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EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Learning Objectives: Identify and explain

The nature of thermal radiation.
That the amount of thermal radiation emitted increases
with the temperature of the object.
I will be successful in this lesson if I can:
Use the connectives triangle with literate accuracy.
Use the keywords to bingo your work throughout the lesson.
Work together as a team with all members effectively contributing
in order to solve a problem (Team work, Effective Participator,
State that there is radiation, similar to light but invisible, that is
emitted by all objects (Grade C).
Explain that the hotter an object is the more infra-red radiation it
emits (Grade C).
Describe thermal radiation as electromagnetic waves (Grade C).

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles


The heat transfer mechanism in solids.


Electrons in a metal that are free to

move throughout the metal.


A material that gives out thermal



A material that takes in thermal



The heat transfer mechanism in fluids,

which occurs because hot fluids are
less dense than cold fluids.

Free Electrons

A material that lets heat flow through


GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Red Table
Vincent Fatima
Alice - Balume

Green Table
Hayden Chelsea
Farrah - Ashleigh

Yellow Table
Dominic Emily
Leon - Stephen

Blue Table
Russell Tyron
Carys - Sam

NOYou thought
you were
safe didnt


GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

What are these pictures of?

Why do they look different?
Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface
of an object which is due to the object's temperature. An example of
in a diagram!
thermal radiation isExplain
the infrared
emitted by hot objects. A
person near a fire will
feel Thermal
the radiated
heat of the fire, even if the
surrounding air is very cold. You cannot see the thermal radiation but
you can see other energies (eg light).
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

How does the sun warm you on a hot day?

Earth is warmed by heat energy from the Sun.
How does this heat energy travel from the Sun to the Earth?

There are no particles
between the Sun and the
Earth so the heat cannot
travel by conduction or by

The heat travels to Earth by

infrared waves. They are
similar to light waves and
are able to travel through
empty space.
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Heat can move by travelling as infrared waves.
These are electromagnetic waves, like light waves,
but with a longer wavelength.

This means that infrared waves act like light waves:

They can travel through a vacuum.
They travel at the same speed as light 300,000,000 m/s.
They can be reflected and absorbed.
Infrared waves heat objects that absorb them and so
can be called thermal radiation.
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

You are going to start a fire with a magnifying glass by finding its
focal length!

Okay, lets do a slightly more scientific investigation with

thermometers and water. Any thoughts?
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Learning Objectives: Identify and explain

The nature of thermal radiation.
That the amount of thermal radiation emitted increases
with the temperature of the object.
I will be successful in this lesson if I can:
Use the connectives triangle with literate accuracy.
Use the keywords to bingo your work throughout the lesson.
Work together as a team with all members effectively contributing
in order to solve a problem (Team work, Effective Participator,
State that there is radiation, similar to light but invisible, that is
emitted by all objects (Grade C).
Explain that the hotter an object is the more infra-red radiation it
emits (Grade C).
Describe thermal radiation as electromagnetic waves (Grade C).

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Learning Objectives: Identify and explain

The nature of thermal radiation.
That the amount of thermal radiation emitted increases
with the temperature of the object.
I will be successful in this lesson if I can:
Use the connectives triangle with literate accuracy.
Use the keywords to bingo your work throughout the lesson.
Work together as a team with all members effectively contributing
in order to solve a problem (Team work, Effective Participator,
State that there is radiation, similar to light but invisible, that is
emitted by all objects (Grade C).
Explain that the hotter an object is the more infra-red radiation it
emits (Grade C).
Describe thermal radiation as electromagnetic waves (Grade C).

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles


Infrared waves heat objects that absorb (take in) them.

Some surfaces are better at absorbing thermal radiation than
others good emitters are also good absorbers.

worst emitter

best emitter
best absorber


worst absorber

Matt black surfaces are the best absorbers of radiation.

Shiny surfaces are the worst emitters because they reflect most
of the radiation away.
Why are solar panels that are used for heating water covered in
a black outer layer?
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

What do you think the definitions of

radiate and radiation are?

Use hand signals & key words to explain it to

your talking partner (as if they were a puppy!)
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles


All objects emit (give out) some thermal radiation.

Some surfaces are better at emitting thermal radiation than


worst emitter

best emitter



Matt black surfaces are the best emitters of radiation.

Shiny surfaces are the worst emitters of radiation.
Which type of kettle would cool down faster: a black kettle
or a shiny metallic kettle?
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Why are shiny foil blankets wrapped around marathon

runners at the end of a race?
The shiny metal reflects the heat radiation from the
runner back in to their body, which stops the runner
from getting cold.

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Blah blah
This is sooo

Draw a diagram of your own

solar oven to demonstrate how
the light rays become focused
to heat up the water.
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

You are going to start a fire with a magnifying glass by finding its
focal length!

Okay, lets do a slightly more scientific investigation with

thermometers and water. Any thoughts?
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Why are houses painted white in hot countries?

White reflects heat radiation and so keeps the
house cooler.

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

How can we relate our new understanding

to the greenhouse effect?

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Learning Objectives: Identify and explain

The nature of thermal radiation.
That the amount of thermal radiation emitted increases
with the temperature of the object.
I will be successful in this lesson if I can:
Use the connectives triangle with literate accuracy.
Use the keywords to bingo your work throughout the lesson.
Work together as a team with all members effectively contributing
in order to solve a problem (Team work, Effective Participator,
State that there is radiation, similar to light but invisible, that is
emitted by all objects (Grade C).
Explain that the hotter an object is the more infra-red radiation it
emits (Grade C).
Describe thermal radiation as electromagnetic waves (Grade C).

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Summary notes
Thermal or heat radiation is the transfer of energy
by infra-red waves. These waves are part of the
electromagnetic spectrum

GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Summary notes
All objects emit (give off) thermal radiation.
The hotter the object the more thermal radiation it
Heat radiation can travel through a vacuum like
space. This is how we get heat from the sun.
Thermal radiation is energy transfer by
electromagnetic radiation.
The transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation
does NOT involve particles.
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Summary notes
All objects emit (give off) thermal radiation.
The hotter the object the more thermal radiation it
Heat radiation can travel through a vacuum like
space. This is how we get heat from the sun.
Thermal radiation is energy transfer by
electromagnetic radiation.
The transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation
does NOT involve particles.
GCSE Core Physics

EXAM TIP: Transfer of heat energy by infra-red radiation DOES not involve particles

Check your understanding

1. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is
concerned with heat energy?
2. How does heat from the Sun reach the Earth?
3. Do all objects give out the same amount of heat
radiation? Explain your answer

1. Infra-red


2. By radiation through space.

3. No, the hotter the object the more heat it radiates

GCSE Core Physics

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