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By Zahra Qureshi
My opening genre: ROMANCE

I like romance because I like all the happy endings

and how cute the couples are and it gives you Contemporary romance
something to look forward to in life.
I also like comedy because it always makes me laugh Gothic romance
even when I am feeling down and it can literally make Traditional
the most depressed people happy and feel good inside. romance
I like fantasy movies because they just make you feel
good. Even though they are imaginary and lots of the Paranormal romance
things aren't real it still makes you feel happy and it Romantic suspense
makes you wonder about life and all the possibilities life Sub genres of
can give you. romance
I love family films because you can just sit there with
your family and watch a cute film. Family movies
always have a happy ending so it makes you feel better
and makes you think that life has a happy ending and it
makes you have a positive outlook on life that even
Erotic romance
though bad things happen, it always gets better. Regency
I do enjoy drama films because they have a more Fantasy romance romance
Historical romance
realistic approach on life and the problems that could
occur in your life. It also helps to give you ways to deal
with these problems. I like how sometimes it doesnt
end with a proper solution and sometimes ends bad to I chose romance as my opening genre because I watch it so
show that sometimes problems dont go away but you much and it makes viewers feel happy. Romance films can
can always live your life being happy. Dramas like these always make me happy so I would like to make people feel
are very inspirational to watch the problems in the plot that way with my romance opening. Also romance films have
that the actors face and how hard they try to resolve a wider range of storylines to do and they can be changed so
these problems and just feel happiness in their life. easily adjusted if I was to change my mind.
My narrative is about a young woman who has lost her husband. They are newly The inspiration for my film was
married and he died recently. There are flashbacks in the story from present day to the the Vow. I loved this film
past(when he was alive leading up to his death). This would take up about 20 minutes because even though I had
of the film to show the viewer of their relationship and give the viewer time to connect never even been in that
with the characters. This is so when his death is shown they feel more sympathetic for situation, it still made me feel
the wife than at the start of the film because they would feel like they know her sad for the main character.
husband and feel like they experienced the intensity of the love that they had. When These types of films are the
viewers connect to the characters they are more likely to engage with the film and best because even though you
recommend it to others because it makes it more personal. His death is then briefly cant relate you can still
shown. The late husbands scenes aren't a lot because I want the viewer to connect connect to the film and the
more with the new man in her life and fall in love with their relationship more than with characters and I think this is a
her husband. This is because if they get too attached to her relationship to her very hard thing to do and I
husband they will stop watching as the new man gets introduced because they might admire this quality in a film.
like the late husband more. The plot is that he dies from a car crash as he doesnt see
These are the types of films
a man walk into the road because he was distracted as he was on the phone to his
that I would tell a friend to
wife. He swerves to avoid hitting the man and instead drives into a river in which he
watch. These are also the films
cant get out of the car. He drowns. The rest of the film is set a year after the crash and
would be about how she copes with her loss. She has a certain amount of guilt
that you remember and can
because she thought it was her fault. She thinks if she wasnt on the phone to him, he watch over and over and over
would still be alive and wouldnt have had the accident. The film would show the again without getting bored
struggles of her trying to let go of him. She meets someone new not knowing the even though you know the
impact that they would have on her life and doesnt give herself the chance at first to whole plot and can probably
fall in love with him. She still blames herself for her husbands death and this man recite the whole script. Its a
helps her to let go so that she can move on and live a good life. There would be some film that even though youve
scenes where the voice of her husband would be heard telling her to move on and that watched the film a million
it wasnt her fault. She tells her husband she will always love him and he tells her to let times, every time you watch it
go and move on because he is always with her but she needs someone just like you still feel the same ways as
everyone else does. She learns to let go and starts a relationship with the new man you did when you first watched
she met. They are very happy together and the end scene is a little fast forward of it. This is the type of film mine
their life where it ends with them married with 2 children. It ends with them all playing would be if I could develop it
outside in the garden as a family. Soft, summery music would drown out the sounds of further and produce the whole
the family playing and the camera would pan out to the sky with the sun and the birds film.
and then the screen would go black and the end credits would roll.
My primary target audience is typically females of My secondary target audience would be
the ages 16-mid 30s/40s because they are more couples because couples are more likely to
likely to watch romances than men. I have watch this film together because it is
chosen a younger audience because the romantic and it can be an easy way to have
characters are young and so the younger age a date night at home; buy a romantic film,
range would connect to younger characters more eat popcorn, and just cuddle in the blanket.
than the older age range. Women are more likely It is for both older and younger couples. It
to watch it too because women are would appeal to younger couples more
stereotypically romantics and like those types of because they would be in the honeymoon
films. I have used the young age of 16 as my phase of their relationship and the loss of
starter age because 16 year olds stereotypically the characters wife might help them realise
are just discovering love and are very intrigued that they can lose each other and tomorrow
by the notion of it. This means they will be isn't promised. This would make them
watching more romance films and thinking they appreciate each other more and strengthen
are cute rather than thinking they are disgusting their relationship. For older couples this
like younger people would. Even though my film would appeal because it would also make
doesnt consist of very mature scenes it is still for them appreciate each other and be thankful
a more mature audience because the concepts that losing each other hasnt occurred yet.
and emotional plot that my film consists of might This might make them also appreciate the
not be understood by non mature people and time they have left with each other and
they might not be able to relate. I think really might bring them back to their youth and
young people would find the film boring because remind them how they were when they
they wouldnt understand the plot and wouldnt were just staring off their relationship.
be able to relate to it so would switch off.
As these 4 candidates read the plot of my film I proceeded to ask them 3 questions:

