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Roxan Jean D.

Merquita BSN - 1B


Teenage pregnancy is quiet alarming in this generation. Being pregnant in an early age is difficult,
let me tell you why? In this year it is hard to find a job if you are not a graduated student’s. It is hard to find
a job that will help you to earn to provide the need’s of your baby. The baby is a blessing and we all know
that, but having this without planning is quiet different. From the word teen, you are not prepared in that
stage to be a mother. You have the knowlegde to be a mother because you can clearly feel and see your
mother but it is very different if you are the mother. Teenage pregnancy is one of the reason why a
student’s need to stop in highschool or in the middle of the year of school year. It is hard for a mother to
see and to know that her daugther is pregnant. It is hard for them to accept easily because it is far from their
dreams and for their dreams for their children because they thought that their child will be successful

We can’t stop the teen to have any kind of relationship bcause the more we stop them then the
more it will lead to teenage pregnancy. In this generation, the teen’s are in the level that they think that if
they enter in a relationship, they think will think that their relationship will last long or forever. it is hard to
be pregnant in ealy age because you can’t handle everything. To be pregnant in early age is difficult
because jusdgement is everywhere. The judgement is one of the reason why they need to abort a child in
their womb. Hearing already the abortion word’s makes my heart ache. I don’t like the idea that they need
to abort a child in their womb to escape the responsibility to a mother. Judgement is just waiting for you,
speacially if you made a a single mistake. It is hard if you is pregnant already at the age of 15 or 17,
specially if your parent’s don’t have a job that can help you provide’s the needs of your child. For now, it is
hard to prevent the rising of the teenage prgnancy. We are seeing some mother, they will threw, kill or put
their baby in the trashcan and seeing those baby that treated like that you will blame the mother that why
they need to kill their child. Being a teenager and finding out that you are pregnant, the parent’s of both
side must be ready and supportive because having this responsibility is very difficult especially in this
generation because of judgement. The teenager need also to think and plan carefully. They need to learn
that being a parent is difficult specially if you are not supported by your own parent’s and your partner’s

Think before you Act is a must, why? because they need to think first if it good for them if they
want to settle already or they have the job already that can provide their needs in the future and then act
already if the job you and your partner have is enough that can build a family then be it. Teenager’s must
think carefully if they want to plan to have an early baby. They must think the consequences. They must
think that being a pregnant is that they need to have a healthy lifestyles, a proper medication, a needs from
partner and a support from the family. This generation, alot of teenager are left alone from their partner if
their partner know already that their partner is pregnant. A lot of boy’s are scared to have this kind of
responsibility. That’s the first reason why a girl must think carefully about or planning to have a baby
because their partner is not sure if they want or grab that responsibility. We can’t deny that alot of girl and
boy, if they will do the sex and then they found out that they made a baby, they will abort it if they are not
ready to be a parent.

It is very important to have a support from the family because lack of attention and love from
family they will look that love and attention to other people and it will lead to relationship then it will lead
to be pregnant. Teenager must think that entering in that kind situation is hard and difficult that’s why they
need to plan carefully, and intead thinking of that they must focus on their dreams and goals so that their
parents will be proud of them. They must focus on their study so that they will get a job and have an
income then if they want to have family already so be it because they have a stable life and job already and
in that time they are already prepared to be a parent. I concllude that the daughter and parent’s must have a
bond and deep connection so that they can guide their children to be a responsible and they will teach their
children about planning that kind of situation which is having a family in the future.

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