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Science World

By: Shirley Phan

Heres My Group:

I went solo.

Waters for
About 10.5
bathtubs of water
are used to grow a
meal of chicken,
rice, orange and

*the energy drum

was under
therefore i was not
able to use it*

Animal Weight
This is the animal
weight of my
group. I weigh as
much as an


This is a beaver which

moves by
swimming/crawling with its
two front hand tucked

As I am demonstrating.

KEVA Bridge
The most
challenging part
about building a
bridge was building
the arch part.

Infrared Camera
How can you tell
which parts of your
body are warmest?
You could tell which
parts of the body
are the warmest by
the colour on the
Rita has the hottest

Me and my
Things I noticed
about my shadow
are it lasted for no
more than 8
seconds and it was
not very bold.

Defying Gravity
Another illusion
involving mirrors
that we saw in
Eureka! was the
Anti- Gravity Mirror.

What part of your
body does this
exhibit challenge?
I think that this
exhibit challenges
your back and legs
since those are the
longest part of your

What part of your
body does this
exhibit challenge?
The exhibit
challenges the
hamstrings and
calves muscles.

In my group, the
reaction time for turning
off five lights was 3

This is me at age

This exhibit
demonstrates the
waves of the lights
and that lights can
be mesmerizing.

Part B
1) Three thing that I learned/surprised me the most about the
IMAX Human Body Films is that the womens largest cell in
their body are their eggs, we create around 2 million cells
per second and that the mother and the fathers DNA must
meet in order for the baby to be created . These things
surprised me since theyre not things you typically learn in
science class. Even though the facts are about my body,
im just amazed by the fact that our body can do so many
2) An ostrich have many differences and similarities to the
human body system. Five differences between the ostrich and
human body system is an ostrich has 3 stomachs while the
human body has only one, an ostrich walks on two toes while
humans walk on five toes, the ostrich has feathers to keep
themselves warm while humans have skin and hair to keep us
warm, an ostrich lays eggs while human give birth live and an
ostrich can run as fast as 50 kilometers while human can run
around 10 kilometers . Five similarities between the ostrich
and human is both of them are omnivores, both of them rely
on their legs to support them,they both cant fly since their

1) Ostriches, giraffes and goats have different shaped eyes compared to

humans since their habitat is different from a human being. Ostriches
have eyes that are bigger than their brains. They are almost 5cm in
diameter. Ostriches have a small head on a long neck . This allows
them to have a large view of their surroundings. For example, the
ostrich can see if an animal is trying to sneak up on it. To help them
see as much as they can ostriches have a very large eye. A giraffe
also has a very long neck with eyes that are portional to their head.
Their eyes have thick eyelashes since they live in dry areas. Giraffes
has two eyelids, one to protect their eyes and one to clean their eyes.
Giraffes also has very good vision. Their good vision helps them avoid
surprise attack from predators. Goats have rectangular pupils.
Although it looks very weird, these eyes are extraordinary. The human
vision covers a visual panorama of 160-210 degrees, whereas the
goat vision covers 320-340 degrees. This means goats have a vision
of everything around them without having to move its head. Humans
have color vision that is best described by the number three. Colors

that we can see can be bright or dark of different hues and

different vividness. There are very few other animals have similar
color vision to human. There are some animals that can see more
color variation than humans can. There are also a lot animals that
cannot see colors like us .Instead, they see shades of gray and

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