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Exergaming: Just Dance 4 RPE vs.

Anthony Giambona

Exergaming could possibly fix many
problems in society but there is little
known about it. When our subjects
played Just Dance 4 we wanted to see if
the level of difficulty would have any
effect on whether or not the subject
enjoyed the game. Subjects played Just
Dance 4 and after their RPE and
enjoyment level was recorded. I believed
that as RPE increased, enjoyment level
would decrease but the results were
ambiguous therefore the null was
retained. In further testing it is possible
other factors may alter these results.
Hopefully more can be learned about
exergaming and the physical wellbeing
of society can improve as a whole.

First subjects got into groups. The group
played Just Dance 4 on the Wii using
Wiimotes. After playing each subject
was asked his/her RPE and enjoyment



Ho (null): There is no relationship

between RPE and enjoyment in Just
Dance 4 on the Wii

Retain the null

hypothesis because
the results are
ambiguous. This
may have differed
due to change in
heart rate or age of
the subjects. In
further study it may
benefit to study a
wider range of age
groups. This Study
can prove to benefit
the overall physical
wellbeing of society
because if people
enjoy exercise it
may motivate them
to exercise more

Ha: As RPE increases, enjoyment will

decrease because if a game is too
difficult people will not want to play it.

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