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Schock, QBD @iontecs_pemf

Feb 18, 2024 • 1 tweets • iontecs_pemf/status/1759299250515816726

That's the popular lie, yes. Enlil is possibly gone from earth, but likely still alive. Enki was
benevolent for a short time, but then turned against his own creation. Here's more.


If you DO NOT want to learn who the Catholic church actually worships, leave now.

Yeah, worshiping on the day of the week originally named diēs Sāturnī after Saturnalia, the
ancient Babylonian/Roman pagan festival honoring the agricultural god Saturn (Enki)
through human sacrifice, is so much better than worshipping on the ancient Babylonian
pagan high day Sol (Sun) Day in honor of the Sun God Marduk.

It is all pagan folks. The word pagan literally comes from the transliteration of sex
magic/blood sacrificial observances of the Babylonian Mystery Religion that was later
adopted by Greece and Rome (where they openly sacrificed "Christians" for entertainment),
and continues on today in the Holy Roman Catholic Church disguised as now suddenly
somehow "Christian" just because some guy in a strange fish hat said so. That fish hat is in
honor of the Jehovah Anunnaki who were fish beings with legs. See imagine below.

That's right, your "Christian" fish symbol known as the Ichthys is literally a symbol of the
Jehovah Anunnaki, also known as Dagon from the Mystery Religion, the 'Great Harlot' as
just mentioned by the Pope himself.

The 'bible' was commissioned by Roman Emperor Constantine that followed the Babylonian
Mystery religion. Rome was never Christian, they literally celebrated sacrificing Christians,
and still celebrate martyring their leader, as retold by independent historians.

The bible was crafted to blend satanic pagan sacrificial high days with "Christian" holy days
together so Rome could harvest all the money from both sides, from their pagan citizens as
well as the new Christians that had just popped up over the last 300 hundred years.

On the bible's completion by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., a group of avowed pagans,
the bible was published by an an avowed pagan, King James, who also wrote and published
Demonology. All were Freemasons. Read that again.

Oh, you thought the super secret Masonic Brotherhood was a recent thing, didn't you?
Masons hail from Babylon where the wheel, the plow, indoor plumbing, production, writing,
hydraulics, fabric, brick production, metallurgy, mathematics, philosophy, sailboats,
chariots, numerals, taxes, calendars, codes-of-law, contract law, board games, stringed
instruments, maps, schools, farmer's almanac, jobs, congress, judicial systems, corporations,
paved roads, banks and formal municipal services suddenly fell right out of the clear blue sky
to earth while the rest of the world were still living in caves and trying to invent fire. All with
no archeological evidence of development for any of them.

Constantine went on to become the first Catholic Pope, even though the "Masonic and
Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine" bears his own name under the compass and
square Masonic logo. Catholicism has always been an extension of the "Christian fraternal
order of Freemasonry" from the very beginning of the newly-renamed ancient order from
Babylon that worshipped Enki Satain and his sons Marduk/Utu, Era/Aries, Thoth/Hermes
and g.g.g. grandson Nimrod. Nothing has changed except the name.

The Freemasons secretly worship Nimrod as their god. They also don't mention the fact that
Nimrod was a grandson of Enki Satain, founder of Babylon. They also don't mention that
Nimrod later changed his name to Gilgamesh, written of extensively in the 500,000
cuneiform clay tablets of Sumer-Ur, capitol of Babylon of the 250,000 year history of their
ancestors the Anunnaki that (from heaven came) and were factually not humans.

See Epic of Gilgamesh.

Those historic documents pre-date the 'bible' that carries the same events covered in both,
such as the parting of the red sea, the flood, Noah, all of it, by 10,000 years. 'Official'
historical records place Babylon around 6000 years ago to fit biblical time-dating, but it was
really 12,000.

So instead of a huge N in the middle of the Masonic compass and square symbol, you now
see the letter G for Gilgamesh. Everything has been ciphered in order to hide from the
peoples that Masons run the church, pray to ancient gods and take your energy and money
and trick you into praying to the same deities.

