting them into small pieces.
III. Add the bananas after putting the potatoes into the coconut milk.
IV. Cut the jackfruits into chunks before putting into the boiled coconut milk.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV
5. What will probably happen if we stop stirring while cooking?
A. The coconut milk will boil.
B. The dessert will be curdled.
C. The palm sugar will be dissolved.
D. The sweet potatoes will turn too tender.

 150 grams of tomato, cut into 2 lengthwise
 150 grams of spinach
 125 grams of green beans, cut into 2 cm.
 150 grams of bean sprout.
 150 grams of cabbage, discard the bones leaves, sliced.
 150 grams of fried tofu
 150 grams of cucumber, cut into pieces
Ingredients of the peanut sauce
 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
 2 kaffir lime leaves, finely sliced
 1 tablespoon of tamarind water
 2 cloves of garlic
 3 pieces of red chilli (optional)
 100 grams of brown sugar
 200 grams of fried peanuts
 First, boil all the vegetables (green bean, bean sprout, cabbage, spinach) and drain.
 Then, grind salt, chili, brown sugar, kaffir lime leaves, fried peanut, and garlic. Add water of tamarind.
 Next, mix the boiled vegetables, pieces of cucumber and diced tofu with the peanut sauce.
 Finally, the delicious lotek is ready to serve.

6. By reading the text above, you will know how to…

A. make fried peanut
B. make peanut sauce
C. cook vegetables
D. make lotek
7. What should you do before grinding the ingredients of the peanut sauce?
A. Mix all raw vegetables.
B. Boil all the vegetables.
C. Boil and cut the cucumber.
D. Mix all the ingredients.
8. The word “grind“ in “Then, grind salt, chili, brown sugar, kaffir lime leaves, fried peanut, and garlic” (step
2) has a similar in meaning to….
A. pound
B. slice
C. dice
D. mix
9. What is the last step you should do in the making the cake?
A. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes
B. Ice with butter icing when the cakes are cool
C. Beat butter and sugar to cream
D. Sift flour and salt together
10. “Fold in dry ingredients alternately with milk”
A. Add
B. Drop
C. Beat
D. Mix
11. What cooking utensil do you most use in step 1 to 2?
A. C.

B. D.
12. What should we do before we sprinkle the baking soda to the mashed bananas?
A. Add flour and butter
B. Sprinkle salt to the mixture
C. Add sugar, egg and vanilla
D. Pour the mixture into a loaf of pan
13. “…mix butter into mashed bananas…” the underlined word has similar meaning with…
A. Crushed
B. Damaged
C. Ripen
D. Failed
14. “…then remove it from the pan” the word “it” refers to…
A. Mixture B. Flour
C. Cake D. Rack
15. What does the text tell us about?
A. A recipe for making banana bread
B. A procedure on how to serve banana bread
C. A procedure on creating a fruit snack
D. A series of steps on making a bread

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