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Materia: Limba engleză


Lesson plan
Date: the 1st of April 2024
Time of lesson: 50’
Grade: 3rd
Textbook: Limba modernă 1 engleză, Booklet
Units of learning: We are surfing in Hawaii
Students’ level: beginners
Title of the lesson: Exercises
Type of lesson: Revision
General competences: 1. Understand oral messages in everyday communication situations
2. Speak in everyday communication situations
3. Understand simple written messages
Specific competences: 1.1 show understanding of questions
2.2 Take part in simple every day dialogue
2.3 Develop pronunciation/ intonation
2.4 Understand common phrases related to every day life
Lesson aims: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. talk about actions taking place at the time of speaking
3. write about actions taking place at the time of speaking

Classroom interation: whole class, individual work, group work

Materials: black board, cube, worksheets
Assumptions: Most of the studens are familiar with the present simple of the verb ,,to be”, all forms.
Anticipated problems: The students could find difficulty in speaking.


Activity 1: Warm-up
Time: 5’
Skills: speaking and listening
Interaction: teacher-students
Procedure: The teacher greets the students and checks the attendence. She asks them a few informal
questions ( How are you today? What day is today? What day was yesterday? ). In order to create a
relaxing atmosphere the teacher tells a riddle and the pupils brainstorm to answer:
Q: Henry’s mother has four kids. The first three is named April, Fools, and Day. What is the fourth one
A: Henry

Activity 2: Lead-in
Checking homework
Time: 7’
Skills: listening and speaking
Interaction: teacher-students, whole class
Procedure: Pupils read and check their homework.

Activity 3: Presentation and practice of present continuous tense

Time: 30’
Skills: reading, writing and listening
Interaction: group work
Procedure: T announces that they will revise present countinuos and it will be team working. This
activity will take place using the cube technique.There will be six teams: lilac team, tulips team,
snowdrop team, violet team, hyancinth team and daffodils team.They will throw the die and will get the
corresponding worksheet. They read the tasks. T makes sure they undrestand the requests. After pupils
do the tasks, they will read the answers.

Activity 4: Organising feedback

Time: 3’
Interaction: teacher – studends
Procedure: The teacher makes appreciations and corrects the major mistakes she has identified during
the class ( if there were any).

Activity 5: Setting homework

Time: 2’
Procedure: Exercise 2, page 75.
„Tulip” TEAM





„Snowdrop” TEAM

What are they doing?

1............................................................................... 1...........................................................................

2. ........................................................................... 2...........................................................................

3. .......................................................................... 3..........................................................................

„Daffodil” TEAM

She is reading.

They are singing.

She is standing.

She is working in the garden.

It is drinking milk.

1. Are the children playing?

a) Yes, they are.
b) No, they aren’t.
c) Yes,he is.
„Violet” TEAM


Look at the picture and

choose the right answer.

„Lilac” TEAM


What is your teacher doing / not „-”

doing right now?

Make sentences.

„Hyacinth” TEAM ..............................

2. sit ..................................
3. swim ..............................

4. make .............................. What are the spelling

rules for the ing form?
5. run ................................

6. write ..............................

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