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The most important thing there is
Without IT

You wont be able to enjoy the thrills are that it has. You wont be able to
hang out with your friends, you be able to eat nor will you be able o
find happiness.

Persons say that life has no meaning so I say this why are you living,
why are you breathing. A great man once said to have life is the key to
It is the pinnacle for greatness
Though it may have its hurdles

Its there to make us stronger, to make us braver and most of all to

overcome when there is no hope for what you do on earth you will have
to account for it yourself.
So lets live it to the fullest
Live the life that is pleasing to you
the life you think is right

So when you leave this ball of dirt you will have no regrets.
Dont waste it because of your
ignorance, you will only leave the
ones who loved you in pain and guilt.
Dont let your loved ones suffer for
your stupidity.

Your and soul is the most precious thing on the face of this earth.
Your life is priceless so dont sell it

Not even gold, diamond or the rarest of gem can compare to your life,
for it is priceless. For Jesus Christ said and I quote what does it
prophet a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul end of quote.
For that is the importance of life. You cant be created by anybody or
anything, you were hand picked out a million to live.
You are unique to you

Persons may have the same outward appearance but its what's inside
that counts because a mother can differentiate between identical twins
because of the way they behave. You are the only you on the planet.
The way you talk, walk and behave is all you. SO be the best you that
you can be.
SO walk the rocky rode of life. With
your head held high and your chest
puffed enjoy life.
Dont Give Up

For every challenge is only there to make you stronger so embrace it

and smile not because you want to hide it but because you are happy.
Enjoy It

Because some persons dont have the freedom that you have, some are
to sad to even believe in hope so I say to you enjoy it lasts because you
dont know what the future holds.
Lets Breakdown the
barriers that are keeping
us from happiness, sever
the ties that are holding us
back and break the chains
that are keeping us bound.
For you are as strong as
you think so lets think
happy thoughts so that
one day we could soar
above all our problems and
yell I am victorious.

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