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From:skFnlhova, Gaha Sent: May 00:07:i1 Mon 0{} NlO To:Epp6, David S;Wang, @rss, Kenti Yun; Torben;

Knudsn, Wffiors, Warren BruantJr., J; G Robert subjecd: AnUpdate Fklds on RE: lmporlerf,s:Nonnal

Kart, t14y fcfest estimote ft athe?malnlober fogether ls 86 ' of pdy,There ig 5{' poy belowihe ? tnainlobesond -1' gos charyedsondabove the 2 nain lobes. Pern estltnqte hos not chcngeds9 David stqteg belolrr, See dlde ottqchd. Pleaselet me krcw if <ny questionr 6olino

.fitt Tot

&t &bjett

EpFs, Darld 5 slnday, Ma/ 02, eOlO616l Pill Wdg, yurf Cor*r. (dt Knu&a, Torba$ \ryinter!. Warfsn Ji &!rnl Jr.. Qob.rt 6 Skrlpdtovq,Eqllm Rfr An Updqtson Fluldr

Kert,whot3 zones pu nefer4ng lo? ore HereIs the nef poysummor"y 6olim Skr.ipnlkovo. fnom Sord /itD TVD FfFtFt% TVDSS Porosity 5w
l.let Poy FI

Gross Ft

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc. Confidential BPJ-IZN.BLYOOO47129

t8240 t8?29


The net pay then la 88 feqt. Dovld

Fr$n! garlr Tor (cr &bJcotr Iiportor.t

un For the worst ccse.dlschar.gc haveossuhed30OmD ln the,Prosperirodel

Wang,Yu Sndcy, /t{cy 02, ?0106137Pl{ Cor*r, Kafi lrudrcn, TortcN lvlrtrg. W6rur J; Brwt Jr.. Robart6 epF, Ddtd s REr/qnUpdotaonFlsiits Hqh

Dordd, eu.rld you help out?

Corok Ftt& doPb.ds" R.t rFF ffo,rqpmDf S?.cloIrl$bd Elppqt Explauflm and lmdatlor Tehmlogy gP An:noc, lc. U.f76A. W.rtlrkc Ol1r mt Wstklr6 Pd'k Blvd. . lbrsio. Tuc 7fUl9 ( (zE1) 166-2098 0 l1,||.rdryebl.cdrl of Protfcor dcnnlcx FluHr &tnr*ty

Itn lf&tul'ns.

Front &rrtr Tot abJatt

Cowr. Kat 6{doy, l4oy @, 20106127PLl Wdg. yut lnl&a, Tor$ert WnreB, Wmn RE Ar tlodqf. on FfuBr

J; Bfiknt tr?,.RrbrrtG


BP-HZN-81Y000471 30

Yun. Rob or yos We' olno,tt ora thr" Cqn Frovi& additioml fo cornplete inflow info perfor.mcrce (IPR) the the relation (mDc), pay. Pcy If you thaIPR thePernqbility hove or net deprhs zones? 3 KentCorser DrillingEryineering lvlorroger NAG Inc BPAmericq 510 Westloka PmkBlvdRoon- 2.3324 Tu<ds77O79 Houston Qffice- 281-366-Z14? Cella81-433-0093 Hone - 281-578-3224

Pmnt 6artt Tot 9bJetr

Wo9, Vrtn sudoy, ,liry @, 20103110 Pl Cffi, fHti lntdt n, Ttrbat W|rteB, Whrr RF ln lJpdctc on FUdr

pr' requesl. Worrpl, se.e fllc otiochedbelow youn lha < Flla tldacondo WellTemperuiurcr rr Poct TVDSS,xls Yun



Srltlr Trr a5J4tr,

Sudoy,loy02,?Orc PAt e:E Cor,aer, Kru&a, TsbErtWintqs,Worrcn J Kat REr (hddE e Flurds lf,

Fileg qr qtloched bhwr

< Flla Prcllmlmry-EO6,fdb rr

<<File: Prellmlmry-Andysis,pptr>

As these files qrc properly nornzd,fhay are prelimimrl bosed on whot we knowos of now,ond ore subJect to chonge,Wlll ke.qyou updded.


Fiofiir &rtr To: 66j.r||

fu#.Kql $rrday,,qyO2.2OlOl{0P/t4 W4B, yrt dmr, Kat (ruds, TmbaryWntzm, Worra J RFr^nUpdqt?onFluidr

Yun, Eos,fdb ond Pplitnimry-AnolFb.ppt. Wz rped these f iles to loodthe tnodelirrg Af fhe boftom of thls note is a file collednprelitninory softr,vore flow. We onetonking on howthe influx wostcken tsirg Well DynanlcsFlowmodel. for

Conyor sendASAP?

