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Putri Rindi Antika

Winda Purwaningsih
Arfa Bima
Jonathan eko
Ayu Lintang Putri
Vivi Purwanti
Titis Purboningsih
Rizzal Selvi
Seorang laki-laki berusia 45 tahun, setelah
memakan sop kambing dan tengkleng
merasa kesemutan,pegal-pegal, dan merasa
sangat lelah lalu ia pergi ke dokter untuk
memeriksakan keadaannya, ternyata dokter
mendiagnosis menderita penyakit diabetes
mellitus tipe dua, setelah diperiksa
profil/komposisi lipid ternyata memiliki
angka yang abnormal
Lalu untuk memastikan dokter melakukan
searching dan critical apraisal
Disini saya ingin mengetahui adakah
hubungan komposisi lipid dengan diabetes
mellitus tipe dua?
P : diabetes mellitus tipe 2
I : komposisi lipid
C : -
O : reducing diabetes mellitus

P: population/problem I: intervention C: comparison O:

Type 2 diabetes mellitus, composition lipid OR
lipid profile, reducing diabetic OR diabetes
reduce OR effective OR efficacy
Systematic review/RCT
Judul journal yang saya ambil adalah :
Dyslipidemia in diabetics treated with statin.
Result of dyslipidemia International study in

Med Clin (Barc). 2012 Dec 12. pii: S0025-

7753(12)00828-7. doi:
10.1016/j.medcli.2012.09.030. [Epub
ahead of print]
Apakah hasil penelitian sahih (valid)?
Apakah hasil penelitian valid ini penting?
Apakah hasil penelitian berguna bagi
penatalaksanaan pasien saya?
Was the assignments of patients to
treatments randomized ?
Answer : pasien dilakukan experiment, maka
dilakukan secara random, sample sebagian
dari populasi
evidence: next slide
Was the randomization concealed?
No, the concealment was not mentioned at
the article
Were all groups similar at the start of the

Was follow-up of patients sufficiently long
and complete
Answer: yes
Evidence: next slide
Were all patients analyzed in the groups to
which they were randomized ?
Were patients, cliniciants, and study personel
kept blind to treatment
Were group treated equally , apart from the
experimental therapy

yes, both of the groups were treated equally

except the treatment
Is our patient so different from those in the
study that its results cannot apply?
Answer: our patents are similar with the
Is the treatment feasible in our setting?

What are our patient s potential benefits
and harms from the therapy?

Tidak disebutkan
Terima kasih...

Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

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