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Class – 6

(Chapter 2,3, 7,9,11)


Unit:2 Science Class:6

Reproduction in
2.2) Differentiate between sexual reproduction a sexual reproduction
1. Sexual reproduction:
Sexual reproduction is a process in which a sperm and egg fuse to form a
zygote. The zygote then develops into embryo and forms a new organism.
A sexual reproduction:
A sexual reproduction is a process of producing offspring(young ones) which
does not involve the fusion of male and female gametes.
2. Self-pollination:
Transfer of polllen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the
same flower or to the stigma of an other flower of the same plant is called
Cross pollination:
Transfer of polllen grains from the anther of the flower to the stigma of the
flower on an other plant of the same species is called cross pollution.
3. Pollen Grain:
Pollen grain is the male reproductive structure in plants which give rise to
4. Ovule:
Ovule is the female reproductive structure in plants which give rise to egg
5. Fertilization:
In the ovary, pollen tube enters an ovule and releases its sperms in it. One of
the two sperm fuse with the egg and forms zygote this is called fertilization.
6. Double Fertilization:
One of the two sperms in the ovary fuses with two polar nuclei in the
ovule to form a triploid endosperm. This is called double fertilization.
7. Budding:
Budding is a technique which is used to join a bud with some other plant in
such a way that they both appear to be grown as a single plant.
8. Grafting:
Grafting is a same technique like budding in which we take any cut piece
from a plant and join it with another plant in such a way that they both grow
9. Scion:
The cut piece of a plant that is to be attached with other plant is called scion.
10. Stock:
The other plant to which the scion is attached is called stock.

2.3) Give short answers:

1. Name three self pollinated flowers.
Ans. Pea Cotton Tomato
2. Name three cross pollinated flowers.
Ans. Maize Papaya Rose
3. Name the underground stem that undergo natural vegetative
Ans. Bulb and tuber.
4. What are runners?
Ans. In some plants like strawberry and grasses stems are spread
horizontally about the ground, these stems are called runners.
5. Name different parts of the carpel (female reproductive structure).
Ans. There are three parts of carpel:
Stigma, style, ovary.

2.4) Constructed Response Questions:

3) What do you think is the most effective way of plants reproduction?
Ans. Sexual reproduction is the most effective and most common way
of plant reproduction.
4) Describe the advantages of artificial vegetative propagation in plants.
Ans. Following are the advantages of artificial vegetative propagation.
a) It produces better varieties of fruit and vegetables.
b) It produces seedless fruits like oranges, grapes ,banana etc.
c) It combines good characteristics of two different varieties in a new
5) Write a brief note on each of the following.
A) Cutting:
In this process apart of the plant such as stem having buds on it is
cut and planted in the soil. After some days buds on the underground part of
the cutting grow into roots and the bud on the areal part of the cutting grow
into stem and leaves. Rose, sugarcane etc ,are the plants that can be grown
using this technique.
B) Layering:
Layering is the process of artificial propagation of plants during
which a young branch of a plant is bent to the ground and covered with moist
soil. After a few days roots grow in the soil from the covered part of the
branch, the attached stem with the roots is called layer.
C) Grafting:
Grafting is a technique used to join a portion of plant with some
other plant in such a way that both appear to be grown as a single plant.
D) Budding:
Budding is a technique likewise the grafting. In this process a bud is
used as scion. The process need a great deal of skill.

3.2: Write short answers.

1. Why do we need food?
Ans. Food provide us energy and nutrients needed for vital processes
like growth, repair, reproduction and protection.
2. Name major food groups.
Ans. Food is classified into following major groups.
1. Carbohydrates
2. Proteins
3. Fats
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
3. Name sources of vitamin A.
Ans. Carrot, cod liver oil etc are sources f vitamin A.

4. Enlist the sources of vitamin C and D.

Ans. Sources of vitamin C: Citrus fruits, orange, guava, broccoli,

strawberry etc are sources of vitamin C.

Sources of vitamin D: Milk, cod liver oil soybean are sources of vitamin

5. List sources of minerals .

Ans. Minerals are found in milk, meat, grains, vegetable, fruits, eggs,
fish etc.

6. What is unbalanced diet?

Ans. A diet lacking one or more essential components of food needed by

a person is called unbalanced diet.
7. Is table salt a mineral?