Who they thought the target audience was?
Would they watch the film themselves?
Who would they bring along to the cinema with them to watch the film?
4) Is it emotionally effective?

1)Young girls. 1)Definitely girls.

2)Yes I love films like these and 2)Not out of choice
it reminds me of my favourite 3)My wife
film the Vow. 4)Yes it does sound very sad and
3)I would bring all my friends to because I have a wife the thought
the cinema because I know they of losing her really hits you when
would enjoy the film like me you read the plot I cant imagine
because we all love romances. how it would be to watch.
4)Yes the plot seems really sad
and I would probably cry
watching it.

1)I think girls of all ages would 1)Girls like teenagers to mid
watch this apart from old 30s.
people because they grow out 2)Not Really.
off the spark of soppy 3)My girlfriend.
romances. 4)Yes it really strikes you how
2)Yes I would watch this I still normal the characters are
watch films like these. and how you should
3)I would probably take my appreciate what you have
husband on a date night because you can lose anyone
because it is romantic. at anytime.
4)Yes you definitely feel
sympathy for the wife.
Paige and Leo are newly wedded and When a soldier, John Tyree, meets a
happy. They get into a car accident in college student, Savannah Curtis, an
which Paige falls through the front instant love connection is made. They
windscreen. She loses all of the
memories she had after leaving home
have a short relationship before he has
and meeting Leo. Leo is heartbroken to leave for the army again. They
and tries his best to make her exchange letters for a bit until she
remember him again. When this fails he stops writing. He returns to see she
attempts to make her fall in love with married someone else in order to look
him again and it works. She never after his child. The man she married
regained her memories but they ended dies and then we end the film with
up back together because she fell in
love with him all over again.
them two bumping into each other at
the place they first met.

A very famous man, Stephen Hawking, who
was ridiculously clever was studying in
Cambridge. He found he had motor neurone
disease and it was slowly getting worse and
worse. Despite this he continued to marry
and have children with his partner. She
eventually cant cope anymore and ends up
falling in love with another man. They agree
to divorce. Stephen falls in love with Elaine, a
woman who taught him how t use a spelling
bard as he is left without a voice due to
surgery. Stephen invites his ex wife to meet
the Queen with him and they take their

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