Don't think so? Do you know who Amen Ra was? His name as mentioned above, was
Marduk Satain, ruler in Babylon after his father Enki retired (but was still co-ruling behind
the scenes as he still does today), then it was changed to Amen later when he showed up in
Egypt after he and everyone else had to leave Sumer-Ur Babylon due to nuclear radiation
poisoning of the land and water after a massive war that destroyed that entire area, written
about in the Hindu Vedas of the Mahabharata. Don't act like they never said anything about
it. They did.

And when you finish praying to your "Christian" god, what do you close it with?

Do you say "Christ"? "God"? "Prime Creator"?

Of course not. You now bring in a totally foreign name into the equation as if that makes
perfect sense when you say "Amen".

The name Marduk transliterated into the ancient Egyptian Afroasiatic language is "Amen"
(another iteration of the name "Horus"). There were no vowels in that language, so history
refers to him now as Amun, but it is the exact same name.

Everything you've ever been taught about the significance of "Jesus" is simply the story of
Marduk/Amen/Horus who was:

☑️ Born from a virgin

☑️ Had 12 disciples
☑️ Healed the sick
☑️ Crucified then resurrected 3 days later
☑️ Was known as 'the lamb'
☑️ Was 'the way'
☑️ Was 'the light'
There was no record of a person named Jesus during biblical times outside of the Mason
bible because the letter J did not exist. However there are records of a Yesheua Sananda
Melchizedek that was said to have done all the same things Marduk/Amen/Horus was
known for.

What is not well known is that Marduk was also transliterated into the name Zeus in
Egyptian times, which is the same name as Ezus.

Marduk was also transliterated into Jupiter in Greek times. So now you have Ezus with a
brand new letter J for Jupiter in front of it today.

Constantine made certain you would never figure out that

Marduk/Amen/Horus/Zeus/Jupiter was still alive during the New Testament times of the
bible by transliterating it as "Jesus" 942 times. The gods of Babylon live millions of years.
They never died and are in fact still here.

Both people that are now conglomerated into one religious figure did exist at that time.
Yesheua Sananda and Marduk, who at that time around 1 A.D. for about 3 1/2 years did work
together helping people move on from the 3rd dimension to higher realms utilizing the
mechanical stargate below Cheops under the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty. But soon
Marduk abandoned the alliance and led his people, the children of the Anunnaki and their
newly-created Hyksos human hybrids down a darker path of worship to himself through
human sacrifice. You'll recognize this as Zionism today.

The hubbub the Pope is now making over "saturday not sunday" is just a distraction from the
fact that no matter if you worship either of these days, or Tuesday night at 3 am, you are still
worshipping their gods.

Enki/Ptah/Ea/Cronus/Saturn Satain is "god the father"

His son Marduk/Amen/Horus/Zeus/Jupiter Satain is "Jesus"

His g.g.g. grandson Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Santa Satain is "The Holy Spirit" of the Anunnaki

All three are constantly battling "Satan" as a psyop. They are literally the family line of Satain
and the King James bible is their story, not humans'.

Get off your knees people. You are every bit as much god as any being that ever lived. You
laid out everything you see around you today, but you don't remember because you were
mind-wiped. The era of worshipping beings outside of your own collective, bloodline known
as Prime Creator, has come to a close.

If you want to see this post for reference again in the future, cut and paste it now offline
because it will disappear.

1. Marduk/Amen/Horus/Zeus/Jupiter Satain Anunnaki Hybrid

2. Jehovah Anunnaki Human Hybrid relief, Babylon

3. Jehovah Anunnaki Aquatic being

4. Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Santa Satain Anunnaki Hybrid

Saturday - Wikipedia
Marduk - Wikipedia

Sumerian religion - Wikipedia

Dagon - Wikipedia
First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia

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