Ans. Table salt is mineral due to presence of sodium in it.

3.3 Answer the following questions.

1. What is balanced diet? Describe importune of balanced diet.

Ans. Balanced diet: A mixture of foods having proper amounts of the

nutrients needed for a person suitable to its age, job and health conditions is
called balanced diet.

Importance of balanced diet: Different foods contain different amounts

of nutrients. Over eating or intake of food containing nutrients in less
amounts than needed in our body creates health problems. Use of balanced
diet keeps our body healthy.

2. Describe sources and functions of carbohydrates.

Ans. Sources of carbohydrates: Glucose, sugar, starch etc are the food
belonging to the group of carbohydrate. Sugars are present in honey, fruits,
milk, wheat, rice, barely, potato, tomato etc.
Functions of carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are quick source of energy
for our body. Most of the energy needs of our body are met by carbohydrates.
So, they work as fuel for our body.

3. Describe sources and functions of proteins.

Ans. Sources of Protein: Proteins are found in meat, eggs, fish, pulses,
milk, chicken, nuts, beans, peas and seeds are sources of protein. Functions
of protein: Proteins are food group which provides material for growth,
repair and reproduction. Proteins are thus known as building

Blocks of our body.

4. State sources and functions of vitamins.

Ans. Vitamins are the component of food which are needed by our body
in very small quantities. Vitamins are of different types and are represented
by letters of alphabet, e.g., Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K.

1. Source of Vitamin A : Carrots, cod liver oil. Keeps eyes health and

Function: Keeps eyes healthy and it protects from night blindness.

2. Source of Vitamin B:
Banana, fish, wheat Protects from Beriberi fresh meat, vegetables and
grains, etc.

Function: iIt protects from beriberi (lack of energy) and diseases of

nervous system.

3. Source of Vitamin C:

Citrus fruits, orange, guava, broccoli and strawberry, etc.

Function: It keeps skin healthy and

It protects from scurvy and bleeding gums.

4. Source of Vitamin D:

Milk, cod liver, soybean

Function: Protects from Rickets(- A disease in which bones become soft

and weak)

Source of Vitamin E: Eggs, dry fruits, peas.

Function: Keeps muscles healthy and protect them from diseases.

Source of Vitamin K

Milk, leafy vegetables and fruits.

Function: Essential for blood clotting.

5. Explain the sources and function of minerals.

Ans. Sources of minerals: Minerals are found in milk,meat, grains,

vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish etc.

Function of minerals:

1. They are needed for formation of body tissues like bones, teeth and
blood cells.

2. They play important role in growth of our body.

3. They Makes bones and teeth strong.

4. They Makes muscles healthy.

5. Describe sources and functions of fats.

Ans. Sources of fats: Fasts are obtained from animals as well as plants.
Milk, butter, ghee, cheese, animal fat, fish oil, etc., are fat rich foods
obtained from animals. Vegetable oils, such as olive oil, com oil. Coconut
oil, mustard oil, etc.; are obtained from plant seeds.

Functions of fats: Fats are stored under our skin and protect our body
from the effects of temperature changes. They give safety cover to vital body
organs, like heart, brain, kidney and liver. They keep our body warm. Fats
are the secondary source of energy. They are used as a source of energy
during the shortage of carbohydrates.

6. What is a food pyramid? Explain.

Ans. Food pyramid: Food pyramid is a chart that helps us in choosing

different food items for our daily diet. The base of the chart shows the food
that we take the maximum, while the top of the chart shows that these items
we should use in minimum. Hence food pyramid helps to select proper diet.

7. Why is it important to eat food from all food groups?

Ans. Different food contain different amounts of different nutrients. A
diet that is all that we eat in a day should be a balanced diet. Different food
items. In different food groups contain different nutrient. That must be
present in our diet to maintain our good health.

Unit # 7 Science
Class: 7
7.2 Give short answers
1) Define solute .
Ans) In a solution, solute is that component of the solution which is present
in smaller quantity. For example in sugar solution , sugar is the solute.
2) Define a solution.
Ans) A homogenous mixture of two or more substances is called a solution
for example, salt solution.
3) Give five examples of heterogeneous mixture.
Ans ) Examples of heterogeneous mixture are
1. Salad
2. Sandwich
3. Pizza
4. Concrete slab
5. Rock
4) Give five examples of homogenous mixture.
Ans ) Examples of homogenous mixture are
1. Air
2. Sugar in water
3. Rainwater
4. Vinegar
5. Coffee
5) Give three examples of alloys.
Ans ) Examples of alloys are
1. Steel 2. Brass 3.Red gold
7.3 Differentiate between
1) Homogenous and heterogeneous mixture

Homogenous mixture Heterogeneous mixture

A mixture having uniform A mixture whose composition is
composition through out the not uniform throughout the
sample is called homogenous sample is called heterogeneous
mixture. mixture.

