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Repblica bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educacin

Liceo bolivariano Nicols Antonio Pulido

Sitios tursticos
Alberto Arvelo
Prof: Daiber Daz #08
Yasmely Valera Eider Garca #19
David Zuloaga #20
EL Camoruco
(The Camoruco)

Bicentennial tree,
approximately 40 m.
Of height and of great
consistency, located in
the redoma of the
same name, in the
main entrance of
Sabaneta. Its origin is
estimated 236 years
Casa de la cultura
(House of culture)

It is a place both
tourist and
educational since
there especially people
young people can
learn more about our
culture and traditions.
Paso justo moreno
(Justo Moreno pass)

On the banks of the

Bocono River is the
Justo Moreno pass, in
the Baronero area at a
distance of 10 km from
the town of Sabaneta,
where the waters and
beaches of the river
serve as a pleasure to the
tourist and rest to the
It is noteworthy that
these three
patrimonies of
sabaneta are one of the
main patrimony in the
tourist area since we
can enjoy our

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