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Unit 2:


Presented by: Phương Hà

Cultural diversity Diverse culture

1) = Multiculturalism • a culture gathered by multiple cultures

• a variety of cultural groups within a

1. After being invaded by France and America, Viet Nam stands a diverse culture.

2. Football has a long and glorious history, with which a vast and diverse culture has emerged.

3. Americans prefer freedom-loving status while Asians want a relationship that gets to marriage. This is
called cultural diversity .

4. That the USA has 80% White, 16% Hispanic, 13% African American, 5% Asian, 1% American
Indian/Alaska Native and 0.2% Native Hawaiian produces cultural diversity .
2) Marriage (n)
• marriage contract
• contractual marriage
• marriage proposal = ask for one’s hand
=> married (adj)
=> marital (adj)
=> marry (v) = get married = tie the knot

 Wedding bouquet: the bride throw a bouquet over her shoulders towards unmarried
 Wedding banquet: a lavish meal served after a wedding ceremony
 Wedding reception: a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people
 Newlywed(s): people who have just married
i. At last they divorced after ten years of ______ marriage.
a) a b) an c)the d) Φ

ii. In which the parents choose a husband or wife for the child is called a/an ______
a) contractual b) compulsory c)arranged d) A, B &C e) A & C

iii. The ______ ceremony takes place on a beach.

a) wedding b) marriage c) engagement d) All

iv. The application form requires you to fill in the information about your age, sex and _____
a) marriage b) family c) marital d) All

v. Before getting married, they can choose whether to have a marriage _______ or not.
a) settlement b) contract c) agreement d) All
3) Oblige (v) ____force (The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their
|____help (We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige.)

=> Obligation (n)

=> Obligatory (a): = compulsory
=> Obliging (a) = be willing to
=> Obligingly (adv)
=> Obliged (a) + (to sb) (for sth) = be grateful to
=> Obligated (a) + to do sth : be forced to = obliged
Obliged Obligated
(with no expectation of a return favor) (prescribed by law or morality necessity)
= be grateful to

1.  A federal judge is ______ to set aside personal politics and interpret the law
as it is written.
2. She saw a small boy falling off the bike. She felt ______ to help.
3. After I had attended a dinner party at a friend’s house, I felt _____ to send a
thank-you note.
4. I’m much _____ a to Lisa for watching the kids while we were gone.
a) obliged b) obligated c) both
4) Confide (v) : sth (to sb) = Reveal secrets/personal
=> confide in sb (phr.v)
=> confiding (a)
Eg: His voice softens, taking on a confiding
=> confidingly (adv)
5) Counterpart (n): sb/sth has the same position/function
Eg: European environmentalists have their counterparts in the US.
Metal tools replaced their stone counterparts many, many years ago.

Presented by: Thanh Ngân

1. C 2.A 3. D

1. During their first date, Jane had nervously peppered the conversation
A. Unimportant B. Tiny C. Small D. Trivial

2. The manager told his assistant to………the mistake immediately.
A. Rectify B. Accept C. Check D. Banish

3. The orientation is to promote the role of communities in the development of a
modern architecture ………..with national identity
A. Saturated B. Covered C. Absorbed D. Imbued
4. B 5. B 6. A

4. If something…..your attention or your eyes, you notice it or become interested

in it.
A. Pays B. Catches C. Waves D. Allows

5. After a ….hesitation, she began to speak with such a convincing voice.

A. Rude B. Slight C. Small D. Impolite

6. Body movements express true messages about feelings that cannot be…..
A. Masked B. Hidden C. Shown off D. Revealed
 Letter is a written message addressed to a person or organization

 Mask: partially cover st from being seen/noticed, used for disguise/protection

 Hide: put st in a place where it will be harder to discover or out of sight

Eg: If you hide your feelings, you do not show them.
7. C 8. C 9. A
7. The manner in which someone utters a word.
A. Letter B. Argue C. pronunciation
8. It is estimated that there are over 200,000 ……..signs capable of stimulating meaning i
another person.
A. Body B. Non-verbal C. Physical D. Metal

9. Movements and gestures by the hands, arms, legs, and other parts of the body and face
are the most…….types of non-verbal messages and the most difficult to control.
A. Pervasive B. Positive C. Evasive D. Massive

10. B 11. B 12. embracing

10. The teacher often points………the students and says, "David, would you read
the next sentence, please?". Pointing here is not impolite; it's simply a way to get
someone's attention.
A. On B. To C. At D. For

11. We have not given our… the plan, and should it be adopted, we would not
allow it.
A. Consent B. Assent C. Oppose D. Accord

12. Once you realize that there are ways to move on from awkward situations with
grace and confidence, you'll be on your way to embrace social interactions instead of
dreading them.
POINT TO (s.o/sth)
To indicate / signify the direction or location of someone or something.
 We've set up arrows pointing to the house to help guests who are unfamiliar with
the area.