Kenl Corger DrillingEngineerihg lvlonoger NAG Inc BPAmarico



510Westlake PorkBlvdRoom 2,3324 Texas77Q79 Houston Qffice- 281-366-2142 Cell281-433-0093 Hornq 28t-578-3224

Frcnr 6.nfi Tor (at gubJetr

WbB,Ym Frldoir,Apdl3o,2o1oEt/+aPi1 Hlll,Tm; sddi, dr brukq bovld J; Nou, Stm R.'Pottlllo, FhApDtPottlllo, Dcld Poym,lVlldrelL: Cmo. Kem: Lb, Torry Ccll, Chrls T; Grae Coollng, 51eph6. e D.prsl,ntrrc-andr. Alil floton lS0C;lvlso4 Robertd R:Ant#dotcqFluids

For thosc of yoo who need to do thernol cdculotlon firom boffotnhole to nudllne.,below ls the lolest geothermol grodlent interpretation basedon rnodellngof both lAocordo I DT dsfa ond neonbyonolog.If you have cry qestions. pleosecor*ocf PA (fterrz-Andre) direcfly. < Filei ,rlacordo Post Well Tanper.ctunesTVDSS)dS >

ftilehx FftldrCcP kodcr 5rltqr? R6rdn l,totqrnrf $?.tqfn Taahahql Erdsafhr' ild Prrd|aflo|l T.ltnology BPlilrlc!. I'E, !t.1761, W.srlrkr OrB 801Wrstt k h( thd, frbqtpn, Tm 17079 ( G8l) E66-aGE 0 ys.rnreOlry.corr 6iphx fud Coirnttty of htctfsot



Frfiu 5.rlr Tct (*t SubJBtt

WoB, Yu 4;10 P/l\ Frlddy.Apdl 30. ?OtO l{ll, Tmn sqidi, Fcd* PsfrEhq, Dcrid J; l}qs. stq R Pctitllo, fiHll? D; Pqttillo, Dd,ld; P6yE, I idE l l,; CorJ+, K!nt; Lho, Tqy T; Cccil,Chrl4 6oofla9, 6mc rttlosm, ilil 4 Wlkoi, Roberto;sfephar, Abr 6 rtntJpdataqFftldt

An update the fluids PW andphose on behavion understdnding illocondo. of todoy.Firdo'y, os April 30th, for (CCE) (o Composltion Expcnsion Wereceived sEtsof Constcnt two dotafrom Pencor, subsidiory CoreLcbs)in the of April 28th. Oneis underresrvolrtemperuture 243F.the under100F. ofternoonof Wednesdoy, In of oddlilon, rccelvedtheslngle-stage we yesterdq aflernoon 29th). BElow is flqsh dqtqfnomPencon Apr"ll Clhursdsy, o summory the observotions of of dqtqrecelyedr mq& ofter exqmihqtion the trew l. The newsltprle-sloge sqmplss deplh (MD18J42') hqve flosh dota Indicotes thol the two duplicote from the ssme good sctlstb Md ?,802scflstb, respeclivefy,ln a 6ORof 2,819 ogneement the on-siiemobilelab 6ORof wlth 2,84Oscflstb cndmyEguation State (EOS)model Of cclibrofion 2,847 scflstb, The newsingle-stogelqshdqtq of f Theyronge doessuggest sfightlyhigherGOR somples for from the olher'lwo depths(Mb 18p86' ond18.124'). trom 2,875scflstb to 3,063 sctlstb, As of todcy the onlydctqwe hsvefor somples frorn tha othar lwo depthsis the sirgle-stoge flash doto" 2,The rwt single-stoge thot the two duplicate somples depth (Mb 18,142') flosh dato indicotes frorn the some APr of 35.?,in goodogneement the on-sitemobile API of 35 ondrry EOSnodel collbnotion with lob havethe some of 36.0.Thanewshtgle-slage very flosh dotasugrgasts sinilqnAPI grovityfon scmples from the other two depths. Thayrungafrom 34,6to 35.0. anol;rses consistent one 3, Theha$,single-stqeflashcompositiotrol corflrms thaf the oFsite compositionol dcto onclyses, wilh the Pencor cornposltionol lob pointpre$ure of 6,504psio,in 4, Tlv. newCCE doiaurder reservoirternperuture 243FindicotEs $dfuration of o (reportedto ugasa bubblepointprssure filondoy goodogreement the preliminory on monning, wllh Pencor number


