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This thesis entitled “ -----------------------------------------” prepared and submitted by

Martin, Wilmart A., Hermoso, Viannei I. , Jugo, & Cherry Mae U. in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING has been

rigorously prepared and is found to be acceptable in content by the undersigned, and is

recommended for PROPOSAL DEFENSE.




(maximum of 15 slides only, 10-12-minutes video presentation)


1. First slide must include the Research title, Name of Researchers and
2. Background and Rationale
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Statement of the Problem
5. Scope, Limitation and Delimitation
6. Research Design
7. Locale of the Study
8. Sampling type and Technique
9. Research Instrument
10.Protection of Rights
11. “Thank you” slide must be included


1. First slide must include the Research title, Name of Researchers and
2. Introduction
3. Conceptual Underpinning
4. Statement of the Problem
5. Scope, Delimitation and Limitations
6. The Researchers
7. Selection of Study Participants
8. Data Generating Procedure
9. Data Analysis
10.Protection of Rights
11.“Thank You” slide must be included
Guidelines for Presentation

1. Each research group must upload a document file (NOT PDF) of their thesis
on March 4. A gdrive will be forwarded to level 2 students per block. The
document’s file name must be the thesis title in BOLD letters ONLY.
2. All research manuscripts must include certification from the adviser that
the research proposal is ready for evaluation by the panel and is hereby
endorsed for proposal defense.
3. A short prayer is requested from every research group to open the defense
presentation. This must be a part of the video presentation.
4. A thesis video presentation must be prepared and also uploaded three days
before the date of defense on the same drive forwarded for manuscript
upload. In the presentation, all student nurse researchers are required to wear
hospital uniform without cap for female students and white hospital uniform
for male (all white). All must be properly groomed.
5. Font and size for video presentation is Arial 18-20.
6. All members must present a part of the research proposal. Each member is
expected to speak during the presentation.
7. The leaders will be the first speaker followed by the members of the group.
However, members can answer questions during the Q & A.
8. Each group will answer 3-5 questions from a group of 3 panel. Extra points
will be given to students who can deliver precise and cohesive answers.
9. All researchers must practice proper decorum during the defense. No
shouting from the background must be heard, no swearing/cursing. Each
researcher is expected to be respectful at all times.


(maximum of 15 slides only, ARIAL 20, use appropriate graphics, tables are optional, 10-
12-minutes VIDEO research presentation only)


1. First slide must include Research title, Name of Researchers and Adviser
2. Research Design
3. Sampling technique
4. Statement of the Problem #1
5. Results ( to answer SOP 1)
6. Statement of the Problem #2
7. Results (to answer SOP 2)
8. Statement of the Problem #3
9. Results (to answer SOP 3)
10. Conclusions
11. Recommendations
12. “Thank you” slide must be included


1. First slide must include Research title, Name of Researchers and Adviser
2. Research Design
3. Sampling Technique
4. Statement of the Problem
5. Results- Themes , Subthemes
6. Implications
7. Recommendations
8. “Thank You” slide must be included

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