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Ways of saying something for C1-C2:

articulated asserted claimed declared disclosed

divulged elaborated emphasised expressed highlighted
mentioned noted observed pointed out proclaimed
professed recounted related remarked reported
revealed specified stated uttered

1. Articulated: Clearly expressed or presented; put into words.

o She articulated her vision for the company’s future in a detailed business plan.
2. Asserted: Stated confidently or forcefully.
o He asserted his innocence despite the accusations.
3. Claimed: Stated as a fact, although it may not be true.
o She claimed to have travelled the world, but her passport told a different story.
4. Declared: Announced officially or publicly.
o The president declared a state of emergency after the natural disaster.
5. Disclosed: Made something known or public that was previously secret or private.
o He disclosed confidential information, which led to a scandal.
6. Divulged: Revealed information that was supposed to be kept secret.
o She divulged her friend’s secret, causing a rift in their relationship.
7. Elaborated: Added more detail or information; explained more fully.
o The chef elaborated on the recipe by including additional steps for presentation.
8. Emphasised: Gave special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing.
o In his speech, he emphasised the need for immediate action.
9. Expressed: Conveyed a thought or feeling in words or by gestures and conduct.
o He expressed his frustration with the project’s slow progress.
10. Highlighted: Drew attention to or emphasised something important.
o The report highlighted the key issues facing the industry.
11. Mentioned: Referred to something briefly or without going into detail.
o She mentioned that she might be late for the meeting.
12. Noted: Observed or took notice of something.
o He noted that the room was unusually cold.
13. Observed: Saw or noticed something and mentioned it.
o The scientist observed the behaviour of the animals in their natural habitat.
14. Pointed out: Drew attention to a fact or situation, often in order to criticise or express concern.
o The environmentalist pointed out the negative impact of deforestation.
15. Proclaimed: Announced something publicly or officially, especially something positive.
o The activists proclaimed their success in stopping the construction.
16. Professed: Claimed openly but often falsely that one has a quality or feeling.
o He professed to be an expert, yet he couldn’t answer basic questions.
17. Recounted: Told a story or described past events.
o The witness recounted the events of the night to the jury.
18. Related: Told or narrated a story or information.
o He related the tale of his journey with vivid details.
19. Remarked: Said something as a comment; mentioned.
o He remarked that the meeting had been very productive.
20. Reported: Gave a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.
o The journalist reported on the economic impact of the new policy.
21. Revealed: Made known to others; disclosed something previously hidden.
o The documentary revealed the challenges faced by the community.
22. Specified: Stated something in an exact and detailed way.
o The contract specified the terms and conditions of the agreement.
23. Stated: Expressed something formally or officially.
o The policy stated that employees must adhere to the dress code.
24. Uttered: Spoke or made a sound with one’s voice.
o He uttered a few words of thanks before leaving the stage.
articulated asserted claimed declared disclosed
divulged elaborated emphasised expressed highlighted
mentioned noted observed pointed out proclaimed
professed recounted related remarked reported
revealed specified stated uttered
1) “This is a historic moment,” the journalist ______________ as the peace treaty was signed.
2) The witness ______________ a few words in a shaky voice, recounting the events of that fateful night.
3) The study ______________ the disparity in access to healthcare in rural versus urban areas.
4) The spokesperson ______________ that there would be no further comments until the investigation was
5) The speaker ______________ on the topic, providing detailed examples and a thorough analysis.
6) The researcher ______________ that the experiment had not gone as planned, necessitating a review of the
7) The poet ______________ a profound sense of loss and yearning in her latest collection of poems.
8) The philosopher ______________ a compelling argument for free will in the context of modern neuroscience.
9) The mentor ______________ his experiences in the industry, offering valuable insights to the aspiring
10) The lawyer ______________ that the evidence was inadmissible due to procedural errors.
11) The investigation ______________ a complex network of transactions leading to the financial scandal.
12) The government ______________ its intentions to reform the education system comprehensively.
13) The environmentalist ______________ the urgency of addressing climate change to the panel of world leaders.
14) The diplomat ______________ sensitive information during the negotiations, which later became a point of
15) The critic ______________ the subtle symbolism in the film that many viewers had overlooked.
16) The contract ______________ that all intellectual property created during the project would belong to the client.
17) The committee ______________ the exceptional performance of the new policy in the pilot districts.
18) The CEO ______________ that the company’s new strategy would yield results within the fiscal year.
19) The author ______________ her travels across the globe, which inspired her bestselling novel.
20) The anthropologist ______________ that cultural norms significantly influence communication styles.
21) The activists ______________ the start of a new movement dedicated to social justice and equity.
22) It was ______________ that the new technology had the potential to reduce energy consumption by 50%.
23) During the lecture, the professor ______________ several pioneering studies that contradicted traditional
24) Despite the controversy, the politician ______________ a steadfast commitment to his principles.

1) “This is a historic moment,” the journalist remarked as the peace treaty was signed.

2) The witness uttered a few words in a shaky voice, recounting the events of that fateful night.

3) The study highlighted the disparity in access to healthcare in rural versus urban areas.

4) The spokesperson stated that there would be no further comments until the investigation was complete.
articulated asserted claimed declared disclosed
divulged elaborated emphasised expressed highlighted
mentioned noted observed pointed out proclaimed
professed recounted related remarked reported
revealed specified stated uttered
5) The speaker elaborated on the topic, providing detailed examples and a thorough analysis.

6) The researcher disclosed that the experiment had not gone as planned, necessitating a review of the hypothesis.

7) The poet expressed a profound sense of loss and yearning in her latest collection of poems.

8) The philosopher articulated a compelling argument for free will in the context of modern neuroscience.

9) The mentor related his experiences in the industry, offering valuable insights to the aspiring professionals.

10) The lawyer claimed that the evidence was inadmissible due to procedural errors.

11) The investigation revealed a complex network of transactions leading to the financial scandal.

12) The government declared its intentions to reform the education system comprehensively.

13) The environmentalist emphasised the urgency of addressing climate change to the panel of world leaders.

14) The diplomat divulged sensitive information during the negotiations, which later became a point of contention.

15) The critic pointed out the subtle symbolism in the film that many viewers had overlooked.

16) The contract specified that all intellectual property created during the project would belong to the client.

17) The committee noted the exceptional performance of the new policy in the pilot districts.

18) The CEO asserted that the company’s new strategy would yield results within the fiscal year.

19) The author recounted her travels across the globe, which inspired her bestselling novel.

20) The anthropologist observed that cultural norms significantly influence communication styles.

21) The activists proclaimed the start of a new movement dedicated to social justice and equity.

22) It was reported that the new technology had the potential to reduce energy consumption by 50%.

23) During the lecture, the professor mentioned several pioneering studies that contradicted traditional theories.

24) Despite the controversy, the politician professed a steadfast commitment to his principles.

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