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“Sexual Harassment”

Hanang Dwi Kuntoro

 Good evening everyone, thank you for coming today. My
name is Hanang and I am from Law Department Tama
Jagakarsa University
 I’ve been asked a long to talk about sexual harassment
 We should be more aware with this type of cases. Because
right now as you can see, there are many cases like this
happening around us and as a law student it is our job to
learn from it and analyze it
 What I am going to discuss today, is the sexual harassment that
happened in faculty of social and political science at University of
North Sumatra
 I will start by giving you the details of what happened in this case
 Diana's case occurs in early 2018 during the final semester exam
holiday at the University of North Sumatra (USU). That afternoon,
she went to the lecturer room. The plan was to ask for
improvements in her grades. However, she actually met Sisipus
(not his real name), a lecturer who taught one of the course taken
in that semester. Some of the seniors she asked said Sisipus was a
good lecturer and indeed often asked students to do research
 She finally agreed to the invitation (the research). The reason was
even though it was not to be involved in research that could add to
her experience, she followed because she felt appreciative to
Sisipus who had "been kind enough to improve her grades“
 So, they left on February 3, 2018. Diana was picked up by Sisipus
by car. Their destination is around 2-3 hours from Medan. At the
beginning of the trip, the situation was safe. Around an hour, they
stopped and met Sisipus's friend, a lemon farmer. The situation
was still safe. The journey continued and began to enter the rather
quiet street. Sisipus started holding Diana's thighs. Diana gasped.
Sisipus began to feel under Diana's buttocks. Diana was
 Diana was feared if she fought back and made Sisipus angry,
her life might be threatened. Even though they had stopped
at several points, including at the sub-district office and
mosque. At that time Diana was trying to move her body into
the window and covered her body with a jacket and bag.
Diana told her case to one of her friend in the campus
organization the same week of the incident, which was finally
brought to the dean the same month as the incident.
 The response from USU's Deputy Dean said that Diana
should report to the head of the Harmona Daulay
department. The promising department would summon
Sisipus. Diana wants Sisipus to apologize openly and the
campus gives him punishment. The participants have been
called several times and attended to the summons.
 Diana had received a photo of the letter containing a hand-
written suspension, without a letterhead and the dean's
signature. She got the photo from a friend sent by faculty of
social and political science Vice Dean.
 So that was all the details from the case
 In conclusion, my opinion about what should have
done in this case is that even though he is a lecturer
but the university must provide fair punishment to

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