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Grade 8
Ma. Gresilyn M. Ortiz
Lorie Mae L. Pangandoyon
(Cigarettes & Alcohol)
What are gateway drugs?
Gateway drugs are habit-forming substance
that may not be addictive but may lead to the
use of other addictive and dangerous drugs.

Alcohol and cigarettes are considered as

gateway drugs. The habitual use of these
substances opens the door to the use of other
harder drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and

Other types of gateway drugs are marijuana,

inhalants, and some prescription drugs.
Why do you think
people smoke?
Peer Pressure
 Peoplewho have friends or peers who
smoke may feel pressured into doing
the same to be accepted.

Parental Influence
 Thosewho have parents or guardians
who smoke are more likely to start
Advertising and Media

Advertisements of cigarettes
portray smoking as exciting,
glamorous, and safe. Movies and
television shows have scenes
showing smoking actors.
Self- medication
 Some people experience a
heightened sense of well-being from
smoking and use it to self- medicate for
illnesses that cause tension and pain.

Stress Relief
 Some people smoke to manage
tension and relieve stress from family or
from work.
To feel mature and

 Since teens see older people

smoke, especially their parents and
relatives, they too start smoking to
look and act older.
Why do you think
people drink
Peer Pressure
 People try alcohol when they are in social
setting where everyone else is drinking.

Stress Relief
 Some people provides the temporary
illusion that problems have disappeared
when in fact they have just been
temporarily put on hold.
To lose one’s inhibitions
 Alcohol provides the courage to take on
difficult tasks.

 Peopleare curious to find out what it feels
to consume alcohol
 Alcoholis often served during social

Psychoactive effect
 Alcohol
provides sense of relief and
detachment from reality

Modeled by others
 Alcohol
drinking is sometimes influenced
by parents and older people.
Why do you
think people do
not drink
 Religion. People abstain from alcohol drinking
because of religious beliefs.
 Avoiding dependency and addiction. People
who have had bad experience from home
will avoid alcohol drinking.
 Pregnancy. Drinking during pregnancy
increases the risk of miscarriage, still birth and
premature birth.
 Taking medications for mental health
problems. People taking sedatives or
antidepressants should avoid alcohol.
 Taking medications for long-term conditions.
Alcohol decreases the effect of maintenance
drugs for diabetes and circulatory problems.
 Intolerance to alcohol. Some people have
abnormal or allergic reactions when drinking
What do you think
are the negative
health impacts of
Short-term and long-term effects
of smoking
Body Parts Short-term Effects Long-term Effects
Mouth • Halitosis (Bad • Gum disease
Breath) leading to tooth
• Stained teeth, loss
mouth sores • Increased risk for
mouth and throat

Lungs • Shortness of • Chronic cough

breath • Emphysema
• Asthma attacks • Lung cancer
• More cough and

Heart • Increased heart • Heart disease

rate and blood • Heart attack
What do you think
are the negative
health impacts of
drinking alcohol?
Short-term and long-term effects
of drinking alcohol
Short-Term Effects Long-term Effects
• Slurred speech Brain
• Impaired judgment -reduction size of brain cells
• Distorted vision and Permanent brain damage
hearing Heart
• Decreased coordination - Weakens heart muscle
• Decreased perception causing cardiomypathy
• Headaches - Arrythmias
• Drowsiness - Stroke
• Unconsciousness - High blood pressure
• Vomiting
• Upset Stomach
• Anemia Liver
• Breathing difficulty - Fatty liver disease
• Blackouts (memory lapses) - Alcoholic hepatitis
- Fibrosis
- cirrhosis
What are the impacts of
cigarette smoking on the
family, environment and
On Family
 You may have chosen to smoke and have
accepted the risks associated with smoking,
but your non-smoking family members have
not. You could be subjecting them to the
same health dangers by (a) smoking around
them and letting them inhale second-hand
smoke and (b) exposing them to third-hand
smoke. By smoking, you are spreading the
health dangers it entails to your loved ones.
On Environment

 Smoking has destructive effects on the

environment which includes:
- air pollution
- littering caused by cigarette butts
- death of aquatic organisms through
ingestion of cigarette butts
- fires caused by discarded lighted
On Community
 Smoking in public places in your community
exposes the non-smokers, especially the
infants and children, to the harmful effects
of second-hand and third hand smoke. As
a member of the community, it is your civic
duty to be responsible to the health of the
other members of the community.
What are the impacts of
drinking alcohol on the
family and community?
On Family
 Alcoholdependency and addiction affect
not only the person who has the drinking
problem, but also the family members
surrounding him. Behavioral and mental
aspects can be greatly affected by alcohol
over time. This causes changes in behavior
and rational thinking. This condition may turn
to domestic violence and verbal and physical
abuse. The effect of alcoholism on the family
cause more damage and pain than any
other external or environmental influence.
On Community
 The effects of alcoholism are not limited to the
alcoholic and his family. The damaging effects
are also felt in the community he belongs to. This
can be seen in the:
1. increased vehicular accidents due to
irresponsible behavior under the influence of
2. high rates of violent crimes due to
aggressiveness of alcohol
3. decreased labor productivity
4. increased medical expenses
What are the healthful
alternatives to cigarettes
and alcohol that promote
healthy lifestyle?
1. Participate in sports and other
physical activities.
2. Develop a hobby like cooking
and baking.
3. Join clubs and civic
organizations in school or in the
Thank you
for listening!!!


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