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I. Write any 5 questions from the given below

1. Name the important body parts of an insect?
2. Name some indoor and outdoor games?
3. What does the postman do?
4. Where do we get our food from?
5. Name some parts of plants that we eat?
6. Where do we get tea from?
7. What is an occupation?

II. Choose the correct option.

1.This insect collects nectar from the flowers ( )
a) House fly b) Honey bee c) Ant
2. Silkworms build this around them selves ( )
a) house b) nest c) cocoon
3. Carom and chess are ___games ( )
a) Indoor b) Out door c) both of them
4. We eat the _____ of spinach ( )
a) leaves b) stem c) roots
5. We get honey from _______ ( )
a) butter flies b) beetles c) honey bees

III. Match the following (5x1=5M)

Column -A Column-B
1. A postman a). Treat the patients
2. A sweeper b). Sells vegetables
3. A milk man c). Delivers milk from door to door
4. A vegetable seller d). Delivers letters
5. A doctor e). Cleans the streets

IV. Solve the cross word the given below (6x1=6M)

1. she helps us in school
2. She/He drives a vehicle
3. She/He teaches us in school
4. She/He waters the plants and maintains the garden
5. She/He mends our shoes
6. She/He rings the bell at school

3 5

V Write True (T) or False (F) (5X1=5M)

1. Insects have six legs. ( )
2. Honey bees cause malaria. ( )
3. Ludo is a board game. ( )
4. We should not help our mother. ( )
5. Children below age 14 can work in factories. ( )

VI Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word from below (4x1=4M)
Fruit, sea, animal, fruits, vegetables
1. We get meat from__________
2. Plants give us ___________and ____________
3. Banana is a _____
4. Fish is an_______food

VII Fill in the blanks +

1. Boiling involves cooking food in hot, boiling ____________
2. Cooking food in hot oil is called _____________
3. A microwave oven runs on ____________
4. Food such as pulses, cereals and vegetables are _____________to digest.
5. One person catching the other in _____________

VIII Label the body parts of insect given below (5x1=5M)

IX Separate and write indoor and outdoor games from the list of games given below (5x1=5M)

Cricket Ludo Chess Badminton

Ludo Tennis Table tennis Basket ball

Skating Snake and ladder Volley ball Racing cars

Indoor games Outdoor games

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