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PROJECT GUIDE : Dr. P. Arul Franco


2. Prasanth B
3. Pravin Kumar N
4. Sanchai T

 Regenerative braking is a small, but very important step toward our

eventual independence from fossil fuels. These kinds of brakes allow

batteries to be used for longer period of time without the need to be

plugged into an external charger.

 Regenerative Braking System refers to a system in which Kinetic

Energy of the vehicle stored temporarily, as an accumulative energy,

during deceleration, and is used as Kinetic Energy during

acceleration or running.
 In this Regenerative Braking System, the way of slowing down the

vehicle is achieved by Brake Wheels. The vehicle is primarily

powered from the electrical energy generated from the Generator

which burns fuels. This energy is stored in a large battery and used by

an electric motor that provides motive force to the wheels.

 During braking, the kinetic energy is converted into a thermal energy

through frictional braking. In this, frictional braking wheels is used

that may result in kinetic energy with the help of wheels. By using

Generator [Dynamo] this kinetic energy is converted into electrical

energy and then it is supplied to a battery.

 Brake may also be achieved by using friction to convert kinetic

energy into heat. This mechanism is used in Conventional Braking

System. Once the brake pads rub against the wheels of the car,

excessive heat energy is produced.

 The heat generated is lost into air nearly accounting for about 30%

of car’s generated power. In this system Regenerative Braking

mechanism reuses the energy created during braking process and

uses this energy to charge the battery for further use.


A brake is a machine element and its principle object is to absorb

energy during deceleration or prevent the object from acceleration. In

vehicle, brakes are used to absorb kinetic energy and generate

thermal energy due to friction.


 In this Regenerative Braking System, the way of slowing down

the vehicle is achieved by Brake Wheels. The vehicle is primarily

powered from the electrical energy generated from the Generator

which burns fuels. This energy is stored in a large battery and used

by an electric motor that provides motive force to the wheels.

 During braking, the kinetic energy is converted into a thermal

energy through frictional braking. In this, frictional braking wheels

is used that may result in kinetic energy with the help of wheels.

 By using Generator [Dynamo] this kinetic energy is converted into

electrical energy and then it is supplied to a battery. During braking

high amount of energy is lost to atmosphere as heat.

 In this frictional braking, some amount of kinetic energy is gained

during braking. This is the major advantage in this system. This

gained energy is converted into electrical energy and used to charge

the battery. This energy produced each time brakes are applied.

 The regenerative braking system delivers a number of

significant advantages over a car that only has friction brakes.
In low-speed, stop-and-go traffic where little deceleration is
required; the regenerative braking system can provide the
majority of the total braking force.

 Consider a heavy loaded truck having very few stops on the

road. It is operated near maximum engine efficiency. The 80%
of the energy produced is utilized to overcome the rolling and
aerodynamic road forces. The energy wasted in applying brake
is about 2%. Also its brake specific fuel consumption is 5%.
 Now consider a vehicle, which is operated in the main city where

traffic is a major problem here one has to apply brake frequently. For

such vehicles the wastage of energy by application of brake is about

60% to 65%. And also it is inefficient as its brake specific fuel

consumption is high.
 The Pie chat representation of energy usage of two vehicles

Heavy Loaded City Bus

Truck Other
Brake 9%
There are Four basic elements used for working in
our Regenerative Braking System process. They are,

1) Brake Drum
2) Brake Wheels
3) Dynamos
4) Link Mechanism

In this braking system, brake wheels are used

instead of using brake shoes. The purpose of using these
brake wheels is to get electricity through dynamo. These
process cannot be achieved while using brake shoes.
That’s the major advantage of using brake wheels.

It is the outer most part in this system. The braking process

occurs inside the Brake Drum. It contains the other three elements

Brake Wheels, Dynamo and Link Mechanism. It is a rotating part by

which braking is applied on it.


Brake wheels are fitted inside the brake drum with the help of link

mechanism. These brake wheels is used to stop or slow down the brake

drum rotation. This is a friction based braking, in which brake wheels also

subjected to rotation for a short time due to friction. Thus rotational energy

is produced along with thermal energy.


The Purpose of using Dynamo is to convert kinetic energy into

electricity. It is fitted with brake wheels. The rotational energy

produced in brake wheels is converted into electricity and supply back

to battery. The thermal energy is mixed with atmosphere in the form of


When the force is applied on this during braking, the brake

wheels connected with this link mechanism is subjected to stop the

brake drum rotation. It takes the major work in this process.


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