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GIS-Mapping the Planet Gamas to Galelios

Accuracy & Precision

Accuracy belongs to the agreement with true value !

Precision Belongs to the Instrument.

Using too much precision can mislead people.

But how much?

t's good to know that the meter was originally defined by French 144
years ago based on logic and physical phenomena , so that ten million of
them would take you from the equator to a pole.

That's 90 degrees, so one degree of latitude covers about 10^7/90 =

111,111 meters (about)

("About," because the meter's length has changed a little bit – from
simple pendulum logic to krypton-86 wave length. But that doesn't
matter it changed in definition only due to the practical accuracy
required to lead normal life !!!!)

….Confused !

…..each line of longitude ( Length- Vertical Line !) is shifted to east-

west from Prime Meridian ( 0 Deg E Greenwich ) while longitude line
itself is from North to south ) Hence

Major Longitudes – Deg E

0 Deg E Longitude -(Prime Meridian Greenwich Meridian)-

Time Zones 360Deg /24hrs = 15Deg /1 Hr

Major Latitudes ( Property – All are Parallel lines)

…. each line of latitude (lateral - Horizontal Line!) is shifted from
Equator North-South while the latitude line itself is from East to West)-
Hence North Cordinates

0 Deg N Latitude (Equator)

90Deg N Longitude ( Point at 90Deg from an Imaginary Vertical from


90Deg S Longitude ( Point at 90 Deg from an Imaginary Vertical from

+23.5 N tropic of Cancer ( The Contour line of 23.5 Degree on earth
surface )

-23.5 S tropic of Cancer

+66.5N Arc-tic Circle

-66.5S Ant-arctic Circle

GPS Accuracy :

So 10 Million meters would take you from the equator to a pole.

That's 90 degrees, so one degree of latitude covers about 10^7/90 =

111,111 meters (about) Say 111.1kM

North Star appears to be at North all the time since it is

directly above the Earths axis of Rotation.

10,000,000 meters between the

equally spaced parallels-Latitudes

Tropic +23.5 Deg


is about the same or less in length than a degree of latitude, because

the circles of latitude shrink down to the earth's axis as we move from
the equator towards either pole. Therefore, it's always safe to figure
that the sixth decimal place in one decimal degree has 111,111/10^6 = about 1/9 meter =
about 4 inches of precision.
Accordingly, if your accuracy needs are, say, give or take 10 meters,
than 1/9 meter is nothing: you lose essentially no accuracy by using six
decimal places. If your accuracy need is sub-centimeter, then you need
at least seven and probably eight decimal places, but more will do you
little good.

Thirteen decimal places will pin down the location to 111,111/10^13 =

about 1 angstrom, around half the thickness of a small atom.

Using these ideas we can construct a table of what each digit in a decimal
degree signifies:
 The sign tells us whether we are north or south, east or west on
the globe.
 A nonzero hundreds digit tells us we're using longitude, not
 The tens digit gives a position to about 1,000 kilometers. It gives
us useful information about what continent or ocean we are on.
 The units digit (one decimal degree) gives a position up to 111
kilometers (60 nautical miles, about 69 miles). It can tell us roughly
what large state or country we are in.
 The first decimal place is worth up to 11.1 km: it can distinguish the
position of one large city from a neighboring large city.
 The second decimal place is worth up to 1.1 km: it can separate one
village from the next.
 The third decimal place is worth up to 110 m: it can identify a large
agricultural field or institutional campus.
 The fourth decimal place is worth up to 11 m: it can identify a parcel
of land. It is comparable to the typical accuracy of an uncorrected
GPS unit with no interference.
 The fifth decimal place is worth up to 1.1 m: it distinguish trees from
each other. Accuracy to this level with commercial GPS units can
only be achieved with differential correction.
 The sixth decimal place is worth up to 0.11 m: you can use this for
laying out structures in detail, for designing landscapes, building
roads. It should be more than good enough for tracking movements
of glaciers and rivers. This can be achieved by taking painstaking
measures with GPS, such as differentially corrected GPS.
 The seventh decimal place is worth up to 11 mm: this is good for
much surveying and is near the limit of what GPS-based techniques
can achieve.

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