BP,HZN-B1Y00017 134

April 26th) of 6,550psio,rt is qlsoin goodogneemant myEOSmodel with cqlibrotion 6,601psic under243F. of 5, The newCCE doio urder reserrroir c tenperat$e of ?43Fgives single-phose densityof 0.57g/cc ot 10,000 f lu{d psio,whilemy'EOS giveso strolght prediction 0,6O?7 g/cc ot 10,000 psiowithoutthe benefit of of rnodel single-phase denstlydqtqcollbraiion, whichls nol on fireqsohcble outconu, 6, The newCC dqtqunderreservoirtenpeltture of 743FIndicates highlyunusrtql volumetnic behovior, c however, Ihe CCE dotqseems suggest dewpointsystem, to o though wlth moximum liquiddr"opout volume fi%.I\e CCE of o doto underl@F shows slmihnbehevion, rno<imum with llguiddrtpout volume close 7O'h Foryourreferance, of to gros a ty?lcolvery nich,nEor-crlticol condensote would hovea maxlmum llgulddropoutvoluneof only5O%, 7. Uponrr"ceivl'ng dqto in Wednesdcy fhe somple ofternoon,I inmediotely neguested tronsfenof o duplicote the (c to CCE of from Pencor Oilphcse subsidiory Schlurnberger) penform sqme to the tst, in ordento obtqlnon (Fluidsedvisorbosed EPTSurbury)ondI come the concfuslon Independent oss*smenf.AlanStephen in that to this highlyunusuql volumetric bahovior neverbeanobszwed BPflulds sornples else before, snd hqs onywhere for phose gerrulne behavior, will be almostimpossible model it fhqt if it is lndeed to using EOS,Discussions andf Alon so explain at'ry hovehodwith Pencor for hqvenof rer/eoled obviorrs procedurol operotiomlissues lob or thqt would the unusuol volumetric behovior. somple of this morning hosstqrted the nastorstion process, The 8. Oilplnsehosreceived dupliccte the os ond os as I with other BPenginwrs,to witnes3 octualCCE tast couldbegin eonly next Mondcy. will ba present.olorlg (ellher videoor photo). Tha recording the meosuremeht, test wlll hovevisual 9. In termsof your modeling workihqi needs fuiddolo itrput.AlanondL believe f thct if your pr*sure is obove (it is 6,500psio,the current EOSdescription q reosonoble model givesyourecsonqble 6OR,API, single-phose pnessure), the exceplaon viscosaty, in of I density, saturqtion orrd with whichhosnot bEen included the model. hqve (seethe emoil oil below). pna$tureibelow 6,500 senJouf the viscosity dqto in q teq6l" emailyestardoy tt For pslc,untll we hoveIndependent confirmotlon lhe urursuof of behcvion, don't haveo betien volumefnic we polntsystembosedon the doto cs of thqnthe current one,whichmodels fluld os o bubble inferpretation the Aprit26fh, Monday, if questions/concerru. do with ne onAlqnSfephen you hove Pleose not hesitoteto discuss


BP-HZN-B1Y00047't 35

&mdq FluidrCce L&, ncsrwtr Ltmgrngrt 6p*.|kt TachH atppct Eeloililct dd Pmdrllcr Tcchldogy A?Ar{Gd, I|s, 11.t76t. Wlstblc onr 601WcdLob Por*Bfvd. Hourro|l, T?16r Zldtp ( (2U, 366-dt E y,|reb?.com Corrpls. Flrldr Ccllr.rtfly of hs.rthrr

ftn l0ttg;*r.o,

Fmnr To!

Cnt SubJstt

Wog,Yur Thrrday, April e9, ?O10 ll:38 AAI Htll, Tr?sr; soldt, Fmh; Pefrusle, Davld J; [ks. s|[n F: Patilllo, fhllllp D; Fqtfllh, Dqld, Paym,lrtlchcl I corec, (.{rfi Ll@, Tory Tj &cll, chrki; CoolirB,6m6 llcon, ll[c C Mlrron, Rober.tcl Stephar, Alu & RErVlamdty Dqtdot RoscrrolrTcnpavlur?

We Jugtwewed the Jivercser,voln fluid viscositydata ct neserrolnterrperature.fnon Penclr lqte yesterdry. The undensatunated cg bdo* 0.2cp,the low end of Etl,lV meagurhenicopqblllfy.Bst fhe overolfrend lools redomble. vlgcoslflec ( File: 36126-53PnelimimryDaia.xlg)) Viscoslty doto ot lowr'taflpcmtu.'as will come loter.

