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Nav Maharashtra Shikshan Mandal’s

Abasaheb kakade shikshan

Shastra vidyalaya,shevgaon
Dist: Ahmednagar
Pupil Teachers Name :
Bade Renuka Krushna
Subject : proficiency in
(part I)
Roll no : (13)
Guide teacher name :
Prof .Shelke .R.R
Topic Name :
Observation and
listening in English
Listening is the foundation of skills.
The skill are acquired in the order L-
S-R-W. listening skill precedes all
other skills. Speaking is very complex
That demands acquisition of other
sub skills. You first have to be good
Listener before you can be a good
Tips for being a good listener :-
Give your full attention on the person who is speaking.
don’t look out the window or at what else is going on in the
 Make sure your mind is focused , too . It can be easy to late
your mind wander if you think you know what the person is
going to say next , but you might be wrong ! If you feel your
mind wandering , change the position of your body and try to
concentrate on the speakers words.
 Let your self finish listening before you being to speak !

you con’t really listen if you are busy 6 thinking about what
you want say next.
 Speaking and communication :-
 Speaking skills :-
Speaking is the delivery of language through the mouth.
To speak we create sounds using many parts of our body,
including the lungs , vocal tract,vocal chords tongue,teeth
and lips.
Speaking can formal or informal :-
Informal speaking is typically used with family and friends,
or people you know well.
 Formal speaking occurs in business or academic situations,
or when meeting people for the first time.
Speaking is probably the language skill that most language
laarners wish to perfect as soon as possible.
Communication process :-
Communication is simply the act of
transferring information from one place to
another. A massage Communication is sent by
the sender through a Communication channel
to a receiver, or to multiple receivers.
Misunderstanding con occur at any at any
satge of the Communication involes minimizinig
protential misunderstanding and overcoming
any barriers to Communication at each stage in
the Communication process
Effective Communication Cycle
Classroom activities for
developing speaking skills
Two common kinds of
structured output activities
are information gap and
jigsaw both these
type of activities ,student
complete a task by obtaining
missing information, a
feature the activities have in
Common with real
Developing Speaking Skills
Effective Communication
.Effective Communication is not merely about exchanging
information between you and your audience
Communication will be effective when there is a consistency
between what you want to say, what you actually say and what
your andience interprets

Benefits of effective Communication

.it reduced misunderstanding maintain good relationship
.it reduces the possibility of missing imporatant imformation
.it increases self-esteem and confidence .you feel great when
you able to desliver your message confidently.
Speaking Etiquettes
Effective communication takes place perfect understanding is established
between the speaker and the hearer/ hearers. the speaker must convey
his message correctly and the listener must
interpret the same meaning that the speaker intended.

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