2) Crystallization and chromatography

Crystallization Chromatography
The process of obtaining large It is a technique used for separation of
crystals of pure substances from coloured components of a mixture
their solutions is called

3) Compound and mixture

Compound Mixture
When two or more elements are When two or more substances are
chemically combined together in a physically combined together without
fixed ratio they form a compound any fixed ratio the form of mixture
4) Solute and solvent

The component of solution present in The component of solution present in

lesser quantity called solute large quantity is called solvent
Unit # 11 Science

Q.11.2: Short Answers:

1. Write the names of some summer plants?

Sunflower, Rose moss, Touch me not, Marigold.

2. State names of winter plants?

Carrot, Radish, Cabbage, Turnip, Garlic, Spinach.

3. Write the names of elements present in chemical fertilizers?

Chemical fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

which are necessary for plant growth.

4. Give names of tools required for the preparation of soil bed for

Garden Fork for digging, Compost shovel, Single Wheel hoe, Rake,
Tiller Trowel.

5. Name the ingredients required for the preparation of yogurt?

Milk, Thermometer, Raw Milk, and pre-made yogurt.

6. State the ingredients required for the preparation of cheese?

The ingredients are Raw milk, Lemon juice, white Vinegar salt or

Long Questions:

Q.11.3: Write a note on Fertilizers.

Fertilizers: Certain materials that are added to the soil for more fruit,
and faster growth of plants are called fertilizers

There are two types of fertilizers

Inorganic Fertilizers: It includes Rock phosphate sulfur and gypsum.

Organic fertilizers: They are derived from plants and animals.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the elements necessary for
plant growth.

11.3 Write a note on Electric Bell:

Principle: Electric bell uses electromagnet. It works on the principle
that an electric circuit is being closed and breaks repeatedly by an
electromagnet. (Figure 11.8)


When the button is padded, the circuit is switched ON. The

electromagnet attracts the soft iron strips. Then the hammer attached to
the soft iron strips gives a strike on the gong. As the hammer moves
circuit breaks and the electromagnet gets disabled. The process is
repeated, and the bell rings until the push-on button is not released.

3) Write a note on Solar Oven.

Solar ovens use sunlight energy to cook food. These are placed in such a
way so that light rays fall on aluminum foil, which reflects the rays into
the box.


 Shiny surfaces reflect the light falling on them.Black objects are

well absorbed in sunlight.

 Aluminum foil reflects sunlight into the box where black paper
absorbs maximum light and creates a hot surrounding to make the
food cook
11.4: Write ways in which technology can be helpful and harmful:

Advantages of Technology:

 Technology increases productivity and efficiency

 It has broken the distance barrier

 It has simplified the tasks

 It facilitates learning, communication and transportation

 It has improved people's job

Disadvantages of technology:

 It has privacy and security concerns.

 It can cause isolation and loneliness.

 It causes a lack of interest in studies.

 It causes serious health and environmental problems.

 It reduces the creativity of people. 11.4: What is importance and uses of technology in everyday

a) Importance of Technology:

1. Technology helps in better communication.

2. Modern Technology plays vital role in keeping us safe and secure.

3. It provides us vast information.

4. It is used to solve problems more efficiently

5. Technology offers a wide range of entertainment options.

Q.No.04: Write uses of microorganisms in the food industry.

Different types of microorganisms are used in the food industry like

bacteria, fungi etc.

 Microorganisms are used in the food industry for making

products like bread, cheese, yogurt and other beverages

 They are also used to make food additives.

Q.No.03: What are pesticides? How are they important?

These chemical substances that are used to kill pests (weeds,

mosquitoes, rats) that are harmful to cultivated plants or animals.

Importance of Pesticides:

 They are used to kill the pests that damage crops.

 They can increase the growth of plants and crops.

 They are used in public health.

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