Clhdq Ruf& CoPldd.r Rrsqryolel{croCacnf sDrrhllrt TiEh{col cupport T.dndo8y Exphrdhn od Mr+lci BP &:{m, !rc.

h llt{D*u



tt,176 , W.6ttdb On Sot Wcail4|c Pdr gvd, lluion, T:n ZO79 ( (281)s66-e060 t yn.mrgh,c6 Cofido(fll|& erilnlty of ftnootu

FFnt 6a|ll Tol &r tubtctl

WGTE YU Tua(lay, ^p.{l 27. 20lO 7il6 Ali l,l,laq1Vr+ l-lll, Trwor: 9o,ldi,Fdofi; Peirukc, David J; l.lou,Stm P, Eppt, Davlds; Bo?nq4 Wqrt REIt R6ENT - FhId Dqta

promioed deod Pleac" notethdt the EOSdescriptlon beJcw NOTbeen hos calibnoted vkcosityd6ia slncther"cisn't crryyet. Pencor with o As it, doto tre InJrouse connehion genaulesydheficviscogrty oilviscosify poln+ todoy. goon I receive f wiJl BP's os fo rrcidtion h wif pressure thc aame ferpraturc osthe decdoalviscosliy mesclred. is Thenthc EOSdescntptlon be collbrdtedushgPiersen'o con fon conrespofding corndotlonla PWSin,whichhogc befter tsnperoturedependerrce ofhenoptions, stoie thon

Complcx FM6 CcPl.ldrr Rru*voh ltlonqamnt Sprchl6f Tchbd Expbotlfi od Prrdrtla TehndogT P Afir,lG6, 116. ll.176A. lfcrttakc Or: aol Wosttda Po* Elvd. lLuston, T.xor 7tO79 ( (281) 366-2060 0 yulrepbp.conr Conplrr Fhte Cdmtity of Plrastla.l

|h tfbrrnu.




n.omr scntr To; &t stt ctr lnprtce

WqB,Yrn AF,lle6,2Ol0 P&^ 6112 liorday, Hlll,Trgwe sqidl, & Frolt Pgtndq Dovtdf,; I'hu,Sion EFF6, hd.Js;8o:.rn Wdt RF: tn6NT- Flurd Dqto Hlgh

An rgdcte on this reqrcst: 1. We haw recelved prelinlnoy conporitlonol doto from Pencor; ( Flld 36t25 Prelinimry WellstrEqhr(ls)> 2, f hovedoneo prclimirurl onolysis thz dctol of r< Fller BPrVlocondo Report.Sf >r FinalFaEld

< Fllu Prelimlmry-Amlpir.ppt >

rr File: Prellmlnony-EOS.fdb >

To sutr*rrorizethe prlihimry doto ond onolyit: 1). All three llve otl coi?ostlohc ore rrqthsnatlcdf reconblnotlonby Pencor. trslng the oh-sifa nrobllelab 6*, which rreedto be confirmedin fhe PW hb flqsh taste, 2), On-sita 6OR ond API ghowliifle vorlotlonctnorg fhe fhree gotnples frurn thrce depfhJ (M0 t8.086', 18J24' ond l8,l{e') 3), Thc liquidondvryor cotrpsitiofis in Pencor'sreport hovevery reosonoble K-lulueconsistarcy(seesfides 1,2,3) 4), The llqoldomlys lh Pahcols repoft hdlcdfe wt y llttle mudcontomlnallon, whlchlc corclslalt wlth on-slte rcpont (saesllde 4). 5). The llquidomlysesin Pancon's report indlcdtewry liftl. vuriotionarnong thnee sorrples(see slide 4), which li consisient wltfi the fhe orsite 6OR ond API tred, l8-coftipoient EOs descrlptlonhos beendeveloped flt th doto of somple36126-44fronr llD 18,142'(on-3lteCOR, 6). A pr.eilnlnory to amlyslc).The EOs deseifilon is contolnedIn the dfqchod PVTslmda?oboge API, Percor bubblepolnt ond cofiiposltlonol file, Tlre poeudo cohponent thahol propertlas need to ba sensc-chackedto ensure rchJst th?rhol colculqtion 7). The phoseenvelopeganertted usingthe obove EOE (sea slide 5) indicctes thot this is on udzrssturcled volotilc oll system. + 8), Pencor. indicofedthot thelr ossentlon fhras hydrocorbonphas* (l voFor" 1 llgftt li$ld + t heavyliguld)In e4ulllbrlun under of and neiervolr tetrtpetidlt|r'e. certqin pr.ers|.r nongehos not been subgfartiofd by rrepeotcbleobsen slion3. HeDcewe ghould continoe t0 modelthas urdensoh.rnated vohile oil os ssc,huntil unaqulrocolvldencesuggesls olheMsa



pending <od oftotysb rc3ulte. All the cbove obsermtiororepralininory subJecl rcrrirlon lo Percor's PVT full cny Please rneknow youhove questbrrs. let lf

