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Sunday March 25, 2012 Budget Receipts $11,716.50 Budget Needs To Date $216,723.00 Budget Receipts YTD $215,844.

12 Receipts Under Budget By $878.88 Annie Armstrong TD $5,165.50 Bible Study 342 April 4 Family Supper 6:00 PM Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert EXTENDED SESSION April 1 Darren & Tammy Deal, Kim Burrell, Traci Poppell, Bucky & LeAnn Buchanan, Erin Timmons, Crystal Birdsong, Sonya Williamson. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Tanya & Jimmy Crum on the birth of twin granddaughters, Evie & Lara Pierce, on 3-22. Proud parents are Dana & Brandon Pierce.

April 1, 2012 Order of Worship 8:30 & 11:00AM Prelude Organist Welcome and Announcements Rev. Paul Medley Call to Worship No Other Name Chancel Choir Hymn 142 Worthy, You Are Worthy Childrens Sermon Rev. Paul Medley Music Witness Solo: Jeff Jones Hymn 313 Take the Name of Jesus With You Offertory Pianist Chancel Choir Go Ask Solo: Mark Mitchell Message What a Difference a Week Makes Rev. Paul Medley Matthew 21:1-11, 26:17-30 Hymn 540 Take My Life, Lead Me, Lord Benediction Brian OMara Postlude Organist 6:30 PM Join us this evening as the Chancel Choir leads worship through songs and jubilation

We are extremely excited about a new program we are going to be starting. We are calling it "Connection". This will be a program that will connect different age groups together for a time of mentorship. It will allow the adults (Seniors to Middle aged) to connect with the students of FBC and then connect the students to the children of FBC. This will be a way that our church can be active in helping equip the next generations for leadership of our ministries. You will only be expected to meet with your mentee 30 minutes a week. All of us can spare 30 minutes to help build the body of Christ. We are asking that if you are interested please contact Richard Dykes. Richard will be leading us in this ministry and is excited about how it could change our church. Please consider being a part of this mentorship program because we all have some wisdom to pass along from our experiences.

First Baptist

April 1, 2012

WELCOME VISITORS Deacon of the Week Brian OMara Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce Minister of Youth Brian Steward

We begin the week of celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today. It is fitting that we begin with observance of the Lords Supper. Each day this week there will be a noon service celebrating Holy Week. Then next Sunday we will celebrate RESURRECTION SUNDAY! What a glorious day that will be. The Resurrection Sunday will begin with a sunrise service at the Decatur County Airport at 7AM, followed by our regular Sunday School hour and our 11AM Worship celebration. There will be no 8:30AM service next Sunday and no evening services or activities. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus and have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, we invite you to join with us in the observance of the Lord Supper today. Paul FELLOWSHIP CLUB APRIL MEETING Our guest speaker is Carey Knowles from McRae, GA. Careys comedy began by speaking for the agricultural and church groups with which he w a s associated. Now he entertains for many types of groups, and his refreshing comedy is appealing to people of all ages. Most of his stories he tells are about things that actually happened or could have happened to folks in south Georgia. Careys stories about country life, school, and church will amuse and delight you! The April meeting of the Fellowship Club will be in conjunction with our Bowen Associations Senior Adult Gathering. We will host this event at noon on Monday, April 9. A great program is planned and guests from many churches in our Association will be in attendance. Lets have a great attendance that day.

Sons of Jubal Opportunity

Reconciliation is the purpose of the scheduled 14 day activity will feature multiple concerts in Beijing, China and Pyongyang, North Korea. Thanks for remembering those who sing and play.


Make your plans to attend our annual Easter Sunrise Service to be held at the Decatur County Industrial Airpark. This inspirational time of worship and celebration will begin at 7 A.M. Art WHAT'S UP First of all, Great job on "The Prodigal". I had watched it several times already but it still seemed to move me. I was amazed how "for real" the story aligned with the struggles the youth face today. God used you guys in planting seeds in hearts. It wasn't a production, it was a SERMON. I would also like to take the time to thank the college students for their dedication to our Bible Study on Wednesday night. You guys and gals are literally changing statistics about how students your age are not growing in Christ. Keep digging in God's Word and letting him teach you His Doctrine. WHATS NEW We have completed our "Radical Together" bible study and now it's time to put into action what we have learned. Our students will be participating in many service projects on April 14th that they have created. I ask that you pray for them and support them in any possible way. I am proud of our students and I believe that God is fixing to change lives in Bainbridge through our youth. Continue to pray that everything we do is to bring glory to HIM and not us. Applications for the Mid Powell Scholarship may be picked up in the office. Brian We are in need of volunteers to help with sound and video. If you are willing to assist in this ministry, please contact Art Bruce, Richard Dykes, or Jerry Henry.

Sunday, April 1 Early Service Bible Study Morning Worship Chancel Choir AWANA Chancel Choir Musical Monday, April 2 Saints Alive Rehearsal Holy Week at Methodist Church Tuesday, April 3 Mens Prayer Breakfast Holy Week at Independent St Church of God Wednesday, April 4 Holy Week at Presbyterian Church Family Supper Youth Supper & Bible Study Prayer Meeting Chancel Choir College Ministry Thursday, April 5 Holy Week at First Baptist Church Ladies Bible Study in Cooper House led by Frances Gay Friday, April 6 Holy Week at Nelson Chapel Office Closed

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 10:30 AM 11:45 AM 7:00 AM 11:45 AM 11:45 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 11:45 AM 6:15 PM 11:45 AM


April 3rd- Fun Station April 5th- Lunch and Games April 14th-Service Projects April 22nd-Youth Led Service WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE September 21-22 Cost $101.00 Deadline for tickets is April 13 Please pay at the Church Office

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