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dr. Sahilah Ermawati, SpM

Seven bones make up the bony orbit :

• I. fro ntal
• 2. zygomatic
• 3. maxilla (or maxillary bone)
• 4. ethmoid (or ethmoidal bone)
• 5. sphenoid
• 6. lacrimal
• 7. palatine
• Orbital Roof
The orbital roof is formed
from both the orbital
plate of the frontal bone
and the lesser wing of
the sphenoid bone.The
fossa for the lacrimal
gland lying anterolaterally
• Medial Orbital Wall
I. frontal process of the
2. lacrimal bone
3. orbital plate of the
4. lesser wing of the
• Orbital Floor
• 3 bones :
1. maxilla
2. palatine
3. orbital plate of the
• Lateral Orbital Wall
The thickest and strongest
of the orbital walls the
lateral wa ll of the orbit is
formed from
• 2 bones : the zygomatic
and the greater wing of
the sphenoid.
Cranial Nerves
• Six of the 12 cranial nerves (CN II - VII ) d
irect ly innervate the eye and periocular
Ciliary Ganglion
3 root :
I. A long sensory root arises from the nasociliary branch ofCN
Vsensory fibers from the cornea, the iri s, and the ciliary body.
2. A short motor root arises from the infer ior division of CN Ill .
plies the inferior oblique muscle. The fibers of the motor root synapse
in the gan-
glion. and the postganglionic fibers car ry parasympathetic axons to
supply the iris
3. The sympathetic root comes from the plexus around the
internal carotid artery.  innervates ocular blood
vessels and possibly the dilator muscle.
Cilliary Ganglion
Extraocular Muscles

There are 7 extraocular

• 1. medial rectus
• 2. lateral rectus
• 3. superior rectus
• 4. inferio r rectus
• 5. superior oblique
• 6. inferior oblique
• 7. levator palpebrae
• The palpebral part of • orbicularis muscle has
the orbicularis fibers Innervation is by
functions both the facial nerve Vll .
voluntarily and
involuntarily in
spontaneous and
reflex blinking.

Levator muscle of palpebra,elevates the

upper eyelid, is 40 mm long and is
innervated by the superior division of N III
- divided into 3 geographic
zones: palpebral, fornical,
and bulbar.
- The innervation of the
conjunctiva is derived from
the ophthalmic division of CN
- The conjunctiva is a mucous
membrane consisting of a
non keratinizing squamous
epithel ium with numerous
goblet cells and a thin,richly
vascularized substant ia
The Eye
Precorneal Tear Film
• Maintenance of the
precorneal tear film is
vital for normal corneal
• In addition to lubricat ing
the surface of the cornea
and conjunctiva,tears
provide oxygen and other
nutrients, and contain
lysozyme and lactoferr in.
• The air- tear interface at
the surface of the cornea
forms a pos itive lens of
approximately 43 diopters
(D) in air and constitutes
the main refractive
element of the eye.
• The sclera, like the cornea, is essentially
avascular except for the superficial vessels of
the episclera and the intrascleral vascular
plexus located just posterior to the limbus.
Anterior Chamber

• The anterior chamber is bordered anteriorly by the

cornea and posteriorly by the iris diaphragm and the
• The anterior chamber angle, which lies at the
junction of the cornea and the iris, consists of the
following structure Schwalbe line :
1. the Schlemm canal and trabecular meshwork
2. scleral spur
3. anterior border of the ciliary body (where its
longitudinal fib ers insert into the scleral spur)
4. iris
Trabecular Meshwork
• The relationship of the
trabecular meshwork
and the Schlemm canal
to other structures is
complex because the
outflow apparatus is
composed of tissue
derived from the
cornea, sclera, iris, and
ciliary body
The uveal tract
It consists of 3 parts:
1. iris
2. C iliary body (located in the anter ior uvea)
3. choroid (located in the poster ior uvea)
• The lens contributes 20
D of the 60 D of
focusing power of the
average adult eye

** Separation of the RPE from

the neurosensory retina is called
retinal detachment.
• The vitreous cavity occupies four
fifths of the volume of the globe.
The transparent vitreous humor is
important to the metabolism of
the intraocular tissues because
it provides a route for
metabolites used by the lens.
Ciliary body. and retina. Its
volume is close to 4.0 mL.
Although it has a gel-like
structure the vitreous is 99%
• Its viscosity is approximately
twice that of water. mainly due
to the presence of the
mucopolysaccharide hyaluroniC
Lacrimal Gland
Visual Pathway
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