&nots FM& 6oP kodrr R.r"rohirtorotcncfrf sgcclalstTcdubol Sqpcf EroloFrtlcl fuddot Tendogy ard BPa?1n16.Irro, ll.t76A, W.tlt l(' Otr U01t{/edldc PodtBird. lburtm. Tqcr 7079 ( (28r) 366-200I E yur.xrr4.cdr Comdgt flddt cq[![rlty of ftucfixr

)tn ll&U,nu.

Fmr cill Tor der 6ubJ6tr

WUE Yun l/tordoy,Apl 26,2OO 1t},17il{ sold', FGh; Petrutlc, Ddid Ji l,lau,sfan R l'lll. Ttqor RE:URGENT fldd Dqtq

Here ls whol I knowso fonl ond mmples, wl 1. Very lowcontorninatlonsomples(<1O% 5IO) were collcted fron thnee dafihs, t*o of rlrich hove both rtJtPSR SPlr'td 2. On elle nlobilelob Indicctedtyplcal 6OR of oround3.0@ scf/slb In bubble poinl of 6,550 Feioof e43F. 3, One lilPSR eqmple onalyzed Pencorirdlcafed o preliminarry 4. Vlsualobservotion frofn PVTcell lndicqtedthr.eehydrocarbonpharesbeiween5.3@ pslqond 6,350 psic,urusrcl behoviorfor 6oill oil ond catolnly very dlfflruh to hodel. but pnomtsed preJiminorT reservolr llw oll conpodtion sohcline todoy ol tofirorr.ow, fiml flosh test nesulfswpn't be ovoilqble 5, Pencor until the tniddle fo ettd of this waaK



I willpcss olorglhe prcllmltury cotopositlon oJsoon I receive dsto as it,

lln fftqrrtru.
Cdrybx FfuldsC.P l4od.f R.{rFh ra6'lag.|lrirt s?clcust T.clnkd E)fbtgrb|| cid ?rcdlclt n Techmhgy lP Atrsda. lrp. 11.t764. Wlitht3 Os l0l Walldr Pc* Bvd. Hwl.'|.,f.'i6zto79 ( (281) 366-2058 I }|m.ilcuebt.cdn dm*r FlJd* Cotrtrurlty of frctimr s{ppoi.t

Fdnr g.rfr Tot Cct SrDJ.dt Dovl'd,

Scldl, Faroh Iterdafu A$il 26, 29!o l0tl4 AM Pstru{c, DflH ,t: tt{, S+s R Hill, Trcvoc Wftg,Yun RE:IF6ENT - flrrd O{fq

ls E4lorcflon hos told Yun thst octud gnod quallty somple from At\asondo ovqilable and Pencorls worktqg on the clock io prcvlde th dota, The doto will be owilable alther lqter todoy or tomon ow. Accor"dlng lhe axplonofiorreservoir rBiheerthls nseruoirhos untsuol lo f luld (not defined whot that merns) so uslrg anologis not recomhended. One conplohr thdr the LGbhar hod Is that too tnanypeopleorc collingto inqrJrzobouf this whlch l* shwing than down. I necolihnd thot we hnveo streonllne effort on this so no mistokesor delrys ora moda Yun, Plaoseodd os need?dto nry note tf I rnls6sohrethhg,



Fqardt Fqvh Saldl 6oll ilU FlowAcswancaTcchnlal tulhority 8P Offle 281-356-5745 8t2-978-$er r< OLEObjcctr Picture (filctofilc) r>

Frutnt Ssfr Tot A$Jel'

Pctnrrh( Dodd J llon&y, Apdl 46, Z01O 9:ta AM Saidt,fofdfu hLil, Srm F tneENT- Fkid Dcta

Ston, Foruh. anolog whtriwelvould expactlo hovein itlqcondo?If not conyoufell mewhonny Doehherof youhwa fluid dotothat maybeo good fo pod gueetlone, pleose io him, chose down, TrevorHlll ls osklng lt solf gotor,ry tclk beeorne people I conconiocito help who thls for Jusl keepnrein the loop. Thonks, Dovid



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