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The patented BOGE GM Drive for highest efciency

Patent number 44 13 422
Provides the optimum transmission of motor speed to the airend Automatically and dynamically maintains the optimum belt tension in every operating phase providing the best efciency and economy Self adjusting belt tension completely maintenance free The automatic belt tensioning ensures consistent torque stresses maximising belt life Factory pre-set system means ready-to-use once transportation bolt has been adjusted The GM Drive system protects both motor and airend. It is easily accessible for maintenance and belt change

The BOGE GM-Drive technical perfection

GM GI MA MB = = = = motor weight spring pressure starting torque operating torque

G = GM + GI

The BOGE GM system geometry makes optimum use of motor weight and torque
During operation at either full load or no load the moment MB produces optimum belt tensioning maximising belt life Constant belt tensioning in every operating phase minimising belt wear Self tensioning V-Belt drive system maintenance free The spring is pre-tensioned at the factory to exactly compensate for the actual motor weight user friendly The GM drive geometry is perfectly aligned in three planes eliminating the need for further adjustment when changing the belts service friendly At standstill the belt tension is low minimising both belt and bearing stresses for longer life Bolt and spring ensure transport safety and thereafter provide a simple lifting pivot for easy belt change maintenance friendly

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