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Function of modal:

1. Possibility ( kemungkinan) Modal that is used are: Will Must Should = 90% Ought to = 90% May = 50 % Might = 50 % Could = 50 % Example: Alex : Where is lala ? Lida : She must be going home now because last night she told me that she was going to go home. 100%

Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on possibility function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order).

2. IMPOSSIBILITY ( Ketidakmungkinan ) Modal that is used are: Could Can Must May Might NOT 95 % 50 % 99 %

Example : Rio could not have taken your expensive dictionary yesterday because he had been with me all day.

Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on impossibility function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order).

3. WISHES ( Pengharapan ) Modal that is used is: May Example : May he come here on time tonight?

Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on wishes function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

4. ABILITY ( Kemampuan ) Modal that is used are: Can Could Be able to Example : They can speak Arabic fluently.

Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on ability function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

5. NECESSITY ( Keinginan yang kuat ) Modal that is used are: Must Have to Example : I must go home tomorrow.

Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on necessity function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

6. PROHIBITION ( Larangan ) Modal that is used are: Must + NOT ( it shows prohibition )

Dont have ( it can be called to lack of necessity ) Example : She must not go out because she is still fever.

Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on prohibition function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

7. ADVISIBILITY ( Nasehat ) Modal that is used are: Should Ought to

Only for one advice

The best advice

Had better ( strong advice ) example : You should have study hard yesterday. Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on advisibility function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

8. SUGGESTION(Nasehat) Modal that is used is: Could Example :

More than one solution

X : My honey was angry with me yesterday. Y : You could have been patient your self what you had done? Teacher : ok! Students make another example based onseggestion function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order).

9. EXPECTATION ( Pengharapan ) Modal that is used are: Be to {Include that someone else strongly expect this behavior} Be supposed to

{Include that someone else expect this behavior} Example : 1. The class is to begin at 07:00 am today. Be+to 2. You were supposed to be here at 7.00 yesterday. Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on expectation function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

10. HABITUAL ACTION IN THE PAST Modal that used are: Would Used to Example: when I was child I would visit my grand parents every weekend. Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on habitual action in the past function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

11. PREFERENCE (KESUKAAN) Modal that used is : would rather Example: I would rather go for a walk. Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on preference function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

12. REQUEST ( PERMINTAAN ) Modal that used are a. Subject I = can, could, may, might Example: may I borrow your pen?


Subject you = can, could, will, would Example : would you past the salt? Teacher : ok! Students make another example based on request function. ( the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order)

13. PERMISSION ( MEMBERIKAN IJIN ) Modal that used are = can, could, may, might Example: you may visit me tonight.

Teacher: ok! Students make another example based on permission function. (the teacher choose one of the student to answer the teachers order, after the students answer the teachers order, teacher gives applause to the students). Teacher: I have explained the function of modal. Any question so far? OK, If you dont have any question I will give you some exercises.

6. Giving exercise and check student work. - The teacher distributed exercise for the students - The teacher asks the students to fill in the blank in exercise. - The teacher around the class to check students work. - The teacher chooses one of the students to answer the exercise in front of class. 7. Giving homework. Teacher: Ok students, after we have known all of about modal, please give me summary about that. Yeachhh, we know that modal can use in our daily activities. For homework, make 5 sentences in every function of modal and submitted next week. 8. Closing the class.

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