 If you rest the needle on the surface of water, it will point to magnetic north.
 Tom pointed to the trees behind the cabin when Peter asked where the bathroom
 Everyone pointed to Sarah when the boss asked who had broken the printer.
 imply that someone or something is the likely conclusion or answer to some

 All the evidence seems to point to his guilt. 

 The chewed-up bones in the kitchen point to the dog, not the child

 All the indications pointed to Jill as the next president.

aim at someone or something. 
 Who is she pointing to? He pointed to the door.
Assent signals stronger agreement than consent
- Agreement with an opinion with enthusiasm
- Agree to / give official approval to st

Have they assented to the terms of the contract ?

-Legal/ official permission for st to happen,
-allow sb to do st
-denote agreement and let st happen, you may not be excited or reluctantly consent to it.

 no change may be made without the consent of all the partners.


 A parent or guardian must give consent for children under the age of 18.
 I will not assent to his proposal of marriage.

 My aunt never married because her father wouldn't consent to her marriage.

 She nodded her assent to the request.

 Medical professionals should ensure that patients understand the treatment for which
they grant consent.

 Very reluctantly, I've consented to lend her my car.


 to be right for a particular person/situation or occasion:

A lot of corn is grown in this area - the soil seems to suit it very well.
 to be convenient and cause the least difficulty for someone:
We could go now or this afternoon - whatever time suits you best.
"How about eight o'clock at the cinema?" "That suits me fine.“

 usually of a colour or style of clothes that make someone look more attractive:

You should wear more red - it suits you.
That new hairstyle really suits you – you look terrific.
St SUIT Sb (to V)
It doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short.

St be suitable/ proper for Sb:

This chair is suitable for the left-handed.

very/highly suitable (also eminently suitable formal)

particularly/especially suitable
equally suitable
perfectly suitable (=completely suitable)

Be suited to something = if someone is suited to something, he/ she has the right
qualities to do st
He’d be well suited to the job.
1. This exercise is very suitable for back pain sufferers.

2. The resort is particularly suitable for families.

3. I wanted a shoe that was equally suitable for both racing and

4. The programme is perfectly suitable for children of all ages.

5. In everyday English, people usually say that someone or something

is the right person or thing for them, instead of using suitable:We think
this is the right school for our child.
 MATCH (v) s=o
[T/ I] be as the same/ similar as st; combine well with sb/st

 Does this shirt match these trousers?

 Her fingerprints matched the prints that were taken from the crime scene.

[T/I] equal in strength/speed/quality /level /amount /st/

 The teams were evenly matched until two quick goals from Robson tipped the
balance in favour of England.
 It would be difficult to match the service this arline gives its customers.
 Does this shirt go with these trousers?
FIT= correct size) be the right size/ shape for sb/st
 (T) = be suitable for
 That jacket fits you perfectly.
 The dress fits like a glove.
 These shoes are too tight. They don’t fit me very well.
 The new sofa doesn't fit through the door
 Another desk will fit into this classroom
 My car's too big to fit in this space

 Fit into/in a place

 Fit sb/st in= find time to do/deal with st/sb
[T] sb fit st; st fit sb
 With her qualifications, she should fit the job perfectly
Sb be fit for st: be suitable for a particular purpose/ activity
 I believe that I’m fit for this vacancy because I have good communicating skills.

Sb be fitted for st
 She was about to be fitted for her costume so that the tailor can alter its size.

=> Both fit and fitted are adjs, but fitted is more common in the sense "to adjust/make
conform''/ designed to fit well
1. The city lifestyle seems to suit her - she looks great.

2. Short skirts don't really suit me - I don't have the legs for them.

3. Let the punishment fit the crime.

4. The program will find websites and news that match your interest.

5. Will Monday suit you? Or should we arrange another day?

6. His actions and his words does not match .

signal is a (intentionally)
warning,an action, movement/ sound,
a warning/message given to another person and
requires action to change.
A signal of st
= st is true/ is going to happen.
=an event/action that shows what people feel

sign is (sometimes|also used uncountably) a

visible/descriptable, mandatory and objective
A specific gesture or motion used to
 1. There was not the least  signal  of the calamity to be
 2. He signed   me that I should follow him through the
 3. Although the Celebrity was almost impervious to sarcasm, he
was now beginning to exhibit visible  signs  of
uneasiness, the consciousness dawning upon him that his
eccentricity was not receiving the ovation it merited.
 4. His good decision is a sign/signal that he is maturing.
 5. The prime supect has vanished under our nose, there is no
 sign   of him
 6. When you learn to drive, you are told that you have to
signal before you turn right or left
 7. I´m losing weight, it´s a clear  signal/sign  that my diet is
working well
8. The student has shown some signs/signals of progress.
 9. The opinion poll is a clear signal of people's
dissatisfaction with the government
 10. If you’re having trouble focusing on a task, it’s a clear sign
of dissatisfaction.
 11. Three short blasts on the whistle was the sign to begin
 12. Traffic lights are also referred to as traffic signals

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