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Cartesian Planes – Warm up activity

Blue set: coordinate pairs

Starting card Finishing card

Green set: objects

Starting card Finishing card
Cartesian Planes - Warm up activity
Green set Blue set
Blue set: coordinate pairs
Izzy Maddy
Owen Yousef
Green set: objects
Kat Ali
Gian Kyai
Eshal TJ
Heba Allyssa
Caylen Valentina
Alex Alan
Saady Sofya
Dianne Indi
Sabrina Mike
Deon Agam
Kevin Adelina
Coordinate plane
X-Axis: horizontal number line (line that goes across)

Y-Axis: vertical number line (line that goes up and down)

Origin: the point where the x-axis and y axis intersect. (Starting Point!)

Quadrants: the coordinate plane is divided into 4 quadrants which are

identified by the Roman Numerals I, II, III, IV.

Ordered Pair: gives the location of a point……

Coordinate plane
In what quadrant are the following
points located:
1. (-5,3) ______________________
2. (2,-3) ______________________
3. (-4,-4) ______________________
4. (-1,5) ______________________
Cartesian Planes
• Find out and record in your book..
• What is a translation on a Cartesian plane?
• What is a reflection on a Cartesian plane?
• What is a rotation on a Cartesian plane?
Cartesian Planes - Translation
A translation means to slide
When a point or figure on a coordinate plane is moved by sliding it to the right or left or up or down, the
movement is called a translation. The figure is translated from one position to another.

Place your block in quadrant 2. Then draw the outline of your shape and label A, B, C

Write the coordinates for quadrant 2 on your sheet.

Translate angle A; ±9 and -4

Translate angle B; ±9 and -4
Translate angle C; ±9 and -4

A) -8, 6 = 1, 6
B) -8, 9
C) -4, 6
Cartesian Planes - Rotation
A rotation is a type of geometrical transformation in which the vertices of a shape are rotated
at a certain angle around a fixed point.

Place your shape in quadrant 3. Draw the outline of your shape and label A, B, C

How a go at rotating your shape 90 degrees in quadrant 4 and writing the coordinates.
In the column write down if it is positive or negative in the quadrant

Quadrant X (horizontal) Y (vertical) Example

Positive Positive 3,2

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