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In accordance with the IATF and LGU advisories

To safeguard the health and safety of everyone when campus-based operations

resume, CIT-University adopts the following safety measures (based on CHED
advisory # 6, DepEd Order no. 014, DOH, DTI & DOLE Interim Guidelines):

1. Before the resumption of campus-based classes/offices with the lifting of the

Enhanced Community Quarantine, cleaning and disinfection of school facilities
shall be conducted.

a) Clean and disinfect school facilities which include classrooms, laboratories,

water and sanitation areas, comfort rooms, etc. must be done at least twice
a day (morning and afternoon), particularly on surfaces that are touched by
many people (railings, tables, chairs, doors, door knob, window handles,
teaching and learning aids, sports equipment, telephone, keyboard,
computer monitors, remote controls, light, TV and air conditioning switches,

b) Guidelines for Janitorial Staff:

i. Two janitors should be assigned in every floor of each school building

except on the ground floor where more janitors are required.
ii. Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needed for cleaning:
o Gloves, masks (not specialized N95 masks used for infection
control but only masks used for barrier protection from cleaning
chemicals), and goggles/safety glasses.
o Protective clothing that can be thrown away or washed.
o Paper towels, garbage bags, a separate trash bin for potential
infectious waste, scrubbing pads/cleaning brushes.
o Disinfectant products such as ready to use a.k.a. “RTU” in
labeled spray bottles and/ or wipes.
o Measuring cups for diluting concentrated products.
o Hand sanitizer with 60% to 90% alcohol.
o Sodium hypochlorite at 0.5% (equivalent 5000ppm) or any
disinfectant preferred by the school for disinfecting surfaces
and 70% ethyl alcohol for disinfection of small items.
iii. Janitors must open windows and doors when cleaning.
o Wear protective apron if possible, to prevent contamination of
o Use disposable gloves, mask and goggles/safety glasses for
protection of skin and eyes during cleaning.
o When disinfecting, working from one side of a surface to the
other side helps prevent recontamination.
o When handling infectious waste, do not touch anything other
than the said waste and make sure that the waste materials are
placed in a separate trash bins marked or colored ‘for infectious
waste’ to prevent contamination.
o Discard gloves and mask hygienically once done.
o Dispose wastes in accordance with local waste disposal policy.
o Wash hands with soap and water after cleaning. Use an alcohol-
based hand sanitizer if hand washing is not available.
o Store commonly used cleaning products in areas only accessible
by staff to avoid excessive handling.
o Signages should be placed in areas indicating recent date of
iv. Each employee is responsible for the disinfection and maintenance of
cleanliness of his/her own work station.
 Clean and disinfect regularly, at least once every two (2) hours all
work areas and frequently handled objects such as door knobs
and handles.
 Surfaces such as office tables, cabinets and objects like
telephone, keyboards must be wiped with disinfectant regularly.
 Change and clean air conditioning system filters daily.

2. On the first day of reporting to school, all students and employees shall be
provided with initial orientation on the respiratory etiquette and other
protective measures. It shall be reiterated that the same measures are
expected to be practiced in other public places, including when they travel to
and from the school or even at home.

3. All persons entering the campus shall accomplish daily the health symptoms
questionnaire, wear a face mask and undergo a thermometer check prior to
a). Security guards must wear a surgical mask and face shield and
disposable gloves when checking the temperature of employees, students
and visitors.
b). Temperature of every individual must be checked using the infrared
thermometer. Touching any part of the individual being checked must be
c). Individuals lining up for temperature check should follow the 2-meter
physical distancing. Markers on the floor must be established.
d). If the temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius, the individual is not
allowed to get inside the campus. The individual will be advised to go
home and will be given flyers for instruction. Parents and guardians of
minors will be notified to pick up the student. The student will be isolated
in a holding area near the gate.
4. There shall be mandatory application of alcohol on both hands and disinfection
of shoes for those entering the school campus.
a). Guards must perform Mandatory Application of 70% Alcohol on both
b). Disinfection of shoes using the disinfectant must be conducted at the
c). Students and personnel must be required to bring their own alcohol or
sanitizer (on top of the ones provided by the university).

5. Employees and students must disclose their travel history and home address.
a). Human Resource Department and Student affairs Office should create
an online tracker or google form wherein each individual is asked of
travel history and home address.
6. Wearing of face mask and face shield inside the campus and classroom is
a). Wear mask at all times covering the face from bridge of nose to chin.
b). Clean hands properly before putting the face mask and face shield on
or taking off.
c). Touch only the cord or elastic at the back of the face mask must be
touched when removing it, not the front.
d). If the mask is disposable, be sure to dispose it safely in a proper
e). If reusable, wash the face mask, as soon as possible, after every use
with soap and warm water (temperature should be at least 60 degrees
Celsius) for at least one minute and dry it, preferably in the sun.

