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Inspired Teacher


ITL 600 Becoming a Teacher

May 24. 2020

Future Life Changers


Gladys Leon Stephanie Nazario Julius Johnson Kate Hasko

Who inspired us?

Mrs. Wood changed my life. She Mrs. Stone was my kindergarten and
made sure to show all of her third grade teacher. Back then, her
students that she was a teacher as enthusiasm and kindness inspired me
well as a mentor. She always to become an educator. Recently, my
checked on personal needs for all mom ran into her at a school. Not only
of her students as well as did Mrs. Stone recognize my mom, she
educational needs. She made asked about me and came to visit me
fourth-grade unforgettable. A true in my own classroom where I was
teacher connects with their teaching preschool. It was an
students on multiple levels. unexpected surprise to have the
person who inspired me almost 30
–Kate Hasko years ago actually watch me teach

-Gladys Leon
I will always remember Anne Ms. Ladd was my seventh
James for making me feel like I grade P.E. teacher and treated
mattered every day. She would me like she was my mom. She
remind us to embrace our actually called me son. As
individualities and that it was sweet as she was, in the snap
okay to fail. It was what made of a finger she could be your
us human, and the more we worst nightmare, but you knew
accepted that the day was what she cared for you. I can still
we made of it, the happier we hear her voice, “hello my
would be in life. She was an sweet son” (then she would be
amazing educator not just in yelling at mischief), “cut that
her field, but also in teaching us out before I come over there!”
about life. I want to pass on this
inspiration to other students
-Stephanie Nazario and leave a lifelong
impression. She has since
passed of cancer, but she will
never be forgotten.

-Julius Johnson
What is an inspired teacher?

An inspired teacher is dedicated,

motivated, and ethical towards all students,
Be a Mr. Jensen
colleagues, and any person they encounter.
They keep a positive outlook and attitude.
They accept challenges and create diverse
learning maps to engage all students and
their different learning styles.

Check out this video to see an example of

an inspired teacher.
– Works as a role model, leading by example;
exhibiting positive character qualities: Kindness,
patience, responsibility, teamwork, respect, etc.
Inspired Teacher
– Understands teaching is about building positive
relationships with parents, colleagues, and
students to assist in learning. 
– Creates an environment in which all students feel
comfortable to express themselves.
Definitions of an Inspired teacher

A teacher that never stops learning from students or being

a student.

Empathizes with students and understands circumstances

in a child's home may affect school life in a negative

Through all odds maintains positivity and delivers the

content to foster critical thinking.
What is an ethical teacher?

– An ethical teachers follows principles:

– Principle I: Ethical Conduct toward Students
– Principle II: Ethical Conduct toward Practices and Performance
– Principle III: Ethical Conduct toward Professional Colleagues
– Principle IV: Ethical Conduct toward Parents and Community
-The ethical teacher wants to do what is best for the student.
-The ethical teacher needs to focus on the potential of all students and
all learning abilities.
-The ethical teacher will do their best to hold up to all the standards to
give students a fair education to the best of their abilities.
-The ethical teacher always remains professional.
What is a motivated teacher?

What qualities does a motivational educator have?

– Be Encouraging: Motivational teachers inspire their learners to be excited
about school. They consistently show their class the value of education while
enforcing positive reinforcement and creating connections with their
students. Motivational teachers know the importance of compassion and
recognizing their learners efforts. 
– Be Involved: Motivational teachers emphasize the importance of each
learner's involvement in their classroom. Motivational teachers create an
environment where students are encouraged to form a community with their
peers. Students are not only taught to build relationships with one another,
but also build relationships with their teacher.
– Being Creative: Everyone learns differently and a lack of variety in
the classroom can cause boredom amongst students. A Motivational
Teacher is constantly being creative with their space and provides a
variety of stimulus amongst their lessons, activities, and classroom.  Motivated
– Making Connections to the World: Motivational Teachers are able to
provide a connection to the world through their teachings. These
educators have the ability to continue to engage their learners in
each subject by showing them how they can use their new skills in
their own lives. 
Erin Gruwell: A Motivational Teacher

Known for her motivational efforts at Wilson High School

and the publishing of the  inspirational novel The Freedom
Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing
to Change Themselves and the World Around Them, meet
Erin Gruwell and her story.
What is a dedicated teacher?

– “Dedication refers to a love “The professional educator acts

of teaching or passion for with conscientious effort to

the work, which includes exemplify the highest ethical

commitment to students’ standards.” (Code of Ethics for

Educators, 2018)
success.” (Peterson-DeLuca
A dedicated teacher is devoted to their
work and their students.


Through inspiration, ethics, motivation, and dedication, the professional educator

will work toward fulfilling the needs of all of their students.
Teachers want to impact the lives of every student they encounter.

Peterson-DeLuca, A. (2016, October 11) Top five qualities of

effective teachers, according to students. Pearson. Retrieved
Association of American Educators. (2018). Code of Ethics for
Educators. Retrieved from
.Motivating student. (2020, May 23). (image

Association of American Educators. (2018). Code of Ethics for Educators. Retrieved

Pulver, Clint. 2017, May 4. Inspirational video- Be a Mr. Jensen- MUST WATCH!!.
Retrieved from
Contemporary Mochanista. “Motivational Quotes for Teachers”. 2019. Retrieved
from https://

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