7. Social distancing protocols shall be faithfully observed in the offices,

conference rooms, library, canteen, study areas, school bus, gymnasium, AVR
and in all other places within the campus.
a). Observe the 6-feet or approximately 2-meter distance from one person
to another in all parts of the campus.
b). Designate pathways for entrance and exit only, to control the access to
the buildings and maintain physical distance.
c). Put markers on the floor to indicate where an individual may stand
when falling in line.
d). Office tables should be arranged in order to maintain proper physical
distancing. Barriers may be provided between tables.
e). If two stairways are available in the building, one stairway maybe used
exclusively for going up and another for going down.
f). For roving security guards:
i. Strictly implement personal distancing. Ensure that each individual
is 2 meters away from another individual in all parts of the campus.
ii. Call the attention of those who are not observing personal

8. The school shall implement adjustment of the schedule of classes and

activities to allow physical distancing in the classroom.

a). With face masks and face shields, the classroom can accommodate 25
students instead of the measured 16 students (based on 2-meter
physical distancing).

9. Teachers shall conduct daily rapid health check in the classroom.

a). Those who will show symptoms of COVID-19 shall be further assessed
in the medical-dental clinic.

10. The school shall restrict conduct of physical or face-to-face large gatherings
and activities that will require close contact or where physical distancing may
not be possible (e.g., school activities, sports events, flag ceremony, etc).

a). Non-contact greeting shall be observed.

b). Handshaking or any form of greetings shall not be allowed.
11. The school shall provide and maximize the use of online platforms which do
not require physical interactions or congregations for the performance of
tasks, including teaching learning delivery, training, and conferences.

12. Health guidelines which include, among others, disclosure of health status,
symptoms such as itching in the throat, dry throat, dry cough, high
temperature, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste, etc. must be
a) Students/personnel should monitor their own health as much as
possible and check the temperature before going to school or work
every morning.
b) Students and personnel who manifest symptoms of COVID-19 must not
be allowed to report to class/work.
c) However, if the student/ personnel wants to go the clinic, he/she has to
be placed in an isolation room to prevent contamination.
d) Teachers shall conduct rapid health check in the classroom. Those who
will show symptoms of COVID-19 shall be further assessed in the
school clinic.
e) The college/department must be informed through email, facebook, or
by phone of any condition which includes the following:

i. Information on the progression of the symptoms: When and what

symptoms have the individual experienced? Progress including when
and how high a fever rose, etc.
ii. Information on living situation: Symptoms of family members or
persons living in the same house (with or without contact with people
infected with COVID-19)
iii. Information on activities during the last two days before symptoms
appeared (attendance at workplaces, meetings, parties, events, etc.)
iv. Information on contact with people infected with COVID-19

f). The Medical-Dental Clinic should create an online tracker or google

form to monitor the number of students/employees who have health
g). The school clinic shall ensure the availability of emergency health kits
that include PPE’s and other needed supplies and materials.
13. Additional hand washing areas must be installed in strategic places within the
campus such as canteen and study areas, comfort rooms, etc.
14. Eating in communal areas is discouraged. It is best to eat in individual work
area and all waste shall be disposed properly. However, if eating in the
individual work area is not possible, social distancing must be strictly observed in
dining areas such as the canteen with one person per table and one-meter
distance per person.
a). Individuals are encouraged to use their own utensils.
b). Food handlers are advised to wear mask, gloves, bonnet and apron in
preparing and serving foods.
15. All washrooms and comfort rooms shall have sufficient clean water and soap.
a). All employees and students are encouraged to wash their hands
frequently and avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
16. Hand sanitizer/alcohol shall be available in venues where activities are
a). 70% alcohol-based sanitizing hand rub dispensers, must be placed in
strategic places around the workplace like near the door/entrance of
the room, corridors, conference areas, stairways and areas where
workers pass. Dispensers must be regularly refilled.
17. Suspension of the use of all drinking fountains inside the school campus. As
the fountains spout water directly into the person’s mouth, the risk of
contaminated droplets, either infecting the drinker or spilling onto the equipment
is high.

a). Encourage students/employees to bring their own bottled water or

18. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials containing the
key messages on health and safety shall be displayed in key strategic areas of
the school, such as the school entrances, corridors and other communal areas, or
distributed to the students and employees for their ready reference. Video
showing about COVID-19 and how to prevent its spread must be conducted.
a). University TV Screens intended for information dissemination should
flash information about COVID-19 (brief description, transmission,
prevention, proper wearing of mask, proper handwashing, social
19. There should be an adoption of the “Work- From- Home” scheme for some
employees on certain day/s of the week as a measure for social distancing.
a). Employees who are 60 years old and above are advised to stay at
home and observe the WFH arrangement except when indispensable for
work under prevailing circumstances. Safety protocols, however, must be
strictly observed. Currently, there are forty-four CIT-U employees who
are 60 years old and above.

20. Only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed to enter the campus.

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